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christiank | Hi wgrant_! | 05:48 |
wgrant_ | christiank: Hi. Can you please email sso-support@canonical.com with details of your problem? I'm sorting out the form you tried to use, but in the meantime that address goes to the right people. | 05:49 |
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christiank | Thanks, I will do that | 05:50 |
christiank | wgrant: I have sent them that email and got an automated reply that tells me they have received my email. | 06:00 |
wgrant | christiank: Ticket 46241? | 06:01 |
christiank | Exactly | 06:01 |
wgrant | It's now in the right place. | 06:01 |
christiank | Brilliant! Many thanks!!! | 06:01 |
wgrant | Sorry for the mess. That support form has some mysteries behind it... | 06:02 |
christiank | Apology accepted :-) | 06:02 |
FourDollars | Hi, I try to use https://code.launchpad.net/~fourdollars/betaradio/trunk/+new-recipe but it always returns 'Timeour error' to me. | 07:37 |
FourDollars | Is there any way to fix this problem? | 07:37 |
wgrant | FourDollars: It's impossible to diagnose a timeout without the OOPS ID that was displayed on the timeout page. | 07:40 |
FourDollars | wgrant (Error ID: OOPS-9c7f46b54492a7a0a50b6091f931dfac) | 07:40 |
ubot5 | https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-9c7f46b54492a7a0a50b6091f931dfac | 07:41 |
FourDollars | It looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1201984. | 07:41 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1201984 in Launchpad itself "SourcePackageRecipe:+index and Archive:+copy-packages time out when there are many potential target PPAs" [Critical,In progress] | 07:41 |
wgrant | It's probably that one, yes. | 07:42 |
wgrant | FourDollars: It's because you have upload privileges to so many PPAs. Someone without so many PPAs can create the recipe for you, or you can use the createRecipe API call. | 07:44 |
FourDollars | wgrant: OK. I see. Thanks for your information. | 07:46 |
mcpierce | Hi, all. I was on here yesterday and was asking for help with pushing some packages for the first time to a PPA I've created. | 13:22 |
mcpierce | I was on Debian at the time, but have since installed Ubuntu 14.04 onto that system and am trying to push but still getting rejected. | 13:22 |
mcpierce | Anybody able to give me a little help on this? | 13:22 |
shadeslayer | sure | 13:22 |
shadeslayer | ssup | 13:22 |
shadeslayer | whats the error? | 13:23 |
mcpierce | shadeslayer: Sorry, was AFK after I posted. | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | ok :) | 13:39 |
mcpierce | So I have a Ubuntu system built and pushing to "ppa:mcpierce/qpid-proton" works. But the packages are still getting rejected. | 13:39 |
mcpierce | So I'm trying to force a rebuild on that machien but don't see the packages rebuilding. | 13:40 |
mcpierce | So I'm now ensuring all build prereqs are installed. | 13:40 |
mcpierce | The error I saw, though, was "Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification." | 13:40 |
mcpierce | So I'm assuming tha tmeans my rebuild attempt failed. | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | how did you generate the changes file? | 13:43 |
shadeslayer | is the source you're uploading in Ubuntu already? | 13:43 |
wgrant | mcpierce: You missed the first error | 13:44 |
wgrant | 2014-06-26 00:26:12 DEBUG Rejected: | 13:44 |
wgrant | 2014-06-26 00:26:12 DEBUG Unable to find uredir_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. | 13:44 |
wgrant | 2014-06-26 00:26:12 DEBUG Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification. | 13:44 |
wgrant | "Unable to find uredir_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution." | 13:44 |
shadeslayer | ^^ | 13:44 |
shadeslayer | so orig tar is missing | 13:44 |
wgrant | You need to tell debuild to include the orig.tar.gz, usually with the -sa option | 13:44 |
mcpierce | wgrant: What's uredir? That's not my package. | 13:44 |
shadeslayer | yep | 13:44 |
wgrant | so eg. "debuild -S -sa" rather than "debuild -S" | 13:45 |
mcpierce | wgrant: Oh, example output. kk | 13:45 |
mcpierce | What's "-sa"? | 13:45 |
shadeslayer | include orig tar | 13:45 |
mcpierce | kk | 13:45 |
shadeslayer | see man debuild | 13:45 |
wgrant | It probably expands to "source all", but yeah, it just means to include the orig tarball | 13:45 |
wgrant | It's the opposite of -sd, which just includes the Debian bits. | 13:46 |
shadeslayer | yep | 13:46 |
wgrant | Indeed, I pasted the wrong bit, but same error: | 13:46 |
wgrant | 2014-06-27 13:16:13 DEBUG Rejected: | 13:46 |
wgrant | 2014-06-27 13:16:13 DEBUG Unable to find qpid-proton_0.7.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. | 13:46 |
wgrant | 2014-06-27 13:16:13 DEBUG Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification. | 13:46 |
mcpierce | wgrant: Cool, thanks. Once the install finishes I'll git it another shot. | 13:46 |
dobey | looks like the stuff in debian/ is wrong | 13:47 |
wgrant | dobey: Hm? | 13:47 |
dobey | wgrant: mismatch of Source in debian/control and debian/changelog or against the actual tarball name, for example | 13:48 |
wgrant | dobey: Hardly | 13:48 |
wgrant | It's just a missing -sa | 13:48 |
dobey | oh i meant for the uredir vs qpid | 13:48 |
wgrant | Oh | 13:48 |
wgrant | No, that one I just pasted the wrong bit of the log. | 13:49 |
dobey | ah ok | 13:49 |
mcpierce | wgrant: So my package stuff is okay? You're not seeing something wrong in there? | 13:51 |
mcpierce | How do I force the package to full rebuild all sources? | 13:51 |
wgrant | mcpierce: How did you build the package originally? | 13:51 |
mcpierce | debuild -S | 13:52 |
wgrant | debuild -S -sa | 13:52 |
wgrant | Then dput again, and see what happens. | 13:52 |
mcpierce | wgrant: kk - when I did it with just -S it finished far too quickly to have been a rebuild. | 13:52 |
dobey | it doesn't build binaries, just the source package | 13:52 |
wgrant | mcpierce: It's just diffing and tarring a few files, so it's usually very quick.; | 13:52 |
wgrant | -S means source-only | 13:53 |
mcpierce | kk | 13:53 |
mcpierce | wgrant: Also, I can't find the reference, but where is it that I can set my gpg key to be used? There's some config file that goes in my homedir, right? | 13:54 |
dobey | debuild -S -sa -k 'foo@bar.com' to pick by e-mail or you can pass the key id i think | 13:56 |
dobey | it should generally match the address you have in the debian/changelog entry by default | 13:56 |
mcpierce | I still don't see things rebuilding. | 13:58 |
mcpierce | And I got the error "Error: uploading files for distribution UNRELEASED to ppa not allowed." | 13:58 |
wgrant | mcpierce: set DEBSIGN_KEYID in ~/.devscripts | 13:58 |
mcpierce | What should be the target in the changelog file? Or is tha tset somewhere else? | 13:58 |
wgrant | mcpierce: Your debian/changelog says it's unreleased. It should be the Ubuntu release that you're uploading to | 13:58 |
wgrant | eg. trusty | 13:58 |
mcpierce | wgrant: Ah, kk | 13:59 |
mcpierce | Still not seeing things rebuilt, and this is on a new system. I'd like to ensure I'm getting brand new bits. | 14:00 |
wgrant | mcpierce: What do you mean "brand new bits"? | 14:00 |
wgrant | debuild -S just runs clean and then produces the new source package in the parent directory | 14:00 |
mcpierce | wgrant: Sorry, I know binaries aren't being uploaded. I'm just wanting to see that things are building properly here. | 14:00 |
mcpierce | wgrant: On Fedora we do scratch builds of packages in a system named koji (koji build --scratch f21 [SRPM]). In my head I was thinking the debuild would do something like that frist. | 14:01 |
mcpierce | first | 14:01 |
wgrant | mcpierce: You'd normally use sbuild or pbuilder to test-build locally in a chroot first. | 14:01 |
wgrant | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild | 14:02 |
mcpierce | W00t! Finally the package made it! :D | 14:02 |
mcpierce | wgrant: shadeslayer: Thanks for all the help, guys! :D | 14:02 |
wgrant | Aha, there it is indeed. | 14:02 |
shadeslayer | awesome :) | 14:02 |
Forage | good afternoon | 15:52 |
Forage | One thing in the launchpad help is a bit unclear to me: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Options_when_building | 15:53 |
Forage | it states "If you're creating an alternative version of a package that's already in Ubuntu's primary archive, you don't need to upload the .orig.tar.gz file, i.e. the original source." | 15:54 |
Forage | does that also mean I do not have to upload the original source if I add a package to a new ppa? | 15:54 |
Forage | I don't think so, but I'm asking just in case because I used dput successfully but it doesn't show up in my ppa | 15:58 |
shadeslayer | Forage: do you get a email error | 16:00 |
Forage | shadeslayer: rats, yes. Didn't know I would be getting e-mails | 16:01 |
Forage | "Unable to identify..." | 16:02 |
Forage | might be because of the double quote around my e-mail addresss | 16:03 |
Forage | somehow they got added to the change file | 16:12 |
Forage | Not sure why, but I corrected it manually | 16:13 |
Forage | can I force resubmission somehow? | 16:13 |
Forage | it tells me it has already been uploaded | 16:13 |
Forage | no point in increasing the version just because of a change in the change file | 16:14 |
Forage | -f, let's see what happens | 16:15 |
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Forage | succes! | 16:16 |
Forage | shadeslayer: thanks for the hint | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | np | 16:17 |
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