
Noskcajdarkxst, both done.00:35
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks00:35
darkxstNoskcaj, merge the last 2 revs from lp:~darkxst/unity-settings-daemon/gd310-rebase01:52
darkxstu-c-c needs bump of gnome-desktop3 dep01:53
darkxstand neither branch has changelog entries?01:53
NoskcajI wasn't sure if changelogs were wanted. fixing now01:54
darkxstactually right, they are CI branches so don't need changelogs01:59
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balleyneSince upgrading to 14.04, I can't use the GUI. Whenever gdm starts, gnome-shell flips out near 100% CPU usage and my screen rapidly flips between "no signal detected" and "unsupported video format." Help?18:21

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