
tony-smlrSMLR Live E129 - Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s23ve_OAnvo - audio: http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming11:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/kLPA6q - SMLR Live Episode 129 - YouTube11:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/r4DLeN - application/ogg12:28
cmaloneyGood morning16:05
cmaloneyer, afternoon. :)16:05
sydneyGood afternoon to you too. :D16:06
sydneySo... whats everone up to?16:07
cmaloneyJust getting into the meat of the day. Unpacking and moving some more stuff from $lastplace.16:08
cmaloneyand my parents place that I moved things in the interim16:08
havenstanceconfiguring steam on xubuntu :)16:10
cmaloneywoo woo16:11
cmaloneyAlso listening to http://metalinjection.fm16:11
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/rga8L2 - .FM - Your 24/7 Mainline of Streaming Metal Radio | Metal Injection16:11
cmaloneyHaving a crisis of faith over reactivating the twitter account.16:16
cmaloneyFuck it. Life is short.16:17
havenstancecmaloney, DON'T DO IT!!!16:17
cmaloneyToo late16:18
havenstanceit might release the zombies16:18
havenstanceand your responsible now for the zombie apocalypse. *Sigh*16:18
havenstanceI have got to get out of this Hotel room....16:18
* havenstance hugs Steam, they actually have Duke Nukem 3D on Linux...16:20
havenstancethe Duke Nukem 3d Megaton Edition, apparently is available for SteamOS/Linux16:22
havenstanceI'm installing now to see how it actually works. I'd imagine that if DosBox was available for Linux that they could port most of those older dos games in just a few clicks.16:22
havenstanceVersion 1.0.416:24
havenstance•Linux support16:24
havenstanceI know this is a Linux channel, but I have a windows question. The hotel I am in only allows internet access to  3 devices in the room on their wifi. So the question I have is this, could I connect the Windows to the Intarwebs thru wifi and then use ethernet to share the connection with the rest of my devices with ICS?16:28
Havenstanceodd error with installing 14.04 lts21:05
Havenstanceit wrote grub to my USB Key instead of the install directory...21:05
brousch__cmaloney is following me on Twitter. Is it a fake?22:12
Havenstancebrousch__, no he reactivated his twitter this morning22:19
HavenstanceI told him he was going to start a zombie apocalypse by doing it but he had no mercy for humanity :)22:19
cmaloneyMust be22:20
cmaloneyGah, so much shit.22:20
brousch__cmaloney: That's what happens when you eat Taco Bell22:53
brousch__Better than one of those organic herbal cleanses22:54
Havenstancehow's everyone been anyway? haven't been on in a while23:36

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