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RuralZAHi guys, anyone able to shed some light on my earlier problem I posted regarding using Lubuntu as a fat client on Edubuntu and it fails after login?14:46
highvoltagehey RuralZA15:02
RuralZAHey Highvoltage! Good to see your still around. Prefer me to talk in prv?15:02
highvoltageRuralZA: have you enabled the root account in the ltsp chroot?15:02
highvoltageRuralZA: might help to check if the network connection is indeed lost in the terminal15:03
RuralZAAfter login in the terminal terminates as well. Just the cursor showning15:03
highvoltagehmm, I'm not 100% sure what the /right/ way would be to fix that, but I'd probably just uninstall network manager (or disable it) in the fat client chroot15:04
RuralZADid that then ran ltsp-update-image and ssh-key. Same effect15:05
* highvoltage creates a lubuntu fat client in VM15:06
RuralZAMain reason for going through this exercise is that 10 of our new terminals are Nvidia bases and the glx drivers didn't want to play nice with a edubuntu thin client setup15:07
RuralZAHence the choice to do a fat lubuntu client. Glx drivers installed with, with me now being able to see the login screen. Without the glx drivers the ION machines just display garble15:08
* highvoltage hopes this chroot finishes building before the vm runs out of space15:21
RuralZABusy building a Xubuntu fat client as well quickly. Have no objections to use Xubuntu if its able to load on the terminal15:31
highvoltageI don't have trusty-security locally so that's taking a bit to download15:41
RuralZAHaha I have nothing locally so it's a download each time15:42
RuralZALuckily a 10mb line.. so it could have been worse15:43
highvoltageah you can also pass --keep-packages to ltsp-build-client to keep a copy of the packages15:43
RuralZAWill make a note of that15:48
RuralZAhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/1330252  Could be the cause. Going to test it after the Xubuntu client builds15:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1330252 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 14.04 ltsp-server /etc/X11/Xsession.d/40-ltsp-server DESKTOP_SESSION breaks lubuntu-desktop login" [Undecided,New]15:52
highvoltageRuralZA: I did a "rm /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11/Xsession.d/40-ltsp-client", then a ltsp-update-image and then lubuntu loaded fine16:16
highvoltageRuralZA: so either that script or the lubuntu session needs some update (I can't check now though)16:16
RuralZAHighvoltage: Thats more than what I could have asked for. Busy building it now and this should work fine for now.16:21
RuralZAThe help is much appreciated. Just going to test it tonight then will deploy the new terminals at the school tomorrow.16:21
RuralZAHighvoltage: Have some craft beers we brewed. Owe you some16:24
highvoltageRuralZA: heh thanks, I stopped drinking beer though16:26
highvoltageRuralZA: pay back by helping out some other lost souls when they come by in #edubuntu :)16:26
RuralZAWill do!16:27
RuralZAhighvoltage: Was the "rm /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11/Xsession.d/40-ltsp-client" all you did? Tried it and I'm still getting the same problem17:01
highvoltageRuralZA: yep17:20
highvoltageRuralZA: well followed by ltsp-update-client of course17:20
RuralZANo heck, just created a new vm, new updated Ubuntu and fresh install of ltsp standalone. Ran build-client lubuntu-desktop, rm 40-ltsp-client updated the image and still the same thing18:57
highvoltageah that's odd19:29
highvoltageI'm sure I didn't change anything else19:29
highvoltageRuralZA: what version of edubuntu/ubuntu?19:29
highvoltageRuralZA: btw did you remember to choose the lubuntu session at ldm? (I assume so, but just checking)19:30
RuralZAubuntu 14.04 amd64 and also just checked the session and it was set to default. After I changed it to Lubuntu it logged in. Feel like such a clutz for overlooking that20:09
RuralZAUpdating /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf now to make lubuntu the default session20:10
wellercould anyone help me troubleshoot an edubuntu install?20:44
RuralZAweller: What seems to be the problem?20:48
wellerim running a box with an intel core 2 quad 8gb of ram and an nvidia geforce gt120 and everytime i try to install it after i try to partition the drive or erase everything and install i get a window that pops open and it only has  questions marks and an okay option i am running a mirrored bios raid but it does see my 1 TB disk20:50
RuralZAAnd have you tried running it without the raid?20:51
welleri cant turn the raid off the only sata mode available is raid if you disable sata you can disable raid but that is the only way idk if there is a way to run non-raided disks in raid mode?20:53
RuralZAThere should be a few options available for running your disks in. If the bios is set to raid you wont be able to use the disks without first creating arrays for them.21:08
welleri guess i might need to update my bios or something because my sata controller only has a raid option in the bios when i have them in a mirrored raid they are seen by the installer but it wont install just pop the box21:10
RuralZAYour problem does sound RAID related though. Do you know what the controller model is?21:10
RuralZAYeah it's probably looking for drivers. What version of edubuntu are you using21:10
weller14.04 lts21:11
wellerim looking for  my card now21:11
welleri just got this PC yesterday from a friend lol i dont know a lot about it yet21:11
RuralZAMight be easier to get the model number off the motherboard and just look at the specs on the makers website21:12
wellerand idk if it is an actual card the only pci card is my nvidia card i think the raid is built into the sata controller21:12
wellerok ill do that and see what i can see i think a bios update might do the trick to21:12
RuralZAGoodluck :)21:13
wellerpretty sure i found the solution to my problem if anyone is interested21:37

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