
ianorlinwait is using people on the other side of the planet a bad idea for refrences as then the employer might end up calling them at like 2am?01:06
akkCan you use them as references but give an email address, not a phone number?01:07
akkI bet most employers wouldn't call a number in another country anyway.01:08
ianorlinwhy are they that discriminatory01:08
akkThey might think someone in another country isn't that relevant to employment here, or they might not even know how to dial another country.01:26
akkI dunno, maybe I'm wrong.01:26
akkJust a gut feel that employers might think it weird if you couldn't find any references in this country.01:27
akk(Assuming you're from here ... someone just moving from another country is a different case.)01:27
ianorlinand most employers view normal as good thing01:28
* ianorlin is not good at being normal01:28
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rwwpleia2: the OCLUG installfest went pretty well :P :P :P20:31
* ianorlin may need new usb mice20:32
DonkeyHoteirww: what're you doing way down there?20:37
ianorlinhe wasn't actually there20:43
DonkeyHoteiianorlin: were you?20:52
rwwhrm. i have dinner with my sibling at 7 today21:32
* rww tries rescheduling21:33
rwwyay, fixed21:34
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nhainesI need to decide which Wing Commander games I'm going to buy and then fight with Wine with.23:32
nhainesProbably Privateer and WC 4.23:32

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