
Cantidegooi more oom Kilos '<05:41
Kiloshi Cantide and others05:42
Cantidewhat's up?05:42
Cantideit's nearly 3 pm here05:42
Kilosnow much and there?05:43
Cantidethinking of what to do today..05:48
Cantidefeeling lazy lol05:48
Kiloshi Symmetri1 07:49
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Symmetriahttp://valhalla.clue.be/~vort/cabinet.jpg http://valhalla.clue.be/~vort/equipment.jpg 07:50
Symmetria^^^ my home internet connection :P07:50
Symmetriasorry pics are a bit large07:50
Kiloseish man the cabinet one is upside down and head too sore to stand on it07:52
Symmetriahuh upside down? displays fine in chrome here07:52
Symmetriathe right way up ;p07:53
Kiloshmm... i use opera07:53
Kilosdont like chrome much07:53
Symmetrialol the equipment photo is where its really at though07:54
Kilosyeah i see. looks good07:54
Kilossuch a shame running a bunch of windows pcs off such a nice setup07:55
Symmetria:P macs mostly07:55
SymmetriaIm actually starting to build my own place shortly08:33
Symmetriashould be signing to buy the land in the next week or so08:33
Symmetriathats the plans for the new place08:33
Vince-0nuvolari: !09:03
Kiloshi Vince-0 09:10
Vince-0I mean Kilos!09:10
Kiloshahaha cheeky09:10
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 09:23
Kiloslo nuvolari 09:23
nuvolarigaan dit goed oom?09:24
Kilosja dankie en self seun?09:24
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom.09:24
nuvolarineus brand net09:24
nuvolarien is verstop :-/09:24
nuvolariverkoue het my nog nie gelos nie09:24
Kiloseet baie uie09:25
nuvolarisy versuur nou bietjie ons verhouding09:25
nuvolariof knoffel?09:25
nuvolaridan hou ek sommer die mense ook weg09:25
Kilosenn stuk knoffel daagliks09:26
Kilosnee man09:26
Kilospitersielie vat weg die knoffel reuk09:26
nuvolarioe lekker, ek smul nou aan 'n stukkie oorskied van gisteraand se braai09:26
Vince-0jeepers, look at the time09:44
Vince-0are you going to make gateway in an hour?09:46
nuvolariit's about 40 minutes if nothing goes wrong on the road IIRC09:47
nuvolaribut then you have to tell me that I have to leave now 09:47
nuvolariaka confirm 09:47
Vince-0ha! I don't think kbmonkey is going to make it09:47
nuvolaribah :'(09:47
nuvolaribut he seemed keen09:48
nuvolarior is he not in umhlanga any more?09:48
theblazehenWhats happening?09:48
Vince-0there's always 17:2509:48
nuvolaritheblazehen: catching a movie09:48
Vince-0and 20:4509:48
nuvolariI don't mind09:48
nuvolariI do mind 20:45!09:48
Vince-0165 minutes for transformers09:49
nuvolariif kbmonkey can make it for 17:25 I'd take it09:49
Vince-0I dunno,09:50
Vince-0lets wait for 4pm and go09:58
nuvolariif the movie don't work out we can just hang?09:59
Kilosthe monkey said he wouldnt be online this weekend so maybe family stuff came up09:59
Vince-0the movie will work, don't worry09:59
Vince-0I suppose there's going to be loads of lighties running around 'cos schools finished this week10:00
nuvolariok, so meeting at gateway at 16:0010:01
Vince-0there are plenty seats open in the mid section10:05
nuvolariahooi kbmonkey 10:07
* nuvolari pokes around10:07
* Squirm- looks around12:15
Kiloshi Squirm- 12:16
=== Squirm- is now known as Squirm
Kilosohi superfly 13:49
superflyhi Kilos13:52
Kiloswhat have you got ticked in your skills page on profile15:20
Kilossjoe, summer thunderstorm in the middle of winter15:32
Cantidesummer for me here :p15:33
superflyKilos: thunderstorms are normal for winter15:33
superflywell, mayne not THUNDERstorms, but storms and lots and lots of rain15:34
Kilosnot here man superfly 15:36
Kilosat least i dont seem to remember them in winter15:37
Kiloswill ask inetpro_ 15:37
Kilosthe cape weather is always yuck man15:37
Kilosits a wonder peeps live there15:37
Kilosits big bangs here and lightning15:38
theblazehenKilos: yeah, we got them too here15:42
Kilosask some old peeps if its natural for winter theblazehen 15:42
theblazehenheh, I know it's not Kilos 15:43
Kilosgood i thought so15:44
Kilosraining now too15:44
theblazehenrain stopped over here now15:45
Cantidesend some this way, please :p15:45
Kiloskorea needs rain?15:46
Cantidenot really15:47
Cantideit rains a lot here these days15:47
Cantidebut i like it... keeps it cool and seems to clean the air15:47
Cantideand i barely need to be outside15:47
Cantidemy home and my office are both near subway stations15:47
Kilosyip rain removes all the pollution out the air for a while15:47
Cantideand with Beijing not so far away15:48
Cantidethings can get quite smoggy quite quickly ,_,15:49
Kilosai! was looking at q4wine and went to the help and got this16:15
KilosUkraine is at war with Russia. Aggressive military Intervention in Crimea and Eastern regions has begun.16:16
KilosThere is no real reasons for this brother-killing war.16:16
KilosThis site and all my projects are closed for now. Have a nice day.16:16
theblazehenKilos: ?16:16
Kilosmankind and his continuous wars16:20
Kiloshi psychicist 19:25
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:59
=== psychici1t is now known as psychicist

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