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pittiGood morning06:14
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pittiapw: mvo just ran into "lightdm not starting under systemd", and for him it was a simple reason; can you please again give me the contents of /etc/X11/default-display-manager?06:43
pittiapw: the current value ought to be /usr/sbin/lightdm, but it seems older systems had /usr/bin/lightdm there (sbin vs. bin)06:43
mvopitti: seems to be working now06:45
pittimvo: thanks06:46
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Saviqmardy, hmm so apparently I'm still getting the password prompts for google accounts on login, any idea what could be causing those, and how could I get rid of them? anything I can do to debug?07:02
mardySaviq: I suspect that they might not be coming from online accounts, but from GOA07:04
dholbachgood morning07:04
mardySaviq: try "dpkg -l *evolution*" and see if there is something about GOA07:04
Saviqmardy, not installed07:05
Saviqmardy, lemme log in again and try and find out more about those prompts07:06
Saviqmardy, hmm! it's gcr-prompter07:19
Saviqbug #104454907:21
ubottubug 1044549 in gcr (Ubuntu) "The "Access Prompt" randomly pop up!" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104454907:21
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rbasakpitti: spamassassin needs a (trivial) merge, but what was the purpose of https://launchpadlibrarian.net/167650114/spamassassin_3.4.0-1_3.4.0-1ubuntu1.diff.gz ?07:47
rbasakpitti: FTBFS or something else?07:47
rbasakAnd is there a matching Debian bug?07:48
pittirbasak: it failed its tests as it ran the tests with python but didn't test-depend on it07:48
pittirbasak: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74017107:48
ubottuDebian bug 740171 in spamassassin "Fix autopkgtest missing dependency" [Normal,Open]07:48
pittiyay for not applying simple patches in four months when uploading :/07:49
rbasakpitti: ah - in debian/tests/control. I mistook that for debian/control. Thanks!07:50
rbasakpitti: you want me to take the merge?07:50
pittirbasak: please :)07:50
geserwhat's the current preferred fix for code linking with -lgfortran where gcc is 4.8 while libgfortran is 4.9 and gcc not finding -lgfortran? wait till gcc-4.9 is default again?07:56
rbasakpitti: uploaded.08:05
Laney@pilot out08:10
Laney@pilot in08:10
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
Laneygood start08:10
LocutusOfBorg1thanks infinity08:13
LocutusOfBorg1appreciated a lot08:13
pittirbasak: thanks08:15
apwpitti, $ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:19
pittiapw: ok, so that wasn't it; thanks08:22
apwwill double check when i get my next kernel it is still there08:22
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apwb 308:31
brendandany core-dev around?08:40
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pittibrendand: probably better to just ask your question08:43
brendandpitti, that's my question? i need to subscribe them to a merge proposal :)08:43
pittibrendand: I can do that08:44
brendandpitti, thanks - anyway it turns out i don't have permissions to do that at the moment, so i need to wait for someone to appear from the core apps team08:45
dholbachseb128, do you think anyone can respond to https://twitter.com/WyllieChilunSGS/status/482131496254599168?08:49
Laneydholbach: I will08:50
dholbachthanks Laney08:50
pittimvo: did you see the "more PEP-8 fun" in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-python-apt/27/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console ?09:00
mvopitti: no I haven't, let me have a look now09:01
jtaylor_infinity, LocutusOfBorg1: sorry I did not check vtk properly09:13
jtaylor_infinity, LocutusOfBorg1 you reverted the tcl 8.6 change09:13
jtaylor_infinity, LocutusOfBorg1 that breaks a bunch of rdepends, please apply the trusty diff again09:14
jtaylor_brb 30 min09:14
LocutusOfBorg1mmm let me see09:35
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mapreriwhat's up with MoM? it says "Generated at 2014-06-24 21:44:15 UTC."...10:02
cjwatsonmapreri: I'm working on it10:04
cjwatsonIt tends to have trouble when people manage to upload packages that don't unpack10:04
mapreriah, great10:04
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Laneyjamespage: you interested in looking at bug #1251563?10:29
ubottubug 1251563 in net-tools (Ubuntu) "netstat command returns nozero even if successively executing" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125156310:29
jamespageLaney, can do - has the merge been done yet?10:30
LaneyDoesn't look like it10:32
jamespageLaney, OK - on my list10:33
Laneyjamespage: thanks!10:34
jamespagecjwatson, OK if I pickup the net-tools merge?10:36
cjwatsonjamespage: Fine from my point of view, though I believe it's technically doko's10:38
jamespagecjwatson, oh - yes indeed it was :-) did not read far enough up...10:38
dokomvo, could you have a look at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-python-apt/lastBuild ?10:50
bluesabreGreetings sponsors!  Please let me know if you are able to upload the following package to trusty-proposed so that we can begin SRU verification.  We'd like to deliver these fixes for 14.04.110:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 1331871 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Please backport lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 to trusty" [Undecided,New]10:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 1323405 in menulibre (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport menulibre-2.0.4 to trusty" [Undecided,New]10:53
caribouLaney: just saw your update regarding bug #129675511:03
ubottubug 1296755 in sosreport (Ubuntu Saucy) "sosreport archive /var/lib/maas by default" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129675511:03
caribouLaney: the backport needs to be done from the Saucy package as it has an older version (3.0.1) than Trusty (3.1°11:04
Laneycaribou: saucy doesn't have the fix though11:06
Laneyor do you want #12?11:06
caribouLaney: not yet as this is one of the tasks of this bug11:07
caribouLaney: but it's been lo long in the waiting queue that now saucy is going EOL11:07
caribouLaney: & Trusty has a more recent version & I'm not sure it can be backported as such11:08
caribouLaney: so yes, #12 would do it11:08
Laneywell, it can if it'll work11:08
caribouLaney: I need to recheck as I vaguely remember some dependancy issues b/w trusty & precise11:09
caribouLaney: & I have another round of fixes for it lined up. Let me check first11:10
caribouLaney: maybe it would be simpler just to backport 3.111:10
Laneycaribou: I think so, if you're up for taking a look at the trusty package on precise and seeing what (if anything) needs changing to make that happen11:11
caribouLaney: sure, doing it right now.11:11
Laneylet me know - we could still sneak in an SRU for 13.10 if this is too hard11:12
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jtaylor_doko:  you uploaded blt with tcl/tk 8.6 even though you know it breaks stuff? oO11:15
jtaylor_in debian11:15
jtaylor_we haven't even got a fix yet in utopic11:16
caribouLaney: yep, got a failed dependancy on dh-python which is not in Precise11:21
caribouLaney: hmm, this dh-python dep is going to be an issue going forward as after saucy we will no longer have a release to pull the source from other than trusty11:24
mvodoko: yeah, done and fixed in git11:27
mvodoko: its pep8 going wild11:27
dokomvo, thanks!11:29
dokojtaylor, no, I don't know11:30
mvodoko: yw, I upload in a some minutes11:30
Laneycaribou: yeah, how long are you going to want to backport for?11:30
caribouLaney: 12.04 lifetime :-/11:30
caribouLaney: is there a "best practice" way to install python3 bits on Precise11:31
Laneyyou could un-dh-python2 it, or look at backporting that to precise11:31
caribouLaney: sosreport 3.1 is python3, hence it uses a --with python3 rule11:31
caribouLaney: from what I can see, there is no dh_python3 on Precise. If there is an alternate way of installing python3 software on Precise I can adapt the rules file for it11:32
geserdoko: what's the current fix for code linking with -lgfortran where gcc is 4.8 while libgfortran is 4.9 and gcc not finding -lgfortran? wait for gcc-4.9 becoming the default again? (I was looking at some r-cran-* FTBFS over the weekend)11:33
dokogeser, waiting until tomorrow11:34
Laneycaribou: ah sorry I read dh-python2 there... I'm not totally sure about py3 on precise myself11:35
caribouLaney: maybe the simplest approach for this specific bug is to fix saucy, then use it as a source for the backport11:36
Laneyif a backport would produce functional packages then we could look at that (Debian did this)11:36
caribouLaney: a backport from a newer saucy would11:37
LaneyI mean of dh-python11:37
caribouLaney: ah, I thought you meant sosreport11:37
Laneysaucy backport would be easy enough, but then we get this problem next time I guess11:37
caribouLaney: gives me more time to figure out how to get sosreport 3.1 into precise, hence the backport would be from Trusty11:38
Laneymight give someone room to look at taking on the dh-python task11:38
Laneyso if you want, gather up all the fixes you want and propose a new saucy debdiff then I'll sponsor that for youe11:40
dokotvoss, what's the status of the phone/4.9 transition?11:42
caribouLaney: I will update the bug : let's get the current debdiff in saucy as it is now. I don't want it to wait any longer11:46
caribouLaney: another -backports question : since you don't use debdiffs for backports, it means that the source package needed for the backport is directly pulled from the archive11:53
Laneycaribou: we download the source from the new release and then upload it to backports with a new changelog entry on top11:53
caribouLaney: I mean, I have no other way than *not* using dh-python in Trusty as well11:54
Laneycaribou: We can do source change backports if it's necessary to make the package build or work11:54
Laneyin that case you attach a debdiff which is applied on top of the package to be backported11:55
caribouLaney: that is what I had in mind : keep the trusty pkg intact & add a minor modif to have it work in the backports archive11:55
caribouLaney: thanks, I'll use that as a reference11:56
Mantas-BaltixHi all :)12:16
Mantas-BaltixCould someone tell me why memtest86+ source code isn't imported from Debian into launchpad bzr (https://code.launchpad.net/debian/+source/memtest86+)? At http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ memtest86+ package is on section  "currently running" for at least 4 hours :(12:20
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rbasakMantas-Baltix: a UDD import failure is not uncommon. Try the UDD list - address at the top of that status page.12:32
Mantas-Baltixrbasak: Is there a failure when memtest86+ is under "currently running" for few hours ?12:35
michagogocjwatson: are you around? Mind a PM?12:38
cjwatsonmichagogo: I don't mind, but if it's about bitcoin I think I've already helped as much as I'm able and I'm not going to have time to help more12:39
Laney@pilot out12:40
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
michagogocjwatson: well, the thing is that it seems like what I was told was wrong. I was under the impression that the next step was for someone to sponsor it and upload to -proposed, and then you guys (SRU team) would review and discuss it12:41
Laneycaribou: uploaded12:41
caribouLaney: thank you very much12:41
Laneywhen it hits -updates we can do the backport12:41
michagogoBut then stgraber seemed to disagree: 19:15:48 <stgraber> no, it's not. If someone was to upload that today, I'd reject it when it hits the queue because it doesn't meet our current SRU criteria 19:16:00 <stgraber> so if you don't want that to happen, this needs to be discussed prior to upload12:42
cjwatsonmichagogo: Bring it up on the ubuntu-devel list, with context?12:42
michagogocjwatson: so I wanted to know, how does one start a discussion with the SRU team, since you don't appear to have an IRC channel nor a mailing lost12:42
cjwatsonWe're all on ubuntu-devel12:43
michagogocjwatson: ah, that's the place for it?12:43
michagogoOkay, thanks.12:43
Mantas-Baltixcould someone upload nautilus 1:3.10.1-0ubuntu9.2 from trusty-proposed to trusty-updates (see bug  #1184720 )12:54
ubottubug 1184720 in nautilus (Ubuntu Trusty) "Nautilus does not properly navigate symbolic links" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118472012:54
Mantas-BaltixVERIFICATION DONE one week ago, I also can confirm, that nautilus 1:3.10.1-0ubuntu9.2 from trusty-proposed works fine with symlinks12:55
rbasakMantas-Baltix: usually packages have to wait for at least a week to give all testers an opportunity to find regressions. Looks like that one's only 6 days old, so it won't be on the SRU team's radar yet.13:01
infinityjtaylor_: I didn't revert anything, the sid upload that I synced had literally no diff against the utopic version except changelog.13:03
jtaylor_infinity: then my diff was lost already by an earlier sync/merge :/13:04
infinityjtaylor_: -15.1 was synced by Dmitry Shachnev13:05
infinityjtaylor_: And it appears to have tk8.6 bits...13:06
infinityErr, no.13:06
infinityI can't read.13:06
jtaylor_I think the underlinking patch was applied in debian13:07
jtaylor_but debian uses 8.5 not 8.613:07
infinityjtaylor_: Yeah.  I'll fix this up.13:07
jtaylor_this needs to be keept in ubuntu + the patch probably needs adapting13:07
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jtaylor_thx, I can maybe also have a look later today13:08
jtaylor_vtk build unfortunately takes very long on my machine13:09
infinityjtaylor_: Testbuilding this now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7726421/13:22
jtaylor_infinity: looks good thank you13:28
infinityjtaylor_: NP, I had to do something with this whole "accidentally waking up way too early on a day off" situation.13:28
jtaylor_fwiw the patch should be forwarded to debian as it now too has a 8.5/8.6 mix which should be avoided. I'll do that this evening13:29
infinityjtaylor_: Ta.  I suppose the other option would be moving forward with getting the experimental version in sid (though it also needs the 8.5->8.6 transition, it looks like, but doesn't need the patch).13:32
jtaylor_right might be the better path13:34
jtaylor_then there is also vtk6 where the tcl bindings don't seem to work at all due to multiarch :/13:35
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dokojamespage, could you have a look at debian-java ML, Merging maven-repo-helper and maven-debian-helper ?14:29
jamespagedoko, I can but not today14:46
jamespagedoko, but will do this week14:46
mapreripitti: thanks in advance :) (wrt the outgoing email to you)14:56
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dokojamespage, thanks, I assume that proposed merge would force maven into main15:32
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jamespagedoko, it would15:39
Mantas-BaltixIt seems there are some problems with package's sources imports from Debian - at http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ same packages  (memtest86+, openscap, liferea, etc.) are on section  "currently running" for at least 7 hours :(16:42
Mantas-BaltixI wrote an email to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-distributed-devel/2014-June/001215.html  , but got no answer :(16:43
cjwatsonxnox,wgrant: ^-16:44
Mantas-BaltixAnd count of  "outstanding jobs" at http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/  increases every 10 minutes...16:48
xnoxcjwatson: wgrant: something is wrong, despite not publishing any failure logs, there are for e.g. memtest86+ tracebacks from wadllib/application.py failing to parse xml16:49
xnox166.414  safe_decode() called on an already-unicode string: u'Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>'16:50
vakhi all16:50
vakDuring initramfs phase $(ls /dev/sd* ) shows nothing... how come?.. what modules might have became missing?? could it be that udev rules are broken after HDDs were attached to the new SATA port positions??16:50
vakeverything was OK before i changed the SATA-ports (and i don't remember at which ports the HDDs were attached...)16:52
infinityvak: Seems more likely that the ports you switched to are either nonfunctional or need another driver.16:53
ogra_or probably a BIOS setting that you missed16:53
infinityOr the drives aren't plugged in right, or, or...16:53
infinityvak: Anyhow, that's more of a support question for #ubuntu, not a development question.16:54
xnoxMantas-Baltix: it is running at the moment, monitoring the log, it probably is blowning up on the sid upload.16:54
xnoxvak: you can increase udev logging as a boot arg and/or config file options / command, to see which events udev is saying about hard-drives, et.al.16:56
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xnoxMantas-Baltix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7727282/ and since debian import fails, it's out of date.16:57
vakinfinity: ogra_: everything is OK if i ran LiveCD.17:11
vakxnox: changed to debug 2 hours ago, nothing interesting so far17:12
Mantas-Baltixxnox: could you fix the import, at least memtest86+ 5.01-1 , please ;)17:12
vakinfinity: and the questions seems to be too deep for supporters on #ubuntu17:13
vakinfinity: at least, asked there before coming here.17:15
xnoxMantas-Baltix: the import errors out, why do you need an import, and how can I help you to unblock you without an import?17:16
xnoxMantas-Baltix: possibly permanent, and/or requiring fixes in the import stack.17:16
Mantas-Baltixxnox: I wanna create memtest86+ 5.0.1 packaging  recipe for my PPA - I need to have latest memtest release for Ubuntu Baltix derivative, see http://launchpad.net/baltix17:17
xnoxMantas-Baltix: pull-lp-source, dput into ppa. Or even use a script from ubuntu-archive-tools to copy the version you want, into ppa/series you want.17:18
xnoxMantas-Baltix: normal dput uploads are accepted into ppa. And since the branch import is out of date, you are out of luck.17:18
xnoxMantas-Baltix: are you planning to modify memtest? or do you just want latest one in your ppa?17:18
xnoxE.g. $ ./copy-package -d ubuntu -s utopic --to-ppa xnox --to-ppa-name scratch --to-suite trusty memtest86+17:19
xnoxfrom lp:ubuntu-archive-tools.17:19
xnoxthere is also backport-package script in ubuntu-dev-tools that can automate backporting package, lower the version & upload into ppa to have the right version number (e.g. higher than stable, but lower than next release)17:20
Mantas-Baltixxnox: no, I just wanna to backport original memtest86+ 5.0.1-1 package from Debian to Ubuntu Trusty and Precise - I already created packaging recipe for memtest86 4.3.6, see https://code.launchpad.net/~baltix/+recipe/memtest86-debian17:21
Mantas-Baltixxnox: I currently can't use dput, because today I don't have access to my private GPG key :(17:26
Mantas-Baltixxnox: maybe you can upload unmodified memtest86+ 5.0.1-1 package to some PPA (or sources to some launchpad.net branch) and then I could copy package to baltix PPA or create packaging recipe :)17:28
xnoxMantas-Baltix: pull-lp-source memtest86+; cd memtest86+-*; bzr init .; bzr commit -m "initial"; bzr push lp:~baltix/+junk/memtest86+ and create a packaging recipe as you wish.17:47
xnoxMantas-Baltix: i'm guessing you do realise that not having access to your private gpg key is important =)17:47
Mantas-Baltixxnox: I don't have access to private key only today ;)17:52
mapreriMantas-Baltix: and the upload can't wait a single day?18:00
Mantas-Baltixmapreri: I'm building new Baltix GNU/Linux distribution release today ;)18:03
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xnoxMantas-Baltix: i gave you steps to make a branch, which can be "recipified" into a ppa build.18:48
hallyndoko: hi, in netcf in trusty you pushed the change to "Build using dh-autoreconf." - i didn't notice that while pushing new versino to debian so it's not there.  Is that needed?  Should I change it in debian before syncing then?18:49
cjwatsonhallyn: Generally that class of fix is there to make it actually build on some subset of arm64/ppc64el18:50
cjwatsonhallyn: Even if it isn't needed right now (because the generated files in the orig.tar are new enough), it's good practice to add it anyway to help the next port18:51
hallyncjwatson: ah, ok, so then definately should be there.  ok, thx.  it's just the new dh-autoreconf dep and call in debian/rules right?18:51
hallyncjwatson: do you mind if i ask you to sponsor to experimental ? :)18:51
cjwatsonI guess ppc64el from the timing18:52
cjwatsonhallyn: Can do, but have evening things to do at the moment.  Mail?18:53
hallyncjwatson: great, thanks18:53
cjwatsonAnd yes, usually it's just build-dep + --with autoreconf, or dh_autoreconf / dh_autoreconf_clean in backward packages :)18:54
cjwatson(or there's a cdbs version involving including something)18:54
juliankIts creator agrees.18:55
hallynthis one just did include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk;  not sur eif that makes it backward18:55
juliankthat's fine18:55
juliankit's a CDBS package.18:55
juliankalso I'd count CDBS as backwards18:55
hallynyeah i think that was his point too :)  I'm a but unsure why I went with cdbs as that package isn't all that old18:59
Mantas-Baltixxnox: thanks19:00
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cjwatsonjuliank: heh, me too ;)19:39
tvossxnox, so which libelf version am I meant to use? libelf1 or libelfg0?21:05
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infinitytvoss: libelf1 is the "new" hotness from elfutils, it's probably the one you want.21:17
infinitytvoss: Very few things use libelf0g anymore.21:17
* infinity wonders why glib-bin does...21:18
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tvossinfinity, thanks21:40
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dobeyinfinity, slangasek: either of you want to fix bug #1323334 and eradicate ubuntu-purchase-service from the archive?22:06
ubottubug 1323334 in ubuntu-purchase-service (Ubuntu) "Remove ubuntu-purchase-service from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132333422:06
slangaseklet's have a look22:09
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slangasekinfinity: stop working22:11
infinityslangasek: Removing packages is pleasure, not work.22:11
slangasekalso, stop sniping things I've said I was looking at22:11
infinityslangasek: I did it before you responded. :P22:11
slangasekinfinity: then let me know you're looking at it maybe ;)22:12
infinity16:06 < infinity> Looking.22:12
infinity(I just made that up)22:12
dobeyinfinity, slangasek: thanks :)22:15
vakwhy could it happen that udev didn't create /dev/sd[abc] entries?22:21
wgrantxnox: Were you able to make any progress on the package-import issue?22:29
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wgrantxnox: package-import fixed. The real error was the traceback after the safe_unicode line you quoted; the WADL cache was corrupt.22:41
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sarnoldTrevinho: another 14.04 screenlock bug, not much in the way of details though: 133583523:17
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* Trevinho checks23:17
Trevinhosarnold: I can't access to that bug... is it maybe private=23:18
sarnoldTrevinho: argh, sorry, I guess there's still a problem in my scripts :) thanks!23:18
sarnoldTrevinho: should be open now :)23:18
Trevinhosarnold: it is, thanks23:19
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