
=== bazhang is now known as Guest51145
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rww18:07:52 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+r] by phunyguy02:55
rwwit is currently 02:5502:55
rwwshould that still be set02:55
elkyi'd guess no02:56
Flannelwhich means you get to clear -unregged too!02:56
rwwI note that eir can keep track of modes like +r and have an expiration time for them02:58
rwwJust since I feel like being whiny that we didn't stick with it :P02:58
Flannelseriously? you bring up eir? :P02:58
elkyit's not that there were not things we liked about eir...02:59
rwwFlannel: nah, Unit193 has a faster way of doing it so i leave it to him02:59
rwwUnit193: speaking of which, I saw a post mentioning you doing Debian things on planet debian the other day. yay you.03:00
Unit193rww: Yeah, wasn't expecting to get in the news.  Thanks.03:00
rwwThe Dalek Invasion Of #ubuntu-unregged03:02
Unit193rww: FWIW: <+AntiSpamMeta> Debug risk threat [#ubuntu] - channel appears to still be +r after 45 minutes03:05
rwwwow, finally an ASM feature I like03:05
phunyguysorry, was afk a while03:09
phunyguyI blame Flannel.03:09
SachiruMay I ask why I was kicked from ##ubuntu?03:22
Unit193Are you referring to a couple minutes ago?  If so, #ubuntu-unregged was cleared.  You were forwarded there due to an attack on #ubuntu and we had to redirect users not logged into the network to that channel.03:26
Unit193Sachiru: The restriction on #ubuntu was removed a bit ago, you can try to /join #ubuntu  again.  (I also see you have now authenticated to network services, so you wouldn't be limited now anyway.)03:29
SachiruFor some reason I was disconnected from IRC, and rejoined with an underscore to my username.03:30
SachiruWhat was the attack on #ubuntu all about, if I may ask?03:30
SachiruNever even heard of how someone can attack an IRC channel03:30
Unit193Spamming all the nicks in the channel, using clients connected from different hosts.03:31
SachiruAh, thanks.03:32
SachiruAt least that's all cleared up. Thanks again!03:32
Unit193Have a nice day!03:32
bazhang<mork> any ubuntu experts here?10:15
k1l@mark #ubuntu ultrapro advertising own servers12:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:49
ubottubcvery called the ops in #ubuntu (TheTranzgr3zzor)13:28
geniiHeh, mutant files.20:56
Jordan_Ugenii: They get together with the daemons and zombie processes to wreak havoc.20:58
Jordan_UThe daemons are especially scary, especially the ones that use 100% CPU.20:59
Jordan_U"You don't understand, it never sleeps!"20:59
geniiSometimes I think about them like this too.21:00
ubottuIn #ubuntu, lm05 said: ubottu: I think that "Hello" is not polish word...21:37
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:48
Unit193genii: He said "hello", someone looked at his hostmask and gave him that factoid.21:48
geniiUnit193: Ah, OK. A bit too pre-emptive :)21:49

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