=== Omnifrog|laptop is now known as DJOmnifrog === DJOmnifrog is now known as Omnifrog === rfinley is now known as average_guy [17:15] wb netritious [17:19] ty wrst. ready for the fourth? [17:20] ready for a 3 day weekend yes, anything else likely not :) [17:20] howa bout you? [17:30] haven't purchased any fireworks yet, but there is a tent on every corner around here [17:33] I usually buy a 40oz beer, $35 bag-o-fireworks (roman candles, firecrackers, mini artillery shells, etc.) and the smallest pork butt I can find (only three of us here). [17:34] The 40oz is (almost) always poured out and subsequently used for bottle rockets. [17:42] ha ha [17:43] I think we are going to go to one of the pro displays this year [18:22] those are always nice. [18:30] yeah I'm not much of an explosives person :) [18:54] oh it's demolition night here wrst. daughter is getting braver each year but still restricted to roman candles with close supervision. [18:54] We're not stupid about it...she wears eye protection, gloves, holds out to side, etc. [18:56] After blowing up fireworks for 35 years, I think it's more likely you'll get a dud than one that blows up in your hand or face....excluding careless people of course. [19:28] ha ha yeah netritious [19:28] It doesn't bother me messing with them its my brother and my dad... they don't exactly pay close attention :) [20:23] a couple of my brothers fit that bill wrst lol [20:26] :)