
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosimorning everyone08:20
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ochosibtw, i should be pretty much back to normal now10:24
ochosiso xfpm isn't building correctly yet in -staging?11:34
ochosiah right, the maintainer mode issue11:35
bluesabreyeah, I'll experiment with it tonight if I get a chance (or if its not already done)11:40
ochosisounds good11:54
elfybluesabre: first time I've needed to do so since updating upower - lock screen is not working12:00
elfyochosi: ^^12:01
ochosielfy: in what way is it not working?12:01
ochosii mean, what's happening exactly?12:01
ali1234it works for me12:02
ali1234even though i tried to disable it in the settings12:02
ochosiso you're saying you're also seeing a bug?12:03
ali1234i'm not sure. maybe i just did it wrong12:04
ali1234what is a good site for image hosting since imagebin is now an attack site?12:05
ochosizimagez or imgur is what i use mostly12:06
ali1234those are my settings. the screen still locks when the screensaver starts12:06
ochosiyou could check the settings of light-locker, "ps -A | grep light-locker"12:07
ochosii really hope we can merge in the dbus interface for light-locker soon so we can make lls a little more solid... the whole desktop-file interaction really blows12:08
ali1234also this: http://imgur.com/P9swtv712:08
ali1234 1958 ?        00:00:01 light-locker12:08
ali1234i did a fresh install of 14.04 yesterday evening12:09
ali1234i haven't really changed anything at all yet12:09
ochosicould you try to change the settings in lls back and forth, hit apply and check ps again?12:10
ali1234no change12:11
ali1234now it says 14738 ?        00:00:00 light-locker12:11
ochosihumpf, bug in lls then12:15
ochosino updates after the 14.04 release?12:15
ali1234i updated the system after installing12:29
ali1234then i started installing things like steam etc12:29
ali1234that's about how far i got12:29
ali1234i haven't really set anything up yet12:29
ochosimm, i see12:30
ali1234fresh home directory too12:32
elfyochosi: sorry - false alarm - forgot I turned it off on saturday ... 15:19
Unit193bluesabre: Taking a look now, fixed.18:55
ochosiUnit193: you mean xfpm builds?19:13
Unit193Yeah, not sure why it worked before and not now.19:15
slickymasterochosi, you around21:42
ochosislickymaster: yeah, but only a minute21:54
ochosiwhat's up?21:54
slickymastergive me a minute please ochosi, just wrapping something up with Unit193, and I'll get back to you21:55
ochosislickymaster: right, i suggest you just ping me and i get back to you when i'm back21:57
slickymasterokie dokie ochosi 21:58
ochosislickymaster: sooo..?22:53
slickymasterso, I finally manage to have some time to go through last meeting logs22:54
ochosithat's a good thing i suppose22:54
slickymasterand I wanted to talk to you abot inxi and -core22:55
slickymasterthose FAQ's that you talked about are to go in xubuntu.org, right?22:56
slickymasterdo I have right permissions in the site?22:56
ochosiyup, that's where i'd have put them22:58
ochosihumm, you ask me that? :)22:58
Unit193ochosi: He should, team member, just can't publish.22:58
ochosislickymaster: right, see – better ask Unit193!22:59
Unit193ochosi: Heeey, you're supposed to know this. :P22:59
ochosinah, my main job is to know the ppl who know :)23:01
ochosi(you're mixing up a manager with a superhero i guess)23:01
Unit193Well I don't know jack. :D23:01
slickymasteranother thing ochosi, what's the scope intended for these FAQ's? Thorough? not so thorough?23:02
ochosii'd want something brief and to the point23:08
ochosinothing all-too thorough23:09
ochosiUnit193: say, would you happen to know whether we get whiskermenu 1.4 in 14.10 either way or if we have to do something for it?23:21
Unit193ochosi: It's not in Debian nor in VCS.23:21
ochosii wonder why23:23
Unit193Perhaps talk to Noskcaj?  That seems to be more of his package than Corsac's.23:24
Unit193Speaking of which, I had http://paste.openstack.org/show/CAPDq9js2Z9WSHBMMoou/ for it.23:25
Noskcajochosi, Unit193: I'd not realised it was out. I'll package it now23:49
Unit193Noskcaj: Alrighty-o.  Grab that too while your at it? :)23:49

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