
rogpeppe2mornin' all07:54
rogpeppe2urulama: hiya07:54
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
urulamarogpeppe1: morning 08:17
rogpeppe1urulama: how's it going?08:17
rogpeppe1urulama: i just responded to your comments on the bundles spec, BTW08:17
urulamagreat, thanks, had some time this morning to read the docs08:18
urulamaagree to keep things simple08:19
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
bachey rick_h__ (i got disconnect after my last ping)12:10
rick_h__bac: morning12:14
* rogpeppe1 now has a keyboard with all keys in place12:55
rogpeppe1darn fiddly, replacing those hinges12:55
rick_h__hah, laptop keyboard?12:55
rogpeppe1only one hinge slightly broken on installation, seems ok so far12:56
rogpeppe1rick_h__: yeah12:56
rogpeppe1rick_h__: broken after i spilled cream on it the other day at the end of the hangout12:56
rick_h__oh :(12:56
rogpeppe1rick_h__: not broken by the cream, but broken when i took the keys off to clean off the cream...12:56
rick_h__I did some tea with honey once. Yea, those scissor switches are a pain to get off and back in place12:57
rogpeppe1it's the tiny little plastic protrusions which are so so so easy to break12:57
rogpeppe1and you actually have to exert a reasonable amount of force in *just the right* way to get it in12:58
rogpeppe1anyway, lunch!12:58
rick_h__jrwren: morning13:11
rick_h__jcsackett: can you and jrwren get together and go through the issues jrwren hit yesterday on getting cloud providers going and help find if there are existing bugs around the issues? 13:11
jrwrenoh boy.13:12
rick_h__jrwren: well if you're going to find broken stuff we need to make sure they're going to be addressed :)13:12
jrwrenthis shall be a fun dive. 13:12
rick_h__I think the azure one is likely to be the timeout issue that bac hit before13:12
jrwrenyup, that is what made me think its a bug.13:12
rick_h__and there's an email thread around apt-get upgrade timing out juju in azure13:13
jrwrenthe joyent one might be the same or similar bug.13:13
jrwrenbut bac said it worked the next time. that was not the case for me.13:13
jrwrenI think bac was using 1.18, I was using 1.19.[34]13:13
rick_h__jrwren: ok, haven't seen anything on joyent, but we don't use it actively13:13
rick_h__yes, because environment upgrades are only supported from stabel to stable releases13:14
rick_h__he moved back to 1.18 (stable is even) while you were on 1.19 (odd is dev)13:14
rick_h__so it's more important to figure out the bugs/issues in 1.19 to make sure they're addressed before 1.20 is released (1-2wks)13:14
rick_h__jrwren: but get wit jcsackett when he's around and see if he can help find bugs, intro you in #juju if there's questions, etc. 13:16
jrwrensounds great.13:16
rick_h__jrwren: and in between time move forward with the tasks using other cloud providers so that you can move forward13:16
jrwreni'll jump in on my own too, so i'm not entirely blind.13:16
jcastro_jrwren, welcome to Canonical!13:33
jrwrenjcastro_: thanks!13:34
jrwrenconsider me your friendly chaos monkey.13:34
jcastro_I heard13:35
jcsackettjujugui: i have crap all for internet at home. TWC claims it will be fixed this afternoon. running to the coffee shop.13:37
bacjujugui: http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/ may be happy again but i guess we won't know for sure until a controlled branch is proposed/approved.  please let me know when you do so.13:46
bacjcsackett: ping13:52
bacmarcoceppi: where do i file a bug against a charm?  precise/jenkins specifically?13:59
marcoceppibac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/jenkins14:00
bacmarcoceppi: thanks.  i poked around but couldn't find it.14:00
rick_h__bac: there's a branch from Makyo to alnd14:01
rick_h__bac: we can use to test the lander part at least14:02
bacrick_h__: ok14:03
bacrick_h__: this install may be suspect since i had to do so much stuff behind the scenes.  juju may not be happy with me.14:04
rick_h__bac: ok, well let me know if we need to retry to restore?14:04
rick_h__on the one hand we need to get this up, but the goal is to get something up we can use going forward and not have to repeat this14:05
bacrick_h__: agreed.  i guess i'd say let's just keep an eye on things.  it is up now so until we see something funky i'd leave it be.14:08
rick_h__bac: ok, trying to shipit the branch from Makyo 14:08
rick_h__Makyo: around? my next meeting will overlap the standup and need you to run it if possible. 14:12
kadams54bac, rick_h__: my PR is also ready to land. Waiting to see how things go with Makyo's…14:19
rick_h__kadams54: ok, it's running keep an eye on it14:20
rick_h__I've got a call in a few so will not be able to track it down14:20
jrwrenwhat is the juju way of not repeating this?  custom charms?14:20
rick_h__jrwren: fork a charm, push it up under your namespace14:20
jrwrencool. got it.14:21
rick_h__jrwren: so bzr branch the original, and bzr push to ~jrwren/charms/jenkins14:21
rick_h__or hte like14:21
rick_h__need to match the exacty syntax, should be in the docs14:21
jrwrenas for my "nothing working", i've figured it out. I guess I'll file a bug, although its a pretty niche issue.14:22
rick_h__jrwren: ok, well still worth documenting for other's to search/find14:22
rick_h__jrwren: but good to hear it's something that sounds like you can move forward around14:22
jrwrenyes. I should have thought of it sooner. I was frazzled from breaking your CI yesterday.14:23
rick_h__jrwren: all good :)14:23
bacjrwren: how are you going to fork the jenkins charm?14:28
bacjrwren: if you're looking to make a change i have a suggestion!14:28
rick_h__bac: sorry. that was just my example14:28
rick_h__bac: current charm in my brain atm :)14:28
jrwrenoh, i'm not. I am more trying to understand some juju philosophies.14:28
bacrick_h__: bug 133627314:29
_mup_Bug #1336273: Add ability to specify PPAs <jenkins (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1336273>14:29
rick_h__bac: oh cool14:29
bacrick_h__: if we had that, we could go a long way to having a bundle that did most of our setup14:29
rick_h__jrwren: the branch philosophy is on the chopping block though. There's a spec doc I can share if you're interested 14:29
bacrick_h__: so if someone want experience in charm authoring...14:29
rick_h__rogpeppe1: for the standup, can we get a doc shared up for that work so we can start to look at things?14:33
rogpeppe1rick_h__: ok, will do14:34
MakyoLooks like the merge build failed, but it seems like one of the random selenium failures14:34
jrwrenit was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/133631314:43
_mup_Bug #1336313: juju fails silently when .ssh/config has a ControlMaster set <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1336313>14:43
rbasakjrwren: I've not hit that bug specifically, but I did appreciate that "juju ssh" seemed to use my own ControlMaster correctly.14:49
rbasakjrwren: are you sure that you didn't have a cached connection to an existing machine with a matching %r/h/p that was hung or something?#14:50
Makyojujugui call in 10, kanban now14:50
jrwrenrbasak: i don't see how, since those hostnames are basically random from teh cloud provider each time.14:51
jrwrenrbasak: do you use control persist yes? or a timeout? maybe you have a small enough timeout?14:52
rbasakjrwren: I'd be interested to know what the real problem is rather than disable control master use completely. I find it really useful - it speeds things up massively.14:52
jrwrenrbasak: ok, I'll experiment more. 14:52
rbasakI use ControlPresist 360014:52
jrwreni'll be that is the difference.14:52
bachazmat: you approved my tls branch for juju-client.  will you be merging it soon?  i've got a card in kanban that i'd like to kill.14:53
rbasakThat's an hour, though. Surely the juju timeout isn't that long?14:53
jrwren*i'll bet*14:53
rbasakjrwren: I wonder if this is Azure-specific? I wasn't aware of any need to be able to ssh the bootstrap host during bootstrap. I thought Juju entirely used cloud-init?14:56
* rbasak has commented on the bug14:57
rbasakI hope that's useful and constructive.14:57
jrwrenalready useful to me. I need to try with timed ControlPersist instead of just "yes"14:58
Makyojujugui call now15:00
Makyoantdillon, urulama call now15:02
rick_h__urulama: is on call with me15:03
rick_h__ant as well15:03
jcsackettnothing quite like being hangouts with almost no bandwidth. :p15:09
hatchheh that's why I wasn't in today :)15:12
hazmatbac, yeah.. sorry catching up on backlog.. i'll merge shortly15:23
bacthanks hazmat15:25
bacjcsackett: when you 'juju ssh' to azure instance do you find the ssh connection goes away frequently?15:28
jcsackettbac: i haven't done any juju stuff on azure; i only ssh directly into the jenkins units.15:28
bacjcsackett: yeah, should be the same, though. they don't drop?15:28
jcsackettbac: i haven't noticed it, no.15:29
jcsackettjujugui: can someone confirm a bug for me?15:32
jrwrenso... when I broke CI yesterday, why didn't I get a "environment is already bootstrapped" message? were there state storage changes? 15:32
rogpeppe1jcsackett: yup, there's a bug15:32
rogpeppe1jcsackett: oh, you mean a *particular* bug? :-)15:32
* jcsackett laughs15:33
jcsackettif someone can open comingsoon.jujucharms.com (or any other develop branch instance they have) and deploy a service, i'm seeing a gray bar instead of the charmbrowser or the service inspector, but i'm having lots of oddities today.15:34
jcsackettthis is w/o flags, so i believe the service inspector should open.15:34
bacjrwren: i think you should have.  try to bootstrap the same env twice on ec2 and see what happens15:34
hatchjcsackett correct, something is broken15:35
jcsacketthatch: cool, i'll file and set up a card.15:35
hatchit doesn't changeState to the new url any longer15:35
hatchjcsackett urgent imho15:35
bachatch: quick, steal that for your QA day bug!15:35
jrwrenbac: exactly what I was thinking, and exactly what I just got on azure, but I didn't yesterday with the CI environment15:35
jcsackettit's mine, b/c i forgot to do QA the other day. :p15:35
hatchbac lol I think i've filed enough bugs this past week to get some wiggle room on qa day :)15:36
* bac admits he sat on a bug for 12 hours last week15:36
hatchjcsackett I think this was because one of the branches that recently landed didn't get qa'd without the mv flag15:38
* jcsackett nods15:38
jcsacketthatch: looks like.15:38
jcsackettcard made in urgent lane, for whoever is looking for work.15:39
jcsacketthatch: is there any reason we can't rename the "UIState" thing back to State?15:40
hatchjcsackett none I can think of15:41
hatchjcsackett oh I left it like that because we have a 'state' attribute in app.js15:42
hatchwhich has NOTHING to do with state15:42
hatchit's the environment or somethin15:42
jcsackettok then.15:43
jcsackettwe'll leave it be, but i'll remove the XXX saying we can rename it.15:43
hatchjcsackett well we CAN rename it, but we should probably also rename the other state thing in app to something that makes sense15:43
hatchelse it'll just be even more confusing heh15:44
hatchthere will likely be a ton of renaming required though15:44
jcsacketthatch: i have a growing feeling that to dispatch charm details and unit details on the inspector we need to get rid of slots.16:21
hatchwhy's that? 16:22
jcsacketthatch: well, details are all rendered via the "showViewlet" stuff, which is slots based, isn't it?16:25
jcsacketthatch: i guess we don't have to get rid of it.16:25
jcsackettwe're just dealing with more stuff to cleanup.16:25
jcsackettand inspectors now need to conditionally render viewlets in slots both on event and on init.16:25
hatchhmm lemme take a look16:26
jcsacketthatch: ok.16:26
hatchjcsackett https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app%2Fviews%2Finspectors%2Fservice-inspector.js#L8916:27
hatchhere is where you would conditionally show the unit details16:27
hatchjcsackett here is where it shows the unit details https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app%2Fviews%2Fviewlets%2Fservice-overview.js#L72416:30
jcsackettDon't forget charm details. That's also needing update. 16:31
jcsackettSo then the click fires change state, and I guess renderui gets called again...16:31
jcsackettYeah, ok. I hadn't gotten back into state land; this isn't the problem I thought it was. 16:32
hatchthis might actually be a little more work16:33
hatchwe can't re-render the inspector16:33
hatchso it has to know it's already rendered16:33
hatchmaybe it already does that16:33
* hatch looks16:33
hatchjcsackett yeah you'll have to implement something for the inspector like there is for the charmbrowser16:34
hatchso that it doesn't 'aways' re-render the inspector, but insteads just sets new data in16:34
jcsacketthatch: dig. 16:35
jcsackettI *thought* that might be a wrinkle. 16:35
hatchthe proper inspector method is _inspector16:36
hatchI'm not sure where `inspector` method is used heh16:36
hatchit might need to be removed....the `inspector` method16:37
jcsackettI think it's leftover from the old system. 16:51
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
rick_h__hey guys, how goes?17:20
rick_h__Makyo: working on landing your branch, looks to be running tests now at least17:20
rick_h__kadams54: yay for yours landing17:20
rick_h__jcsackett: you're set then? 17:21
Makyorick_h__, ah, thanks, was trying to figure that out17:22
rick_h__Makyo: yea, no idea why it's doing that and didn't for kadams but oh well. 17:22
rogpepperick_h__: i'm done for the day now. here's a link to the on-going API proposal doc: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ILHRpOe-qDlmjxHBbLUea7InDpehx5_roJ1ynZmcZDc/edit17:27
rogpepperick_h__: formatting is a bit scrappy i'm afraid :-)17:27
rick_h__rogpeppe: awesome thanks. Will take a look. Can you move ot to the 14.04 specs folder if it's not in there currently?17:28
rick_h__and make sure the team's got edit17:28
rogpepperick_h__: everyone's got edit, i think17:28
rogpepperick_h__: not quite sure how to do the folder thing in google docs17:28
rogpepperick_h__: i didn't even know there *were* folders for google docs :-)17:29
rick_h__is the specs folder17:29
rick_h__somehow want to get it in there but yea not sure about it myself17:29
rick_h__jujugui heads up the two calls with Mark S today went well. He's excited we've got urulama and jrwren starting and loved hearing the osx stuff got out and is interesting in checkout out the usage of that17:30
rogpepperick_h__: i'll work out how to put something in a folder tomorrow...17:30
rick_h__rogpeppe: ok, will try to figure it out. Even if we have to create a new doc in that folder and copy/paste17:30
rick_h__rogpeppe: have a good evening17:31
* rick_h__ goes to find some food now that calls are done for now17:31
bache's usually pretty good about seeing stuff go by on G+ so i was surprised that went unnoticed17:31
rogpeppeurulama: see ya tomorrow morning17:31
rogpepperick_h__: have a good rest-of-day17:31
rogpeppeg'night all17:31
urulamarogpeppe: bye17:31
bacrick_h__: after looking at the other jenkins installation i think we may be better to manage charmstore on our own.  their jenkins is 1.4, the plugins we need aren't installed properly, etc.17:38
rick_h__bac: ok, then let's do it17:39
bacrick_h__: i'm trying to install a slave now.  if it works i'll run with it.  otherwise i'll talk to sinzui about their upgrade plans17:39
rick_h__bac: feel free to create cards and let me know if you need help17:39
rick_h__bac: rgr17:39
rick_h__ok, now really going to head out for lunch and move to the coffee shop for the afternoon. 17:41
=== urulama is now known as uru-away
jcsackettrick_h__: i am set.17:47
jcastrodo we support the gui like this?17:59
jcastroand if so, how?17:59
rick_h__jcastro: looking18:00
rick_h__jcastro: not yet, juju has to support the networks in containers and be able to expose the internal port80 stuff out. 18:01
rick_h__jcastro: I'm not 100% sure on the status of that in juju-land. 18:01
jcastrook want me to answer it or you got it?18:01
rick_h__jcastro: but the gui is hanging because it probably can't talk to juju from that container 18:01
jcastroI am going through our question queue18:01
rick_h__jcastro: I'll put something together. 18:01
rick_h__jcastro: side note, do you know if brew has download/install stats?18:02
rick_h__jcastro: we're curious on measing quickstart install on osx18:02
jcastrono clue, will investigate18:02
rick_h__jcastro: ok, wasn't sure since you guys have some brew stuff/juju itself. We can look into it18:02
MakyoAlright, got a legit failure.  At least it's something to go by.18:03
jcastrorick_h__, doesn't appear that way18:04
jcastrorick_h__, from looking at the formula18:04
rick_h__Makyo: :/ ok18:04
rick_h__jcastro: ok thanks18:05
jcastroit snags from there18:05
jcastrosince no one links to that except for brew, I would think that's where the stats go18:05
rick_h__jcastro: right, but wondered if brew had a popcorn or the like to track installs from itself18:05
rick_h__oh, does brew pull that down every install? 18:05
jcastroit's a homebrew, that's the point18:06
rick_h__heh, ok cool18:07
jcastroI would do your next release at a URL you have GA on, and then update the formula to get the tarball from there18:07
rick_h__Makyo: hmm, that's one I've not seen much. Is that legit then?18:08
MakyoBah, can't reproduce locally.  Not sure it is, rick_h__ 18:08
rick_h__Makyo: ok, feel free to retry 18:08
rick_h__Makyo: and let's keep an eye. Now that we know the CI stuff is running again. Sorry for the pain in landing18:08
MakyoNo worries! I'm watching.18:08
rick_h__wow 534 downloads in the last week18:11
rick_h__jcastro: ^ 18:11
hatchjcsackett so I'm going to take off for the day, any q's about that inspector stuff before I go?18:34
Makyohatch, http://www.buzzfeed.com/tanyachen/americans-fail-canada-again18:36
hatchMakyo haha I was going to paste that tomorrow :P18:37
hatchI accept not knowing all of the provinces but damn some were just horrible!18:38
rick_h__that is awesome Makyo 18:39
rick_h__Makyo: what are you up to? Can you look at the card in urgent nexte?18:46
rick_h__next that is18:46
Makyorick_h__, sure thing18:47
rick_h__Makyo: ty, I'm hoping to stick hatch with a release this week and that one seems a blocker18:47
MakyoAlright, sounds good.18:47
rick_h__jrwren: can you make sure to file holiday time for the 4th please?18:47
rick_h__jrwren: and just how goes overall?18:47
jrwreni'll figure out how to file it.18:51
rick_h__jrwren: sure thing, it's in the hr.canonical.com system18:51
jrwrenit goes... i have so many questions at this point, and mostly they are somehow influenced by yesterdays disruption.18:51
rick_h__jrwren: once you login there's a list of your "all other absenses" and you can create a "New"18:52
rick_h__jrwren: cool, want to chat? 18:52
rick_h__jrwren: k, let's meet in the standup hangout from today18:53
bacmarcoceppi: you have any experience using the jenkins-slave charm?19:00
marcoceppibac: not for a long time, no19:00
bacmarcoceppi: do you know if after adding the relation the slave should be launched and marked as online?  i've formed a relation but the master sees it as offline and i can't get it online.19:01
marcoceppibac: are you using the charm store charm?19:02
MakyoWell, that was easy.19:04
MakyoLemme test it.19:04
bacmarcoceppi: i took the cs charm and pushed it to LP for trusty19:06
marcoceppibac: I used more updated branches that were in the canonical-qa or some other users branches19:07
bacmarcoceppi: ok, cool19:09
marcoceppibac: these charms are on our list for the audit19:09
marcoceppiso I'll be pushing to update them19:09
Makyojujugui quick PR for ghost inspector https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/41419:14
rick_h__Makyo: looking, can you rekick your other pr for land please while I do?19:15
rick_h__Makyo: looks like it got hung up in sauce land this time :(19:15
MakyoYeah, boo.  Will kick.19:15
rick_h__Makyo: sorry, can't QA. I need to setup an env on this new laptop and am heading out shortly19:19
rick_h__jujugui going afk for a bit and will be back later. Have some later calls tonight. 19:20
bacjujugui: what am i doing wrong here when trying to checkout a specific revision: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7732968/19:44
MakyoFiiinally landed.  Yeesh.19:47
rick_h__bac: git fetch first?19:52
rick_h__bac: where is that revision located?19:52
rick_h__bac: if it's in a pull request, you need to be watching the pr branches in the branch spec19:53
bacrick_h__: this is in the jenkins slave20:00
bacrick_h__: so do i need to do some manual config before jenkins can checkout the specific branch for the PR?20:00
rick_h__bac: ok, so if you look at the .gitconfig on the gui CI server there's some stuff to make git look at the special places github puts pr branches20:01
rick_h__bac: once that is in place, a git fetch should update and load the pr locations and then you can git checkout the hash20:01
bacrick_h__: ok, i just copied the .gitconfig to the slave20:03
bacand the checkout worked20:04
rick_h__bac: cool20:04
bacrick_h__: can you look at http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/charmstore/9/console20:05
rick_h__bac:  looking20:05
rick_h__heh, java and git don't mix20:06
rick_h__bac: looking into it, can you give me access to the slave machine as well please?20:09
bacrick_h__: alreadydid20:11
rick_h__bac: ok, everything looked ok, but with the gitconfig change I wiped the workspace and restarted a build using current master rev20:12
rick_h__bac: and it looks like it's running20:12
baci'm beginning to think the jenkins charms are dangerous.  just give a false sense that they are doing something worthwhile when you still need to do so much by hand.  this is not idle carping.20:13
rick_h__bac: yea, the charms need so much work and jenkins, being so UI driven (vs a darn text file to config) makes it hard to setup and restore20:13
bacrick_h__: well it certainly is getting much further20:14
bacbut then died20:14
rick_h__bac: ok that failed20:14
rick_h__needs hg installed?20:14
bacuuid not installed.  my bad.  hg too20:14
rick_h__ imports code.google.com/p/go.crypto/pbkdf2: exec: "hg": executable file not found in $PATH20:15
rick_h__ok cool, that looks like progress though20:15
bacinstalling via the charm config so it'll be present if i download a bundle20:15
bacrick_h__: i'm having a lot of trouble with the juju gooey being non-responsive.  'save changes' button goes dark but never returns, for instance.20:18
bacsame with 'deploy'.  haven't seen this on real(tm) providers20:18
bacgeez, mercurial is a pig, in terms of dependencies20:33
jrwrenthe move to github didn't include history?20:36
Makyojujugui anyone have a moment to qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/414 ?20:41
rick_h__jrwren: it did for the gui, what are you looking at?20:43
bacrick_h__: i'm stuck and unsure how to proceed21:17
bacrick_h__: you still around or we can talk about it tomorrow21:17
rick_h__bac: yea, just got off call #1 21:17
rick_h__what's up?21:18
bacrick_h__: here's the deal: jenkins checks out juju/charmstore into a workspace.  but to be usable, it has to be in a properly set up go directory structure.21:18
bacrick_h__: so i copy the workspace checkout to a freshly minted, GOPATH21:18
rick_h__ruh roh21:18
bacbut then 'go get' in that directory doesn't work due to git being unhappy21:18
rick_h__can we make the workspace a GOPATH?21:18
rick_h__bac: yea, so most things around jenkins means turning the workspace into the root of the world for that code/work21:20
rick_h__bac: so I'd assume we'd need to do something so that the workspace is the root/GOPATH source for all things that go on in there21:20
rick_h__bac: and that it's setup in the jenkins config via env vars or the like21:20
bacrick_h__: well not the root but somewhere down the tree21:20
rick_h__bac: there's stuff in the job to define env vars and the like for the job/process21:20
rick_h__bac: ok, yea I'm not up on how GOPATH expects to work out21:21
rick_h__but in python world I'd treat it like a virtualenv root 21:21
bacif GOPATH is /tmp/foo then this branch needs to be checked out to /tmp/foo/src/github.com/juju/charmstore21:22
bacand then it needs to fetch all of the supporting stuff21:22
bacthat's why i hoped just copying the freshly checked out directory to a well constructed GO directory tree would work.  but it doesn't21:22
bacrick_h__: anyway, that's where i'm at.  need to run. talk tomorrow.21:23
rick_h__bac: ok let's chat tomorrow. Thanks for the great work on it21:23
jrwrenrick_h__: i was looking at juju/juju :(21:30
rick_h__jrwren: oh, it should have history?21:30
jrwrenmaybe it does, but not branches?21:30
rick_h__they talked enough about how to do it21:30
jrwrenwhich, now that I think about it, makes sense given how bzr branches21:31
rick_h__right, they're all collapsed into a root history 21:31
jrwreni was hoping to git diff 1.18 with trunk21:31
rick_h__oh hmm, no tags21:32
rick_h__yea, probably have to go check out the 1.18 release in LP and check last comment or something and fine the rev in the git history to diff21:32
rick_h__pita 21:32
jrwrenif that rev ever made it to git21:33
jrwrensince it was in branch, it may not have21:33
rick_h__it should have, I think all were kept. 21:33
rick_h__I think the branch commits were inlined into the main one21:33
rick_h__at least that's how our juju-gui move went21:33
rick_h__but the 1.18 should have been a mainline commit/tag 21:33
jrwrenin that case, I can find it in the reflog21:34
rick_h__jrwren: any luck on the reproducing?21:59
rick_h__jrwren: and if you're still around go away, day's over :P21:59
jrwrenimma keep working on it, at least until the family gets home.22:02
jrwrenand, yes, I think I did repro.22:02
jrwrenits as simple as we made it sound22:02
jrwrenbut... azure: *sigh*22:02
jrwrenFailed to fetch http://azure.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libe/liberror-perl/liberror-perl_0.17-1_all.deb  503  Service Temporarily Unavailable22:02
jrwreni should try to repro on AWS too.22:04
rick_h__ morning huwshimi 23:44
huwshimirick_h__: Hey23:45

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