
=== administrator is now known as Guest62729
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Anpuhi, when will kubuntu update kdeconnect package?10:10
Anpu0.7 version brings mouse integration  but 0.5 is in kubuntu10:10
Anpuso cant test it10:10
Anpuunless i compile which i wont do10:11
shadeslayerAnpu: one moment10:12
shadeslayerAnpu: amd64 or i386?10:13
shadeslayerAnpu: can you test if https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+build/6143222/+files/kdeconnect_0.7.1-0ubuntu2%7Eubuntu14.04.1%7Eppa1_amd64.deb works for you10:13
shadeslayerif it does, I plan to upload the updated package to the backports PPA10:14
Anpunp, installing right now10:15
calziferhi, I installed kubuntu with US language and a German kayboard, that means the locale is mixed with US and DE. In KDE i set the laguage to US and German Metrics etc... all KDE apps are in english, but the GTK applications use german. How can I change all applications to the english language?10:15
Anpuworks! thanks shadeslayer. Middle click, right click, scroll and mouse move all work correctly10:18
Anputested with nexus 510:18
Anpuand send to my phone feature in dolphin works too. brilliant10:20
shadeslayerAnpu: awesome10:20
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BluesKajHowdy all11:07
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=== siron is now known as excalibr
excalibrJust started using kubuntu..first thing I noticed the greeter screen is painful to look at. How do you make it more prettier?16:31
excalibror little easy on the eyes like that on Ubuntu16:32
matichejust wandering how do you add chat groups to irc any ways17:05
bart__Hi people17:51
bart__How can I know what values I should introduce when configuring wpa_supplicant ?17:51
BluesKajbart__, so you're sure you need wpa supplicant ?17:52
lordievaderbart__: Why not use the Network Manager?17:52
bart__lordievader: because it does not work outside KDE (I wanted to switch into fluxbox) and I need something that I will have full control over17:53
bart__I sometimes do not run graphical environment at all17:54
lordievaderbart__: Read the man page of bart__, it shows you how to use wpa_supplicant ;)17:54
bart__lordievader: I've already done it17:54
lordievaderbart__: So what's the problem?17:55
bart__The result is: ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument17:55
lordievaderbart__: Is NM using it?17:55
bart__lordievader: currently it is, but when I was trying to run wpa_supplicant, I'd turned out network manager (service network-manager stop)17:56
BluesKajnormally NM uses wpa supplicant afaik17:57
bart__aha, my ifconfig does not show anything like wlan17:58
bart__just eth0 and eth117:58
ezra-sis there a way to have synaptics touchpad getting disabled when mouse is plugged? there is an option in settings but it is not working as touchpad still works when mouse plugged? Also synaptics application has dissapeared for me, can't load it/can't see it in system tray any more17:58
BluesKajwhich wifi chi bart__ ?17:58
ezra-skubuntu 14.04 ^^17:58
bart__BluesKaj: how can I check that?17:59
lordievaderbart__: lspci18:00
lordievaderAsuming it ain't a usb card.18:00
bart__FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB22A IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link) [iOHCI-Lynx]18:01
bart__Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)18:01
bart__Any ideas?18:03
lordievaderbart__: I'd define wlan0 (or however it is named) as 'manual' in /etc/network/interfaces18:03
bart__OK, the current contents of this file is this:18:04
rosco_yDoes anyone know the name of the default pdf reader's executeable, so I can launch it from the command line?18:04
bart__auto lo18:04
lordievader!paste | bart__18:04
ubottubart__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:04
lordievaderrosco_y: okular18:04
rosco_ylordievader: ty!18:05
bart__lordievader: just two lines there ...18:05
BluesKajbart__, http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php18:06
bart__BluesKaj: what exactly shoul I type into /etc/network/interfaces ?18:14
bart__lordievader: sorry, I should've asked you about ths18:15
BluesKajbart__, NM writes to the interfaces file18:16
bart__BluesKaj: does it somehow interfere with what I'm doing?18:17
skinuxHow do we get desktop launchers (icons)? Right-clicking desktop doesn't provide the option anymore.18:17
lordievaderbart__: iface wlan0 inet manual18:17
lordievaderbart__: Since when does NM do that?!?18:18
BluesKajbart__, if you use NM yes, if not then you can18:18
bart__lordievader: thanks, will see18:19
BluesKajok lordievader he's all yours ...I've never been able to make wpa-supplicant work from the interfaces file etc without going back to NM after many attempts18:26
bart__But wait. If I install this firmware to which a link was given, then I do not need wpa_supplicant?18:27
BluesKajbart__, it should work with NM18:29
bart__BluesKaj: but it is working with NM18:29
bart__I've never said opposite18:29
BluesKajskinux, try dragging the apps from the kmenu to the desktop18:29
BluesKajbart__, NM already uses wpa-supplicant18:30
skinuxIt said operation not permitted18:30
lordievaderbart__: Err you don't need to install any driver, you already have it. Simply add the line I gave you to your /etc/network/interfaces and follow the instructions from the man page.18:30
bart__BluesKaj: I know18:30
bart__lordievader: OK18:30
bart__lordievader: Do I have to reboot?18:32
lordievaderbart__: Yes.18:32
bart__lordievader: all the same. Rebooted, but the same error18:41
bart__by the way, I know that NM uses wpa_supplicant, I can even see wpa_cli status18:42
lordievaderbart__: But can you connect? (I get the error too, but he is able to connect)18:45
bart__yes, but now with NM18:48
lordievaderbart__: I ment with wpa_supplicant ofcourse ;)18:49
bart__lordievader: if I add this line : iface eth1 inet manual    into /etc/network/interfaces then the network is gone18:50
bart__lordievader: psk="..." -should I type the password placed on my router here?18:51
lordievaderbart__: Err, if you set that line you should setup the connection yourself. So yes, your network is gone.18:51
bart__lordievader: how do I set up my connection myself?18:51
bart__lordievader: shouldn't it be sufficient:18:52
bart__wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -ieth118:53
lordievaderbart__: Hmm, you want to use wpa_supplicant but you do not know how to set up a network connection?18:53
bart__lordievader: I want to use wpa_supplicant, but I do not know how to set up a network connection.18:53
lordievaderbart__: For the wpa command, usually you specify the driver (-Dwext).18:53
bart__lordievader: and should be sufficient?18:54
lordievaderbart__: Well first change those ethernet connections back to dhcp.18:54
lordievaderbart__: Should be sufficient for setting up the connection. Then it is only a matter of doing dhcp/static ip.18:54
bart__lordievader: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -ieth118:57
bart__produces the same error as earlier18:57
lordievaderErm ain't eth1 an ethernet connection?18:58
bart__lordievader: ifconfig and I can see only eth0, eth1 and lo18:58
bart__wpa_cli status gives Selected interface 'eth118:59
lordievaderbart__: Could you pastebin the output of 'iwconfig'?18:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:00
lordievaderPff, udev named it eth1. Silly udev.19:05
lordievaderLet me do some tests.19:05
lordievaderbart__: Do you get wireless networks when you run: sudo iw dev eth1 scan|grep SSID19:08
bart__lordievader: now?19:09
bart__lordievader: or should I disable NM first?19:09
lordievaderbart__: If eth1 is set to manual NM should not interfere. If it was changed back, then please change eth1 to manual and reboot.19:10
bart__lordievader: I reboot and I will lose my internet connection19:11
bart__but OK, the worsest is that I will comment this line19:12
=== root_____ is now known as bart__
bart__lordievader: That command gives "command failed: Network is down (-100)"19:19
bart__lordievader: and seems like I don't have to reboot in order to changes in /etc/network/interfaces to take effect19:19
lordievaderbart__: That's okay.By the by, do you not have an internet connection through eth0?19:20
bart__lordievader: If I understand you correctly - now I don't have, the ethernet cable is not connected19:20
lordievaderbart__: Would be wise to connect it. Since you are messing with the wifi :)19:21
bart__will you be here tomorrow?19:21
lordievaderI guess so.19:22
BluesKajbart__, usually you just have to do, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:22
bart__BluesKaj: in order to changes to take effect?19:23
BluesKajbart__, yes19:23
BluesKajI used the interfaces file for a long time without NM when I ran an static ethernet connection , but switched back to NM after I got this laptop and started using vpns19:25
bart__I have one more idea. Remove NM and try then. What d'you think?19:25
lordievaderbart__: With the 'manual' option you effectively disable NM. No need to remove it.19:26
BluesKajI think lordievader's advice is correct19:26
BluesKajbut I din't know I could run without NM with a simple disable command in the interfaces file19:28
* BluesKaj learned something new again today :)19:29
bennypr0faneHi, is there way to disable the recent documents/apps tab in kickoff menu?19:29
bart__Well, perhaps I will be trying tomorrow19:30
bart__it is too annoying19:30
bart__thank you for your help19:30
bart__good evening19:30
calziferhi,  I installed kubuntu with US language and DE keyboard, now all KDE applications are in english, but GTK applications are german, how can I change all applications to english?20:15
SouL___Anyone using KMail?20:38
bpromptcalzifer:       system settings > locale > languages   <--- I think20:50
calziferbprompt: there it is set to American English20:51
rbergSouL___: yes20:52
SouL___rberg: Do you know how to mark an email as spam to not receive more from that address?20:53
bpromptcalzifer:   what about down below to "system languages"?20:53
calziferbprompt: where is this?20:54
bpromptcalzifer:    same spot, at Locale20:57
calziferbprompt: if you mean this, according to a forum post, they removed it after 12.04 http://www.pictureshack.us/images/94453_screenshot.png20:58
rbergSouL___: I think you can make a "filter on from" and move it to a spam folder or delete20:59
SouL____breeze__: Sorry, did you say something? My computer freezed20:59
RoeyWhy can't I see the USB3 external hard drive I just connected?21:00
RoeyI see no mention of it in /var/log/syslog or 'dmesg'21:00
Roeythat, or my SIIG dual-drive bay21:00
Roeythey're both connected via USB3 card21:00
RoeyI can see the USB3 card in the output of lshw:  it's an ASMedia Technology ASM1042 SuperSpeed USB Host Controller21:02
bpromptcalzifer:   ahemm    according to some other postings  ->   sudo apt-get install language-selector-kde;      will add the module21:02
calziferbprompt: there is no package with that name in 14.04 but language-selector-common is installed21:03
RoeyASMedia is funky with Linux.21:04
Roeyfuck it.;21:04
RiddellRoey: nuff swearing21:05
* Roey sniffs.21:05
Roeytanj it.21:05
bpromptcalzifer:    how about the package -> kde-l10n-de  <- ?21:06
calziferbprompt: this package is installed, but i want the GTK applications to be in english, instead of german21:06
SouL____rberg: I'll search, thnks21:07
calziferbprompt: it seem's to be a older problem of kubuntu http://forums.netrunner-os.com/showthread.php?tid=306321:09
bpromptcalzifer:     tried -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1146560  <-- yet?21:14
calziferbprompt: it works if I run bash -c "export LANG=en_EN.UTF8 && kdesudo gparted" but if I change en_EN to en_US it doesn't work anymore21:17
calziferand according to "locale" it is set to LANG=en_US.UTF-8 might this be the problem?21:17
bpromptcalzifer:      wondering if the prefix is correct, but likely it's  is _US   dunno21:20
Roeycan anyone recommend a good linux-compatible usb 3.0 pci-express card? thanks21:20
calziferbprompt: should i just change that in /etc/environment?21:27
bpromptcalzifer:     ...    you could just like the post says, add it to the .desktop file     or say maybe you could make a bash script launching it, and give that to the .desktop shortcut..21:31
jParktoncan someone tell me the current kernel version ?21:37
jParktonI need to see if I am current21:37
ChaserjParkton: I have 3.13.0-30-generic (on 14.04)21:38
jParktonme too21:38
jParktonsadly there is a wpa bug that is still in it21:38
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