
Griffinsteincan you all help me get 32 bit libraries on lubuntu01:16
Griffinsteinim running the latest and greatest 64 bit lubuntu01:17
ianorlinadd :i386 after the package name when isntalling by apt-get01:21
Griffinsteini used to use ia32-libs but im just trying to get 32 bit libraries for steam01:22
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santhoshwhat is the kernel version of lubuntu 14.0410:27
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jpentlandHi, I'm trying to get autologin to work in lubuntu. I edited lxdm.conf but nothing changes when i try to enable it19:07
jpentlandI think maybe because I created the user with adduser then it is unable to log into the user19:08
ianorlinlubuntu uses lightdm for recent releases19:08
jpentlandI'm on precise19:11
jpentlandMaybe I can just install lightdm anyway, or upgrade to a newer base version19:12
ianorlinI think it was lightdm on precise as well and precies was ont a long term support realse for lubuntu19:13
siliconeWould anyone happen to know where I could download the lubuntu 14.04 icon set? For use in an lxde environment...19:41
wxl!info lubuntu-artwork | silicone?19:43
ubottusilicone?: lubuntu-artwork (source: lubuntu-artwork): artwork for Lubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.45 (trusty), package size 149 kB, installed size 1072 kB19:43
siliconeubottu: Sorry, bit of a newbie  would I use sudo apt-get install lubuntu-artwork?19:50
ubottusilicone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:50
siliconeHa ! a bot... It got me19:50
silicone How can I open another channel in webchat.freenode?19:54
silverlionsilicone : "/join #channelname" without the " ;)19:55
siliconesilverlion: Thanks!19:56
silverlionu r welcome ;)19:56
wxlanyone know how hdmi audio/video out works with trusty?20:52
ianorlinunforatenlty not as I don't have an hdmi monitor21:08
ianorlinif I get one I would have speakers that can plug into the back of monitor21:08
ianorlinfor hdmi only21:08
holsteinwxl: depends on the hardware support.. try a live CD21:09
holsteinworks "out of the box" on everything i have to test with here.. audio and video21:09
ianorlinI don't really have a set of speakers for my pentium 4 box though and don't have headphones21:10
wxlholstein: that's good enough for the time being21:44
simpleuser1Hi there. I just made a dist-upgrade and now every time the screen of my laptop goes black (screensaver) there’s a prompt to check my password…21:56
simpleuser1-_-' Any idea how to remove this?21:57
holsteinsimpleuser1: i use the setting for the password promt, or locking when going to standby21:57
simpleuser1holstein: Where is this setting?21:57
holsteinsimpleuser1: i find it in the power managment21:58
simpleuser1Don’t have it. I have something like "activate the screensaver when hibernate"21:59
simpleuser1(in french. Sorry for the translation ^^)21:59
holsteinit'll be, "lock"21:59
simpleuser1I unchecked that but… Nothing.21:59
simpleuser1No other option.21:59

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