
syntroPiWhy is synaptic always freezing after some uptime while fighting over the cpu ressources with dbus and gnomeshell? any known bugs?00:27
syntroPiit takes orders of magnitude more time to load up and unfreeze00:28
syntroPiany known bugs in dbus which may be related to this?00:29
darkxstsyntroPi, Bug 132858600:42
ubot5bug 1328586 in at-spi2-core (Ubuntu) "Synaptic is reading state information for a minute or so" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132858600:42
darkxstsyntroPi, although that should be fixed in utopic and gnome3-staging00:46
syntroPidarkxst, thanks thats exactly the issue i have here on x64trusty with gnome 3 staging ppa02:08
syntroPignome-shell, dbus-daemon and synaptic are fighting over cpu ressources while it loads02:08
darkxstsyntroPi, it should have been fixed with gnome-shell - 3.12.2-0ubuntu0~trusty2 , unless you use the magnifier02:09
syntroPiwhut? the magnifier? i use https://github.com/tobiasquinn/gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom on gnome-shell 3.12.2-0ubuntu0~trusty202:11
syntroPisometimes it loads with normal speed right after booting (2s or such) but once it got in that weird state only reboot resolves it. whole gnome-shell is sluggish while it does its crazy loading freeze02:14
darkxstthat would be using the magnifier02:14
syntroPiyup how come?02:15
darkxstsyntroPi, to zoom!02:18
syntroPiyes ofc just wondering how the gnome-shell zoom is related to that issue02:19
darkxstzoom uses a11y features02:19
syntroPithanks i will disable the zoom and read into those bugs to understand more of this02:23
darkxstsyntroPi, you can run synaptic with "NO_AT_BRIDGE=1" as a work-around02:29
syntroPiWOW thank you that works02:34
melodiedoes update-notifier work for you in 14.04?09:53
darkxsthey melodie!09:55
darkxstI'm on utopic now, but recall update-notifier crashing a lot in 14.0409:55
melodiehi darkxst! ok, but I meet with this issue in a fresh install of Bento Precise on a eeepc 1101HA and a guy on #ubuntu-fr looked for himself and noticed 130 packages to be updated in his GUbuntu 14.04, this is why I am coming here to ask. Would you know how I can debug? what command lines and or log files I should look at?09:57
darkxstmelodie, backtrace?09:58
melodieof course the guy using Ubuntu Gnome Trusty has update-notifier that should have notified and which didn't09:58
melodiehow do I use backtrace?09:58
darkxstif it crashed, there should be a crash file in /var/crash09:58
melodieI have no idea about that : just "backtrace update-notifier" ?09:58
melodieok I look /var/crash09:59
darkxstubuntu-bug <that crash file>09:59
darkxstmelodie, and I don't think its anything specific to ubuntu GNOME09:59
melodiethe /var/crash directory is empty10:01
melodieis "backtrace" a tool?10:01
darkxstmelodie, no, a backtrace is trace of the crash10:02
melodiethank you10:03
darkxstif there is nothing in /var/crash it probably didnt crash and just isnt working10:03
melodiedarkxst in case of crash break the window! XD (I have done a desktop file containing a command line for direct update and upgrade)10:04
melodiebut for now I removed it all and reinstalled it all. I had apt configured without the recommend depends and I have re-configured with the recommend depends, before reinstalling. I'll see how it behaves now10:05
melodiestill no notification after reboot, so far10:05
darkxstmelodie, file a bug, although I think the notifaction goes off at a set time10:06
darkxsteach day10:06
ricotzdarkxst, hi, are you sure there is no abi break in gjs?10:11
darkxstricotz, its like 2 patches, and no abi break10:12
darkxstor 3:10:13
darkxst6 dayscairo: enable multithreading for cairo-xlibGiovanni Campagna3-2/+1610:13
darkxst2014-06-15mainloop: restore priority arguments to *_add() callsGiovanni Campagna1-9/+1510:13
darkxst2014-05-02Fix building Regress-1.0.gir with cairo disabled10:13
ricotzi am pretty sure there are like https://git.gnome.org/browse/gjs/commit/?id=675ce6243cc5ac1925cf937dcd49f26f36ef9da210:13
ricotzi am speaking of the 1.41.3 upload10:13
ricotzah the 1.40.1 tag is missing10:14
darkxstricotz, yes, most of that is in 1.40.110:14
ricotzany way i wouldn't count on it to remain stable10:15
ricotzlike mutter does10:15
darkxstricotz, right, I will probably break it with js31!10:16
ricotzi would have bumped it as precaution10:17
ricotzyeah the js31 rebuild is another things and get caught already due shlib-deps generation10:18
darkxstricotz, I will bump it when required, 1.41.3 could well have been 1.40.210:18
* ricotz just noticed the update while it creates conflicts here ;)10:19
ricotzi mean i bumped the library in my ppa, so apt isn't so happy about it ;)10:20
darkxstoh I see10:21
darkxstI would suggest holding off on that until js31, but guess that is too late!10:22
darkxstricotz, gjs is pretty stable, most api changes come as a result of spidermonkey upgraddes10:25
ricotzdarkxst, don't worry i will just a push new version10:25
ricotzdarkxst, hmm, i would call it stable while seeing the mentioned api cleanup commit10:26
melodie<darkxst> melodie, file a bug, although I think the notifaction goes off at a set time  || do you know someone who could say more about that?10:26
melodieI think it used to be displayed each time we would boot, when configured to be launched each day10:27
melodiegoing now10:27
darkxstricotz, we have been running current gjs with old GNOME for a few cycles, and really the biggest issue was E4x removal10:29
darkxst(and of course I removed that as part of js2410:30
darkxstmelodie, not to sure, I think it fires at a set time each day, I am constantly upgrading my system so often miss notifications10:31
ricotzdarkxst, ok, there are other consumers as well, but there is actually just gnome-shell really using it10:33
ricotz(libpeas support isnt built on ubuntu)10:33
darkxstricotz, shell and gnome apps10:34
ricotzit is the same with mutter, they are removing api which wasnt used in gnome-shell, and therefore not breaking things in this regard10:34
darkxstpolkit has a gjs backend also, but not built on ubuntu10:34
ricotzbut it is still an abi break10:34
darkxstmutter is pretty much volatile!10:36
ricotzsame developers with no commitment to abi/api stability ;)10:37
ricotz.. for those library10:37
melodiedarkxst then I'll have to find out more about update-notifier10:45
darkxstmutter is a moving target, gjs not so much10:45
darkxstmelodie, just dig in, its just a python scripts I think10:47
darkxstmelodie, or chat with the -desktop team, they would know more10:50
ricotzif it is python using python-gi, and you are using the gnome3-staging ppa, annotation changes in gtk+3.0 could result in problems, i guess10:50
darkxstricotz, melodie doesnt even use GNOME10:51
darkxstshe is making an openbox remix10:52
ricotzalright, i assumed an ubuntuGNOME problems here ;P10:56
darkxstricotz, its spillover from phillw's world!10:58
darkxstricotz, not too sure how she ended up in this channel, maybe I am being stalked!11:05
ricotzdarkxst, heh, i see, and you waited until she left11:06
ricotzubot5 knows everything11:07
ubot5ricotz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:07
darkxstricotz, ubot5 doesnt seem to know much!11:09
ceed^After todays upgrades in staging PPA I can't open gnome-control-center or any settings. I get error while loading shared libraries: libgtop-2.0.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:59
ricotzceed^, sorry, please downgrade the libgtop packages12:04
ceed^ricotz, I'm not sure I know how to only downgrade a couple of packages.12:06
ceed^looking it up now... :)12:07
ceed^Can do it with Synaptic it seems..12:09
ricotzsudo apt-get install libgtop2-7=2.28.5-2 libgtop2-common=2.28.5-2 libgtop2-dev=2.28.5-2 gir1.2-gtop-2.0=2.28.5-212:10
ricotzceed^, this should do the trick12:10
ceed^ricotz, settings are back, thanks. Do I have to be careful with updates now so I do not get the broken packages back?12:13
ricotzceed^, no, the packages should stick and won't get updated again until the next proper update12:16
ceed^Thank you so much! :)12:19
john8681i would like to install ubuntu onto a windows 8 computer that in virus ridden. Please let me know if I can just go ahead and install ubunto or do I need to reformat windows 816:11
Noskcajdarkxst, Should we be packaging gnome-sound-recorder? It was new in 3.1221:01
darkxstNoskcaj, yes22:18
Noskcaji'll get that done some time today then22:18

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