
ptidav38090skype charging batterie00:13
ptidav38090that's a problem sound00:13
ptidav38090on phone00:14
ptidav38090that's a NC 11O00:14
ptidav38090HP sound problem due00:15
ptidav38090i hear you on air00:16
ptidav38090what a problem...00:17
ptidav38090sounc mic or mp3 sound00:17
ptidav38090i call you00:18
ptidav38090skype or google + no diffence00:20
ptidav38090DRDY is a good connectivity to hdd00:23
ptidav38090maybe is just connectivity00:26
ptidav38090bad self :à00:27
ptidav38090i'm i all over try it00:27
ptidav38090because i have other cable :)00:28
ptidav38090is sure00:30
ptidav38090one life to do that00:30
ptidav38090too bad to do that00:33
ptidav38090top 100?00:39
ptidav38090create 2 is difficulte00:48
ptidav38090few interesting00:50
ptidav38090few to do that00:52
ptidav38090old to new00:53
ptidav38090just understand00:55
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dholbachgood morning07:21
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skyh3cki always get problem with my wifi on ubuntu 14.0413:07
skyh3ckanyone can help13:07
skyh3ckhi anyone can help13:08
dpmhi all o/15:02
dpmbear with us one minute15:02
dpmwe're fixing the video feed on ubuntuonair.com15:03
mhall119if you still don't see the video on ubuntuonair.com refresh your page and it should be there now15:03
popeyAsk away!15:04
AndChat507What is the status of ubuntu edge phone? Did it go away?15:05
belkinsaPlease use QUESTION, AndChat507.15:05
AndChat507QUESTION, what is the status of the ubuntu edge phone?15:06
belkinsaThey got it, AndChat507.  But there is a delay between the video and chat15:07
popeythanks AndChat50715:07
fdsasdfasdfasfddQUESTION: It seems like most of the activity on #ubuntu-app-devel happens during the workday in the USA, is there a better way to get answers in the evening(In the Americas) besides IRC?15:08
slovakboyDoes exist something like BlueStacks App Player for ubuntu 14.04? I would like to run android apps on ubuntu with no need of switching OS.15:10
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fdsasdfasdfasfddThanks for the answer!15:12
KalleQUESTION I feel like the ports of Ubuntu Touch to Android Phones slowed down after the initial hype and now it's hard to get on the train, because the documentation is confusing and/or outdated. Is this because Ubuntu for Devices will be more of an OEM thing or do you plan to maintain the aftermarket status for different devices like CyanogenMod does??15:14
dholbachKalle, I'd say it's more of a problem that everybody who could write docs on porting is a bit busy right now15:17
MarkcortbassCould we expect Firefox OS apps optimized for Ubuntu Phone OS?15:17
mhall119Markcortbass: what do you mean by "optimized"?15:18
ivo_xavier(QUESTION) In the first realese of ubuntu touch, the scopes(apps, music, etc) were in the bottom of the screen, like we seen in current unity 7. Now they are at the top, but i think this change is not the best way. In the first realese, we just need to tap the icon to change the scope. Why this move?15:18
Guest88116If you post the Q&A 30 mins before it happening on youtube/facebook, you'd get a far higher view and question count15:18
anon1x1Skype to ubuntu is not good as skype to windows. can you please improve that?15:18
JustaviewerQUESTİON: As a person with little standard C knowledge, what does one need to learn contribute in kernel development or at least understand?  Does it requıere advance hardware knowledge on hardware/ chip level, or advance mathmatics...15:19
MarkcortbassLike the swipe functionalitys15:19
KalleNice perspective! thanks15:22
mhall119we need a community-team drinking game, where everybody takes a shot when someone says "flesh it out"15:22
Kallemhall119 that will be deadly15:22
mhall119very true15:23
* mhall119 is working on a FFOS->UbuntuSDK porting script, if anybody is interested in helping with it15:24
vasil_QUESTION: will cononical go for the "flat" designlike ios/android/windows15:25
sarathIs it live now ..:15:26
vasil_QUESTION: Is ubuntu touch using opengl or will cononical make its own software15:27
belkinsaGo on ubuntuonair.com to watch the stream.15:27
rafaeeQUESTION: Convergence: Don't you think that a phone powering a tablet(a la asus padfone) would be much too weak hardware-wise?15:27
rafaeeQUESTION: Power consumption/battery life is lower on ubuntu compared to windows. Why is that and does that apply to phones too?15:28
mhall119rafaee: compare hardware specs between high-end phones and tablets15:28
sarathpower consumption or battery life ? which one is low15:28
jsixdownloaded kernels are usually much slower why15:29
mhall119jsix: slower than what?15:29
sarath#jsix i find it the iother way around15:29
jsixthan 3.2 kernels for ubuntu 12 4 ex15:29
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:30
vasil_QUESTION: Ubuntu maps.will it happen15:30
sarathAm here for the first time ..Are we talking to ubuntu officials or users like me ..?15:31
ptidav38090i change in bios windows or ubuntu15:31
dpmhi SinceDapperDrake o/ :)15:31
sarath#dpm what ?15:31
aquariussarath, dpm and popey (the two who are speaking) are part of the Canonical community team, as is mhall119 who is on irc here with us15:31
KalleQUESTION: Do you believe there will be different "window managers" for Ubuntu Phone, so we could have Xubuntu Phone or Ubuntu Phone Gnome Edition?15:31
SinceDapperDrakedpm: hi! :D15:32
ptidav38090no grub15:32
rafaeemhall: what is the extra space in a tablet used for then?15:32
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:32
aquariusrafaee, primarily the larger screen, and more battery15:33
ricmarquesQUESTION Was the "UCP (Ubuntu Certified Professional)" program completely abandoned by Canonical?15:33
rafaeemore battery, thats what i mean...15:33
mhall119rafaee: storage space or screenspace?15:34
sarathI have used fedora with raspberry pi and its pretty well documented aswell ..Can i use ubuntu aswell15:34
vasil_QUESTION:When they are relesed will the ubuntu loaded phones have lockesd bootloaders15:34
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:34
sarathI have been using fedora for past three years and just switched to ubuntu15:34
aquariusrafaee, but imagine the "tablet shell", into which you plug a phone -- that could have batteries in it15:34
ptidav38090take different hard drive15:34
rafaeemhall119: space to put components in :)15:34
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:34
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:34
mhall119sarath: the raspberry pi CPU is ARMv6, and Ubuntu is only built for ARMv7 and newer, so unfortunately it won't work15:35
ptidav38090to many brutal legend15:35
aquariusheman, prefix your question with "QUESTION" and then the team will see it15:35
mhall119sarath: but AlanBell in the community was working on a project to build all of Ubuntu for ARMv615:35
sarathgreat to hera that15:35
mhall119rafaee: ah, I think it's mostly used for bigger screens and batteries15:35
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:35
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:35
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:35
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:36
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:36
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:36
hemanwhat about ubuntu gaming15:36
mhall119heman: only ask once, start it with QUESTION15:36
mhall119keep spamming and you'll be kicked out15:36
ptidav38090hello mhall11915:36
rafaeemhall119: I agree ... convinced, somehow.15:36
mhall119hello ptidav3809015:36
MarkcortbassThanks guys! I would love to have an BQ or Meizu Ubuntu Phone.15:36
sarathi am using gnome3 with ubuntu which was the default environment for fedora ..But am getting errors upon login in ..ubuntu 1.04 on x64 intel15:36
ptidav38090is great mhall119  i want a new bios more expressive15:37
rafaeepopey: mostly acpi i think.15:37
belkinsaThanks, aquarius.15:37
YanpasQ:Will the Ubuntu touch be so keyboard\mouse oriented as Cinnamon?15:37
belkinsaAnd mhall119.15:37
mhall119Yanpas: use the full word "QUESTION"15:37
aquariusQUESTION: there were, a little while ago, some rather nice design mockups for a new iteration of the Ubuntu browser. Are they anywhere close to landing? I find the existing browser UI rather clunky...15:37
vasil_QUESTION: how will canonical handle fragmentation15:38
mhall119most of us have an IRC highlight on that, so we can pick out questions from general chatter15:38
ptidav38090many mall15:38
sarathmhall119 i am using gnome3 with ubuntu which was the default environment for fedora ..But am getting errors upon login in ..ubuntu 1.04 on x64 intel15:38
YanpasQUESTION:Will the Ubuntu touch be so keyboard\mouse oriented as  Cinnamon?15:38
mhall119sarath: you can try asking for help in #ubuntu, that's our official support channel, or on askubuntu.com, unfortunately I don't use Gnome3 so I won't be much help to you there15:39
belkinsaWould #ubuntu-gnome or whatever the channel name work too?15:40
saratham not asking for help it might sound so sorry about that..What i was about to ask is what would you suggest to use instead of Gnome315:40
ptidav38090i have a boot in 10000 rpm drive15:40
mhall119belkinsa: if that's the channel for it, yeah15:40
sarathand why ..If its a techy reasion15:40
sarathi would like to know that15:40
vasil_QUESTION: Is the ubuntu touch kernel made with c++ or is it using qt c++ assembly like other os kernels15:40
ptidav38090like western digital15:40
ivo_xavierQUESTION: I'm using ubuntu touch currently on nexus 4, and i must say, it looks promissing. But, i'm missing the option to switch off the vibration while typing a SMS. There's any plan to introduce this feature in the future on nexus 4?15:41
mhall119sarath: if Gnome3 works well for you I'd suggest using it, I'm sure someone can help you fix your errors.  I personally use and love Unity though15:41
ptidav3809040 and 150 to temp15:41
ptidav38090is good to be bad15:41
vasil_QUESTION: Now that steam is releasing Steam os , how about an ubuntu gaming consol15:41
mhall119ivo_xavier: I think it's planned, but it needs a full UX design spec for how and when to use vibrations15:41
vasil_QUESTION: Why is the ubuntu browser in ubuntu 14.04 sooooooooooo crappy15:42
mhall119vasil_: ever try Netscape 1.0? :)15:43
ptidav38090i don't know to do15:43
vasil_mhall119: You have a point15:44
JonnyDany plan to improve accessibility features for ubuntu?15:44
JonnyDQUESTION: any plan to improve accessibility features for ubuntu?15:45
ptidav38090amd 985015:47
ptidav38090first quadricore15:47
aquariusheh, "our friend". Cheers, popey :)15:47
sarathwhy still ubuntu like many other linux based operating systems are not well fit for high end graphics..I don't mean to be biased but that's what i experiances15:48
mhall119with scare quotes15:48
sarathi am using linux based os for past three years15:48
sarath2 in College and 1 now in my startup15:48
mhall119sarath: high-end consumer graphics, or high-end professional graphics?15:49
sarathprofessional graphic15:49
aquariusQUESTION: can I write scopes in JavaScript now? I remember some people saying that would be doable at some point...15:49
sarathjust being curious15:49
JustaviewerQUESTİON :  What are the mid term objectives of Ubuntu( Desktop) ? On websites like omgubuntu, they only mention a few visual changes when a new version is released.15:49
belkinsapopey, your video.15:49
mhall119now granted it's been years, but I recall nvidia and amd having good support for their multi-thousand-dollar professional graphics cards on Linux/Unix15:49
aquariusmhall119, ya, the scare quotes were audible ;)15:50
sarathHow about ubuntu writing native UI in HTML5 and (javascript or dart )..Can we expect that in near future15:50
mhall119sarath: but that knowledge dates back to when SGI and Sun were still around, so it may be completely different now15:50
mhall119sarath: HTML5 is a supported native toolkit in the Ubuntu SDK15:51
aquariusQUESTION: please, please, please can we have an orientation lock on the phone, please :)15:51
sarathOK ...i am not ito professional graphics so i never spent money of graphics card and all.15:51
mhall119sarath: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/html5/sdk-14.10/UbuntuUI/ lists our HTML5 UI components, they should look and work just like their QML equivalend15:52
sarathBut as such without the graphic capabilities of an external card i felt somewhere its itching15:52
sarathmhall119 thanks15:52
ptidav38090maybe is serial ata15:52
sarathDart ?15:53
mhall119sarath: no, just Javascript15:53
sarathWill we be able to dart been a primary language for dynamic tuff in UI of ubuntu15:53
JustaviewerQUESTİON: How big is Canonical ? and your working conditions?15:53
mhall119I think, daker would know better than I though, he's been heavily involved in all of our HTML5 support15:53
ptidav38090Justaviewer: ?15:54
SinceDapperDrakeQUESTION: it'll be nice to see a plug and play support for the bluetooth speakers/headsets, it takes a lot tweaking to get them working right now. Have you received this suggestion before?15:54
vasil_QUESTION:The ubuntu browser crashes and it doesnt have tabs html consol etc15:54
mhall119Justaviewer: "my livingroom" is my working condition :)15:54
mhall119vasil_: it has tabs, they're just not always visible in the current UI15:54
mhall119vasil_: if you press the "Activities" button it will show you history, tabs and bookmarks15:55
vasil_mhall119: if it has tabe where can i finde them15:55
mhall119vasil_: see previous comment :)15:55
vasil_mhall119: Thanks15:55
Justaviewer@mhall119 , :) I see, sounds comfy15:55
dakersarath: you can already do that, you can write HTML5 apps that 99,99% will look like QML apps15:55
mhall119Justaviewer: depends on whether I'm at my desk or on my couch :)15:55
mhall119daker: specifically sarath was asking about Dart support instead of Javascript15:56
aquariusdaker, is it possible to get at the browser console remotely?15:56
vasil_QUESTION: Now with the new google web api, will ubuntu have the same thing where you can integrate apps in the browser(desktop and mobile)and for the consol i amtalking about making unity for a living room pc15:57
dakeraquarius: their is a branch that has been merged recently https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/618 we just need to switch that ON on the browser once the new oxide is released15:58
sarathdaker , dude i was working primarily on python [hobby stuff].Now i heard a lot about Dart gonna rule the webspace and gone through it interesting ..It seems to be more promising for desktop applications aswell So it would be great if we could make use of dart in ubuntu15:59
sarathDart looks like javascript for 2014+16:00
dakersarath: we are thinking about moving to webcomponents, which will give us simplicity of the HTML declaration and control over the JS API16:00
vasil_Is anyone here having problems with drivers in ubuntu 14.04 more specifically instaling them they are working for some time and they just stop working16:00
aquariusdaker, cool -- vasil_ that means that getting at the browser console is coming.16:00
SinceDapperDrakethank you too! you've done a great job on Ubuntu16:01
JustaviewerThanks, have a good day everybody :)16:01
aquariussarath, I would not put your hopes in dart if I were you ;)16:01
SinceDapperDrakedpm: thanks.16:01
SinceDapperDrakepopey: thanks16:01
dpmthanks everyone, see you next week at the same time! o/16:01
sarathmhall119 What   about ubuntu mobile android is coming up with android wear and i have been attending some metups about that aswell ....16:01
dpmany other questions in the meantime, feel free to ping us on IRC16:01
dakeraquarius: you already get console messages on the terminal16:02
ptidav38090no grub needed16:02
sarathWhat level of hardware and sensor support are we providing for ubuntu phone16:02
mhall119sarath: are you asking about an Ubuntu watch? :)16:02
ptidav38090thanks mhall11916:02
aquariusdaker, ah, I meant doing remote console debugging of the phone browser, not running the phone browser on the desktop :)16:03
ricmarquesdpm: Thanks! :-) And thanks for your answer about the UCP (Ubuntu Certified Professional). If you can get info from some of your colleagues from Canonical, I'd appreciate it (it's not urgent for me, I'm just curious).16:03
aquariusthank you dpm and popey16:04
dakeraquarius: yes this will come once that version of oxide is released, you'll get the standard blink/webkit devtools16:04
mhall119good Q&A dpm and popey16:04
aquariusdaker, woooo16:04
sarathnope ...Just ubuntu mobile as android has gone beyoond that and they have a lot of integration stuff that makes people stick to it..Are we planning to take ubuntu mobile to a better level that it can launch a ubuntu wear may be16:04
sarathwith kind of support and integration that android gives16:04
aquariusdaker, also, impressed a dude yesterday by running html5test on the phone's browser and then having him try it on his iphone ;)16:04
ptidav38090let it be16:05
sarathusing and writing code on android aswll its not pure open source16:05
mhall119sarath: we absolutely plan on improving and growing Ubuntu mobile, but as to what devices or areas we might take it, well we'll have to wait for official announcements on those kinds of things16:05
dakeraquarius: :)16:05
sarathI just cant accept that ..saying its OSS and in reality not atall16:06
sarathfor example gcm for xmpp communication16:06
aquariuspopey, dpm, on a more serious note, I'm not sure that having a designer show up once every six months to answer questions will help much. Having the design thinking be more visible and the team interact more with the community would be rather better...16:06
sarathgoogle play integration for most of the services \16:06
mhall119aquarius: ack16:06
sarathbeing a must ..16:06
ptidav38090note "serious"16:06
sarathWill ubuntu on mobile would be Open Source [purely "open source"]16:07
ptidav38090i have problem to do in first sarath mhall11916:08
mhall119ptidav38090: ?16:08
dpmaquarius, I agree and we're actually working on that, we had lengthy conversations with the Design team about it in the Malta sprint16:09
mhall119sarath: everything on our device images, with the exception of some driver blobs from Android, is open source16:09
ptidav38090thank you dpm16:09
mhall119well, that escalated quickly16:10
ptidav38090when i'm with engeneer yes16:11
sarathptidav38090 have problem on what ..?16:12
sarathmay i ask16:12
ptidav38090can i ask with, "ssd"16:13
ptidav38090goodbye bs3716:16
no_muQuestion, is this channel always active? o.o16:22
Nothing_MuchSo as I asked...16:25
Nothing_MuchIs this channel always active?16:25
Nothing_MuchCuz like, I'd like to ask a buncha questions during a live stream16:25
snizzomhall119: Some phone operators aren't still working with ubuntu touch, is this hardware related or software related? Will this be fixed?16:25
k1lNothing_Much: this channel is always open but its used for the live sessions that take place in that time.16:26
Nothing_Muchk1l: Awesome, that's what I wanted to know16:27
Nothing_MuchWill there be notifications when there's a stream going on?16:27
k1lNothing_Much: there is a schedule on the ubuntuonair.com page16:28
Nothing_Muchk1l: yeah but I'd like a *right there* constant reminder, you know?16:28
Nothing_Muchoh my16:29
joseNothing_Much: follow us on twitter16:36
Nothing_Muchjose: oh really? Link? :D16:46
joseNothing_Much: see /topic16:46
josenow you'll get all updates :)16:47
ricmarquesBye everyone! Thanks again dpm and popey! :-)17:12
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debooooohow can i get ubuntu on android?!!!!20:45

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