
WolopewWiI have no voice in #ubuntu09:00
WolopewWii was a dick one night when i was trashed, i want to apologise09:04
bazhangfix my BMW11:17
bazhangI USE UBUNTU11:18
IceBot3000I cannot send to #ubuntu for support issues11:19
bazhangyou are muted11:19
k1l_IceBot3000: that is right. i muted you because you still were keeping on with the topic you were told several times it doesnt suit the technical support channel11:19
IceBot3000I request un-muting11:20
k1l_not before you agree on not starting that topic again11:20
IceBot3000Fine, if that's how you want to play things11:21
bazhangit's remaining on topic; it's not "playing things"11:22
IceBot3000Fine. I'll raise the issue in offtopic in future11:22
k1l_IceBot3000: no. #ubuntu is a technical support channel. users come in there and having technical issues and want to get help.11:22
IceBot3000k1l_: I was referring to #ubuntu-offtopic11:22
k1l_its not the right place for making rants and discussions about politics or other topics besides technical support since you are taking the other users the chance to get their help11:23
k1l_IceBot3000: ok, than i will unmute you. please make sure to read the guidelines and stick to them in future. thanks11:24
Unit193knome: Just noticed peyam is still banned, was just in yesterday or the day before.11:27
k1l_slow Pici is slow :)13:05
Picito be fair, I waited a moment to see if idoru would catch it.13:06
ikoniait was  M4dH4TT3r20:35
ikoniatrolling again20:35
PiciI was going to ask why that was a ban20:36
ikonianow he's pleased with himself in pm to me for wasting peoples time20:36
ikoniautter idiot20:36
ikonia@mark #ubuntu HastaLaMista bad/rude attitude21:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:26

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