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pittiGood morning06:36
elfyhi pitti06:36
pittihey elfy06:37
elfystill no issues with systemd here - unless nvidia-prime is upgrading06:42
pittielfy: nice!07:34
pittijibel: I completed the adt-virt-ssh manpage now07:35
pittijibel: I'd still like to know what I broke for canonistack, do you have the -d log from yesterday?07:37
pittijibel: do you know why http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html still has apport as "in progress"? It finished last night already07:46
jibelpitti, because it's running07:47
pittijibel: yes, cherrypy is, but not apport07:47
jibeloh apport sorry, checking07:47
jibelpitti, because it tested gdb 7.7.1-0ubuntu3 no -0ubuntu407:55
pittijibel: ah, so we just need to retry, doing07:55
pittiah, you did, thanks07:56
jibelpitti, yes, done.07:56
pittijibel: merci07:56
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pittijibel: FYI, bug 1334332 fixed in git and rolled out08:48
ubot5bug 1334332 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "apt-pocket must not add pocket to third party repositories" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133433208:48
pittijibel: so I now consolidated the commits in teh adt-virt-ssh branch, and all the tests, click run on phone, and libpng run on nova/hpcloud work fine here09:06
pittijibel: the main outstanding thing is breaking canonistack; I can block on this, or we fix it in a followup commit09:07
pittioh wait, screen unlock is still missing09:07
jibelpitti, I'll test canonistack right after update-manager SRU. I still have 1h or so on it this morning09:15
pittijibel: thanks09:16
jibelpitti, adt-virt-ssh + nova + canonistack works fine.09:31
jibelpitti, there is no ssh sharing yet?09:31
pittijibel: oh, I thought yesterday it failed for you with some ssh exit code 25509:32
pittijibel: correct09:32
pittijibel: for me it works "correctly, but slowly" now09:32
jibelpitti, right, but I enabled it in my ssh/config and it's ok09:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1335136 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-virt-ssh: Use connection sharing for speedup" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:32
pittijibel: ah, good09:32
jibelso I don't know what this error 255 was09:32
pittijibel: I'm using hp cloud with the -a option to add/use a public IP09:32
jibelpitti, I tried that too http://paste.ubuntu.com/7730523/09:34
pittijibel: oh nice, that's all that there is to connection sharing? (I never used it, was about to read up on it)09:35
jibelpitti, yes and you can compare the output of ssh -d ... to verify it reuses the connection09:35
* jibel goes back to testing update-manager in indonesian :/09:38
jibelpitti, did you see the error in python-persistent ?10:38
jibelE: Unable to find a source package for python-persistent10:38
jibel-su: 1: cd: can't cd to [a-z0-9]*-*/10:38
jibelcould it be your change to add proposed and exclude third party repos?10:38
jibelpitti, same error with lava-server10:39
pittijibel: I'll have a look; I did two test runs after deploying this10:39
pittiE: Unable to find a source package for python-persistent10:40
pittioh, that'd be more plausible10:40
jibelpitti, I don't see any utopic-proposed in the list of sources fetched by apt10:41
pittijibel: ah, of course -- ftpmaster.internal10:41
pittijibel: I restricted it to *.ubuntu.com/*.debian.org10:41
jibelpitti, yup10:41
pittijibel: meh, how I'm supposed to tell these apart then :/10:41
pittijibel: right, so python-persistent and lava-server have only been in -proposed at that time, which explains it10:42
jibelpitti, ubuntu-release-upgrader uses a list of valid mirror + a list of allowed third party mirrors10:43
pittijibel: extended the regexp for now to also apply to ftpmaster10:43
pittijibel: ... and rolled out and tests retried10:45
jibelpitti, danke schön!10:46
pittijibel: looks better now10:46
pittijibel: de rien :)10:46
pittijibel: should still work for PPAs now10:47
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pittijibel: merci beaucoup, connectino sharing works with all scenarios (tests, adb, hp clou)11:57
pittiadt-virt-ssh seems to spin on something, I get 100% CPU for several minutes11:58
* pitti investigates11:58
pittiah, found it12:02
jibelpitti, it really makes ssh connections much faster. I gain 1 min on canonistack on a 2min30 run.12:08
pittijibel: wow, nice12:08
pittijibel: I also get faster tests with adb12:08
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elopiobrendand: hello.14:38
elopioI'm having problems with all my machines today :)14:38
elopiobrendand: do you want to pair in 20 minutes?14:38
brendandelopio, sounds good14:38
elopioI'll try to repair things.14:39
brendandelopio, whenever you're ready14:39
balloonselopio, not you too! My home drive died while I was away. Doing migration now14:42
elopioballoons: this is just unity refusing to open, and the quassel server refusing to sync.14:43
elopiocould have been worse.14:43
balloonselopio, ahh.. Excellent. So this has bit us now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/133524114:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1335241 in Ubuntu Calendar App "test_yearview will fail after june" [High,New]14:49
jibelelopio, are you on utopic?14:51
elopiojibel: I am.14:52
elopioballoons: ah, right, today is the day.14:52
jibelelopio, if you upgraded libgtop broke unity14:52
jibelelopio, downgrade it to 2.28 or upgrade to 2.30.0.is.2.28.5-0ubuntu114:53
balloonsohh at least I missed that bit of fun!14:53
elopiothanks jibel14:56
knomea calendar app that doesn't work in july? oh my14:57
elopionow I can't adb shell into the phone.15:00
jibelelopio, if you reflashed recently adb has been disabled15:01
jibelyou need to flash with --developer-mode15:01
elopiojibel: I'm glad you are here.15:01
brendandjibel, phablet-shell still works though?15:02
brendandjibel, and is better15:02
jibelbrendand, if you cannot use adb phablet-shell won't help.15:03
jibelit is a wrapper to setup a forwading rule over adb and copy ssh keys15:03
brendandjibel, true. just wondering why it works for me15:05
brendandjibel, maybe i specified developer-mode without realising it15:05
jibelbrendand, or maybe if you didn't wipe it completely it kept the previous setting15:06
brendandsomething like that15:06
balloonsknome, heh.. just the tests don't work in the second half of the year :-)15:10
elopiobrendand: is tomorrow good for you too?15:22
brendandelopio, whenever you're ready :)15:22
elopiobrendand: tomorrow will be better. I'm sorry.15:23
brendandelopio, i thought so - it's alright15:23
elopioI hope quassel + postgress will be better.15:26
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elopioping ubuntu-qa: do you know where can I find a core-dev to review a packaging change?15:32
jibelelopio, #ubuntu-devel15:32
davmor2elopio: #ubuntu-devel15:32
brendandelopio, pitti15:33
brendandelopio, or #ubuntu-devel if he's not online15:34
jibelthere are 82 core-devs, not only pitti15:34
davmor2jibel: yeah but pitti rocks the hardest15:35
brendandelopio, you probably won't be able to subscribe anyone yourself15:36
brendandelopio, i'm trying to get ahold of boiko to do it for me in messaging-app15:36
elopiobrendand: but boiko is not a core-dev15:37
brendandelopio, but boiko has permissions for the project to subscribe a core-dev. i don't15:38
elopiobrendand: I could do it.15:38
elopiobut I can't do it on your MP.15:38
brendandelopio, that's interesting. what project were you doing it in?15:39
elopiobrendand: address book app15:40
brendandelopio, are you on ubuntu-phablet-team maybe?15:41
elopiobrendand: no, I'm not.15:43
brendandelopio, i just realised that the wording of the template is misleading. it says 'subscribe' but the intention is to add the core-dev as a reviewer15:43
brendandelopio, i guess that's what you did15:44
elopiobrendand: ah, yes.15:45
elopiorhuddie: did we ever reach an agreement between importing symbols or modules?15:50
rhuddieelopio, I don't remember there being any agreement on that15:53
cgoldbergelopio, for that utility we talked about in QA meeting.. (for extracting the screenshots or other attachments from a su8bunit stream), do you just want a branch with a script in it... or I could package it for PyPI also?16:43
elopiocgoldberg: I just need the branch. But feel free to 11 and give me a deb package. I won't complaint :)16:44
elopio*feel free to go to 11.16:45
cgoldbergprobably wont have a deb for you :)   but I might write a setup.py and upload to PyPI  .. so you can pip install or grab my branch and install16:46
elopiothat's more than enough. Thanks.16:46
cgoldbergelopio, cool.. I'll let you know when it's ready16:46
elopioI must say that now I don't like the diff comments in launchpad.17:02
elopioI used to be so sure I needed that feature to be happy.17:02
elopioI'll take a break before workrave complaints. bbs.17:03
balloonscareful what you wish for elopio17:05
elfyballoons: did you see the mail from me yet?17:35
balloonselfy, no I haven't seen anything from you17:37
* elfy wanders off to check17:37
balloonsstill trying to restore the pc from backup, but it doesn't show in webmail ;-)17:37
elfyballoons: possibly because I appear to have sent it to the canonical.com address17:38
elfywell if you don't find it I'll resend it17:39
balloonselfy, unless it went to spam :-) feel free to resend17:46
balloonselfy, oO I see it17:46
balloonsit skipped my inbox.17:47
* balloons reads17:47
gQuigswhere do the occasional ubuntu metrics go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#Invitation_for_metrics_collection18:05
balloonselfy, email is fine. I would cut some of the verbosity out, and link to the bugs in question18:17
balloonsthen fire it off :-)18:17
balloonsthanks for writing it up!18:18
elfyokey doke18:20
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balloonselopio, ping20:23
elopioballoons: pong20:23
balloonselopio, so I'm trying to merge something to fix calendar, and it's easy to go too far, so I'm stopping myself and landing a fix for the July bug. Anyways, I see your "to_local_date" method and I'm intrigued. Why did you add this?20:24
elopioballoons: that's not mine.20:24
* elopio reads20:25
balloonselopio, ohh.. well.. it seems a bit busted in it's use. We are converting the date from calendar via that method, but using datetime.now() to compare to it20:25
elopioballoons: yes, I'm not sure what's the deal with it. We should start the app in utc.20:27
elopiobtw, I'm liking your diff so far.20:27
elopioballoons: can I make suggestions, or should I wait for you to finish it?20:28
elfyballoons: other than ' there is a hackfest' is there any sort of plan yet?20:29
balloonselopio, go for it... I'm mostly looking to stop messing with it and land it so trunk is unstuck, then go back in for a deeper review20:29
elopioballoons: 58+ objectName: "WeekViewPage"20:29
elopiothat should be weekViewPage20:29
balloonselopio, refresh I just pushed 34420:30
balloonselfy, no nothing beyond that. I'm hoping got some traction there. We'll host more if needed. Beyond that, we would be poking edubuntu community folks, but I'm not sure who they would be20:31
balloonsin general, my guess is yourself and some others from other flavors will write them up.. but it would be nice to have someone from edubuntu20:32
elopioballoons: get_event_view, get_month_view, get_year_view, get_day_view and get_week_view, can they be private?20:32
knomeballoons: stgraber, highvoltage20:32
elfyballoons: sorry - I'm doing that whole I'm thinking it and everyone else is psychic thing again20:32
balloonselopio, I was holding the merge locally, figured I should push it20:32
balloonsknome, ahh, highvoltage.. that's whom I couldn't remember20:32
balloonselopio, I was wanting to eliminate them altogether, then saw a test or 2 was using them20:33
balloonsI'm undecided I suppose on the longterm future, but I played with re-using them as you saw20:33
elfyballoons: so what I meant was - I'm doing a hangout and then I hope that I'll be talking to people in IRC as well - and someone is doing autopilot hangout too - who's going first for hangout - or are there 2?20:33
elopioballoons: ok. And last comment, now that you are changing test_yearview.py, please use single quotes on the strings.20:33
balloonselfy, lol.. for the hackfest, we'll do one hangout. Whomever can go first, we'll do it via ubuntu on air, andyes we'll interact20:34
knomeballoons, you're welcome :)20:34
elopioballoons: if tests pass, go for it. Thanks for making the nice changes.20:34
balloonselopio, all those select_single strings to ' from " eh?20:34
elopioballoons: si es tan amable... :)20:35
balloonselopio, que tuanis su estilo mae20:36
knomeo habla bable que si si20:37
elopioballoons: s/tuanis/chaine20:37
elopiosay that and you would never get robbed in CR.20:37
balloons:-) I was trying to use some fun CR spanish20:37
elopiosorry, I'm hungry. s/estilo/chaine.20:37
balloonselopio, lol.. ok makes more sense20:38
elopioballoons: http://www.teletica.com/m/deportes/58425-Reviva-la-dramatica-narracion-final-de-Kristian-Mora-.note.aspx20:39
balloonschaine is more CR slang?20:39
elopioballoons: yes, chaine is like shiny20:39
balloonselopio, so in other words.. nice bling lol?20:40
elopioso if you are going to go out and you dress yourself nicely, that's chainearse.20:40
elopioballoons: jaja, something like that.20:41
balloonselopio, I can't wait for the match tomorrow20:41
elopioballoons: no football tomorrow.20:42
knometoday is USA's match20:42
elopiocosta rica plays on saturday.20:42
balloonsohh, I thought it was tomorrow.. lol.. just excitied20:42
balloonsknome, yea, actually shoot.. I'm missing it!20:42
balloonsthis work stuff I tell you20:42
elopioit's hard to wait.20:42
elfythey're losing ...20:42
knomeelopio, let me fix that for you... s/plays/loses/20:42
elfyor not :p20:42
elopioknome: I'm listening to it. I need USA to win, so I win the bet :)20:43
knomeelopio, heh. not going to happen either ;)20:43
* elopio kicks knome.20:43
balloonsknome, ROFL20:43
knomebut that's not that unfortunate...20:43
* balloons rolls on floor20:43
* balloons hurting with laughter20:43
balloonsI missed you knome20:43
elfyha ha ha20:43
knomeas much as my mum missed me yesterday when she called me...20:44
knome"i'm leaving to paris tomorrow for a week, see you"20:44
balloonselopio, I love the GOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of the spanish announcers. It's the best part20:45
elfyshort a few L's there I think :p20:45
knomehard to pronounce so many L's in a row20:46
elopioballoons: the best part is when he says something like:20:46
elopioblessed the hour that gave birth to you.20:46
elopiothat's something weird to say.20:46
knomemüllers free kick "trick" was named the "crouching bear" by the finnish reporters20:48
knomeanother 0-0... where did the goals go hiding after the first stage?20:48
balloonsknome, the losers took all the balls home with them..20:53
knomewell i definitely hope there are still some "balls" left in the tournament..20:54
balloonsknome, it's a play on "taking my ball and going home". I realize it's very lost over the internet and across cultures20:55
knomemmh, right, but only one ball?20:55
knomei'd rather take both20:55
balloonsknome, aye I suppose20:55
knomenow that you said that though, yeah, it makes sense, but your play with the balls (eh eh) just didn't translate20:56
balloonsyea.. something about bad jokes don't become better in translation :-)20:58
knomeor maybe it's just ball jokes...20:58
knomefinally upgrading laptop to trusty20:59
knomebooting ->21:03
* balloons turns on radio21:04
balloonsknome precise - > trusty or /21:04
knomenah, from saucy21:04
phillwballoons: why are the ISO's named differently this cycle?21:34
phillwas in the structure of their names.21:35
knomethere it is.21:59
balloonslol.. the US has just looked tired22:13
balloonsthe goalie has been amazing.. but they can't score, so ...22:13
knomewell i told you22:13
balloonsI've watched hockey games played the same way..it's a slow painful death22:14
knome00:52  knome: my guess is that it's going to end like GER-ALG22:14
knome00:53  knome: belgium scores at the beginning of ET, then scores another22:14
knome00:53  knome: USA might do one or then not22:14
knomethat's ~20mins ago22:14
balloonsI think it's a coaching style too.. play to not lose.. instead of playing to win22:14
balloonsreally unexciting to watch22:14
balloonsI loved belgium's response to scoring a goal.. even more reckless to getting another.. that's how you do it22:15
knomewell that's obvious22:15
knomethe goal was coming a long time22:15
balloonsnot to a US coach.. he camp on that one goal22:15
knomenow that it came, USA had to open their game even more22:15
balloonsnot sad at all I didn't watch any of there games, hah22:16
balloonsI think costa rica has a shot though. .I'll be watching22:16
knomenot really22:17
knomebut have fun watching ;)22:17
balloonselopio, can you +122:45
balloonserr https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/yearview-tweaks/+merge/22520822:45
balloonsjust a small objectname fix I pushed.. it should all pass and it's as you looked at it22:45
elopioballoons: but it failed with your fix.23:46

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