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mzanettimoin moin07:14
Saviqhi ho07:14
Cimimzanetti, we have a fix for the wizard https://bugs.launchpad.net/qmenumodel/+bug/133420307:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1334203 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-system-settings-wizard crashes/freezes when using the back button" [High,New]07:37
Cimi"we" as in nick has :D07:37
mzanettiyep, I've seen that yesterday07:38
sil2100Saviq: hi! When can we expect silo 004 to land finally?08:11
Saviqsil2100, today08:12
mhr3Saviq, me first, me first!08:14
Saviqmhr3, got a reviewer yet?08:14
mhr3Saviq, sure, you! :)08:15
Saviqmhr3, in that case, me first :P08:15
seb128Saviq, hey, sorry I was off yesterday, do you still want me to resubmit some u-s-s changes?08:24
Saviqseb128, yes please08:25
seb128Saviq, k, having a look08:25
tsdgeosSaviq: how do we get https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+merge/225119 into a silo?08:26
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Saviqtsdgeos, I need to build a source package and we need to upload it manually08:39
Saviqsil2100, right? to push a source package through silo, someone with the rights needs to dput it to the PPA?08:40
sil2100Saviq: yes, just add the source package name to the right column and then provide us with a source package which we can dput for you :)08:41
Saviqsil2100, yup, will do08:41
seb128Saviq, so, what do you want me to do with https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/use-theme-icons/+merge/214950? I'm not sure to understand08:45
dednickSaviq: can we land https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/menu.plugin/+merge/224616 today?08:48
seb128Saviq, do you just want me to push to a shared location because you have changes to do on top or...?08:48
Saviqseb128, just resubmit your MP with my branch08:49
Saviqseb128, I don't have the permissions08:49
Saviqseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/use-theme-icons/+merge/214950/+resubmit08:49
Saviqseb128, yes, because I have changes on top08:50
seb128Saviq, I don't understand why you simply don't propose your for merging?08:50
seb128like let's call mine superseeded08:50
Saviqseb128, that's what resubmitting does ;)08:50
Saviqseb128, but keeps a connection between the superseded and new one08:51
seb128Saviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/use-theme-icons/+merge/225122 like that?08:51
Saviqseb128, yup! thanks08:52
seb128Saviq, is that going to land today? I've a setting landing I want to do at some point, just trying to figure if I should wait for you to be done ;-)08:53
Saviqseb128, yeah, I want to land today09:01
tsdgeosoh noes09:02
tsdgeosi'm now getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/7730416/ on testshell still09:02
tsdgeoson shutdown09:02
mzanettianyone knows how volume up/down keypresses end up in the apps right now?09:09
Saviqmzanetti, they don't end up in the apps09:19
Saviqmzanetti, or well, if they do, that's not expected ;)09:19
Saviqmzanetti, or well,09:20
mzanettiSaviq: I think that is expected (although lacking some policy thing still)09:20
Saviqmzanetti, shell just gets all the events09:20
Saviqmzanetti, I mean unexpected as in no one *coded* it09:20
Saviqmzanetti, it's just a side effect of lack of implementation09:20
mzanettiSaviq: nope... I know it broke some time ago and someone fixed it again...09:20
Saviqmzanetti, shell is an input filter, but we have no way to filter key presses09:20
mzanettiI think it was tvoss09:20
Saviqmzanetti, we only filter touch events with the InputAreasa09:21
Saviqmzanetti, keys just go to the focused app *and* shell09:21
Saviqmzanetti, and yeah, the real solution would be to deliver them to shell, then to app, then back to shell09:22
mzanettiwhy doesn't it work in QtComp branches any more then?09:22
Saviqmzanetti, because you replaced the input system09:22
mzanettiok... I guess I'll have a chat with Daniel when he shows up09:22
Saviqmzanetti, check out src/main.cpp:14709:23
seb128dednick, hey, who does qmenumodel code reviews for you usually?09:37
seb128just asking because of https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qmenumodel/unitymenuaction.lp1334203/+merge/22506309:37
seb128larsu, ^?09:37
larsuseb128: sometimes :) not so much recently though. I'll have a look but won't top-approve yet09:39
seb128larsu, thanks09:39
dednickseb128: Cimi should probably give it a test before top approving to ensure it fixes th issue he was having.09:58
seb128dednick, k09:58
dednickCimi: ^ fix for your wizard problem09:59
tsdgeosmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/no_model_reset_from_destructor/+merge/22512709:59
mzanettitsdgeos: ok... I guess I'm fine with that change (need to branch and read surrounding stuff still)10:02
mzanettitsdgeos: but seems this is getting "fixed" upstream too10:02
tsdgeosfor 5.410:02
tsdgeosit's been fixed already10:02
tsdgeosbut this is easier than fighting the powers to get yet another qt declarative patch in :D10:03
mzanettitsdgeos: agreed10:03
Cimidednick, testing now10:05
Cimidednick, seb128 fixed for me, thx10:14
dednickCimi: ta. can you top approve?10:15
Cimidednick, done10:15
Cimidednick, you might want to change the copyright from the test file10:15
dednickCimi: ta10:18
karnifacundobatista: mhr3: would it be true the departments are sorted alphabetically, regardless of the order they're feed to the framework?10:21
karniis there a way to order them the way a developer wants isntead?10:21
mhr3karni, hm, don't recall such limitation, if that's the case, the ui is doing it :)10:23
mhr3tsdgeos, ^?10:24
karniThat is possible.10:24
karniI'd like to have the control over the order of departments. It is natural that some (at the top) could be more important than the others.10:24
tsdgeosdon't recall adding any code for that10:24
karnihaa, I think I know the problem10:24
karnithis is server scope. Python: feeds.keys() is unordered10:25
karnifeeds is a dict, my bad. thanks mhr3, tsdgeos10:25
* karni hides ashamed he once again had to bounce of this channel heh10:25
mhr3we're the debugging ducks :)10:26
tsdgeoskarni: a fixed problem is nothing to be ashamed of :)10:27
apwit looks like a libgtop2 ABI bump has just broken bamfdaemon, and thereby unity710:28
Saviqdednick, can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-settings-components/status-icon/+merge/22503410:48
Saviqdednick, I'll do https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-settings-components/suru-theme/+merge/220739 now10:48
Saviqdednick, reviewed ↑, small things10:54
mzanettipaulliu: hi, mind adding the checklist and top-approving now that we have a design approval: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-drop-spacing/+merge/22409411:07
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-opensource-src/+merge/225134 is the last branch we need to make testShell pass11:07
Saviqtsdgeos, oh ok, let's land this together11:09
tsdgeoshi there11:16
facundobatistakarni, the server returns the the departments alphabetically ordered (at least that is the intention... if you find an example where they're not, it's a bug)11:16
karnifacundobatista: the problem was that I actually used Python set .keys() to iterate through. the server returns them ordered the way the scope feeds them, not alphabletically :)11:17
karnifacundobatista: unless you're talking specifically about amzn - yes, it's alphabetical there, I believe11:18
facundobatistakarni, do sorted()11:18
karnifacundobatista: nah, I actually wanted a non-alphabletical sort :) thanks!~11:18
facundobatistakarni, btw, if you iterate over a dict, you'll get its keys, so sorted(the_dict) will work11:18
karnifacundobatista: right, thanks for the tip :)11:18
facundobatistakarni, ah, you have departments more important than others?11:19
karnifacundobatista: correct :)11:19
karnifacundobatista: I now just feed them the order I want11:19
karnifacundobatista: why does amazon scope use single space for query when surfacing?11:36
facundobatistakarni, IIRC, you need to send that, otherwise it won't answer correctly11:39
facundobatista(that is: a generic search, useful for surfacing)11:40
karnifacundobatista: I see Keywords=' ' -- so this is Amazon specific, right?11:40
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facundobatistakarni, yes11:41
dednickSaviq: any idea why overriding sets in settings app doesnt work?11:48
Saviqdednick, no, it's completely bollocks11:48
Saviqdednick, but I don't want to block on this11:49
Saviqdednick, as you can see it worked in the test (and actually works in unity8)11:49
dednickSaviq: hm. and should it be a string rather that an array?11:50
dednickie. why are we testing multiple sets?11:50
Saviqdednick, yes we are11:50
Saviqdednick, in settings, for example, some of the icons come from the apps set, some from the status set11:50
dednicki c. and we don't know which one beforehand? or is it just because of this FIXME?11:51
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Saviqdednick, yeah, we don't11:54
Saviqdednick, we just get the name11:54
Saviqdednick, the FIXME is just about the default being [ "status" ] instead of what it is now11:54
dednickSaviq: ok11:54
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dednickSaviq: done. just some small bits12:07
Saviqdednick, fixed12:10
Saviqdednick, can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/suru-switch/+merge/207991 too, or should I find another victim?12:12
dednickSaviq: can do. just busy with usc review12:13
Saviqdednick, k thanks12:13
dednickSaviq: fixed  https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-settings-components/suru-theme/+merge/22073912:16
dednickSaviq: is the theme changing on desktop as well?12:16
Saviqdednick, yes12:16
Saviqdednick, I mean under unity8 desktop12:17
Saviqon that note12:17
Saviqbregma, seb128, could you please test out silo 004 under unity8 desktop session?12:17
dednickSaviq: hm. you removed the UBUNTU_ICON_THEME from autopilot cmake? Is that sorted by the code now?12:18
Saviqdednick, we don't have any say in that any more12:18
Saviqdednick, UITK hardcodes the theme12:18
dednickok. thought it might12:18
Saviqsince https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/128421812:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284218 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Use mobile icon theme in UITK apps" [High,Fix released]12:19
dednickso much for theming...12:19
Saviqdednick, you don't need layouts in build-deps do you?12:19
dednickSaviq: for tests12:19
Saviqdednick, are there tests for StandardMenu?12:19
Saviqor is something wrapping it?12:20
seb128Saviq, I don't have my test machine with me atm ... bregma, can you do it?12:20
dednickuhhh. maybe not.12:20
dednickbut there will be :)12:20
Saviqdednick, ok ;)12:20
bregmaSaviq, I'm doing it -- just a sanity test, right?  we shouldn't see anything new or unusual?12:21
Saviqbregma, yes, it should just look better ;)12:22
dednickSaviq: no gu rounding?12:22
Saviqdednick, see commit comment12:22
Saviqdednick, now that icons are non-square12:22
Saviqdednick, we ended up with huge gaps between icons12:22
bregmaSaviq, change is bad, I want my old Unity 8 back, I'm off to complain on the internets12:22
Saviqdednick, because e.g. they *just* passed gu boundary, or were just under12:23
Saviqdednick, that ended up throwing them all over the place, it looked really bad12:23
dednickSaviq: design know about that? there is a specific requirement about that.12:25
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Saviqdednick, there *was*12:25
Saviqdednick, it was for the old icons12:25
Saviqdednick, let's go with that now and I'll let them know12:25
Saviqdednick, and see if they care any more12:26
dednickSaviq: ok. :)12:26
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karniWould it be possible to have surfacing in a scope different than the root of the departments tree? (imagine I have quite heavy "All" department and, while I want it to be available to the user, I would like to start with a subdepartment instead for initial surfacing)12:35
karniOne of the ways would be to actually have the "All" department as one of the subcategories, but the order wouldn't look right (in this case, something I currently have as a subdepartment could take place of initial surfacing)12:36
Saviqkarni, I can't think why not12:37
Saviqkarni, you just need to make sure that the department you send with surfacing is a child12:37
Saviqkarni, and has parent info12:37
karniSaviq: right. I'll look closer at the amazon scope. thanks12:38
karniSaviq: what exactly you mean by "has parent info" ?12:38
Saviqkarni, it needs the name and id of the parent scope12:39
Saviqkarni, hmm not sure your side of the API looks the same as mine ;)12:40
Saviqkarni, you'll have to check with pstolowski / mhr312:40
dednickSaviq: hm. slider test failed on jenkins...12:40
karniSaviq: yeah, looking at the doc now, and can't figure it out. I'll try digging, thanks12:40
Saviqdednick, lemme see12:40
dednickSaviq: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-settings-components-qmltests-utopic/3/?12:41
Saviqdednick, yeah, fails locally, too12:41
Saviqdednick, looks like the tap misses the button TBH12:42
dednickSaviq: yeah, probably due to a failed icon load12:42
dednickSaviq: oh. min/max button tests. probably isn't one if there isn't an icon :)12:43
Saviqdednick, well, they're there...12:44
dednickSaviq: possibly still loading when the test is run. changing shape maybe12:44
Saviqdednick, heh, actually slightly different issue ;)12:47
Saviqdednick, fixed12:47
dednickSaviq: needs putting into https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-settings-components/suru-theme/+merge/22073912:48
Saviqdednick, ah, right12:48
Saviqwrong branch12:48
Saviqdednick, done12:50
dednickSaviq: approved12:50
Saviqdednick, tx12:51
Saviqdednick, re-ack please, had to merge12:52
dednickSaviq: done12:54
Saviqtsdgeos, please merge your qtbase and qtdeclarative branches, there was stuff in distro that was not on the branches, so you need to bump changelog more12:55
dednickSaviq: is there a new icon theme not released yet? I'm missing a alarm icon12:56
dednickhttps://code.launchpad.net/~tiheum/ubuntu-themes/suru-icons/+merge/217767 ?12:57
Saviqdednick, it's in silo 512:57
Saviqdednick, that branch, that is12:57
Saviqdednick, looks like you're right, we're missing it in the theme12:57
dednickSaviq: unity8 is in the silo12:58
Saviqdednick, meant silo 4 sorry12:58
Saviqdednick, can you see its name in ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log?12:58
dednickSaviq: file:///usr/share/icons/suru/status/scalable/alarm.svg12:58
dednickSaviq: getting quite a few errors.12:59
dednickalthought they're probably just from first icons failing12:59
Saviqdednick, hmm can you see what names are being tried for the alarms icon? (somehow I don't get it here at all)13:04
dednickSaviq: sure13:07
tsdgeosSaviq: hmm, against which branch then?13:07
Saviqdednick, in theory you should get the qwarn13:07
Saviqtsdgeos, the branch is updated already13:07
tsdgeosah, so only remerge13:07
Saviqtsdgeos, yup13:07
* Saviq needs food13:08
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't see any diff13:08
Saviqtsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-opensource-src/revision/182 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/revision/15913:09
Saviqtsdgeos, ah huh13:11
Saviqrsalveti, the changes from Albert's branches were not in distro yet13:11
Saviqrsalveti, your change was already released as ubuntu513:12
Saviqrsalveti, but we need a change on top of that13:12
rsalvetilet me check13:12
rsalvetiSaviq: oh, right, sorry, 11 hours jetlags are not helpful13:13
rsalvetilet me fix those13:13
rsalvetiSaviq: should I just upload to the archive?13:13
Saviqrsalveti, well, sure13:14
rsalvetigive me a sec13:14
Saviqrsalveti, I wanted to push through silo, 'cause I'm not powerful enough13:14
Saviqrsalveti, just do a sanity-check on the changes then13:14
* Saviq really needs food13:14
rsalvetiSaviq: they are upstream changes13:14
rsalvetiso fine13:14
Saviqrsalveti, well, one of them is rejected upstream ;)13:15
rsalvetiSaviq: :-)13:15
Saviqbeing a hack, and in lieu of a proper fix13:15
dednickSaviq: "image://theme/alarm-clock,alarm"13:15
dednickit's in actions set13:16
Saviqdednick, ah, nasty13:16
Saviqdednick, will add actions there then13:16
Saviqdednick, pushed13:17
tsdgeosSaviq: rsalveti; it's technically not rejecte but "let's wait for the guy that knows better to approve or reject"13:19
dednickSaviq: so where?13:19
Saviqdednick, unity813:19
Saviqdednick, just added "actions" as a fallback set13:20
dednickSaviq: ah13:20
Saviqdednick, I'm in quick'n'dirty mode now, didn't you notice? ;P13:20
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* Saviq suspends to not hear the pings13:21
dednickahha. i did :)13:21
dednickSaviq: reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/suru-switch/+merge/207991. tiny fix13:31
davmor2Saviq: you have another mode?13:35
dandradermzanetti, if I slowly do a right edge-drag and release before it leaves phase 0 I'm getting "Cannot read property 'fullscreen' of null" because of "root.fullscreen = ApplicationManager.get(index).fullscreen;" in "function snapTo(index)" which uses index===113:46
dandradermzanetti, but when you have only one app running13:47
dandradermzanetti, there's only index 013:47
mzanettidandrader: pushed a fix for that like 2 minutes ago13:48
mzanettidandrader: am I correct with this? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-header/+merge/224585/comments/54116813:51
dandradermzanetti, you mean the lower right part of the "SEARCH" label?13:53
mzanettidandrader: no, the search label in the panel is gone... Instead we have a magnifier glass icon in the header of the dash, at the right edge13:53
mzanettidandrader: and parts of it are not clickable13:54
mzanettiI'm quite sure its the 2 grid units used for the drag area at the right13:54
dandradermzanetti, ah, ok. then yeah, your comments sounds right13:54
mzanettitsdgeos: ^13:54
Saviqdavmor2, pfft!13:55
mzanettitsdgeos: you can tryPageHeader, it won't happen there13:55
dandradermzanetti, gesture canceling will come after qt comp has landed13:55
tsdgeosmzanetti: ?¿13:55
mzanettitsdgeos: but as all the apps use the same header and have icons in the same place, I don't think its a real issue13:55
mzanettitsdgeos: re comment https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-header/+merge/224585/comments/54116813:55
tsdgeoswhy is half of the thing not being clickable ok?13:55
mzanettitsdgeos: yeah, the shell's right/left edges drag areas cover it13:56
mzanettitsdgeos: after QtComp has landed those areas will inject clicks to the app behind if its not a real gesture13:56
dandradermzanetti, tsdgeos can't we add some right margin to the icon so that it doesn't stand so close to the edge?13:56
mzanettidandrader: no13:56
dandraderbtw, haven't seem the thing yet13:56
mzanettiwell, the SDK would need to do that in the header for all apps13:57
Saviqdednick, fixed, pushed13:57
dandradermzanetti, a workaround, if this is really bothering, is to reduce the height of the right-edge EdgeDragArea so that it begins right below the header13:58
tsdgeosdandrader: mzanetti: let's just land QtComp :D13:59
mzanettidandrader: I don't think this is a real issue. Otherwise apps people would have complained already13:59
mzanettidandrader: its just that tsdgeos found it in the review and hence the discussion popped up13:59
mzanettidandrader: but here's one for you: in QtComp's input handler we'd need to forward keypresses to the apps again14:01
rsalvetitsdgeos: Saviq: done, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.3.0+dfsg-2ubuntu6 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/5.3.0-3ubuntu614:01
mzanettidandrader: QtComp breaks for example Volume up/down keys in apps14:01
Saviqrsalveti, thanks14:02
sil2100Saviq: when are we landing 008 :8 ?14:02
Saviqsil2100, no idea14:03
dandradermzanetti, could you add it here (if it's not there already)? -> https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1Balt7jlHQlNuf7RBuXYjnYJWaICd_wTRpSVfTYYb3cQ/edit#gid=014:04
Saviqsil2100, you'll need to talk to tvoss :)14:04
mzanettidandrader: just added it14:05
mzanettidandrader: 2214:05
dandradermzanetti, thanks14:05
mzanettibtw, see 2114:05
mterryDoes anyone have any experience with QFuture?14:06
kgunngreyback_: so dednick and i were just chatting on trust prompts then we started talking about use of desktop file hints...and why unity-mir "verifies" this, is it _only_ to launch from the command line ?14:07
greyback_kgunn: yes, only for that reason.14:07
greyback_kgunn: I want to remove it ultimately14:08
kgunngreyback_: wow...ok, so if we wholly rely on the "system" to check security...and we remove this, then we don't really need to add anything14:08
kgunnback in place14:08
greyback_kgunn: yep, can move the decision making into that "system"14:09
greyback_whetever that is14:09
kgunngreyback_: so if an app shows up (e.g. a trusted provider) wanting to connect to mir & draw stuff...and its been "checked" by app armor at the mir socket level then14:09
kgunnunity-mir just says "ok"....never refuses for any reason14:10
greyback_kgunn: well unity-mir still needs to know the desktop file associated with the process14:10
kgunngreyback_: hmmm, that's the prob as dednick pointed out....trusted provider won't have a desktop file14:10
greyback_which would be a pity. A trust provider would ideally have a manifest file of some kind to tell shell "this is how I want my splash screen to look"14:11
greyback_and I think desktop files are good for that14:11
dednickbut the desktop file is found when we have the app id from upstart isnt it?14:11
dednickgreyback_: so do we really need anything in "authoriseSession"?14:12
greyback_dednick: if that trust helper is launched via upstart, then yes. But I saw people saying that dbus activation could be used14:12
greyback_in that latter case, unity-mir only gets a PID. It can't reliably associate an appId & thus desktop file with that14:13
dednickgreyback_: but the prompt providers could be started by upstart maybe?14:14
greyback_dednick: if we can convince everyone to do that, then I think we're golden14:14
kgunndednick: if that's the case...that'd be a new mandate not discussed yet14:14
dednicknot sure about that though...14:14
greyback_nor am I.14:14
greyback_proper integration of dbus-activation and upstart would be only way to make everyone happy14:15
greyback_but that's not trivial I'd imagine14:15
mzanettidednick: when I have a bluetooth mouse attached, unity8's indicator only shows battery status of that mouse instead of the notebook14:16
dednickmzanetti: yeah... sucks huh14:16
mzanettidednick: is that indicator-power?14:16
dednickmzanetti: yep14:16
mzanettiok, reporting14:17
greyback_mzanetti: I've that problem with my desktop. My bluetooth keyboard always reports 0 battery, so I always have a red battery symbol14:17
greyback_would be nice to see both power icons14:17
dednickgreyback_: so, should we just be authorizing everything coming into autoriseSession?14:17
kgunngreyback_: dednick ....so i'm re-reading, iiuc, you're saying...desktop file not used for "authorization"...but good for things like "here's my splash screen"...so more about user exp affectations14:18
mzanettigreyback_: heh, I remember KDE had this problem about a year ago... it would even suspend my PC when the mouse runs empty :D14:18
kgunndednick: much simpler way to ask the question :P14:18
mzanettior not suspend the PC if the mouse is full14:18
mhr3tsdgeos, how doable is another chevron on the scopes category headers?14:19
greyback_dednick: no, every app must have a desktop file. A trusted helper isn't an app, so perhaps can be exempt from that14:19
tsdgeosmhr3: to do what?14:20
tsdgeosmhr3: or you mean a different shape?14:20
mhr3tsdgeos, to perform a new query, possibly open temp dash page14:20
mzanettigreyback_: if you wanna add something or confirm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/133628514:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1336285 in Unity 8 "When a Bluetooth mouse is connected, indicator-power reports only that information instead of notebook battery" [Undecided,New]14:21
mhr3tsdgeos, design...14:21
tsdgeosmhr3: so every line has two different "buttons"?14:21
mhr3tsdgeos, well, no, the original expanding chevron should go away14:21
tsdgeosmhr3: not doable timewise, i have 1.5h of work left and them i'm off until next tuesday14:21
mhr3there should be "See more" below the first row14:21
kgunngreyback_: but then how do you "know" its a trusted helper ?14:22
kgunnor a trust provider14:22
dednickkgunn: at the moment, authoriseSession is used to reject everything that unity doesnt consider a legal unity application (ie doesnt have a desktop file so will not appear in application lists). However, there are some exceptions to that rule, eg OSK.14:22
dednickIt also allows us to start processes via command line by providing a desktop_file_hint so that it will consider these processes as unity applications.14:22
dednickbit more complicated way of thinking of it ;)14:22
greyback_kgunn: that's the problem. unity-mir has no way to determine that, something external needs to know14:23
dednickkgunn: in trust sessions current unity-mir implementation, we have added the trust sesion processes to that list of exceptions which include OKS14:23
mhr3tsdgeos, i'm mostly wondering if it's tweaking a bit of qml or more involved14:23
tsdgeosmhr3: i'm not sure i understand the concept yet14:23
kgunndednick: so sounds like your task is more like you originally described14:24
tsdgeosmhr3: which of the 3 different chevrons we have in deparments has to be replaced/changed?14:24
dednickkgunn: what we decided in the meeting now (as i understood), was to created a socket in mir which is pre-trusted, and will bypass the autoriseSession process.14:24
mhr3tsdgeos, not about departments14:24
dednickkgunn: the helpers will connect to this trusted socket14:24
tsdgeosmhr3: you mean https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/grid-see-more ?14:25
tsdgeosit's doable14:25
tsdgeosneeds work14:25
tsdgeosthat branch probably doesn't compile nor merge anymore14:25
mhr3ah, yea, that will be part of it14:25
dednickkgunn: but the trust prompt providers will not, which is why they still will go through authoriseSession.14:25
tsdgeosand by doable i mean "it's not hard", not "we have time" ;)14:25
mhr3tsdgeos, then the other part is conditionally adding a chevron to some categories14:25
dednickgreyback_: i was just saying return true from authorizeSession, not to give everything "app status"14:28
tsdgeosmhr3: it's not impossible if we get a design, but i for sure don't think i'll have cycles for it14:28
tsdgeosdash overview still needs to be done ^_^14:29
* tsdgeos jumps over the window14:29
dednickie. only things with a dekstop file will become apps, but we don't reject session connection attempts.14:29
mhr3tsdgeos, that's why i'm asking how complex is it, maybe i could manage14:29
dednickgreyback_: ^14:29
tsdgeosmhr3: you could give it a try, shouldn't be ultra hard14:29
greyback_dednick: then _anything_ can connect to Mir. We wanted shell to mediate exactly what can connect or not.14:30
mhr3tsdgeos, wanted to hear "easy / simple", not "not ultra hard" :P14:30
dednickgreyback_: yeah, but "what cant" ?14:30
mhr3tsdgeos, which means "only mildly hard"? :)14:30
greyback_dednick: seems a security risk to allow processes to connect to mir, but are "ignored" by the shell14:30
greyback_dednick: app that does not have a desktop file associated with it, or app which already has running instance.14:31
greyback_same old stuff14:31
dednickgreyback_: anything stopping you from running an app on your desktop?14:33
tsdgeosmhr3: means easy if you have the time14:35
kgunndednick: i _think_ i understand, and yeah...so you and greyback_ are still determining, does unity-mir really have an "authorization" role to play here...14:42
greyback_kgunn: dednick: the reason we impose a strong app-desktopFile connection with Mir & authorizeSession is to avoid the horror that is BAMF in today's unity desktop, which uses complex heuristics to try match a process with a desktop file14:43
greyback_it is also a security and performance restriction, only letting things connect to Mir that a user expects14:44
Saviqdednick, I pushed the fix to unity8 btw14:47
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tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-customizations/+merge/22517014:54
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, saw that, thanks!14:55
tsdgeosi'm going to try to do some small stuff before leaving14:55
tsdgeosbut mostly anotated with TODOs what i think needs doing14:55
mhr3tsdgeos, yey, customizations, the server should already provide logos for a few scopes, did you see any?14:56
tsdgeosmhr3: didn't try ^_^ just on the test apps14:56
tsdgeosmhr3: know which scopes?14:57
mhr3tsdgeos, amazon14:57
tsdgeoslet me see14:57
mhr3tsdgeos, +wiki, +grooveshark14:58
tsdgeosmhr3: yep, they show up14:59
tsdgeoswe're having a pixelization problem somewhere i'd say though15:00
mhr3tsdgeos, snap a screenshot so cwayne is happy :)15:00
mhr3or maybe don't then :P15:00
cwaynehah, i've already branched it and am building now :P15:00
tsdgeosmhr3: cwayne: http://i.imgur.com/T6oD5it.png15:01
cwayneholy crap that makes me happy15:01
tsdgeoscwayne: you need unreleased ubnutu-sdk stuff to run it, may not be so trivial15:02
tsdgeoscwayne: mzanetti has some custom build debs for you if you really want to15:02
cwaynei think i need to be at a sprint with you guys so I can properly repay all of you with beers15:02
cwayneid like to if there's debs :)15:02
tsdgeos<mzanetti> https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~mzanetti/qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin_0.1.47+14.10.20140618-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb15:03
tsdgeos<mzanetti> https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~mzanetti/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme_0.1.47+14.10.20140618-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb15:03
tsdgeos-*- mzanetti hopes you use amd6415:03
mhr3tsdgeos, oh yea +ebay :)15:03
dednickSaviq: approved.15:06
Saviqdednick, o/15:06
Saviqdednick, top-ack?15:08
dednickSaviq: done15:08
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dednicknow. some food would be nice...15:10
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bregmaI get a segfault in Unity8 on the desktop today, during startup15:49
bregma#1  0x00007fffef5903fc in ServerStatusListener::started() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libunity-mir.so.115:50
bregmaanyone else see that?15:50
Saviqgreyback_, ↑↑ ideas?15:51
greyback_bregma: never seen that ever before. Backtrace possible?15:52
bregmagreyback_, I'm currently installing ddebs (hope they're available for the packages)15:53
kgunndednick: do you need some reviewer love on15:57
kgunnSaviq: ^ it'd be great if we can land this by thurs15:58
kgunnthink nick was updating tests y'day....but should be good now?15:58
Saviqkgunn, sure, doable15:58
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bregmagreyback_, I'm wrong about a segfault, it's just caught in some kind of loop receiving SIGSTOP and eventually gets killed16:04
greyback_bregma: ok, thanks for letting me know16:05
Saviqbregma, did you manage to test silo 4 with the new icons then?16:27
Saviqdandrader, would you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator.call-hint/+merge/218627 ?16:28
dandraderSaviq, I can do it first thing tomorrow16:31
Saviqdandrader, that would be great, thanks16:32
dandraderSaviq, btw, where's the "Approved by: " line in commit messages?16:32
dandraderSaviq, I've a feeling that automation will never come back :(16:33
Saviqdandrader, file a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself16:33
Saviqdandrader, assign sil2100 to it16:33
Saviqdandrader, it'll happen :)16:33
dandraderSaviq, reported it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/133640916:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1336409 in Ubuntu CI Services "Merge proposals that that get in lp:unity8 are missing "Approved by" lines" [Undecided,New]16:38
dandraderSaviq, but I'm not able to assign it to him16:38
dandradersil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1336409 could you please take it? :)16:38
dandraderSaviq, hmm, so you know the proper wording for this stuff ;)16:39
Saviqdandrader, kinda have to ;)16:39
Saviqdaaamn ^W16:41
dednickkgunn: yup, it's ready to be reviewed16:43
mzanettiSaviq: what up? :D16:44
Saviqmzanetti, I tend to press ^W a lot to close tabs in firefox16:44
mzanettiah :D16:45
Saviqmzanetti, but with two screens I often end up doing that in the xchat window16:45
Saviqhence leaving the channel16:45
mzanettihey, just flashed latest devel-proposed. did we anything that could break launching stuff from indicators?16:45
Saviq^Q directed at Qt creator ends up in Firefox sometimes, too ;)16:45
* mzanetti never closes stuff16:45
Saviqmzanetti, not that I know of16:45
mzanettiSaviq: seems to be broken here :/16:46
Saviqmzanetti, I sometimes have like three different QtC with different sessions open16:46
Saviqmzanetti, will check in a mo after autopilot finishes16:46
mzanettilately my X seems to crash daily between 6 and 7 pm, that helps with cleaning up windows16:47
Saviqyou should try Unity, you'd your desktop cleaned up much more often ;P16:47
Saviqbut it's been annoying me a few times lately16:48
Saviqending up in ctrl+alt+backspace16:48
mzanettioh really, didn't have that in ages16:48
Saviqsometimes it just locks up for me16:48
Saviqtoday nautilus lost theming16:48
mzanettibut as I said, on friday and yesterday this time my X just went away :D but only the work desktop, leaving me with the private one... probably some work hours control feature16:49
* Saviq should cron something like that16:50
Saviqprobably just needs to get it from tsdgeos16:51
mzanettikgunn: packages built16:58
mhr3i still like our `restart scope-registry`16:58
mhr3which seems to be alias for `pkill -f init`16:58
mzanettimy crashes did happen when calling ./run.sh16:59
mhr3if you have init's .crash in /var/crash then that's it17:00
mzanettiI do :)17:00
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mhr3mzanetti, cool... so just wait till 16.04 when we'll have systemd :P17:00
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mzanettiI think I have crash files for KDEs crash reporter here17:02
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Saviqseb128, duude, how long do the settings ap tests take? :P17:23
* Saviq likes qmltests :P17:24
AlbertAcan somebody take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/unity-system-compositor/fix-1336411/+merge/22520917:30
mzanettikgunn: heads up... some dependencies changed in the system => qtmir failed to build in the ppa => mismatch => ppa broken atm :/17:37
mzanettikgunn: seems some transition in the underlaying deps.. should hopefully go away soon17:37
sil2100dandrader|lunch: let me take a look ;)18:23
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