
=== no_mu is now known as Nothing_Much
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mhall119Bryanstein: ping17:41
Bryansteinmhall119, pong17:41
mhall119Bryanstein: hey, will the fossetcon venue have rooms available for smaller sessions? I'm thinking of organizing a few CLS sessions17:42
mhall119with jose and pleia217:42
mhall119and any other community leaders who will be there17:42
Bryansteinmhall119, well errr just roll it into the Ubucon17:43
Bryansteinalthough...those rooms will be open until about 1017:43
joseif they'll be open until 10 then I'll have a chance to be around! \o/17:43
BryansteinSo after 6pm on Thursday all rooms are open for BOF's17:43
BryansteinFri-Sat there are two smaller rooms but umm 1 atleast is for certifications and the other speakers lounge perhaps17:44
Bryansteinmhall119, a few sessions = how many?17:44
BryansteinTell me what you're thinking and we might be able to fulfill your desire17:45
mhall119Bryanstein: still trying to see what interest/participation we might have17:57
mhall119but if we did CLS-style sessions, we'd want a place where we weren't talking over a crowd, but we also wouldn't need a stage or anything17:58
BryansteinI understand18:01
mhall119Bryanstein: I've tried submitting a talk proposal, but it keeps taking me to edit my account when I hit submit, so I don't know if you're getting it or now18:50
Bryansteinmhall119, lemme look18:50
mhall119ok, seems to have gone through this last time, I opened my account and updated it in a separate tab, then went back and submitted and it didn't re-direct me to account details this time18:51
BryansteinHow many talks do you see there?18:52
BryansteinI see like 5 from you18:52
mhall119ha, yup, all the same18:52
Bryansteinwithdraw some pleaes18:52
mhall119withdrawing doesn't seem to work18:53
joseblame ruby on rails18:53
mhall119it says it's withdrawn, but the list doesn't change18:53
mhall119jose: solid advice for any occasion :)18:55
Bryansteinhmmm I see that mhall119 ...ah...I'll have to look at the logs19:03
Bryansteinmhall119, can you try to withdraw then again?19:05
mhall119Bryanstein: working now, I removed all but the last one19:08
mhall119Bryanstein: do you still need workshop proposals?19:09
Bryansteinmhall119, yes19:12
mhall119ok, I'll propose one of them too19:13
mhall119Bryanstein: done19:20
Bryansteinmhall119, what I should do is make an Ubucon session selector19:20
BryansteinSo that people can select to have their material considered for the Ubucon19:21
mhall119is Ubucon a sure thing then?19:22
mhall119if so, add mine to that19:22
joseBryanstein: when are tickets going on sale?19:39
BryansteinErr before 6...or at 6...or a little after 6 :oP19:44
BryansteinI'm testing it now to make sure it's as it should be19:44
josesomeone asked on G+20:06

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