
rick_h__we having fun yet?01:01
cmaloneyUm, sure. :)01:08
jrwrentoday was the best day of my life. Tomorrow will be even better. I just keep telling myself this.01:33
rick_h__almost done bringing back CI :)01:36
rick_h__but done working on it for tonight01:37
rick_h__jrwren: how went the juju tasks?01:49
jrwrennothing works.02:09
jrwreni'm guessing it is what I get for picking azure and joyent. I wanted to use providers I'd not used before.02:09
rick_h__heh, yea. There's known bugs with azure, we were hitting them today.02:12
rick_h__I've not tried to use joyent before02:12
rick_h__jrwren: tomorrow remind me and will check on the azure bugs. I know brad hit them and had links and work arounds02:12
greg-grick_h__: you have no CI right now?02:53
dickweedserver went down it seems...12:32
=== dickweed is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcati really need to change my default nick12:33
brouschHm, we just got a call from Dick's Lawn Service. The called ID is "Dicks Weed"12:36
cmaloneyMorning and all that.13:19
cmaloneyYeah,no kidding13:20
cmaloneylast night was fun with the weather radio going off13:20
rick_h__yea my wife woke up and asked me why my face was flashing13:20
rick_h__I told her that's lightning dear13:20
cmaloneySure you didn't lose power and had your internal clock flashing 12:00? :)13:21
mrgoodcattaco.io expires tomorrow18:04
mrgoodcatsomeone should buy18:04
brouschrick_h__: Is there a rick_h__-approved rear automobile bike rack?18:20
rick_h__brousch: <3 my new yakima one18:21
brouschI just realized you are our Ron Swanson18:21
rick_h__hmm, or maybe thule, at the coffee shop and bought it local so don't have it in my amz history18:21
brouschIt's likely that I will be getting rid of my old minivan and getting a used prius this month18:22
brouschI used to put 3 bikes and all camping gear in my van18:23
rick_h__brousch: best thing evar! http://www.amazon.com/Yakima-RidgeBack-4-Bike-Hitch-Rack/dp/B00FUHDNRU/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1404238975&sr=8-6&keywords=trailer+hitch+bike+rack18:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/awhdEa - Amazon.com : Yakima RidgeBack 4-Bike Hitch Rack : Automotive Bike Racks : Sports & Outdoors18:23
rick_h__brousch: the red handle on the bottom makes it nice and easy to get on and off18:23
rick_h__brousch: the clips are fast/easy18:23
brouschoooh, i like18:25
rick_h__brousch: yea, it's $$ but man it's so nice to be able to put it on and off in 5min without a wrench and such. And it's still lockable18:26
rick_h__and the rubber clips to lock bikes down are so fast and easy18:26
rick_h__and there's another one of me out there? I'm officially scared :) (re: a Ron Swanson)18:27
cmaloneyI still have a bike rack in the box that I haven't even pulled out.18:28
cmaloneyDamn thing scares me.18:28
cmaloneyI don't know why.18:28
cmaloneyI think it was because I wanted to get an actual hitch for the caliber and use that but never made it past the Google search18:28
rick_h__yea, I had an old car I just went the uhaul route and they welded something on that got me by18:29
mrgoodcatI have a thule bike rack that i like just fine18:29
mrgoodcatmake sure you get one that goes on your hitch though and doesn't touch your paint18:29
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, this one is all straps and what-not.18:30
mrgoodcatalso you want one that can fold away from the car so you can open the tailgate18:31
mrgoodcatcan't find my exact one on amazon but this one is pretty close http://www.amazon.com/Thule-956-Parkway-4-Bike-Receiver/dp/B000CQ47GU/ref=sr_1_5?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1404239527&sr=1-518:33
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/bqF8wA - Amazon.com : Thule 956 Parkway 4-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) : Automotive Bike Racks : Sports & Outdoors18:33
brouschyakima has a lot of them that look similar. swingdaddy, fulltilt, ridgeback, fullswing, doubledown18:33
bookiebotYakima Racks & Carriers › Error18:34
brouschHm, aparently the prius is not supposed to tow anything. Looks like thehitch will be going on my wife's forester18:39
rick_h__the forester didn't come with one?18:39
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/HULvdB - Amazon.com : Thule 961XT Speedway 2-Bike Trunk Rack : Automotive Bike Racks : Sports & Outdoors18:39
cmaloneyThat's the one that I ordered.18:39
cmaloneyso if anyone wants a nice rack please let me know and we can arrange something. :)18:39
cmaloneyLightly stored.18:40
mrgoodcati prefer roof racks if hitch isn't available18:41
rick_h__roof is high up on the touareg18:42
mrgoodcatmy dad keeps a roof rack on his car for 2 bikes. it's pretty handy18:42
rick_h__and blocks my view of the sky18:42
mrgoodcatit's high on my suburban and my dad's durango too18:42
mrgoodcatthat's the only real problem though18:42
* rick_h__ tries not to have conniption at the doc that was handed to me representing 3 days of a dev's work :s18:43
mrgoodcat5 bullet points18:45
mrgoodcat3 of them don't even say anything useful18:45
cmaloneygreg-g: Did you lose a domain?20:32
greg-gmy home server, yeah20:33
cmaloneyThat's some sht20:34
mrgoodcathow did you lose a domain?21:04
cmaloneyMicrosoft did a questionable takedown with the help of a federal judge to take down all of No-Ip's domains21:16
mrgoodcatoh yea that21:16
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/sf9r5q - Millions of dynamic DNS users suffer after Microsoft seizes No-IP domains | Ars Technica21:16
greg-gthey couldn't handle the number of requests so a bunch of domains aren't working, like mine21:17
mrgoodcatsucks if you lost a domain but i haven't seen any more than clickbait buzz about it21:17
greg-gwhich wasn't nefarious in anyway21:17
mrgoodcati haven't seen any real stats about the takedown21:17
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Um...21:17
greg-gmrgoodcat: then you aren't reading21:17
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/pWdeAZ - No-IP's Formal Statement on Microsoft Takedown | No-IP Blog - Managed DNS Services21:17
mrgoodcatnot what i meant21:17
mrgoodcati know lots of people's domains aren't working21:18
mrgoodcatand that sucks21:18
cmaloneyBasically they became the DNS provider for a ton of tomains21:18
mrgoodcati meant more along the lines of what it was SUPPOSED to do. i haven't seen anything about if it actually worked21:18
cmaloneyYeah, I'm not sure how it was ever supposed to end well21:19
greg-gmrgoodcat: sure, the small subset of domains that were serving malware are no longer server malware, but along with that went a ton of legitimate domains21:19
cmaloneyThe bigger problem is Microsoft was able to, with the help of the Federal Government, take down a bunch of sites21:19
greg-gjust like when a copyright notice took down millions of domains under a top domain because of a few (dozens) of bad sites21:19
cmaloneyIf that isn't scary I don't know what is21:20
greg-gproperty is no longer property online, unless it is, when we (the gov) want to charge you for criminal charges21:20
mrgoodcatwonder what law allowed microsoft to act on this21:21
mrgoodcati could see if the government took down domains, but idk how its even possible for microsoft to do21:21
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/ZHkOem - Microsoft takes on global cybercrime epidemic in tenth malware disruption - The Official Microsoft Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs21:22
cmaloney"This is the third malware disruption by Microsoft since the November unveiling of the Microsoft Cybercrime Center—a center of excellence for advancing the global fight against cybercrime."21:24
cmaloney"Center [of|for] excellence" trips my doublespeak detector21:25
cmaloneyAlso would make an awesome safeword21:25
cmaloneyAlso, could someone please shitcan hotmail.com so we can "advance the global fight against stupidity"?21:27
cmaloneyand yahoo.com email.21:27
mrgoodcati read the article. what i meant is i wonder what mechanism is in place that allows a private organization to do this. obviously they got a court order handing over the domains but how were the domains transferred to microsoft instead of the government?21:27
greg-gsounds like you have some searching to do, mrgoodcat :)21:28
cmaloneymrgoodcat: likely because they were working with Federal Investigators21:28
rick_h__heh, mrgoodcat has homework :)21:28
cmaloneyeg: FBI and the like21:28
rick_h__greg-g: the librarian comes out to play21:28
mrgoodcatright i get where the authority came from21:28
cmaloneyThat's some shit.21:29
mrgoodcatbut shouldn't the domains have been transferred to the government if anything?21:29
rick_h__dns is the great equalizer of the average person out there.21:29
greg-gmrgoodcat: why? private entities routinely play roles in govt work21:30
cmaloneyWhat's the govt. going to do?21:30
cmaloneyThis is why I run my DNS with Linode21:31
cmaloneybecause if someone takes Linode down the Internet will revolt.21:31
mrgoodcatnot sure if you're misunderstanding my questions, i'm not explaining myself properly, or you're answering the wrong questions on purpose but in any case nevermind. i obviously should have just let it go21:31
cmaloneymrgoodcat: You're asking by what legal authority did these domains get transferred to Microsoft?21:32
greg-gyou're asking why MS got control of the no-ip.org domains instead of the govt, right?21:32
greg-g"17:29 < mrgoodcat> but shouldn't the domains have been transferred to the government if anything?"21:32
mrgoodcatwell no to cmaloney yes to greg-g21:32
cmaloneyBecause Microsoft is trying to fix the problem of malware spreading on the net21:33
mrgoodcatmaking the assumption that ANYONE should have gotten control (which i don't believe but i'm allowing for the sake of the argument)21:33
cmaloneyso likely they're having the machines report that they're infected and need service.21:33
cmaloneyor providing patches21:33
greg-gdomains are taken all the time due to law breaking, just like assests are seized all the time21:34
mrgoodcatbut assets are usually not given to private parties21:34
mrgoodcatif my neighbor steals some stuff, the feds don't give that stuff to me, they take it21:34
mrgoodcatunless i'm completely misunderstanding the legality of the situation21:35
greg-gsure they are, if the private party has been contracted by the govt to do that work21:35
cmaloneyLikely it's because Microsoft is acting as contractor for fixing "cybersecurity" threads.21:35
cmaloneyso they're getting the redirects.21:35
greg-gand isn't monetizing or otherwise gaining from the domains21:36
cmaloneyWell, that we're aware of. :)21:36
greg-gas you would if you were just given joe schmoe's belongings (in your example)21:36
cmaloney"You''re machine is infected with malware and is running XP. For $99.99 we'll fix both with a lovely copy of Windows 8"21:36
cmaloneybah, I fail grammar.21:37
jrwrenwow?!? ubuntuask.com is a fake-overflow clone of askubuntu.com?22:07
cmaloneyThat's awesome.23:21

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