
nuvolario/ oh hi06:05
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples06:45
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy bduk1 mazal nuvolari Squirm inetpro_ and others06:52
mazalMôre oom , ThatGraemeGuy , others06:57
Kiloshi JabberwockyA19 you well again?07:14
nuvolarihi oom Kilos  :)07:18
nuvolarioom Kilos, wat maak goggas in die neus dood?07:18
nuvolarimy neus brand, so koue-brand07:18
Kilosin mense?07:18
nuvolarien dit raak gevoelig07:18
JabberwockyA19môre Kilos, jip darem weer op en aan die gang07:18
nuvolariek hoop ek is 'n mens :P07:18
Kilossjoe laat ek dink07:19
Kilosoh see water07:19
Kilosek dink jy kan dit koop in n sproei bottle. my sus het so sproei bottel en ons sit net gewone see water daarin07:20
Kiloswag ek vra haar sodra sy van foon af is07:20
Kilosnuvolari, gaan swem jy ooit innie see07:21
nuvolarilol, nee oom07:24
Kilossee water genees baie goed07:27
Kilosdie voda 1 huur praat is nonsens, sal moet nog wag vir sus07:30
* JabberwockyA19 druk sy kop in die see07:30
Kilosdit help regtid JabberwockyA19 07:30
Kilosveral op binnelanders07:30
Kilosvra enige swarte07:31
Kiloshulle kan dit by baie plekke koop hier bo07:31
JabberwockyA19ek weet die sout doen wonders07:32
JabberwockyA19ek spring net liewers in 'n sout water swembad07:32
JabberwockyA19maar dis meer vir seerplekke07:33
Kilosja maar die see het baie meer in07:34
Kilostot in daai bossies eet. baie gesond07:34
Kilosen nuvolari bly daar maar dink water is net om in te bad en kar was07:35
Kilosons kry vriende wat op vakansie gaan om vir ons 2x 5l bottels saam te bring elke keer07:36
Kilosnuvolari, sy se as seewater nie skoon maak nie kry by die apteek Bactroban nasal ointment07:42
Kilosapteke hou ook die seewater sproei bottels aan07:42
ThatGraemeGuysterimar spray08:33
ThatGraemeGuywe used it for my mini-me, works like a bomb08:33
ThatGraemeGuy(bit late to the conversation I see)08:33
* ThatGraemeGuy walks aways slowly, whistling to himself08:34
mazallol @ mini-me08:38
Kiloshi Private_User 08:43
Kiloshi Kerbero[dsp] 08:44
Kerbero[dsp]hi oom kilos08:44
Kerbero[dsp]ek wonder hoekom disconnect my irc so08:44
Private_Userhi Kilos08:44
Kilosis dit net irc?08:44
KilosPrivate_User, het die selle probleem gehad ek dink08:45
Kerbero[dsp]tumbleweed, i think you are the most likely one to be able to answer my question, but someone else might too08:45
Kerbero[dsp]I am dualbooting computers in a computer lab, and want to collect statistics how often windows vs linux is used08:45
Kerbero[dsp]guess i can write some script myself to periodically check in to a local website and dump it into a mysql db08:46
Kerbero[dsp]but surely something must already exist to do it08:46
Kerbero[dsp]Kilos, nee dis net my irc wat ophou auto-reconnect het08:46
Kerbero[dsp]internet is soms onstabiel08:46
Kilosnee man Kerbero[dsp] ek vra is dit net irc wat diskonnek of jou hele internet08:55
=== SilverCo1 is now known as SilverCode
Kiloshi SilverCode 08:56
Kilosi wanted to ask if you family of bart08:56
SilverCodeheh, used to get many phone calls when the Simpsons first came out asking for Bart08:57
=== SubOracle[away] is now known as SubOracle
bduk1Hi everyone10:59
inetpro_good mornings11:52
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
inetpro ai!11:52
inetproKilos: you is looking for /me11:54
Kilosohi inetpro wb .. !!! where have you been??12:28
Kilosyou gotta notify us if you gonna be missing for days inetpro its in the constitution12:30
Kilosohi superfly 12:30
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening12:52
Kiloswbb tonight, just gotta go fight xp a bit15:04
Kilosoi i forgot that drive crashed15:15
Kiloshi smile15:15
smilehi Kilos :p16:01
Kilosmethinks the topic bar is kinda wrong17:24
Kilosinetpro, ping17:24
Kilosyou slacking old man17:24
Kilossjoe 17:40
KilosMaaz, tell ThatGraemeGuy The map has large black areas in today, sir, were we all eliminated or did my lava overflow too far? hehe18:08
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell ThatGraemeGuy on freenode18:08
smilesee ya :)18:33
smilegood night, Kilos :)18:33
Kilosnight smile sleep tight18:33
smilethanks, Kilos :)18:33
MaazThatGraemeGuy: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell ThatGraemeGuy The map has large black areas in today, sir, were we all eliminated or did my lava overflow too far? hehe" 35 minutes and 56 seconds ago18:44
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 18:44
ThatGraemeGuywhat are you talking about? :-o18:44
Kilosi see a large black area where we live no roads houses nothing18:45
ThatGraemeGuypoint to it in  a screenshot18:47
ThatGraemeGuyif anything there are less black areas, i've been exploring the far corners of the map generating new chunks18:47
Kilosf12 didnt do screenshot18:49
Kilosoh i see i was at the top that you explored anew hey18:50
Kilossorry 18:50
Kilosthere is a red circle to the right and a bit down from my place, what is that18:51
Kilosi did some black road from my place but it hardly shows better than the white roads for me18:52
Kilosmaybe i need new glasses18:52
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: the red circle is the are where new players spawn19:54
ThatGraemeGuyor where you respawn after dying19:54
ThatGraemeGuynight night all19:54
Kilosoh wow, everytime19:54
Kilosthats great to know ty19:55
Kilosnight ThatGraemeGuy 19:55
Kilossleep tight19:55
ThatGraemeGuyyes, did you not realise you always reappear in roughly the same place? ;)19:55
Kiloshave to hunt for home everytime19:55
ThatGraemeGuymaybe we should link up the closest road :)19:55
ThatGraemeGuyanyway, night!19:55
=== SubOracle is now known as SubOracle[away]
=== SubOracle[away] is now known as SubOracle
Kilosnight superfly and other night owls20:39
Kilossleep tight20:39
=== SubOracle is now known as SubOracle[away]

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