
raspberrypifanidk i heard about sudo i00:00
raspberrypifansudo -i00:00
raspberrypifanthat works well00:00
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Beldarraspberrypifan, Sure just be aware if in a gui use gksudo and you can mess up permissions being in root in specific instances in ubuntu.00:01
raspberrypifanwell i dont think ill need a gui with sudo00:02
Beldarjust being sure your basically informed raspberrypifan and note every person here used your nick in addressing you.00:03
raspberrypifanis this some sort of policy?00:03
Beldarraspberrypifan, It is a norm if you want clear communications, the channel flies at times and is just a courtesy.00:04
SchrodingersScatraspberrypifan: makes it a lot easier to follow things when there's more people getting help.00:04
raspberrypifanwell at least y'all are nice00:04
preyaloneWhy does my Node.js server silently fail when daemonized with Upstart? https://github.com/mcandre/node-ios7crypt/00:10
jnoob22error message?00:11
jnoob22are you using the node that comes with apt-get ?00:11
raspberrypifanis there a version of ubuntu with no gui?00:11
preyaloneI tried enabling `console log` and `console output`, but no messages were ever logged.00:11
preyaloneUsing Node.js 0.10.15, from NVM.00:11
jnoob22raspberrypifan, yeah it's called Ubuntu server edition ;)00:11
jnoob22ok preyalone00:12
raspberrypifancool i might use that one day00:12
jnoob22raspberrypifan, besides you can always change the runlevel for any Ubuntu install00:12
jnoob22go to /etc/inittab and change the default runlevel to 300:12
raspberrypifanbut doesnt it still load the gui00:13
k1l!text | raspberrypifan jnoob2200:13
ubotturaspberrypifan jnoob22: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:13
jnoob22yep you can do that too. but changing it in inittab will change it for always00:13
raspberrypifanso whats the difference with server edition then?00:13
jnoob22raspberrypifan, it shouldn't. unless inittab is now rendered useless00:13
jnoob22the short answer raspberrypifan is that server edition is for servers and Ubuntu Desktop is for desktops but really you would need to consult release notes on either distro version to get that kind of empirical info.00:14
raspberrypifanhmm well eventually i hope to run freeswitch00:14
raspberrypifanso id probably have to run it on a server version00:14
David-Araspberrypifan: it does not "load" the gui, but the gui is still "installed". so after booting and logging in in text mode, you can start the gui with startx or something00:15
k1ldont run startx on ubuntu00:15
k1lstart the lightdm if you want the desktop to be started00:15
jnoob22you can run it on any version most likely raspberrypifan00:15
David-Araspberrypifan: with server edition the gui is not installed by default, but you can of course install it afterwards. it is the same software repository.00:16
jnoob22yeah I dont think it has much software you won't find on Desktop edition00:16
jnoob22it's the same thing really. Linux is simply a kernel. You can install whatever software on these things as needed.00:17
k1lthe server edition is  an ubuntu with out an installed desktop. it shares same kernel and same packages in the repos. if you install "ubuntu-desktop" you will get a full ubuntu00:17
jnoob22Certainly it's not like the old Windows 2000 that has different features.00:17
jnoob22between editions00:17
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ajfIsn’t it amazing that 12.10 will happily run on the 14.04 kernel00:27
ajftry that on Windows lol00:27
raspberrypifanreticulating splines lol00:32
Beldarajf, 12.10 is eol and not supported00:33
ajfI know.00:33
ajfHence upgrading my VPS00:33
raspberrypifananyone a sims fan00:34
Beldarmindless posts hence ignore00:34
raspberrypifanits funny00:37
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moisesHow install driver scaner genius ColorPage-vivid 1200xe?00:46
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moisesalguien sabe como puedo instalar un scaner genius ColorPage-vivid 1200xe00:47
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raspberrypifanno hay el driver en apt-get00:59
Beldarmoises, English channel and xsane and simple scan are your options.01:02
dan[work]need help with update-grub "password_pbkdf2: not found"01:04
pr0kch0pAnyone know where the links to the Ubuntu One downloader for Windows have gone to? I'm stuck in an infinite loop trying to download my Ubuntu One files. Here's the URL Canonical gives: http://ubuntuone.com/u1-downloader/u1-downloader-win.zip01:05
Beldardan[work], Your user password is not working?01:05
pr0kch0pwhich points back to https://one.ubuntu.com/shutdown/01:05
ajfNeed help01:07
dan[work]Beldar: was following http://askubuntu.com/questions/31605/how-to-secure-grub-recovery-mode01:07
ajfvsftpd: “500 OOPS: config file not owned by correct user, or not a file"01:07
ajffixed it01:08
dan[work]Beldar: the problem is update-grub reports 'password: not found' when copying and pasting exactly01:08
dan[work]Beldar: followed some obscure pbkdf2 password generation alternative but result is the same01:08
Beldardan[work], Ah never used this nor seen it here in years of hanging, someone might know.01:09
dan[work]Beldar: appreciate your honesty :) I will wait around and hope someone can solve it01:09
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healsatananyone here a networking guru?01:11
pr0kch0pWell, in the meantime I'll see if I can't figure out mover.io - I would have hoped Canonical would have wound done One file storage better than this.01:12
catalasedo you know which version of apache the 14.04 ubuntu server lts repository will get01:12
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catalaseanyone know how to add repository for latest ubuntu binary01:16
catalaseerr, httpd binary01:16
TSCHAKMacin RedHat/CentOS, there is an Authentication Setup utility, both at setup, and after install, to allow for configuration with Kerberos and LDAP domains. Is there an equivalent on Ubuntu? or will I just need to manually set up NSS and PAM?01:16
Griffinsteinanyone know how to install 32 but libraries01:18
james41382_i'm at a friends and we're going to format his computer and reinstall. he has windows 7 now, but we want to dual boot. i haven't installed linux on a system with uefi before so i'm curious of how that works. can someone point me in the right direction01:24
grublesgoogle "dual boot windows 7 ubuntu uefi"01:25
james41382_grubles: is it possible? when i asked about it a while back i seem to recall people simply recommending using legacy boot instead of uefi01:26
Beldar!uefi | james41382_01:26
ubottujames41382_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:26
james41382_Beldar: ok,ay thanks.01:27
Griffinsteinjames41382: you can dual boot with UEFI its pretty easy01:30
catalaseanyone know how to check which version of apache the 14.04 ubuntu server lts repository will install?01:31
Beldarcatalase, The one in the ubuntu repos for 14.04 same repos.01:32
catalaseBeldar, yes but how do i check this01:33
catalase2.4 probably, but i want to know 2.4.X01:33
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.01:33
NaStYdoGHai, is there a way to clean swap?01:33
BeldarNaStYdoG, Are you sure you have swapped and why?01:34
catalasechecking for APR... no. configure: error: APR not found.  Please read the documentation.01:40
catalasetrying to configure apache 2.4.9 for install01:40
catalasebut receive this error01:40
healsatantrouble connecting to wifi, any advice?01:40
jzero88Hello, anyone familiar with using 'nmcli'?01:41
Beldarhealsatan, exact details, what you have tried and the hardware.01:41
healsatanNetwork:   Card-1: Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 driver iwlwifi ver in-tree: bus-ID 03:00.001:42
healsatan           IF: wlan0 state down mac <filter>01:42
healsatan           Card-2: Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection driver e1000e ver 2.3.2-k port 6080 bus-ID 00:19.001:42
healsatan           IF: eth0 state up speed 1000 Mbps duplex full mac <filter>01:42
Beldarjzero88, Help here is based on actual issues described.01:43
healsatanread online i could revert kernel to earlier version but thought id ask here before trying01:43
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jzero88Beldar: ok then :D well locally 'nmcli' will bring up a connection just fine, but remotely I get a "Error: Connection activation failed: Not authorized to control networking." error. I've tried with 'sudo' as well and get "Error: Connection activation failed: no valid VPN secrets."01:44
Beldarjzero88, Not to me the channel.01:45
jzero88I'm sure the channel can read it as well01:46
helichopterHey so my hard drive failed about a month ago. I could still use the computer with read-only capabilities, but after I shut it down I was afraid to restart it for fear of corrupting everything. I've heard that I can use an ubuntu live cd to recover the files from the failed partition. Is there anything I should be aware of before trying this?01:48
dabyzantineYes you can. Linux works great for recovering files. just slave it in. you can use linux off the cd.01:49
dabyzantineyou just want to have an external drive or a jump drive to xfer the files to once you find them01:50
David-Ahelichopter: remember, there are never any guarantees that you can recover some or all files from a failing harddisk.01:50
dabyzantinetrue, if the wrong sectors are bad, you are out of luck, but i have had much success with using linus live cd on a failed hdd in the past01:51
David-Ahelichopter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery01:52
catalaseconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH01:55
catalaseanybody know where to get a c compiler lol01:55
David-Ahelichopter: I recommend you have an extra harddisk, external or a new internal, with plenty of space. then use gddrescue to copy the important partition of the damaged drive into an image file on the fresh drive. from there then use recovery tools to try salvage files.01:57
brontosaurusrexcatalase, which gcc < returns what?01:58
catalasei am trying to make install for apr-1.5.1 apache core01:58
catalasesome runtime library i think01:58
catalasealas i do not have a C compiler01:59
helichopterDavid-A: okay thanks I really appreciate it01:59
David-Ahelichopter: the idea is that if the damaged drive get worse by time, gddrescue is a fast and safe way to get the data from still accessable blocks.02:01
David-Ahelichopter: but remember, "fast" here means many hours and maybe days. gddrescue may wait a long time for bad blocks, and will also do retries.02:02
BeldarDavid-A, Your descriptions are clouded by bias and a need to prove an opinion.02:03
Diamondciteddrescue.. as long as it seems to perform.. did a really good job the few times I had a dying drive02:04
DiamondciteHad to use it several times when people brought in computers with dying HDDs02:04
DiamondciteBut the hdd dying bit wasn't initially noticeable due to the sheer amount of running apps on the severely infected windows install =/02:05
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A_PickleSo I've got an issue.02:22
A_PickleI'm running Ubuntu Server 32-bit on an old Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D (a swivel-screen tablet notebook with an ULV Pentium M, 512 MB of DDR, and a 30 GB HDD) and when I restart it, it's not on the network, even though it's plugged in.02:23
A_PickleI have to run a dhclient eth0 to get it's IP every time I restart it.02:24
A_PickleIs there a way to have it do so automatically, or is it just not necessary because I won't ever need to restart this thing?02:24
ianorlinyou need to restart for kernel updates02:25
Psil0Cybinugh i keep dealing with freezes in which case nothing works, cannot get into tty, or do anything but a cold reboot, i have tried it all :( even the keys that are supposed to work do not work during the freeze...seems to happen every couple of hrs, but i cant find a fix :(02:25
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=== YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda|zzz
james41382_so i have a computer i want to dual boot windows 7 / ubuntu, but i'm curious because the ubuntu installer has options to 1) delete everything and install or 2) custom, which i suppose we're doing because we want to keep windows as well. though this computer is uefi and i see a efi boot partition option in the custom config. do i need to create a efi boot parition on /boot and then a ext4 partition for / ?02:35
FoxhoundzI set up samba share on my linux box, but when I try to access the shared folder on Windows it prompts for a user login and password02:37
FoxhoundzI provide the account on the ubuntu machine but it still refuses02:37
Foxhoundzdo I have to provide a domain value as well?02:37
Beldarjames41382_, First image/clone W7 to an external. Than use the W7 disk manager to resize W7 leaving an unallocated space, bit the ubuntu in efi and install, it should do all the partitioning for you.02:37
Foxhoundze.g. pc-domain\user?02:37
Beldarjames41382_, Your description  sounds like the gpt partitioning is still there.02:39
catalasefuck i keep getting software connection abort w/ putty02:45
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:46
scxcan anyone show me output of above command?02:46
catalasei keep getting software connection abort w/ putty02:46
somsipcatalase: enable debugging to see if it helps02:46
scxls -la /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/02:46
scxthanks in advance02:47
james41382_Beldar: i checked in windows and it shows the partitioning style is mbr.02:47
Llynixtrying to get nvidia drivers to install on a machine.. try as I might nouveau shows as the driver.  Currently the nvidia-304 driver is activated but not in use.02:48
scxif you have 32-bit system: ls -la /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/02:48
LlynixI swear I've tried EVERYTHING02:48
holsteinLlynix: what is specified i the xorg.conf?02:48
FoxhoundzLlynix: everything????02:48
Beldarjames41382_, So this is a W8, now W7 computer correct?02:48
Llynixholstein: driver: nvidia02:48
Llynixholstein:    Driver         "nvidia"02:49
LlynixI get this in the kern.log NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s)02:50
james41382_Beldar: is a custom build pc. it has w7 home loaded on there with 20gb unallocated.02:50
Beldarjames41382_, So just a uefi bios?02:50
james41382_Beldar: the bios is uefi, yes.02:50
scxLlynix: did you blacklist nouveau?02:50
LlynixFoxhoundz: everything I could find on the internet.. I've been round and round on this computer with two video cards02:50
Beldarjames41382_, Can you run parted -l in ubuntu and pastebin it?02:51
Beldarsudo parted -l*02:51
james41382_Beldar: it's booting from the cd now.02:51
holsteinLlynix: you may want to elaboarate about the 2 video cards, and why the open driver isnt meeting your needs.. and try the xorgedgers PPA, and also blacklisting the open driver..02:51
Llynixscx: nouveau might be over blacklisted.. it is in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf and nvidia-installer-blacklist-nouveau.conf02:52
Beldar!bootinfo | james41382_, even better02:53
ubottujames41382_, even better: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:53
Llynixholstein: originally the computer was working fine.. but with the latest kernel update we had problems suspending.. I installed the nvidia properitary driver then and it fixed my suspend problems but graphics problems continued.. mainly minecraft wasn't working.. so I tried installing another video card..02:53
Beldarjames41382_, My curiosity is the partition table and how W7 was installed basically and partition types.02:54
scxcan only show me output of this command?: ls -la /lib/i386-linux-gnu/02:54
Llynixwell actually I tried installing the updated nvidia drivers and those borked the system.. so I booted off a live cd and removed the current nvidia..02:54
Llynixthen tried the other video card..02:54
LlynixI haven't been able to get nvidia drivers to work since02:54
james41382_Beldar: is there a way to get to a terminal from the installation?02:55
Beldarjames41382_, What installation?02:55
akurilinQuick question: why are rc0 and rc6 symlinks exactly the same in ubuntu?02:55
james41382_the interface that comes up after booting from the installation cd02:55
scxjames41382_: did you tried ctrl-alt-2?02:55
akurilinAlso rc2,3,4,5 are all the same02:55
Beldarjames41382_, ctrl-alt-t or the top button left panel then search with terminal, run that bootscript instead.02:56
Llynixholstein: I just want to run minecraft.. so my six year old will quit bothering me ;)02:56
james41382_Beldar: from the installation these things do not bring up a terminal. would it be better if i had mounted the iso and a vritual disk from within windows? would i have access to a terminal this way?02:57
somsipLlynix: tablet and MC Pocket Edition ;-)02:59
Llynixwe have the tablet.. the tablet doesn't have horses..02:59
Llynixit has to have horses02:59
somsipLlynix: Survival craft does - free too. OT here though02:59
Beldarjames41382_, the only thing valid in windows was making a unallocated space. Not sure if we are on the same page here.03:00
zyanI try to join #ubuntu off-topic, but it replicates the #ubuntu channel.03:01
Beldarjames41382_, If this is a ubuntu download and running live the unity desktop should show a panel on the left03:02
Llynixit appears I don't have GLX loaded with the nouvea driver...03:02
LlynixI was curious here.. because it used to be with the nouveau driver minecraft worked..03:02
Llynixso maybe the problem is deeper..03:02
A_PickleSo I've got an issue.03:03
A_PickleI'm running Ubuntu Server 32-bit on an old Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D (a swivel-screen tablet notebook with an ULV Pentium M, 512 MB of DDR, and a 30 GB HDD) and when I restart it, it's not on the network, even though it's plugged in.03:03
A_PickleI have to run a dhclient eth0 to get it's IP every time I restart it.03:03
A_PickleIs there a way to have it do so automatically, or is it just not necessary because I won't ever need to restart this thing?03:03
Beldarjames41382_, Be really careful the words you use in this from the installation means you have installed, the disc booted before installing is a live environment, these words if misconstrued can have wrong info passed is all.03:05
james41382_Beldar: i installed w7, shrunk the partition so i have 20gb free, then booted from the installation cd i made from the ubuntu 14.04 iso download, but the only options i seem to have are to "erase everything and install" or to do a custom partitioning03:05
james41382_ahh okay i see the miscommunication... yes it is *not* yet installe03:05
Beldarjames41382_, Close that gui and follow the link I will prompt the bot to give you and post the script made with it in a pastebin.03:06
Beldar!bootinfo | james41382_03:06
ubottujames41382_: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:06
Beldarjames41382_, Did you boot to the desktop or just run install from the first gui that has a install, try or memory test?03:07
james41382_Beldar: i didn't run the installation, it started that on it's own when booting, but after i cliced quit it went back to the gui and i see the "install ubuntu 14.04 lts" icon03:10
Beldarjames41382_, I have some other things to take care of. Boot to the desktop and ask the channel for help than, choose the try ubuntu option to get there.03:11
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brontoschromium shows up as a huge interface on my ubuntugnome.  Everything else shows up at correct resolution, but chromium looks like it is at 800x600 resolution03:11
brontosany ideas why?03:11
brontosor how to reset it?03:11
OmegaVIIDoes anyone have problem on Chrome 35 with ibus?03:16
OmegaVIIspecially on the address bar03:16
james41382_Beldar: http://paste.debian.net/107515/03:18
* waver drink03:20
Beldarjames41382_, So your right this is a msdos mbr setup, does the install gui you were at have a install alongside or to the unallocated?03:21
james41382_Beldar: i am not sure what you question is.. =/03:21
james41382_Beldar: is simply has an icon on the desktop that says "install ubuntu 14.04 lts" or i can do some stuff in the live environment like use firefox, etc.03:22
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Beldarjames41382_, Your situation is rather basic many on the channel here can help, I need to take care of other issues. Just the right instructions will get you set up.03:24
james41382_i don't understand why my only 2 options are to erase the disk or to create custom partitions and furthermore with the custom option i don't seem to have options there to setup encryption or lvm2..03:25
=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
crankharderI ran 'service stop lightdm' which I guess killed off any gui - how to I restart something so i can log in?03:36
Bashing-omcrankharder: Try -> sudo service lightdm start <-.03:42
Bashing-omjames41382_: What does the terminal commands: -> sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l <- relate to us what the disk partitioning is presently.03:43
Psil0Cybinhey guys I get complete freezes frequently on my ubuntu 12.04, i cannot provide logs as it is a complete freeze (no mouse, no keys work) even the suggested REIUB keys is there anything i can do to diagnose this03:47
Psil0Cybini did cheak if my memory was bad, and it came back fine03:47
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: Does an older kernel work ?03:48
james41382_Bashing-om: just a moment03:48
Psil0CybinBashing-om, it seems to happen on all kernels, I cannot really pin point a specific time when it happens, it will randomly just freeze even if I am browsing or doing hard core intensive work03:49
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: Can't really touch that one ! no logs, no errors generated, no telling. How bout this for an idea .. boot up with a liveDVD of say Lubuntu, see if it still freezes ??03:51
kkkkkkkkkkPsil0Cybin, what your vga card???03:51
Psil0Cybinkkkkkkkkkk, what is the command03:52
james41382_Bashing-om: did you see the paste bin from earlier?03:52
kkkkkkkkkkPsil0Cybin, is your vga nvidia?03:52
Bashing-omjames41382_: No, I just got back on channel .. how far back ?03:53
kkkkkkkkkkPsil0Cybin, if your vga is nvidia you have to purge a package: sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-vmware03:54
james41382_Bashing-om: http://paste.debian.net/107517/03:54
Psil0Cybinkkkkkkkkkk, really that package would cause the problems I know i am using a Lenovo G7003:54
Psil0Cybinif that makes any difference03:54
Psil0Cybinwhats the command to see what kind of graphic card i have03:55
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: kkkkkkkkkk does have a good thought -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga , sudo lshw -C display <- .03:55
Bashing-omjames41382_: Looking at /107517/.03:55
kkkkkkkkkkmy vga is nvidia and my system freezes always when i play cs source03:55
kkkkkkkkkkafter i purged this package stopped freezing03:55
kkkkkkkkkkmaybe this solve your problem too03:56
james41382_Bashing-om: i don't follow..03:56
kkkkkkkkkki have to go03:56
kkkkkkkkkkby bye03:56
EMPHASISAnyone help with a one-touch "photocopy" app? (scan from one Multi-Function printer but send to a different printer that has ink)03:57
holsteinEMPHASIS: there wont be such a thing, that im aware of.. you could set something up like that, if you like.. there are ways to script, or, do some kind of mouse click automation type thing..03:59
Bashing-omjames41382_: My last was to advise I saw your last and I was looking at the output. .. speaking of which I have .. all I see on the hard drive is NTFS partitions // Do not think boot-repair will show 'unallocated space' .. fire up the liveDVD and see what GParted ( ubuntu's partition editor) shows.04:00
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
james41382_okay so after creating the partitions manually (1 efi, 1 swap, 1 for /) the installation completed successfully, but grub isn't recognizing windows.04:26
james41382_i ran update-grub even though it ran it during the install, but it doesn't seem to see windows, though i mounted /dev/sda1 to /mnt/winboot and all the files are there still.04:27
Bashing-omjames41382_: see Beldar's comments above ! .. no workie !04:27
Beldarjames41382_, Did you make a extended partition for those 3 partitions?04:28
james41382_Beldar: i made a primary efi parition, logical swap and logical ext4 (on /)04:29
james41382_i can go back and reinstall.. i need it to dual boot.04:29
james41382_just not sure.. haven't installed linux on a box with uefi before... =[04:30
Beldarjames41382_, Run that script again please, if you have 5 primaries you are in trouble.04:30
Beldar!bootinfo | james41382_04:30
Bashing-omjames41382_: You do not have UEFI with the type of partitioning on that 80 gig hard disk .. it is of type msdos and requires MBR for grub.04:31
Beldarjames41382_, even better: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).04:31
james41382_Beldar: so you are saying essentially i should go back delete the partitions i created. then i'll make just two... ext4 on / and a swap?04:33
Beldarjames41382_, You may have made the HD dynamic, run the script please.04:33
nos09How the ssh knows which id_rsa key to use for perticular hosts ?!?04:34
Beldarubuntu wont run in a dynamic so the script will separate the wheat from the chaff, just conflicting info.04:36
R3boot_ubuntu laptop no external mic or speakers; how do i port my speaker sound to my mic fora music bot?04:36
james41382_Beldar: http://paste.debian.net/107518/04:37
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Beldarjames41382_, So a extended was installed sda4 do you see that in the script?04:38
james41382_yes i see it04:39
=== dfgas is now known as dfgas_off
Beldarjames41382_, Cool, are you in the ubuntu install? or in the live environment?04:40
james41382_Beldar: no it's installed.. i'm booting from the hdd04:40
Beldarjames41382_, have some patience04:40
james41382_yes of course.. just been at it a while you know?04:41
Beldarjames41382_, That is not my issue and I spent in inordinate time helping you before, and am willing to help you now.04:41
james41382_is the issue that the linux boot is efi and the windows boot is not?04:42
Rohan_I have 2 questions, 1.) how can I see where an init script failed? 2.) How can I make an init script run after screen has loaded?04:43
Beldarjames41382_, Boot the live open gparted and delete in this order sda6 run it then sda5 run it than sda4 run it than sda3. Thhen just in the unallocated one ext4 for ubuntu and a swap. NO efi.04:44
Beldarjames41382_, Windows is not a efi install04:44
james41382_i see.. i understand...04:44
sbhepburnI'm an amateur ubuntu server admin and I'm wondering: my user isn't seeing his username at the bash, it's actually MY username@servername:~$. anyone have any idea?04:44
Beldarjames41382_, No problem, that should have you up and running, ask more questions if needed. ;)04:45
sbhepburnI'm an amateur ubuntu server admin and I'm wondering: my user isn't seeing his username at the bash, it's actually MY username@servername:~$. anyone have any idea?04:47
catalasecan anyone help me troubleshoot Network error: Software caused connection abort04:48
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EMPHASISholstein: you there?04:50
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kam270hi i am running ubuntu server 12.04 and im having trouble getting eth1 up during boot. It takes around 30 seconds to come up after im at the login screen04:56
kam270any ideas why this happens ?04:56
sbhepburnHello everyone :) anyone know why users on my Ubuntu server aren't seeing their username when they login via telnet? Shouldn't it be "username@server:~$"? They're getting MY username instead...05:01
bdbearsbhepburn: are you perhaps talking about when they login using ssh?05:02
sbhepburnbdbear it seems to happen when using telnet05:03
sbhepburnbdbear: any ideas?05:04
bdbearsbhepburn: you want to grant your users access to the console, remotely? if so then ssh is the correct connection method.05:05
sbhepburnbdbear: Ah, I see. Thanks!05:05
bdbearsbhepburn: your welcome.05:05
bdbearkarlozmx: have you taken a look into your logs at /var/log ?05:06
karlozmxtanks Josein05:07
bdbearkarlozmx: pinged the wrong person:P05:09
bdbearkam270: have you taken a look into your logs at /var/log  tail -f /var/log/syslog will output the system logs.05:10
=== Sauvin is now known as Savinus
p4r4sSavinus, how to quit ubuntu chanel05:12
Release_hi, how to install -----> sudo apt-get install tcl8.5 tcl8.5-dev05:12
Savinusp4r4s, huh?05:12
Release_it gives me error05:13
Release_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:13
Release_ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/lib/xmail/mailusers.tab': File exists05:13
Release_and bunch of such errors05:13
Release_on 14.04 LTS05:14
catalasecan someone please help me troubleshoot an error i am experiencing with ssh05:17
catalasei continually get network error: software caused connection abort05:18
catalasein both filezilla and putty (client side)05:18
bdbearcatalase: have you isolated the error to be on the server side or the client side?05:25
bdbearcatalase: and the first place to start looking are in your log files: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles05:26
rohan_can someone riddle me this. I tried to exacute a script during startup, when I did, it was called, but the program (minecraft server) kept giving an error message 10x / sceond. I put the same command to call the same script in a cron job (@reboot), worked flawlessly05:27
bdbearrohan_: what was the error?05:28
rohan_bdbear: sorry it took so long05:31
rohan_[08:58:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (3.898s)! For help, type "help" or "?"05:32
rohan_[08:58:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown command. Type "help" for help.05:32
rohan_it would repeat the last line over and over 10x / second05:32
monangnetwork problem in moved hd05:33
bdbearrohan_: what does the script look like, and what method are you using to load it up during startup? (you can use pastebin)05:34
monangcan i just ask the question here?05:34
catalasebdbear do i just check /var/log/auth.log05:35
rohan_bdbear: here is the init file: http://pastebin.com/CtAh0Wp805:36
monangJun 29 21:38:37 fxt-AcAsp-L3600 NetworkManager[2247]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 10) Jun 29 21:38:37 fxt-AcAsp-L3600 kernel: [41240.217977] atl1c 0000:02:00.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X Jun 29 21:38:37 fxt-AcAsp-L3600 kernel: [41240.218075] atl1c 0000:02:00.0: atl1c: eth0 NIC Link is Up<100 Mbps Full05:36
bdbearCatalase: what do you "think" that is cousing this problem?05:36
catalasei have no idea mate05:37
rohan_bdbear: and the .sh file: http://pastebin.com/VBueqSRk05:37
catalaseidk why it is trying to connect from port 102405:39
catalasei didnt specifiy that, i specified 2205:39
=== dfgas is now known as dfgas_off
bdbearcatalase: atleast you found out what couses the error;)  thats a good start your using putty?05:40
catalasethis is odd though, the log shows that i am connecting from ports 1024-102605:40
catalasein putty it is specified as 22 and in filezilla it is also specified as 2205:41
catalasethe problem might be due to the router i suppose, i am connecting to the external IP address--not internal05:42
bdbearcatalase: try to do ssh localhost on the computer your trying to connect to. to se if your able to connect05:42
bdbearRohan_: you said that the bash script had no errors, unless when you try to add it to an upstart job?05:43
catalasebdbear, ssh localhost works fine05:45
bdbearcatalase: then its your (client) or in betwene the client and the target. Are you able to try to ssh it from another client, than the one you have the errors on?05:45
=== dfgas_off is now known as dfgas
catalasebdbear, i think i need to forward ports 1024-1030 or something to my server on the router05:50
rohan_bdbear: correct After the computer boots, without the startup script, then run the craftbukkit.sh, it works ine05:50
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bdbearcatalase: its a workaround, but not a solution;) you will have issues then if you need to use the port range for something else.05:52
bdbearcatalase: you can check if you have adde forwarded ports into pitty. go into putty configuration, then to connections -> ssh and tunnels. Remove any forwarded ports and try to connect05:54
catalasebdbear, no forwarded ports in putty05:57
bdbearrohan_: read here http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas06:00
=== lexi is now known as Guest40481
HankMccoyhey is anyone interested in writing code for a million dollar app idea?06:01
HankMccoyI has an IDEA06:02
bdbearHankMccoy: try freelancer.com06:02
Guest40481I've gotten myself into some wierd grub trouble. Is anyone here an "expert"?06:02
AbhijitGuest40481, yes. i was an expert in destryoing my machine some years ago.  i can tell you what not to do!06:03
bdbearGuest40481: explain your issue (I'm sure someone are able to help you) Short an precise;)06:03
HankMccoyit's not that complex just write a adblock app for smart TV's since they have such shitty browsers built in...06:03
bdbearhankMccoy: still, this is not the place to look for labour force. use freelancer.com (its a good site for exactly what your looking for)06:03
HankMccoykeep the idea just remember me06:04
bdbearAnd HankMccoy: someone has allready done that https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom06:04
bdbearsorry, did not se smartTV:P06:04
HankMccoyI feel robbed because my new smart tv is more like a HDMI extention of my laptop instead of operating on it's own06:05
Guest40481So I got Linux on this ancient machine, THEN I got XP. I have not been able to get GRUB to let me dual boot. To make it worse, the operating systems are on different hard drives.06:05
HankMccoyreally did not know that... thanks06:05
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.06:05
HankMccoywait my Samsung does not offer chrome nor can I download it (i tried) for my TV06:06
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.06:06
bdbearGuest40481: when you startup the computer, does grub load?06:08
Guest40481No, at least not that I can see.06:08
bdbearGuest40481: so when you start the computer. windows or ubuntu loads?06:09
Guest40481My computer does think it has two screens when booting, but yeah.06:09
Guest40481And I change between windows and Ubuntu by swapping the harddrives.06:09
Guest40481I think I made it worse by installing Windows with the Linux harddrive out. . .06:10
bdbearGuest40491: What I would do in that senario, are to backup all importain data. and start the installation over again. and . perhaps follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot06:11
bdbearGuest40481: Alternativly this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair06:13
rohan_bdbear: thank you for the site. What I really would like to do (and did in the cron job) is run that script in screen.  If I do this in upstart, would it be a script I write, or execute the screen command?06:13
bdbearRohan_: you can do that, just add the screen command before the java command06:14
Guest40481I'm going to try bdbear's idea first06:15
Hxxxlittle help with tightvncserver and ubuntu gnome desktop. Problem is xstartup not properly configured, therefore getting empty desktop when connecting.06:15
rohan_bdbear: that is what I did for the cron job screen -dmS server /home/bukkitserver/craftbukkit/craftbukkit.sh  and all went well. putting that line in upstart, nothing happened at all06:15
rohan_bdbear: DOH! I don't have the script and end script06:17
rohan_Thank you for walking me through finding the answer06:18
rohan_vs just giving it to me06:18
bdbearyour welcome.06:18
rohan_I am off to give it a go06:18
Guest40481Quick question: is there a special paste hotkey for the terminal? I keep getting ^V06:18
bdbearmark the text and then right click to paste06:19
AbhijitGuest40481, cntr + shift + c and cntr + shift + v06:19
bdbearGuest40481: mark the text to copy the text. and right click to paste. (if you can use your mouse in that terminal) else what abhijit wrote.06:20
Guest40481It worked. Just didn't want to spam the terminal.06:22
Guest40481I don't know if I have "RAID" actually on the computer, is it better to say yes or no?06:22
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
bdbearGuest40481: try to find out what RAID is, before you answere that question http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID06:24
Guest40481I'm just now trying to come off of windows, so i didn't know to pay this much information during the install.06:26
bdbearGuest40481: and i would actually recomend you to use raid, if you system supports it. since it will enhance your disks Read/write speed.06:26
hostelixnot speak spanish?06:27
bdbearGuest40481: but if you dont want to set it up, or dont know how. or are not sure then answere no.06:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:27
Guest40481Thank you, I think bootrepair is going to save me lots of trouble.06:30
Guido1hello, i just want to install seamonkey , but what is the comand for it? (http://askubuntu.com/questions/397272/why-isnt-mozilla-seamonkey-available-in-the-repositories-how-can-i-install-it doesn't work --> pakage could not be found)06:35
bdbearGuest40481: you could try it first. if it does not solve your issue go for a full re-install. (re-install is simple, it just takes time)06:36
bdbearGyudi1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeaMonkey06:37
=== feiScript_ is now known as feiScript
rohan_bdbear: That worked. Another stumbling block. I set the userid and grpid to bukkitserver, but when it ran the logs etc were owned by root. I tried adding a su, but it stalled as it asked for the password. what is a fix?06:40
Guido1hello, i just want to install seamonkey , but what is the comand for it? (http://askubuntu.com/questions/397272/why-isnt-mozilla-seamonkey-available-in-the-repositories-how-can-i-install-it doesn't work --> pakage could not be found)06:43
bdbearGuido1: dont spam, and read the answeres you get. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeaMonkey06:45
Guido1bdbear: didn't go an answer before, but seams that someone send the answer to someone else06:45
bdbearGyudi1: sorry my bad, typo.06:46
Guido1bdbear: okee, now i get the message "no candidate for instalation"06:47
bdbearRohan_: try to use sudo -u user usercommand.06:47
rohan_bdbear: will do06:48
david___dit is een test06:49
olegbdavid___: did it work ? ;-)06:50
ubuntu-studioi wanted to try out LVM on this installation but the option is greyed out.  i have six 120GB disks, 2 were autoconfigured by the BIOS to run in 240GB RAID0. how can i configure my disks to run in LVM? i can break up the RAID and move the DVD to the Promise RAID card if this will help. any advise?06:50
bdbearguido1: Try to do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install seamonkey06:50
ubuntu-studioseamonkey is in the repo?  i did it the hard way and compiled it myself06:51
=== tester_ is now known as testeri
xanguaubuntu-studio: bdbear seamonkey is not in ubuntu repository06:52
dibblegowhy are my notifications appearing as dialog windows instead of the usual in the top right corner?06:53
bdbearGuido1: xangua ubuntu-studio I did not know that. perhaps ubuntu-studio can assits Guido1 on compiling it.06:54
=== testeri is now known as tezzter
xanguabdbear: Guido1 you can download binaries from seamonkey-project.org06:55
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:55
bdbearGuido1: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/install-and-uninstall#install_linux06:55
Guido1xangua, bdbear: update worked, instalation doesnt. maybe i have to use the hard way06:56
Guido1first question: how to download the 46 build? second: where should it be placed? (somthing with logical i gies)06:57
triplc hello!06:57
bdbearGuido: just follow the installation guide @ http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/install-and-uninstall#install_linux (personally i prefer to download tar files to /tmp/06:57
triplcany one have experience on hybrid (+ssd) drive?06:57
triplcWhat happen to install to a Hybrid HDD? Will I see 2 drives (sda + sdb) where one is normal HDD and one is SDD? I am thinking about buying a new laptop, and see that now most of them have hybrid HDD which i never used before06:58
triplc http://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/S46CA/ <-- example one that comes with hybrid hdd06:58
ArahaelHey, where can I find instructions writing a working /etc/init.d script?07:02
ArahaelI've written one that works, but it isn't as integrated as it could be. It doesn't show 'starting', 'stopping', etc, because I essentially rewrote it.07:02
bdbeararaheal: http://stackexchange.com/sites is a good place to look for assistance for trubbleshooting.07:02
Arahaelbdbear: But it's not troubleshooting.07:03
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=== sledgeDJ is now known as SledgeSRV
Arahaelbdbear: I'm after _documentation_.07:04
bdbearAraheal: maby http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html ? or http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/07:07
Arahaelbdbear: That's for upstart native.07:08
Arahaelbdbear: I want to write sysvinit.07:08
P4R4Sdhanush, hello07:10
diverdudehello, i am running ubuntu 14.04 LTS with linux kernel 3.13.0-24-generic which works almost fine. There is however a problem with a specific piece of hardware on the lenovo x1-carbon. According to this post: http://mako.cc/copyrighteous/installing-gnulinux-on-an-2014-lenovo-thinkpad-x1-carbon#fixing-the-adaptive-keyboard it should be fixed in the debian 3.14.2-1 or later kernel. So my question is, can i somehow update my ubuntu07:11
Guido1how can i move a folder into user/lib? (seams to be the folder where seamonkey, firefox and other programs belong)07:11
diverdude kernel to 3.14.2-1 also such that i can get that hardware fix?07:11
Hxxxanyone knows where ubuntu store the session list?07:11
Ben64diverdude: you can use the mainline kernel ppa, but it's unsupported07:12
Arahaelbdbear: Also, that site doesn't mention systemd.  Isn't ubuntu moving to that?07:12
diverdudeBen64, okay, so what does that mean exactly? That i can get no help?07:13
Ben64diverdude: if you have a problem with it, you're kind of on your own07:13
=== dfgas is now known as dfgas_off
Arahaeldiverdude: In practice, if you know how to recover from a broken kernel fixing grub, then you should be fine.07:14
diverdudehmm :(07:14
diverdudeBen64, so when will this be supported?07:14
Ben64diverdude: the worst that can really happen is that you won't be able to boot, but you can just choose your previous kernel from grub then remove the new kernel07:15
Arahaeldiverdude: You should know how to cope with a broken kernel anyway, so most competent administrators should be fine with using their own kernel.07:15
Arahaeldiverdude: Perhaps you should investigate and try on a testing VM or something? (And learn how to cope with a broken kernel)07:15
diverdudeArahael, ah ok...right. Im not an admin though :/07:17
Hxxx./join #ubuntu-es07:17
Hxxxubuntu espa channel?07:17
Arahaeldiverdude: If you're not an admin, and you need this kernel, then I suggest you ensure that your backup is good, and try it out.07:17
Arahaeldiverdude: You could always reinstall.07:17
=== aeon-ltd_ is now known as aeon-ltd
Arahaeldiverdude: I don't know if debian kernel packages are compatible with ubuntu's, though.07:18
bcveryHxxx: /join #ubuntu-es07:18
Ben64thats why i suggested the mainline kernel ppa07:18
Hxxxbcvery: banned for some uknown misterious reason. lol amazing07:18
Ben64Hxxx: you may need to be registered on freenode07:19
Hxxxi am07:19
HxxxBen64: i am07:19
Hxxxis there a vnc channel?07:19
Hxxxor gnome?07:20
Ben64Jul 01 2014 00:19:32 *#Ubuntu-es Banlist: Fri May 16 08:13:50 *!*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/* sendak.freenode.net07:20
ArahaelHxxx: I think gnome's more of an efnet network.07:20
Ben64maybe use a different client?07:20
HxxxMaybe you guys have configured tightvnc xstartup for gnomedesktop, using for example gnome-shell? I have tried already many configs all i get is a empty grey space.07:21
Ben64Hxxx: sounds like you created a 2nd screen with nothing on it, run something on it and it will appear07:22
ArahaelHxxx: If you look carefully, it's not grey, but black and white?07:22
HxxxBen64: but is not supposed that if i'm calling gnome-session, I would get a session (menu, window manager , etc)07:24
HxxxArahael: is grey  , xsetroot grey or something like that07:24
Ben64Hxxx: apparently you haven't done so correctly, i never bother with it so idk07:25
ArahaelHxxx: Hmm, well if it was just black and white, then I might have suggested that it's running fwm.07:26
Arahael(Or some other WM that's part of x11)07:26
diverdudeArahael, ok...but if i want to update to that kernel version....how would i do that?07:28
Ben64diverdude: gave you the link already... here it is again http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/07:28
diverdudeBen64, oh i am sorry i did not see that07:28
Ben64pick one for trusty07:29
diverdudeBen64, would you think this would be to new? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.15-rc2-trusty/07:29
Arahaeldiverdude: rc kernels are "release candidate".07:30
Arahaeldiverdude: Ie, it's a candidate for 3.15.  Pick an actual 3.15 kernel. (Probably the latest one)07:30
diverdudeArahael, yeah ok...i dont think there is one :)07:30
diverdudenot in that link at least07:30
Arahaelhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.14.1-trusty/ seems to be the latest, non-candidate kernel.07:32
ArahaelI'm off.07:33
=== dk_ is now known as Guest96307
hoodediceSo my Realtek 8188ee refuses to connect to the internet on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS. I feel this might be a driver issue. Will the drivers listed on this page solve it for me? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers07:58
hoodediceIn other words, can I trust that site?07:58
peyamHi guys and girl08:13
peyamI need some application that can save my codes in php and java. Like when I look for a code i wont need googling08:14
simion314hi all, I have an external HDD for file backups, I need this to work with linux/mac/windows and I am not sure what file system to use? FAT has file size limit, and ntfs is not supported on Mac(no write support) , what you suggest to use?08:14
peyamSomething to orgonize my notes08:14
peyamsimion314, ext2?08:16
simion314peyam: nope,08:17
peyamsorry I ment exFAT08:17
peyambut you will need exfat drivers on ur linux mechine08:17
=== YuviPanda|zzz is now known as YuviPanda
ki7mtpeyam, Gedit has Code Snipits  where you can store code segments and organize it, several other editors do too. There's all kind of notes apps, just look in Software Center.08:22
peyamki7mt, I need something that has a menu like (php > my notes) and below it (Java>mynotes > formuler)08:23
ki7mtpeyam, Yeah, I think gedit, with the snipits plugin will do that08:23
peyamki7mt, I found something. its named QSnipps but its not free08:24
NuSueyhey everyone! How is the state of bluetooth 2.1 and 4.0 on linux? Would bluetooth headphones work out of the box on ubuntu?08:24
Guest11885Hello I am using ubutnu 14 LTS, and I would like to enable keep alive for multiple requests on my apache, now I found article that said I should add "KeepAlive On" but the path they give is wrong: etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf any idea where I should add this line?08:24
Guest11885Hello I am using ubutnu 14 LTS, and I would like to enable keep alive for multiple requests on my apache, now I found article that said I should add "KeepAlive On" but the path they give is wrong: etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf any idea where I should add this line?08:27
bcvery!patience | Guest1188508:27
ubottuGuest11885: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:27
bcveryNuSuey, impossible to say08:28
Guido1 why re some prorams instaled in local and some in usr/lib?08:28
bcveryGuest11885, have you tried in #ubuntu-server?  They may know more about this08:28
peyamGuido1, becouse some programs are ment to all user and some only to one08:28
Guido1peyam: so local is some users and lib all. is that right?08:29
peyamGuido1, yes. I have Eclipse on my local so only i can access it.08:29
NuSueybcvery: why is that?08:29
bcveryNuSuey, Bluetooth is buggy at the best of times.  Even if we knew your set-up and the headphone model/make (which you didn't tell us) YMMV08:30
Guido1hm, something to think about. i'm using seamonkey. it can be available for everyone, but not the compleet profile (with mails etc.)08:30
NuSueybcvery: well I'm thinking of buying Bluetooth Asus USB-BT400 (bluetooth dongle) and Prestigio PBHS1 (bluetooth headphones)08:31
NuSueybcvery: no clue how well is the support of bluetooth speaker/headphones on linux.. that's why I'm asking08:31
ki7mtGuido1, local is normally used when building from source, for example, if I install python3-numpy, f2py3 will in /usr/bin and if I build it from source, it sill be in /usr/local/bin .. came for the associated libs.08:32
NuSueywould be annoying as hell to not be able to use it08:32
peyamGuido1, you will know. sometimes its simpler to have some applications in local and sometimes on /usr/ if something happens to your account you may want to acces it from other accounts08:32
jnhghyin 12.04 system settings I don't see software & updates, why is that? I'd like to change my apt-get source server (the one I have now throws 403)08:32
peyamGuido1, I think ki7mt may know more about this kind of things08:32
ki7mtGuido1, the original will still bu in /usr/bin  .. and source in usr/local/bin .. sri fer typo.08:33
stijn1Upgraded system from 12.04 to 14.04. Can't open additional drivers window. Tried reinstalling both software-properties-gtk and software-center. When launching from terminal this is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7730193/08:34
melodieI have an installed system where I had to remove software center and reinstall it later. This triggered update-manager/update-notifier to be removed, then update-notifier was not reinstalled when re-installing software center08:34
melodiethe reason why I had to remove it was change of language: from French to full English. and Software Center has a bug, so all has to be uninstalled and reinstalled to get all the texts in English.08:35
melodienow update-notifier does not start at boot: how can I configure the system so that update-notifier is started? (there are 4 packages to be updated, and this does not show)08:36
melodiethanks for help?08:36
melodiewell in fact update-notifier does not appear in the status all services command08:41
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melodiethis is in 12.0408:48
ki7mtmelodie, ave a look in ./etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop .. I think NoDisplay should be true08:48
ki7mthave a look08:48
melodieki7mt I look, thanks08:48
melodieki7mt yes, NoDisplay=true : is that good or bad?08:49
melodieshould it be false?08:50
antonio__ciao ho un errore sulla barra delle applicazioni, come posso risolvere il problema?08:50
ki7mtmelodie, that's what is should be. Second, try Dash >. Software & Updates, then on the Update Tab make sure those are all set properly.08:51
melodieI am using an Openbox remix in a eeepc 1101, so there is no dash08:51
melodieusually it works, and has worked so far, until I removed and reinstalled the Software Center, because of the language bug.08:52
ki7mtmelodie, hmm I see, sorry to say, I dont know much about that one. I was assuming you were using Ubuntu desktop.08:53
melodieso I need to learn to configure services manually, as the jobs-system gui has long been gone08:53
ki7mtmelodie, Wee gconf-editor also has, under ubuntu / com / update notifier, you could try editing there also.08:54
melodiealso this version has lightdm that allows booting right on to the desktop, maybe it goes too fast?08:54
melodieok I look for gconf-editor08:54
peyamHi again. Ive download JCODECOLLECTOR from guthub but how do I install it?08:55
ki7mtmelodie, You could try gconf-editor, but that's about all I could recommend at this point.08:55
battleIf I'm creating a bootable usb to run ubuntu from, does the iso file need to be the only file on the usb?08:55
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antonio__ho un bag sulla barra applicazioni mi scompare come rimedio il problema?08:56
peyambattle http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows08:56
bcverybattle, you don't put the .iso on the USB, you need to create a bootable USB with unetbootin08:56
bcvery!unetbootin | battle08:56
ubottubattle: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:56
bcvery!it | antonio__08:57
ubottuantonio__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:57
ki7mtbattle, in most cases, if it's going to be a bootable media, then yes, that's all that should be on the device.08:58
battleThat's discouraging.  I only have 1 usb, and I don't want to remove the file from it.08:58
ki7mtbattle, Stick it on cloud storage somewhere. More Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu08:59
peyambattle, move your files to the desktop. format the usb and them move them back to the usb09:00
eeeebattle: it doesnt have to be the only file on the iso09:02
battleDoes ubuntu 14.04 offer a decent ui for selecting between which os to run upon boot?09:02
melodieki7mt it's in dconf-editor09:02
melodienot gconf09:02
svetlanabattle, yes, grub, as always09:02
battlesvetlana: is that installed by default or some package I have to run?09:03
svetlanaby default09:03
_gpg_i have some issues with "sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a" which never ends (it tooks all the night)09:03
_gpg_any one can help me pleae ?09:03
battlethank you.09:04
eeeebattle: you don't have to erase the usb to install the iso, just so you know09:04
melodieki7mt I wouldn't have thought of looking there if you would not have pointed me to gconf-editor. thank you very much for your help09:05
eeeebattle: i'm not sure if unetbootin formats prior to installing though, testing it right now09:06
battleeeee: (:09:06
battleis reading about how to embed fonts in a pdf.09:07
eeeebattle: linux live usb creator doesnt format (it gives you the option) but that is on windows09:07
battleeeee: that may serve me well.  I think I will install ubuntu today.09:07
ki7mtmelodie, Ok, sri about that, Im a bit tired. So did that work for you then?09:08
eeeebattle: yeah linux live usb creator is great, i just tested unetbootin, it doesn't format the usb prior to installing the iso09:08
battlethanks, boss.09:08
melodieki7mt yes, first time I started update-manager and went to the configuration of updates, the setup for the third option was grayed. I just rebooted, however I still don't see update-notifier in the panel. :?09:09
ki7mtmelodie, On my system, I only see that Icon where there's packaged pending, either to download or install.09:10
ki7mtwhen there is packages pending .. ..09:10
vakhi all09:10
ki7mtmelodie, Have you performed an update / upgrade recently ? If so, there may not be any updates.09:11
vakudev didn't create any /dev/sd* entries -- why could it be so? (i tried LiveCD and from there everything is ok)09:12
melodieki7mt there are 4 packages to be updated and I keep it that way. I want the notifier to show what it does09:13
netstnailhi all, Exim4 SMTP server allows unauthenticated users to send emails, Howto fix this?09:13
ki7mtmelodie, I suspect you've put a hold on those packages then yes?09:14
melodiecertainly not09:14
ki7mtmelodie, Im confsued then, I thought you wanted those packages held back.09:15
melodieit's a brand new system, on a eeepc 1101HA, and when I put a hold on something it is eventuelly on a kernel (with good reasons and very rarely)09:15
melodieki7mt I keep them not updated because I want to show the owner of the machine the update-notifier in action when she will come to get her machine back09:15
ki7mtmelodie, Ok, I see, and I tak it your not seeing the Icon update notifier then?  Im not sure why that is not displaying if your sure there are pkgs in need if updating.09:17
dimartjoin #banshee09:18
dimartups :)09:18
_gpg_Using ubuntu 12.10 when i do dpkg --configure -a it take infinit time and never returns, help please :(09:18
Ben6412.10 is way not supported anymore09:18
melodieki7mt I was also asking at #ubuntu-fr, a guy answered me and he also just realized that in his install there were 130 packages to be updated, but this would not show.09:18
_gpg_Ben64: yes i know09:18
ki7mt_gpg_, First off, you should get off of 12.10, as it's no longer supported, Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server) 12.04 LTS,  13.10, and 14.04 LTS09:19
Ben64_gpg_: then.. why are you asking for support?09:19
melodieki7mt we might be hitting a bug there. I suspect the update-manager tools have been updated recently, but I don't quite remember when09:19
melodiehow could update-notifier be debugged?09:19
_gpg_Ben64: Because i expect some ppl to have more experience than me09:19
eeee_gpg_: 12.10 is very slow compared to 14.0409:19
pdsis this ther right channel to ask questions about kickstarter configs?09:20
_gpg_eeee: sure, i'm just afraid to break some of the tools installed on this machine09:20
ki7mtmelodie, Yeah, a bug is possible. I use the standard Ubuntu Desktop, and it's woking here, but maybe the remix has an issue. You could post the buig ad see if others are having it too.09:20
Ben64_gpg_: well 12.10 is not supported in this channel09:20
_gpg_Ben64: yes09:21
_gpg_Ben64: thanks for the information09:21
melodieki7mt I ask the French guy who had 130 packages to be updated what version Ubuntu he uses and will tell you09:21
Ben64_gpg_: so then upgrade to 14.0409:21
_gpg_eeee: i have some proprietary installation of eclipse and its cross compiller, dont kow if it support 14.x releases09:21
eeee_gpg_: what tools?09:21
melodieki7mt he uses GUbuntu, the Gnome version, as 14.0409:22
Flonk*nix-noob here! Any script file i place inside /usr/bin can be executed from anywhere, right? Is there something similar to Windows' %PATH%?09:22
_gpg_eeee: Eclipse + ARM cross toolchain from Windriver09:22
_gpg_eeee: They usually rely on old pakages09:22
Ben64Flonk: yes, although you should use ~/bin09:22
ki7mt_gpg_, melodie you mean Gnome Desktop ?  well if it's in two flavors, somethign is amiss there.09:22
FlonkBen64: even if I want it to be global?09:22
ki7mtsri _gpg_ didn't meant o ad you on that.09:23
murlidharis it possible to have different themes ? like a different window theme and a different gtk them ?09:23
Ben64Flonk: depends what you mean by global09:23
pdsis this ther right channel to ask questions about kickstarter configs?09:23
FlonkBen64: I mean, available to all users09:23
Ben64Flonk: ah, then yeah, home directory wouldn't work09:23
murlidharcuz ubuntu-tweak-tool is changing both when i try to change one.09:23
Ben64Flonk: as for the path question, there is. the variable is $PATH09:23
FlonkBen64: Awesome, thanks a bunch! :)09:24
melodieki7mt another clues, he has the 14.04 flavor, and I have the 12.04 flavor, but with a kernel 3.13.0-30, which has "trusty" in the name, in Synaptic.09:24
Ben64Flonk: /usr/local/bin might be a better place for your own stuff09:24
melodiecould the update-notifier behavior be related to a specific kernel? or impossible to fancy that?09:24
FlonkBen64: Oh, I was just about to ask what that folder is about, it's in $PATH aswell09:24
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bcveryElahenaz, hi, please ask you Ubuntu support question09:25
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Elahenazbcvery u?09:25
pdslooking for documentation on how to kickstart ubuntu server 14.04 - kickstart configurator gui or config file itself - working on a 12.04 LTS to do so though09:26
FlonkBen64: Do you know the difference between bin, sbin, local/bin and local/sbin?09:26
bcveryElahenaz, do you have a support question?  If not, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat09:26
ki7mtmelodie, I dont think so, but something is clearly stopping the notification and supposedly, the service is now running.09:26
melodieno the service isn't running09:27
melodiebut it should09:27
Elahenazbcvery no eingilish09:27
ki7mtpds, May need some updates, but it's worth a shot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility09:27
bcveryElahenaz, where are you from?  language?09:28
ki7mtpds, See the links about mid-way down, several how too's there.09:28
Elahenazbcvery spik farsi09:28
FlonkBen64: Nevermind, the "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard" seems to be something I should be taking a look at!09:28
ki7mtmelodie, Oh, I though you fixed that with dconf-editor09:28
pds@ki7mt hmm will give it a shot, seems that most documentation about doing this is quite old / outdated :(09:29
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melodieki7mt yes, it's fixed, but from within the update-manager program (what is the name for the section where you can modify the updates behavior? I don't remember the package name exactly)09:30
somsip!farsi | Elahenaz09:30
ubottuElahenaz: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.09:30
ki7mtmelodie, It's Software Sources, then the Update Tab.09:31
Elahenazsomsip ok tnx09:31
melodieki7mt this part belongs to a specific package, wait a sec, I seek for the name09:32
melodiethis is software-properties-gtk09:32
ki7mtmelodie, use sudo also09:33
melodieki7mt sudo ? in which context?09:34
ki7mtmelodie, sudo software-properties-gtk otherwise you changes will not take affect.09:35
kyshtynbaiHi everyone. How do I delete a service from upstart?09:35
kyshtynbaiin order do deny it loading on startup.09:35
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ki7mtkyshtynbai, sudo update-rc.d -f <service-name> disable09:36
kas84hi guys09:36
cyborgcygnusDid that ubuntu extra settings thing Mr Shuttleworth spoke of in a video once ever make it into 14.04?09:36
kyshtynbaiki7mt: this doesn't wokr unfortuantly09:36
kas84any good tutorial on how to setup a wifi dongle via command line on ubuntu?09:36
kas84I guess it would be the same for ubuntu server, right?09:37
ki7mtkyshtynbai, what service ? did you install it or was it a package installed service09:37
kyshtynbaiand there's a link for, say, vsftpd which leads to /lib/init/upstart-job (in /etc/init.d/).09:37
Guest87385kas4 plug and play09:37
kyshtynbaiI  installed it09:37
eeeekyshtynbai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Iburst09:38
kyshtynbaiso with smbd09:38
murlidharis it possible to have different themes ? like a different window theme and a different gtk theme ?09:38
kas84Guest87385: how can I set up the password then?09:38
kas84cause there’s no X running09:38
melodieki7mt when I start software-properties-gtk from within network-manager, or from synaptic, then at some point I have been prompted for my password, before CHANGING anything.09:38
melodieki7mt what I want to tell you is never invoke a gui application with sudo: it is a big NO-NO. it can damage your system.09:39
khfengbafu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/somerville/+bug/1324461 can I apply native backlight to this one?09:39
ubottuError: ubuntu bug 1324461 not found09:39
melodieif you need to invoke a gui app as administrator and have no other way, you may use gksu, or kdesu09:39
ki7mtmelodie, Ok, we will have to agree to disagree on that one, but in any case, Im not sure what else to recommended for you on this one.09:40
tofanVe chi gene09:40
eeee!ru | tofan09:41
ubottutofan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:41
melodieki7mt you can disagree on that one if you want to, but gksu and kdesu were created for a good reason. ;-)09:42
kas84guys, I’ve just installed ubuntu server and it’s stuck at running /scripts/init-bottom09:42
kas84is it normal? does it take long to run those scripts?09:43
ki7mtkyshtynbai, Tiy could also change the job to "manual" which effectively will never start, or "start on never" whouch should do tha same.09:43
kas84the system doesn’t even respond to enter on my keyboard09:43
Lynx_Hi all! I need help with autofs. I have it set up to mount my usb disk in /media/usb/backup_disk. When I start autofs it creates that dir as it's supposed to. But when I try to cd into the directoy, I get "no such file or directory: backup_disk". Mounting by hand works fine.09:45
hateballkas84: If it's a default install (no services like LAMP) installed it should really not stop there. You may have better luck in #ubuntu-server tho09:46
kas84yep, default install09:46
ki7mtmelodie, In any case, I don't know what else to suggest for you, other than to file a bug and get the devs engauged to see if they or anyone else can reproduce the issue.09:46
kas84thanks hateball09:46
melodieki7mt before, I would like to check with other flavors who finds the same, and try to find if there is a way to debug, because else than what I told you I don't have any error message to provide to the community09:48
tofanKese maron09:48
eeeehow can i list only the hidden files in a directory ?09:49
eeeeor how can i tell grep to search for the pattern ".*" (nothing before the .09:50
ki7mtmelodie, Well, one data point for you then, I don't not see this behavior on  any of my DE's Ubuntu 14.04, Unity, Gnome, Razor-Qt, LXDE, XFCE, and Mate. But I dont have a 12.04 handy to test on except for my servers, which are all doing fine as well, but none have a DE..09:51
melodieki7mt teromene, on #ubuntu-fr didn't see update-notifier for some time and now has 130 packages to update: in his GUbuntu : Ubuntu Gnome 14.0409:52
melodieso I have at least one testimonial09:52
Ben64eeee: find -O1 -iname .\*09:54
ki7mtmelodie, I think early this morning, probably your yesterday morning, I had and update, however, I run my own Ubuntu mirror, and it only updates once per day, so that's not unusual for my setup.09:54
eeeeBen64: thanks :)09:55
Ben64eeee: wait thats recursive, not sure if thats what you wanted09:55
melodieki7mt ok09:55
eeeeit's ok09:56
ki7mtmelodie, While this is XFCE, maybe worth a shot: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=709409:58
ki7mtIt may already be set from the dconf-editor though.09:59
melodieki7mt thanks09:59
ki7mtmelodie, Ok I ahve to run, hope you get this sorted out.10:03
melodieki7mt thanks :)10:03
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paparsHi. I have problems with my fans as they are not working at all. My problem is described here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/490292/dell-fans-not-working10:14
paparsCan anybody help me?10:14
cfhowlett!patience| papars10:14
ubottupapars: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:14
svetlanapapars, if you purge i8kutils, do they start spinning again?10:16
paparssvetlana: I have removed it (haven't restart my system yet) but my fans are still not spinning now...10:19
svetlanamight want to restart, but then i dunno, check under live cd10:19
svetlanaif it's ok under live cd then come here from the live cd and we will chat about it while your computer is not overheating10:20
codephobicPrior to a recent fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04, I had an upgraded instance of 14.04, within which I had setup a samba share of a www folder and then used a virtualbox guest to access that share and "watch" it (Compass/SASS) ...10:24
codephobicwhen I tried redoing that approach with this fresh install of Ubuntu, I kept running into an "operation not permitted" error with Sass/util.rb, when watching my samba folder within www.10:25
codephobicI know that the issue is either with potential changes, in the last 3 months, to sass' codebase or with the change of samba configuration that came with 14.04.10:26
codephobicprior to this, I had been using samba.conf that I had setup way back in 13.04, I think.10:26
codephobicanyone know of any pertinent changes that samba might have made?10:27
Rawcodei'm trying to install ubuntu. in the partion menu, in other hands, the installer shows only one hdd like the union of my 2 hdd. but the bios is not setted tu raid, but in stata ide10:27
Rawcodecan you help me ?10:27
codephobicand [fingers crossed] anyone experienced (and resolved) similar problems?10:27
Rawcodeanyone can help me ?10:28
kas84I’m trying to setup a wifi network via command line10:29
kas84and when running wpa_supplicant I get the following error on my configured ssid10:30
kas84skip WPA IE - PTK cipher mismatch, reject due to mismatch with WPA/WPA210:30
kas84any ideas on what could be wrong?10:30
hateballkas84: cipher mismatch, TKIP vs AES ?10:31
riplyHi guys, I have just bought 3 new drives to upgrade an old intel s5000vsa server from RAID1 to RAID5, but ubuntu wasn't picking up the additional HDD. So I turned to the BIOS and it doesn't look like the MB is picking up the 3rd HDD either. I can sway the HDDs in the bays and they pick up all three HDDS, just not at the same time. In fact, it only registeres in 2 bays. So my question is - doesn't anyone have experiance with this damn motherboard haha10:32
kas84how can i set it up to AES?10:32
santhoshwhat si the kernel version of lubuntu 14.0410:33
cfhowlett!info AES10:33
ubottuPackage AES does not exist in trusty10:33
cfhowlettriply consider asking #ubuntu-server and/or ##linux10:33
hateballkas84: this post has some nice info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31853910:34
riplycfhowlett, thanks bud10:34
k1l_!info linux-image | santhosh10:34
ubottusanthosh: Package linux-image does not exist in trusty10:34
hateballsanthosh: 3.1310:34
k1l_!info linux-image-generic | santhosh10:35
ubottusanthosh: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB10:35
kas84thankyou hateball10:37
kaitanyamy vmlinuz-3.13.0-30-generic is 5,6MB10:38
zyanso I've had this problem for a while, but I never asked anyone about it; I have this older Acer Aspire 9410. it was working great in 2012, when all of a sudden it just went to a black screen. I restarted and it tells me "operating system not found". I loaded a linux live CD, but it wouldn't load it at all. it just sat there. so I booted from linux live USB and it worked. since then I've turned that laptop into a 24/7 dedicated server off of a live10:39
zyan USB with presistance10:39
zyanmy guess is that it would be the IDE connector is broken10:40
riplyzyan, why not just install off of the USB?10:40
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zyanGedit, and the install doesn't detect my hard drive10:40
zyanI mean gparted10:40
zyanI'm tired10:40
riplyzyan,  ah, that is a problem :( have you tried another HDD?10:40
zyannah, I'd need to purchase another laptop hard drive which I don't feel like doing.10:41
zyansaving money and such10:41
eeeezyan: same thing happened to me10:42
zyanI use lubuntu, because the laptop can't handle anything like unity. but when I boot it up, it gives me text boot instead of splash screen. it says "ata1: link is slow to respond. soft resetting link"10:42
eeeeon another laptop, it was making some weird noises before it failed10:42
zyanlive USB that is10:42
w-floHi! my documents scope stopped showing any documents quite a few months ago (in 13.10). The upgrade the 14.04 didn't help. Google didn't help (deleting zeitgeist history and updatedb'ing). Now I'm wondering what else I could try to fix this? :)10:42
eeeeit is dual-boot, and windows still boots though, which is weird10:43
w-floOr maybe it's the documents lense? That thing in the dash..10:43
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w-flojust stumbled upon this bug report where I commented with some info about my file lense issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-files/+bug/85694910:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 856949 in unity-lens-files (Ubuntu) "file lens does not display any files" [Undecided,Expired]10:54
SinnerNyxI am installing ubuntu. I didn't see any package selection options in the installer. Is there a list of packages somewhere I can find that I can safely uninstall if I have no audio system on my device?10:56
SinnerNyxInstalling to a VM10:57
cfhowlettSinnerNyx you can selectively purge your audio player for minor storage savings10:58
hateballSinnerNyx: well you *could* remove pulseaudio etc, but I'm sure it'll remove depends you actually want to have. Any reason you'd uninstall it? You can have audio in a VM too :)10:58
SinnerNyxhateball, I'm trying to keep this VM small. I'm just mainly using it for python script development, and educational purposes. I want to get rid of as much overhead as possible for speed, and performance. I use my host system for audio :).10:59
hateballSinnerNyx: You could install from the minimal iso and just add whatever you need11:00
hateballSinnerNyx: Which would be educational in itself I guess :)11:00
histoSinnerNyx: use the server iso, or the mini iso, to install a command line only system11:00
w-floI don't think having pulseaudio idling in the background will harm your performance in any noticable way though. :)11:00
SinnerNyxhateball, unfortunately I'm not well versed enough with linux systems to really be sure what I do and don't need. I'd like the convenience of an x-windows system, but I don't want office programs, entertainment (movie/audio players) etc.11:02
cyfordburning an image to usb is the same for bin files as it is for iso files right?11:02
histoSinnerNyx: I would start from mini iso and select what you want, if you want a lean system. You can work your way up.11:04
histocyford: bin file from where?11:04
cyforda bin image created from an usb image on a windows machine11:05
histocyford: created with what application?11:05
histocyford: if it's a bit stream copy then yes. If not then there may be some application needed11:05
cyfordapplication name imageusb.exe11:05
IceBot3000SinnerNyx: What you're attempting is a perfect example of Premature Optimization11:06
histocyford: apparently bin files should be a sector for sector copy.  dd the bin to the thumb drive and give her a try.11:06
histoIceBot3000: premature how?11:06
cyfordcool,   thats what i am doing,  just thought i ask..  crunched on time here11:07
cyfordthanks histo11:07
SinnerNyxIceBot3000: probably. But its for education. If I can learn how to dismantle a linux operating system, I think I'll be forced to learn it's innards and how everything works together. If this were for a production environment or a development environment for a project I would agree with you entirely.11:07
IceBot3000histo: It's a waste of time to remove audio packages for utterly minimal performance gain11:08
Trudkoguys is there some alternitve to skype client which would allow me to speak with people using skype?11:09
w-floSinnerNyx, sounds like the arch linux use case :) Most arch linux users are happy because they install only what they need and thus have a "very lean system" (although all their system libraries with the exception of boost are installed complete with headers etc. and take up much more space than debian or ubuntu)11:09
histoSinnerNyx: if you really want to learn linux. I would take a look at Linux From Scratch. But be prepared to be overwhelmed at first.11:09
hateballSinnerNyx: since you have the luxury of VMs, you can just keep a vanilla install, and a "education" install11:10
IceBot3000Trudko: No, it's a proprietary protocol11:10
SinnerNyxhateball: that's the present setup :)11:10
SinnerNyxhisto: I'll look into that, thanks :).11:10
histoTrudko: get them to use mumble instead of skype11:10
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Trudkohisto:  would love to but I dont think they would installed it just because of me.11:11
IceBot3000Trudko: Avoid Skype anyway, unless your conversation isn't considered private. Any business information should utterly avoid any servers in the US11:11
santhosh<hateball> ehat is the kernel version of lubuntu 14.0411:11
histoTrudko: unfortunately then you are stuck with skype and using something from the people behind bug #111:12
ubottubug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111:12
santhosh<k1l_><ubottu>what is the kernel version of lubuntu 14.0411:12
k1l_santhosh: read the answers11:12
IceBot3000Bug #1 makes me sad now, given the direction Ubuntu ultimately took with built-in spyware/adware11:13
TrudkoIceBot3000: this should be completely fixed in 14.10 no ?11:13
histo!linux-image | santhosh11:13
hateballsanthosh: I told you, 3.1311:13
IceBot3000Trudko: 14.10 is removing the Amazon integration?11:14
santhoshhai k1l this is optinal kernel version but lubuntu 14.04 is reduced the kernel i had read some google11:14
histo!info linux-image-generic | santhosh11:14
ubottusanthosh: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB11:14
k1l_santhosh: please give more infos on your issue.11:14
TrudkoIceBot3000: i heard something like that on https://fixubuntu.com/11:14
k1l_IceBot3000: please keep this channel for technical support only. #ubuntu-offtopic is the better place for discussions11:15
cfhowlettTrudko IF fixubuntu made that statement, they lied.11:15
santhoshpresent  iam working lubuntu 12.10 kernel version 3.5 it is perfect work my application but kernel version 3.8 is not working my applications11:15
cfhowlett!12.10 | santosh11:15
ubottusantosh: 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/121011:15
IceBot3000k1l_: Adware is a technical support issue11:16
histoIceBot3000: disable it in privacy settings11:16
Trudkocfhowlett: well I wouldnt call it lying right away, maybe they are just wrong.11:16
cfhowlettIceBot3000 15 second fix.  next issue, please.11:16
santhoshbut updates are limited11:16
k1l_IceBot3000: you can easyly disable all that in privacy settings.11:16
Trudkocfhowlett: do you have any update on that?11:16
bazhangIceBot3000, you're talking about 14.10, which is in #ubuntu+1 , not here. either way it's not topical in #ubuntu11:16
santhoshit is closed with in 2 months in that case i wanr new11:16
IceBot3000k1l_: It's shameful that a Linux Distribution ever comes with adware, regardless of whether it can be disabled11:17
bazhangIceBot3000, lets move on please11:17
cfhowlettTrudko update?  no.  There has been no statement that  lenses will be removed.  NOW moving on ...11:17
ubuntu-studiotrying to install ubuntu. ubiquity only displays my RAID0 array and does not list sda in the screen for what goes where as what BUT it does show at the bottom for "device for bootloader installation" as sda. i would like sda to be my root partition and my SWAP partition. I would like /home to be on the RAID0 array. all devices show in gparted but ubiquity only shows a 240GB volume (the RAID)11:18
k1l_IceBot3000: i told you several times now that we dont need the "but its spyware!!!11 FUD discussion in here. you were given technical help to resolve that issue and were given another channel to discuss that topic. thanks11:18
TrudkoGuys any tool if I want to make image from my current installation of ubuntu so I can easily install it on different computer?11:18
ubuntu-studioseriously people. just stop using ubuntu if it bothers you.11:19
santhoshuse clonezilla <Trudko>11:19
hateball!clone | Trudko11:19
ubottuTrudko: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate11:19
ubuntu-studioTrudko, Redo! Backup & Restore. available @  redobackup.org11:19
hateballTrudko: And also as suggested, clonezilla is quite nice. But it depends on your usecase11:19
histoTrudko: dd works as well.11:20
ubuntu-studioRedo is made from ubuntu + clonezilla and is so easy even my grandmother uses it11:20
Trudkohateball well I deally I want complete clone11:20
gotchahey guys, can someone help me out with a package i installed and giving me Permission Denied?11:20
Trudkowith all the files and settings not just packages.11:20
santhoshit is also works11:20
k1l_there was remastersys, but it think that is deprecated now11:20
ubuntu-studioTrudko, Redo! Backup & Restore. available @  redobackup.org11:20
hateballTrudko: Then Clonezilla works for that11:20
histoTrudko: what package?11:21
histogotcha: what package?11:21
ubuntu-studioRedo is clonezilla but easy enough for a human to understand without needing a gigantic technical manual no one can read11:21
santhoshit iseasy and fast you can  store image in the network also11:21
histoTrudko:use clonezilla or dd and update your fstab accordingly if it's by uuid11:21
Trudkohateball: cool I guess that it would be problem that different pc can have different hardware ?11:21
histoubuntu-studio: clonezilla is rather simple to use.11:21
hyper320on my laptop i have to keep Wifi disabled by BIOS to run Ubuntu, is there a way to fix?11:22
ubuntu-studionot as easy as redo. redo makes it look like you need a white lab coat and a doctorate11:22
hateballTrudko: Yes, usually not an issue but if you have things like proprietary drivers (nvidia) you can have some issues. Nothing a repair-mode wont let you fix tho11:22
histoTrudko: your kernel should be fine with different hardware as long as you aren't instaling propriatary video drivers on the source machine.11:22
gotchahisto, the package is 'letodms', after installing the package it should be accessable through http://localhost/letodms but its giving me error 40311:22
w-flois unity-files-daemon supposed to be running after booting my system? It's not in my case, maybe that's why my files lense doesn't work11:22
histogotcha: try https://....11:22
histo!info letodms11:22
ubottuletodms (source: letodms): document management system based on PHP and MySQL. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.11+dfsg.1-1 (trusty), package size 279 kB, installed size 1891 kB11:22
hyper320 on my laptop i have to keep Wifi disabled by BIOS to run Ubuntu, is there a way to fix?11:22
gotchahisto, its the same with https as well11:23
histoTrudko: the thing to correct is fstab entries if they are by uuid they will need to reflect the destinations uuid11:23
ubuntu-studioso.....   does any one have experience installing ubuntu on a system that has both onboard RAID and regular single hard drive in the same system?11:23
Trudkohisto: now idea what fstab or uuid is so i need to take a look heh11:23
histoTrudko: actually now that I think about it don't worry11:23
hateballTrudko, histo: Well when you restore with clonezilla it fixes all that stuff for you11:23
santhoshyes i have11:23
histoubuntu-studio: I would file a bug it should see both.11:23
santhoshiam trying incentos11:23
histok1l_: what are you doing?11:25
histosanthosh: That's good, do you have a ubuntu related question?11:25
exarkunAfter I reboot Ubuntu 14.04, Unity forgets the correct positioning relationship between my two displays.11:25
exarkunIt always puts the external display on the right when I have told it repeatedly that it goes above.11:26
exarkunHow do I fix this?11:26
gotchahisto, any thoughts?11:26
gotchaim thinking its a permission issue but i have no idea how to fix it11:26
histogotcha: I'm not familiar with the software, perhaps they have support or docs somewhere?11:27
gotchahisto, uh i wish they did.. unfortunately they do not11:27
gotchaits sad cuz i cant find a proper document manager11:27
histogotcha: there are forums on their website11:29
histogotcha: http://www.letodms.com/11:29
k1l_santhosh: 12.10 is dead since may.2014. so you need to upgrade in any way.11:29
histo!eol | santhosh11:29
ubottusanthosh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:29
santhoshthank you11:30
hateballgotcha: Have you looked at Alfresco?11:30
gotchahateball,i tried a quick virtual appliance of it, its too bloated i think and it has way too many stuff that we dont need11:31
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hateballgotcha: How about ownCloud with shared folders?11:32
histogotcha: 2nd's owncloud11:32
histogotcha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_collaborative_software11:33
gotchayeah, owncloud i guess might work as a local document manager11:33
IceBot3000gotcha: We use Mindtouch Core (aka DekiWiki) for this purpose, which is very good. But the company who make it no longer provide an Open Source version, and you have to use the "cloud product". You can still find the old versions though11:34
histogotcha: there are many options for groupware and collaborative software11:34
gotchai know there are, it felt good with letodms, it looks a bit modern and soley for what we need11:36
gotchabut ill keep looking11:36
gotchai guess ill drop it and continue searching11:36
gotchathats for all the info and help though guys11:36
bjensen82my ubuntu 12.04.4LTS server just crashed. Leaving nothing in the logs. I managed to take a picture before reboot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/459902/IMG_20140629_162702.jpg. Its running kernel Can anyone please help me debug?11:42
ubuntu-studioit wont restart?11:42
bjensen82it will, but I want to figure out the error and not just wait till it crashes the server again11:43
bjensen82ubuntu-studio: it restarts after I hit the psysical power button. I also have this from a few months ago. Im not sure they are related: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/459902/image.jpeg its a HP DL120 with a raid controller11:45
histobjensen82: where your keyboard lights blinking?11:46
bjensen82histo: KVM wasnt attached, so i dont know11:46
histobjensen82: looks like kernel panic to me.11:46
bjensen82histo: so how would I handle it if it were?11:47
bjensen82histo: you think both incidents are kernel panics?11:47
histobjensen82: is this a vm?11:48
bjensen82nope its running barebone on a HP DL120 G711:48
histobjensen82: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13468286/how-to-read-a-linux-kernel-panic11:49
bjensen82histo: Okay. I will check it out. You think updating the kernel would help?11:50
histobjensen82: Kind of depends on the issue. If it's hardware related then no.11:51
w-flobjensen82, it could help if someone had the same panic and reported this to the kernel devs, and they managed to fix it… If it's a hardware problem it won't help11:51
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prashanthas ubuntu updated from 14.0411:52
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histoprashant: yes11:52
histo!releases | prashant11:56
ubottuprashant: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:56
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zyanmy laptop that I purchased in 2012 has slowed down tremendously. I just reinstalled a fresh install of Ubuntu, and it takes about 3 minutes to open firefox. and when it opens, it freezes a lot. is my hardware going bad?12:01
histozyan: memtest12:02
IceBot3000zyan: Yes, it sounds fucked12:02
hateballzyan, histo: sounds like bad harddrive to me12:02
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histo!language | IceBot300012:03
ubottuIceBot3000: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:03
zyanI was thinking maybe it was unity that was the hog. I'm big on hopping DE's, so I tried LXDE, and got the same results. I made sure my system met the requirements for an x64 system. after all, Win 7 came preinstalled 64-bit. I have 4GB of RAM.12:05
zyanso yeah, maybe it is the hard drive thats going bad12:05
hateballzyan: Check with disk utility that your HDD has no bad sectors etc12:05
histozyan: smartmontools and memtest that rig12:06
hateballor smartctl from smartmontools, if you use cli12:06
ben_gMy bluetooth is acting rather strange and isn't useable12:06
histo!details | ben_g12:07
ubottuben_g: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:07
ben_gI can detect my laptop using my tablet, but it's name is still the one that it used to be on windows12:07
ben_g(both when the bluetooth of my laptop is turned on and when it's turned off)12:07
ben_gand connecting to it from the tablet gives an error12:08
ben_gsearching for bbluetooth devices from the computer also never yields any results12:08
exarkunAfter I reboot Ubuntu 14.04, Unity forgets the correct positioning relationship between my two displays.  It always puts the external display on the right when I have told it repeatedly that it goes above.  How do I fix this?12:08
adacIf I have two windows of the same application open, like in firefox, can someone tell me how to fast switch them?12:09
w-floadac, alt+"key above tab"12:09
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adacw-flo, awesome12:10
adacthank you a lot!12:10
w-floadac, you're welcome :)12:10
histoadac: the alt +tilda key12:10
w-flohisto, it's actually alt+^ in my case12:10
histow-flo: get a sane keyboard12:11
w-flohisto, difficult to find a sane keyboard in germany :)12:11
ben_gI've been having the bluetooth problem since when I got rid of windows 8 and installed ubuntu, but bluetooth was never relyable on windows 8 either, but then I thought it was just driver glitches12:11
Energyhello, i want install a new pussy in my ubuntu, how to make that ? apt-get pussy | bitch whore ?12:12
zyanshould I quit all apps if I'm running a SMART extended self-test?12:12
ben_gIs there any way to reset the internal bluetooth device of this laptop? Maybe that can fix it?12:14
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w-flocould anyone using unity check their ps aux | grep files-daemon to see if unity-files-daemon is running for you?12:22
gotchais it better to install stuff from source or use the package if available?12:22
w-flogotcha, always better to use the package. unless you have very good reason to compile from source12:22
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gotchaw-flo, speaking from experience? =p12:26
asdofindiaw-flo, 5852  0.0  0.2 590168 11052 ?        Sl   17:01   0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity-lens-files/unity-files-daemon12:26
w-floasdofindia, thanks a lot. So that's my problem :) I wonder why it's not running on this system…12:26
w-flogotcha, well.. yes, but I did that a long time ago, I don't think Ubuntu even existed at that time :)12:27
w-flogotcha, then I started downloading .rpm packages manually and trying to install them. Obviously, it took me a few hours to manually google for and download the dependencies12:28
gotchaah i see12:28
w-floIt's a really good idea to stick to apt-get and its magic of package downloads :)12:29
w-floof course, sometimes you find a patch (or if you know a programming language, you want to change something yourself), and then you will have to compile from source.12:30
umar343need mp3 and mp4 built-in  player plugins in every ubuntu live cd download12:30
umar343need mp3 and mp4 built-in  player plugins in every ubuntu live cd download #Suggestion12:31
umar343#Suggestion need mp3 and mp4 built-in  player plugins in every ubuntu live cd download #Suggestion12:31
w-floumar343, I am not a lawyer, but it might be difficult due to patent issues12:32
umar343maybe  some lawyer helped f35 destroy itself by not allowing children get mp3 and mp4 built-in  player plugins in every ubuntu live cd download12:32
umar343if it is a patent and lawyer only then the following is applicable: #Suggestion need mp3 and mp4 built-in  player plugins in every ubuntu live cd download #Suggestion12:33
umar343bye tc12:33
streulmais Ubuntu 14.04 too new for an AMD Sempron 3000 with 512mb ram ?12:33
umar343it needs 2Gb RAM for best performance.12:34
umar3432Gb and more.12:34
umar343tho it can work on 1Mb RAM as well !12:34
streulmaoh :( Then my Dell Core Duo with 1.5GB ram is also not good :(12:35
streulmaumar343, and Macbook white ?12:35
w-flowell, my memory usage is at 1.3GiB without chromium and 2.1GiB including chromium12:35
streulmaIs 12.04 performing better then?12:36
cool_boywhenever I press left ctrl button on my keyboard, it takes screeshot. here is keyboard setting for screen shot http://postimg.org/image/e03xfjqc9/, can`t figure it out why it is taking screenshot with left Ctrl key. could anyone help?12:36
w-flostreulma, I doubt it. Maybe it's even worse, I remember something about memory usage improvements somewhere between 12.04 and 14.0412:37
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ladacz ?12:45
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exarkunAfter I reboot Ubuntu 14.04, Unity forgets the correct positioning relationship between my two displays.  It always puts the external display on the right when I have told it repeatedly that it goes above.  How do I fix this?12:49
Tin_mani've never tried 2 monitors, so i don't have a clue.. sorry12:51
Tin_manhard enough keeping track of one.. :)12:52
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cfhowlettPici please ban that jackhole13:05
Picicfhowlett: they're gone already.13:06
cfhowlettPici drive by spam ... OK13:06
Tin_manmusta missed something, course that not unusually13:09
Tin_mananyone here try Knoppix?, neat system, but i have some issues with it..13:11
cfhowlettTin_man obviously, knoppix is not supported here.13:11
Tin_mani know that.13:11
cfhowlettTin_man so if you really want help with it, use knoppix's support system???13:12
Tin_mani like to try different gui's, mine is ubuntu 14.0413:12
Tin_manwouldn't change13:12
Tin_mani've tried all the puppies, and etc13:12
Tin_manthey all have their place..13:13
cfhowlettTin_man general chitchat is in #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you.13:13
Tin_mani hope you can get fast enough not to drown..13:14
havardgewhy does wicd network manager only work sometimes? it often hangs at "obtaining ip address" or sometimes earlier in the connection process13:17
vakis it a bad idea to boot from livecd, chroot to my native system (that became unbootable by the way) and apply apt-get update/upgrade?13:18
cfhowlettvak that wouldn't fix the unbootable issue, so what would the point be?13:18
holstein_havardge: what have you done to isolate wicd?13:18
holstein_vak: i would want to have a backup of whatever data regardless of how i was trying to repair..13:19
holstein_vak: its pretty easy to try booting an older kernel..13:19
sydneyIs there a simple way in 14.04 to find my lost password,without resetting it?13:19
ubottusydney: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords13:20
vakcfhowlett: i have hopes that it will fix. because after re-attaching HDDs my native system fails to create /dev/sd* entries for whatever reasons and i am expecting that fresh initrd image will be healthy...13:20
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cfhowlettvak way over my head ... perhaps holstein knows more?13:20
havardgeholstein_: i simply installed the awesome window manager13:21
vakholstein_: backups done. old kernels doesn't work as well after i messed up SATA-port oder...13:21
holstein_havardge: ok.. that has nothing to do with the networking..13:21
havardgeholstein_: oh, you mean isolate the problem13:21
havardgeholstein:: well.. i only know that the default network manager of ubuntu works often times when wicd wont13:22
holstein_havardge: how are you determining that?13:23
YHi can anyone here help with missing operating system coming up on boot13:23
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holstein_Guest60877: not without more information.. that can be a system prompt..13:24
havardgeholstein_: i try connecting with wicd (in awesome) and it doesn't work, then i log out, log in with default window manager, and connect successfully using nm-applet13:24
Guest60877what information do you require?13:24
holstein_Guest60877: anything.. what operating system or systems.. drives. anything that can help a volunteer assist13:24
sydneycfhowlett: I wanted to view my pasword,not change it. ;)13:25
holstein_havardge: so, wicd doesnt work?13:25
Guest6087712.04 running ubuntu server, had a boot issue, used the boot-repair to fix it and now it's showing missing operating system when I boot the machine13:25
havardgeholstein_ well, it appears that wicd is unable to do something that nm-applet can13:25
havardgeholstein_ something that is required to set up the connection (i don't know what)13:26
Picisydney: the password itself isn't stored on the system, only a hash of it is. You can't reverse engineer it from the hash.13:26
sydneyPici:  OK :D13:27
havardgeholstein_ as you probably can tell i'm not an expert :) do you know what the problem could be?13:27
Guest60877@holstein_ any help?13:27
holstein_Guest60877: that message can be from the bios13:29
holstein_Guest60877: i would suggest boot repair, but, there are many things that can be failing.. the machine for example, the hard drive.. i would isolate and test the hard drive and the hardware and grub as much as possible13:29
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holstein_havardge: you say, wicd works "sometimes".. when does it work?13:30
havardgeholstein_: i'm not sure how to separate the cases from when it "just works" and when it doesn't work13:32
holstein_havardge: id say, when you do, you'll understand more clearly the issue13:33
havardgeholstein_ yeah for sure, btw, do you know any helpful terminal commmands that would give me some helpful info for diagnostics?13:33
holstein_havardge: no.. though, you can use a tray and the applet that you are able to use with whatever you like.. in awesome, for example13:34
Guest60877@holstein_ I just checked the BIOS and everything seems to be OK, am I suppose to look for something specific?13:35
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havardgeholstein_ yup, i'll be doing that while i figure out what the problem is (i like wicd)13:35
havardgeholstein_ thanks for your guiding questions ;)13:36
holstein_Guest60877: have you tested the hard drive? does the hard drive boot in other machines? can it boot other hard drives?13:36
Guest60877it's running on vsphere13:37
Guest60877the drive 100% works13:37
holstein_Guest60877: if it were 100% working, we wouldnt be chatting.. what do you mean "on vsphere" ?13:37
Guest60877vsphere client, have you never heard of it before? It's like vmware but for large companies, so my machine is a vm13:38
holstein_Guest60877: you are using vmware on windows? and this is a guest? an ubuntu 12.04 guest?13:38
Guest60877no I have a vm running ubuntu server13:38
Guest60877when I boot the VM I get the no operating system found13:39
holstein_Guest60877: ubuntu server *is* ubuntu.. so, you are using windows host? and ubuntu 12.04 server guest?13:39
Guest60877This suddenly happened after a update I did on the server13:39
Guest60877vsphere is not a window client it's actually based on unix, anyways thats not what i need help with I need to figure out how to fix the boot issue13:40
Guest60877How can I force the grub to identify the operating system13:40
holstein_Guest60877: sounds like a question for the virtualization host.., though, i would see that it can boot *anything*.. seems like you are not testing the image, as well, and assuming its ok13:40
holstein_Guest60877: grub just does that.. you dont need to force it to do that..13:40
Guest60877the image is fine, I'm able to boot the live CD too13:40
holstein_Guest60877: the image is not booting, though, friend.. and grub is in the image.. so, i think you are assuming its fine13:41
holstein_Guest60877: you can use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair from the live CD you state you can boot.. please share any messages you get while trying to reinstall grub13:42
Guest60877i have already done that13:43
holstein_Guest60877: that?13:43
holstein_Guest60877: this is a paste of what? messages? from running boot repair?13:43
Guest60877Yes I've gone over the boot-repair process13:43
holstein_Guest60877: you tried installing grub where? /dev/sda1? did you try /dev/sda? where was it originally?13:45
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Guest60877grub was repaired automatically via boot-repair13:46
Guest60877I did not do anyhing manually13:46
BeldarGuest60877, YOU are missing some of grub in the install, the bootscript is missing info.13:46
Guest60877how can i fix it?13:46
BeldarGuest60877, I would chroot and purge and reinstall grub13:47
Guest60877any tuts online by any  chance?13:47
BeldarGuest60877, What ubuntu release is this?13:47
BeldarGuest60877, Do you know how to chroot?13:48
prothello everyone, is it true that ubuntu uses the selinux kernel?13:48
Guest60877i tried to chroot but i got a error popping up about bin/bash13:49
holstein_Guest60877: what error?13:49
phelixlast night I was promted to run an update. It had a ton of updates in it. I came into work this morning after a reboot and now its like my desktop manager is broken. I can login and I get my desktop with my backgrounds and the desktop icons but the menu on hte left and side bars are all missing and the only way I can getto anything on my machine is clicking o a folder and navigating to a terminal13:49
phelixand then going that route13:49
Guest60877I'm going to boot via live cd and do the chroot13:49
phelixanyone have any idea what in the world could have happened?13:49
Guest60877I will paste the error here13:49
holstein_phelix: i would try the guest session.. then, if all is well in the guest session, its like the issue is im my user config.. i would then try to reset unity configs..13:50
phelixhow do I try a gues session?13:50
BeldarGuest60877, I have to take off but you have excellent help. ;)13:51
eeeephelix: try to fix broken package dependencies13:51
phelixI just tried to reinstall lightdm and install gnome-shell and im still having the same problem13:51
phelixeeee: not sure how to check that13:51
holstein_phelix: you can choose the guest session from the login screen.. if you have PPA"s added for gnome, that can be problematic13:52
phelixwell I JUST added them and tried to install gnome to see if that would help. but still im the same situation13:52
holstein_phelix: you can use a GUI package manager such as synaptic, which has "fix broken packages" in the mennu13:52
phelixk let met try that. once I go to that item I won't be ableto get back to the mirc screen13:52
eeeephelix: i forgot what happened once with me, i think after an update everything went nuts or i was installing something i think, i think in grub if you choose system settings or recovery or something you get an option to check for broken packages and thats what fixed it for me iirc13:53
phelixis there a special key I type when booting up to get into grub? not sure what it is13:54
k1l_left shift or left ctrl.13:54
eeeephelix: i just checked in a VM, i think i pressed on the recovery kernel13:55
eeeeand then you get a menu and you can select "repair broken packages"13:55
phelixso when booting up you hit left shift and in that menu you went to recovery kernel13:55
phelixI have synaptic up.. is it possible to do it with this program?13:56
Guest60877When i chroot "sudo chroot /mnt" I get the following error "chroot: failed to run command ' /bin/bash': no such file or directory13:56
eeeeGuest60877: try sudo chroot /mnt /bin/sh13:57
sugardaddysudo apt-get install porn13:58
Guest60877same error13:58
sugardaddysudo poweroff13:58
eeeephelix: maybe it's the same, wouldn't hurt to try13:58
sprungHi. I am in a situation where my laptop is on several different networks on a daily basis, a home LAN, a work LAN, and a work VPN i connect to from home. The problem is I lose my DNS server and search domain settings and keep having to manually do a "sudo service dnsmasq restart" to correct the settings. The restarting of the dnsmasq service always works, but it's incredibly annoying when I'm trying to do my job.13:58
Guest60877I've tried everything but I think there is something wrong with the mounting and bin/bash13:59
Guest60877I'm following this guide here http://askubuntu.com/questions/78758/unable-to-boot-missing-operating-system13:59
moussaanyone tried knoppix ?14:00
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sprungthe DNS and search domain setting is crucial because all of the servers i administrate have a private suffix to them that won't resolve on public DNS servers, and those settings DO get set via DHCP every time i restart dnsmasq, but I keep having to reset the service every few minutes and it's driving me nuts14:00
Guest60877anyone can help?14:01
sprungmoussa, knoppix is OLD OLD OLD. you should use something newer that accomplishes the same thing like Puppy14:01
moussasprung> use hosts file for you domain problem?14:02
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eeeeGuest60877: if you type /bin/sh does your shell change?14:02
Guest60877yes it goes just to $14:02
cfhowlettmoussa not supported here, however ... discuss in the  #ubuntu-offtopic channel.  thank you.14:02
holstein_Guest60877: whats the *exact* message? permission?14:02
eeeeok, you can run exit to get back to bash14:02
adm001mihey all14:03
Guest60877back on it now14:03
sprungmoussa, hosts file doesn't do search domains or dns settings, you mean /etc/resolv.conf which if you are using dnsmasq handles and overwrites that automatically and is a symbolic link14:03
holstein_Guest60877: can you simply mount from the live environment? if not, what are the errors?14:05
Guest60877The exact message is "chroot: failed ro run command ' /bin/bash': no such file or directory14:05
holstein_Guest60877: you mean, "failed to run"?14:05
Guest60877i can mount succesfully no errors14:05
adm001miI'm running a 32-bit ubuntu system... after installing chromium-browser and the pepperflashplugin-nonfree I get multiple "System program problem detected" and I can't run chrome at all14:07
holstein_adm001mi: try removing the config files.. you can just rename and test14:08
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phelixSo i went into grub and checked all my packages and ran a fsck and im still in the same problem14:09
adm001miI feel such a noob for asking this: where can I find those?14:09
holsteinphelix: and, as the guest account?14:09
phelixit goes to ubuntu login screen I can type in login and pass and get my desktop with desktop items that are on teh desktop and to get to term i have to open a folder and find the terminal executable14:09
phelixholstein: crap forgot about that.. let me try that14:10
holsteinadm001mi: in the users /home14:10
phelixis there a command that will log me out of desktop or must I reboot again?14:10
usr13sprung: How many do you administer?14:10
spionWhy isn't my layout switching shortcut working? this is setxkbmap -v http://paste.ubuntu.com/7731570/ - `setxkbmap mk` and `setxkbmap us` work in the terminal, but using capslock to switch layout doesn't do anything.14:10
adm001miI knew it was to simple... lol thx... I'll get back at ya in a bit14:10
usr13sprung: Like 20 or 30? or 10 or 15?14:10
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eeeephelix: just click on the button top right corner, and choose guest account14:11
phelixeeee: I don't have that14:11
phelixits not loading up14:11
Ro99xIf I have services open to specific ports, can I make them available via subdomains etc. (regular url?)14:11
Ro99xIn Apache14:11
phelixmy left sidebar and top side bars are missing14:11
phelixand I can't move windows14:11
phelixI only have what icons I physcally had on my desktop14:11
spionnote: if I set grp_led:caps then my caps lock led flashes quickly (turns on and off again)14:11
spionso I suspect there may be double-switching14:11
moussasprung> what is your problem again?!14:11
moussasorry i got disconnected on this laptop14:12
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usr13moussa: I'm thinking your suggestion was a good solution for sprung, (using the hosts file).  But like you, I do not fully understand the problem.14:13
Guest60877I re-done the grub files14:13
Guest60877now when I reboot I get a GNU grub command line14:14
spionfound the issue. apparently gnome-settings-daemon doesn't cooperate at all with setxkbmap shortcuts14:14
moussaif usr13> if he think hosts files wont do the job, then i think he doesn't need help at all14:15
usr13moussa: I don't know...14:15
moussai think you know what i mean :-)14:15
adm001mithere is no config for chrome in /home... in my ~/.config that is...14:15
derpCan I reinstall my ubuntu 1414:15
derpI get weird screen build up14:16
derplike transparent background, or unreadable background colors14:16
usr13derp: What?14:16
cfhowlettderp you can reinstall, but that may/may not fix it.  send a screenshot14:16
usr13!nomodeset | derp14:17
ubottuderp: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:17
usr13(just a guess) derp ...14:17
eeeederp: if you reinstall dont choose reinstall if you have a dualboot, it will erase the whole disk and repartition,14:17
phelixI just tried the guest login and everything is completly empty. Just an empty  desktop not a single item launcher or sidebar14:18
adm001mibut it seems to work now... chromium-browser14:18
phelixyou have any other ideas by chance on how to fix my desktop?14:19
usr13phelix: What are you trying to do?14:19
phelixI ran a big update last night and I booted my computer up and nothing is there14:19
phelixI have my desktop icons and that is it. and my desktopwall papers14:19
eeeephelix: try unity --reset14:19
phelixi have no top or bottom bar and no launcher and when a windo is open I can't move it or close it14:19
phelixreset option is now depreciated14:20
moussaphelix: can you tty to your box?14:20
usr13moussa: ssh?14:20
phelixI can get a terminal by clicking on a folder than going to computer /usr/bin/ and running terminal14:20
moussano tty14:20
phelixis that like alt-f3 ?14:21
eeeephelix: ctrl+alt+f114:21
clh_hi all, I need to look deeper into how /etc/network/interfaces is getting created during install.  is this the right places to look? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/14:21
phelixdoesn't seem to do anything14:21
eeeeadd the ctrl14:21
usr13moussa: You mean console mode?  Ctl-Alt-F614:21
derpfinally done with my screenshot14:22
derpwhere do I upload?14:22
eeeephelix: ctrl+alt+f7 gets you back to the desktop14:22
moussahe might want to do sudo apt-get update then upgrade might fix his problem14:22
phelixyeah that worked14:22
moussalo in14:22
phelixyea it was an upgrade that messed it all up14:22
moussathen type sudo apt-get update14:22
phelixive done that14:23
moussaafter it finish14:23
freecoderare linux drivers available for ATI SunPro 8570 graphics card?14:23
derpusr13, cfhowlett, http://i.snag.gy/bZquk.jpg this is good?14:23
moussado it again14:23
eeeephelix: did you try apt-get upgrade?14:23
sprung<usr13> moussa: I'm thinking your suggestion was a good solution for sprung, (using the hosts file).  But like you, I do not fully understand the problem.  <-- that would be entirely incorrect, the hosts file has /absolutely nothing to do with/ DNS settings or search domain. You mean /etc/resolv.conf, and even then you would be incorrect because dnsmasq overrides that file continuously.14:23
phelixk its done.14:23
cfhowlettderp wait one, takes time for your signal to get over here to china.14:23
phelixno not upgrade14:23
eeee(btw i just remembered that's what screwed me, heh)14:23
sprungusr13, the hosts file simply overrides DNS lookup for an individual hostname, and nothing more14:23
phelixmoussa: apt-get update is done.14:24
sprungHi. I am in a situation where my laptop is on several different networks on a daily basis, a home LAN, a work LAN, and a work VPN i connect to from home. The problem is I lose my DNS server and search domain settings and keep having to manually do a "sudo service dnsmasq restart" to correct the settings. The restarting of the dnsmasq service always works, but it's incredibly annoying when I'm trying to do my job.14:24
moussasprung> you seems to know what you doing unlike us, so in my opinion you don't need help14:24
usr13sprung: Correct14:25
eeeesprung: you can do sudo apt-get install dnsmasq, and edit the dnsmasq.hosts file14:25
sprungmoussa, while i know you're trying to help me, and I appreciate that, if you can't help then don't.14:25
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.14:25
phelixeeee: should I run sudo apt-get upgrade you think?14:25
moussasprung> good call :-)14:25
cfhowlettphelix sudo apt-get dist-upgrade       ?14:25
moussaphelix> no just sudo apt-get upgrade14:26
eeeephelix: why not, yeah. worst case you can just run the recovery14:26
usr13sprung: Maybe you need to look at your home router's settings, and maybe update nameserver IP to something more reliable / appropriate.14:26
phelixdoesn'ta ppear to want to upgrade anything14:26
sprungusr13, except i'm at work right now and i'm having the problem as well, so no.14:26
phelixand apt-get dist-upgrade is done14:26
phelixit seemed to install something14:27
usr13sprung: So you are losing access to a VPN you normally use?  (Is that it?)14:27
sprungusr13, again, restarting the dnsmasq service always fixes the problem, the issue is that i keep having to restart it every few minutes or domains don't resolve14:27
joseph-andreDoes somebody knows is there is a way to get rid of the user selection in the top right corner in Unity.14:27
sprungusr13, again, no that is not the problem14:27
moussaphelix> after is done sudo reboot14:27
phelixk brb14:28
sprungeeee, dnsmasq is already installed14:28
usr13sprung: Explain14:28
eeeesprung: trust me install it as apt-get install dnsmasq14:28
usr13sprung: So what is dnsmasq serving?14:29
eeeephelix: i was thinking if you can run the update again14:30
phelixyeah that didn't fix it14:30
eeeemaybe it never finished or something14:30
rasteroidjoin #debian14:31
eeeecan you do a right click on the desktop and then background settings?14:31
phelixYeah that is what I thought. I manually ran the update-manager and it didn't seem to find anything new14:31
phelixI dont have settings. only  change background14:31
samba35i have messed dpkg /var/cache/ with rm now i am not able to install any package can you please tell me how do i rebuild dpkg /debconf so i can install any package14:31
phelixand new folder and new document14:31
usr13sprung: Why is dnsmask causing you not to resolve domian names on your laptop?  And why do you run dnsmask on your laptop in the first place?14:32
usr13sprung: What is in your /etc/resolv.conf file?14:32
phelixthis really sucks.. at work with no computer =/ anyway to remove whatever updates the system did when it prompted me to run an update last night?14:33
eeeeyeah i might change background, nevermind though since you tried it14:34
sprungusr13, are you aware that the /etc/resolv.conf in ubuntu is a symbolic link?14:34
usr13sprung: And your point is _______________?14:34
sprungusr13, if you're not aware of that then I'm questioning your ability to assist me14:34
hebsy0 so im finally gonna format and install an ssd in my desktop14:35
hebsso hows ubuntu looking these days?14:35
derpany suggestions to fix my problem?14:35
usr13sprung: Never mind, this is an OT conversation anyway, (and not getting any where so....).14:35
hebsis 64 bit support prevalent yet or should i just stick with 32 still?14:36
thekkidI have a Del Latitude #6430 with a docking station and 2 monitors with a nvidia GPU. It used to switch to the monitors as soon as I'd dock the laptop but since upgrading to 14.04 I have to go into nvidia settings and switch the display every time I dock. Any way to fix this?14:36
samba35dpkg: error: cannot read info directory: No such file or directory14:36
samba35E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)14:36
cfhowlettsamba35 reinstall is an option ...14:36
cfhowlettsamba35 and please don't cross post14:37
samba35is that is the only option ?14:37
cfhowlettsamba35 not the only one, but it would fix ... whatever you did.14:38
adm001miokay, so now my pepperflash isn't working...14:39
no_gravityTrying Ubuntu... there is no taskbar anymore, right? Is there any way to at least get a temporary taskbar?14:39
rohan_I have an upstart job that for some reason is starting as root even though I used setuid and setguid, do those options have to be in a specific place in the script?14:39
no_gravityI mean some key that brings up a list of the open windows and their titles?14:39
rohan_similarly can I simply put it in the home upstart directory? If so how do I enable this on Ubuntu 14.0414:40
eeeeno_gravity: alt+tab ? alt+~ ?14:41
rohan_actually nevermind, I need the job to start on boot, not wait until the user logs in14:42
no_gravityeeee: alt+tab works. thanks. alt+~ .. i wouldnt know how to press that combo on a german keyboard.14:43
eeeeit's the button above tab14:43
adm001mijust for reference, it is installed... chrome just says I need to install adobe flash player...14:46
eeeeadm001mi: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:46
OerHeksadm001mi, chrome comes with a build-in recent flashplayer14:46
adm001miOerHeks, then it doesn't work...14:47
OerHeksadm001mi, any site that says you need to install flash, might be malware.14:47
dw1how can I disable video preview icons in Nautilus?  in Preferences -> Preview it's set to "Only for files smaller than 10MB" but it still loads them even when the file is much larger14:47
OerHeksflash/chrome works great here14:47
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adm001miOerHeks, facebook is saying that...14:49
eeeeis chrome alot better than firefox on ubuntu?14:49
adm001miOerHeks, does that include chromium-browser?14:50
adm001mieeee, I think that personal opinion14:50
no_gravityeeee: it has advantages and disadvantages. you can simply use both.14:50
tomodachii find it faster , but firefox has nicer integration with ubuntu14:50
eeeeon windows i think chrome is hands down better, but on ubuntu it almost feels like its chrome14:51
tomodachii feel the opposite14:51
tomodachithat ff is fast on windows, but slow in linux14:51
tomodachiwas a couple years since i compared though14:51
dw1chrome seems less bloated to me14:51
dw1but im just guessing14:51
OerHeksadm001mi, no, chromium is not chrome, same code indeed but without flash/pdf/stuff14:51
adm001miSo after re-installing the pepperflashplugin-nonfree I get the "System program problem detected"14:55
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Flolilai have a problem. when i boot my computer i get an error that my sensor module is not working - do i need those?14:57
adm001miso I removed everything from ~/.config/chrome as suggested... but chrome still isn't starting...14:57
adm001mianyone got a clue on this issue?>14:59
usr13adm001mi: Maybe just download it again?15:00
OerHeksadm001mi, i have chrome, but no ~/.config/chrome .... only chromium15:00
hebsso 64 bit or 32 bit?15:01
hebshavent used ubuntu in a while15:01
tomodachihebs: 64bit15:01
bcveryhebs, 6415:01
hebsare you sure15:01
cfhowletthebs if your computer can handle it, 6415:01
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hebsbecause last time i used 64, there were so many issues15:01
tomodachithere is absolutely no reasone to use 32 bit unless you have a cpu that super old15:01
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hebshence me switching back to 715:01
hebsthat and gaming15:01
usr13adm001mi: What error do you get?15:02
arshavincan i run office 2013 with wine?15:02
tomodachihebs: you will be fine, no problem you will have will be because you have 64bit also you DO want to make use of all that EXTRA ram modern computers have right?15:02
cfhowlettarshavin doubtful  but you can run libreoffice15:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:03
OerHeksarshavin, check the wineDB, i think you cannot.15:03
tomodachiarshavin: you can with crossover probably15:03
usr13arshavin: Probably.  But why not just use libreoffice or a native office suite?15:03
arshavinthere was a tutorial to run 2010 version with wine but I have only 2013 version of office15:03
tomodachiarshavin: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/  ,  they have a free trial15:04
arshavinI think I should give codeweavers a try15:04
cfhowlettarshavin kingsoft writer or libreoffice writer15:04
tomodachiarshavin: nevermind it does not even work in crossover,then i doubt it will work in wine15:04
traubisodahi there15:04
tomodachiarshavin:  http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search?name=office+2013&search=app15:04
arshavinis kingsoft better than libreoffice?15:04
usr13arshavin: Join #winehq15:04
traubisodais there anyone, who could help me out with NFS server-side copying?15:05
arshavinthanks @toodachi15:05
tomodachiarshavin: np  ,15:05
arshavinsorry @tomodachi15:05
tomodachitraubisoda: dont ask just ask15:05
usr13traubisoda: What do you need?15:05
function9what program can I use to find out what services are enabled and running?15:06
ubottutraubisoda: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:06
traubisodaokay :) I have a file server with 2 NFS mounts. When I copy files from one mount to the other, the copying is going through my desktop15:06
usr13function9: service15:06
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traubisodaso I would like to set up NFS to manage the copying process server-side only15:06
usr13traubisoda: Can you give a bit more detail?15:06
usr13traubisoda: Then do it from the server....?15:07
usr13traubisoda: But I don't understand what the difference is, if the files are copyed from one directory to the other, what does it matter?15:07
JakeI accidently sudoed a program and now when I open it it Get permission errors, how do I get permission for a file located at /home/jake/.TrueCrypt/Configuration.xml15:08
traubisodausr13 it is very slow, because it is being done on the network15:08
function9usr: cheers15:08
usr13traubisoda: Then use ssh15:08
traubisodausr13, I would use it, but my family don't really know these kind of stuff :)15:09
tomodachitraubisoda: i dont think thats even possible. I know samba does magic stuff like that15:09
traubisodahowever I read that server-side copying has been implemented to NFS15:09
usr13traubisoda: Ok, well that is a problem I've not discovered yet.15:09
traubisodatomodachi, it's on NFS, not samba15:09
traubisodausr13, :)15:10
usr13traubisoda: Maybe just use samba?15:10
tomodachitraubisoda: like i said , i dont think its possible with NFS, but i believe samba (perhaps only in windows) has a similair ability15:10
traubisodausr13, I've tried, it's the same15:10
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tomodachiso you need the performance? just upgrade your network then15:11
usr13traubisoda: I guess I've het to work with files big enough to make that much difference, (didn't even realize they were not just going from one dir to the other).15:11
usr13traubisoda: gigabit?15:11
traubisodausr13, the files are mostly HD series15:12
usr13traubisoda: or 10/100?15:12
traubisodausr13, 10/10015:12
usr13traubisoda: Just upgrade your equipment.15:12
serdem420 hey guys, how can i change permisson of current user. i would like to get root privilages, to be able to write to all files and directories.15:12
serdem420i have tried many things but couldn't mange it.15:12
usr13serdem420: sudo?15:12
serdem420usr13, i would like to use in ftp.15:13
traubisodausr13, I may will, but I'll still won't sleep until I figure it out :D there has to be a solution in 2014 for stuff like this15:13
serdem420usr13, so sudo does not work for me.15:13
usr13serdem420: So you are asking about ftp?15:13
serdem420usr13, my current username is "ubuntu" i need to be able to change all files and directories. iget permisson error when i try to change any file or directory at this time.15:14
adm001miusr13, already tried that 6 times...15:14
usr13serdem420: I think you need to give us specific information on what exactly you are tying to do, and maybe we can come up with a solution.15:14
traubisodausr13, tomodachi, I've found this, but I don't really know what to do with it: https://wiki.linux-nfs.org/wiki/index.php/Server_Side_Copy15:15
serdem420via sftp15:15
adm001miusr13: "System program problem detected"15:15
usr13serdem420: All files, (on the whole computer)?15:15
serdem420usr13, :)15:15
Spinnigan_HumphrIf I downloaded Ubuntu from a torrent will it have a different md5sum from the one listed on the Ubuntu hashes page?15:16
serdem420usr13, how can i give root privilages to a current user?if you can help with this that would work too.15:16
usr13serdem420: sudo15:16
serdem420sorry for the missunderstand15:16
sprungSpinnigan_Humphr, No. You most likely downloaded a different version than the one that matches those hashes, but you could also have a corrupt version15:16
tomodachitraubisoda: seems like some guy implemented the feature himself in nfs , i wouldnt use it unless i know exactly what I was doing15:17
usr13serdem420: sudo -i15:17
tomodachitraubisoda: perhaps using untested features in an application that read and writes your critical data is not the best of choices15:17
sprungSpinnigan_Humphr, the md5sum will *always* match or it's not the same version (or corrupted in download)15:17
serdem420usr13. how am i supposed to user sudo with ftp?15:17
zolganI got pretty strange problem; I've create new user via "adduser newuser"15:17
serdem420user use15:17
Spinnigan_HumphrThanks sprung, I'm going to try downloading again.15:17
zolganwhen I'm logged as "newuser" I'm able to access /root files15:17
usr13serdem420: ... if what your asking is now to get a superuser session...15:17
traubisodatomodachi, okay, thanks :)15:18
ikoniazolgan: what is the permissions on /root15:18
sprungSpinnigan_Humphr, good idea15:18
zolganikonia: hmm, drwxr-xr-x   strange15:19
serdem420usr13, Woww, anyways..15:19
ikoniazolgan: not strange at all15:19
ikoniazolgan: thats open to everyeone15:19
zolganyup i see that15:19
zolganls -al /home returns the same drwxr-xr-x   on all files15:19
ikoniazolgan: what has /home got to do with anything15:20
ikoniazolgan: you said /root - /root is wide open, now you're saying /home has the same permisions ?? so what /15:20
zolganikonia: as user X shoudn't I be able to access /home/Y /home/Z etc? Just only /home/X ??15:20
zolganikonia: I mean, both /root and /home has the same permissions15:20
zolganikonia: I have created user with "adduser newuser", but everyone can access /home/newuser15:22
zolgan+ newuser can access /root and every file inside /home15:22
sigokilI wanna ask a question, does ubuntu have some speech recognition or something like that?15:23
usr13serdem420: You are correct, it is best to not use sudo to run ftp.15:23
usr13serdem420: So what *really* is your question?15:23
usr13serdem420: You ftp into another server and you want access to more files than you normally get?15:23
usr13serdem420: If that is the issue, then you need to configure the ftp server to grant more access to more files, or move the files into the accessable directory.15:23
jpentlandHi, I have a custom touchscreen driver running on an arm platform with lxde on ubuntu, I can read input events from /dev/input/event0 with evtest, but it doesn't seem to be being accessed by X11 or other services15:24
leeyaais there an easy way to make apt install packages configuration files and files in /usr/local/ rather than /opt and /etc ?15:25
zolganor what's the correct way to create user and give him only permissions to access it's own files?15:25
sigokilare there any application in ubuntu like a speech recognition in windows?15:26
usr13_sigokil: yes15:26
usr13_sigokil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech15:27
zolgananyone on adduser pbolem please?15:27
zolganwhy adduser user creats /home/user with too high permissions?15:28
usr13_sigokil: http://www.muktware.com/2013/03/how-to-install-linux-speech-recognition-in-ubuntu/415815:28
ikoniazolgan: I don't know why you are baffled by this, the permissions are open15:28
usr13_zolgan: 755 for directories and 644 for files?15:29
emasarnIf one needs help, is this the place to ask questions? :)15:29
ikoniazolgan: why do you think it's an adduser problem, as adduser doesn't touch /root - and /root is open15:29
ikoniaemasarn: sure15:29
ikoniaemasarn: we help with ubuntu issues here15:29
usr13_emasarn: With Ubuntu, yes15:29
emasarnThanks :)15:29
zolganikonia: ok, let's try another way; I typed "adduser xxx". It created user xxx and created /home/xxx15:29
emasarnI have recently bought a HP Envy and I installed Ubuntu on it.15:29
zolganbut this /home/xxx is also accesable for everyone15:29
zolganshoudn't it be accesable only for xxx?15:30
usr13_zolgan: That shouldn't be15:30
emasarnWhen I try to boot it up, windows loads instead of new installation (I kept Windows installed)15:30
zolganusr13_: but it is, what's the problem here?15:30
emasarnI booted up the live cd on runned boot-repair, but it did not help. It said that there was an error.15:30
ikoniathe default permissions on a useradd from a debian upstream system is 75515:30
ikoniawhich is the exact permissions you have15:31
usr13_zolgan: What does it look like?15:31
usr13_zolgan: drwxr-xr-x >'15:31
usr13_zolgan: drwxr-xr-x ?15:31
emasarnWhat sould I do? :)15:31
zolganusr13_: yup15:31
usr13_zolgan: That is normal15:31
zolganusr13_: but then every other user can access files from /home/xxx, right?15:31
emasarnThe app gave me this URL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/773191215:31
ikoniathey can't access the files15:32
ikoniajust the directory15:32
usr13_zolgan: It is readable but not writable15:32
t0th_-hi anybody can help me with aspell?15:32
t0th_-i am trying create a custom dictionary15:32
ikoniazolgan: I also suspect you have done something to your system as you have put 755 permissions on /root15:32
ikoniathat is not the norm/standard15:32
zolganok, so I could read other people files?15:32
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ikoniazolgan: create a file in your home directory, look at the permissions it creates15:33
ikoniazolgan: if your concerned, change the permissions15:33
zolganikonia: cd ~/Desktop   touch aaa.txt   ls -al15:34
zolganso everyone could read files from my Desktop?15:34
ikoniathat file is readable yes15:34
emasarnDoes anyone have a suggestion? :)15:35
zolganso I'm also able to "cat" files from other users :/15:35
zolganis it by default?15:36
jpentlandDoes anyone know what package the kmod should be in daemon?15:36
eeeezolgan: yes it is by default15:36
LorcatarWhat other ubuntu channels are there?15:36
zolganso what't the best way to avoid that? Should I change chmod for /home/-  and /root  ?15:37
eeeeyou can set your home folder's permissions, and edit a file so that when a new user is created it is automatically set15:37
PiciLorcatar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:37
usr13_zolgan: You can chmod 752 the directories that you want to keep private.15:39
usr13_zolgan: That is kind of what users and groups are for.15:40
zolganusr13_: eee, 752? not 700?15:40
usr13_zolgan: Well, it's up to you.  Again, that is what users and groups are for.15:41
usr13_zolgan: But 752 is enough to block access from other users.15:42
adm001micould removing chromium-browser and pepperflashplugin and then install chrome from google website solve this issue?15:43
usr13_adm001mi: Probably15:43
usr13_adm001mi: (It's what I suggested earlier. Just download chrome.)15:44
OerHeksadm001mi, you can instal them side-by-side, they don't bite15:44
usr13_adm001mi: You can use as many web browsers as  you want.15:45
adm001miperhaps not but after installing the pepperflashplugin, the "System program problem detected" error comes up...15:45
adm001miusr13, I know, but thanks for reminding me... always good to be reminded of good things15:45
usr13_adm001mi: Dono how "good" these things are but.... :)15:46
usr13_adm001mi: ... what ever works ...15:47
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ikoniazolgan: I'd be asking some hard questions about what's happened to make /root not be the standard permissions15:48
zolganikonia: what's standard /root permissions?15:49
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jlanderalgún argentino?15:49
ikoniazolgan: what's happened to your machine to break the /root permissions15:50
zolganikonia: what do you mean?15:50
ikoniazolgan: what has happened to your machine that makes /root have the wrong permissions15:50
jlanderbusco a un chico argentino15:50
zolgani don't know it was by default15:51
ikoniazolgan: 75015:51
ikoniazolgan: so what's happened to change it15:51
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jlanderalguien habla español?15:52
eeee!es | jlander15:52
ubottujlander: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:52
zolganikonia: i don't know, the permission i had was -rw-r--r--15:53
topdownjimmyIs there a way to change the size of an encfs mount? Mine seems limited to 45GB.15:53
eeeezolgan: something isn't right, it isn't even a directory15:54
convictI'm trying to connect my apple bluetooth magic mouse to ubuntu 14.04 but it only shows up randomly for a split second in the devices pane. Any idea how to fix it?15:54
eeeethe permissions of /root should start with a d--------15:55
eeeezolgan: run ls-ld /root15:57
eeeels -ld /root15:57
jlandercan you help me to recover data from corrupted partition xfs filesystem?15:57
eeeejlander: apt-get install testdisk15:57
zolganeeee: I've already changed it (chmod 700), but I was able to do cat /root/Desktop/file.txt from different user15:57
eeeejlander: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery15:58
OerHeksxfs_repair -L /dev/sdXY15:58
oboewarriorany good porn sites16:00
jacobatIs there some way to install packages as if they were on the local filesystem but over http? Something like "apt-get install http://example.com/my_package.deb"?16:02
Eggs_jacobat: wget it first isnt too bad16:04
jacobatEggs_: I'm trying to build a lightweight image, so I'm trying to avoid fetching it onto the filesytem16:04
Eggs_jacobat: i mean if your scripting the installation just script the wget to be done before you install it16:05
servergurusjacobat: http://askubuntu.com/questions/51854/is-it-possible-to-install-a-deb-from-a-url16:06
jacobatSo I guess the answer to my questions is "no", thanks :)16:06
servergurusIf you read that article they refer to creating a bash script or bashrc function that would essentially do what you need.16:08
GRMrGeckoI'm wondering which text editor I should learn to use, so vote here for what you use http://strawpoll.me/2025888 I don't want a war.16:08
jacobatservergurus: I'm trying to avoid having the .deb on disk16:09
kermytgedit in gui or vi in console is what I use16:09
PiciGRMrGecko: Please don't take polls in this channel.16:09
servergurusjacobat: That's not possible.. even when you apt-get install, the stuff is downloaded to disk before compiling/installing..16:09
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jacobatservergurus: Okay, thanks again :)16:10
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AndChat507Testing a new irc client. Can someone send me a message or 2? Thanks16:10
bcvery!test | AndChat50716:11
ubottuAndChat507: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )16:11
AndChat507Bcvery, awesome thanks!16:12
usr13_GRMrGecko: vimtutor is your friend ;)16:21
GRMrGeckousr13_: I used that, but didn't commit to memory yet:P Also I prefer nano right now.16:21
usr13_GRMrGecko: To each his own.16:22
King^VooDoowath is that channel from were i get my shell tokyo.techfilmer.com16:22
usr13_King^VooDoo: What is your native language?16:22
usr13_!Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre  Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro16:23
ubottuusr13_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
john8681__is this a support channel16:23
usr13_john8681__: Yes, for Ubuntu.16:23
john8681__i have a virus ridden version of windows 8. I would like to install ubuntu. Please let me know if I can just install ubuntu or if I need to reformat windowa 816:24
k1l_!install | john8681__16:25
ubottujohn8681__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:25
usr13_john8681__: Either way.  You can install alongside MS Windows (dual-boot), or you can wipe it and just have Ubuntu by itself.16:26
john8681__so you think it's ok to install even on infected computer16:26
w-flojohn8681__, yes, the ubuntu installation will be "clean". But if you keep windows, it will still be infected & dangerous to use16:27
k1ljohn8681__: the windows is infected. if you install ubuntu (and erase windows with that) your system is not infected anymore16:27
w-flo(*windows* will be infected.)16:27
dukedaveDoes anyone know Fogger is still alive?   https://launchpad.net/fogger16:28
OerHeksjohn8681__, be safe, format windows with ubuntu live cd16:28
john8681__I hope so. Can't stand windows anymore. I am looking forward to using ubuntu16:28
GuyThatNeedsHelpDoes anyone know the name of the default video player for ubuntu?16:28
dukedaveGuyThatNeedsHelp: Totem?16:29
GuyThatNeedsHelpYes thank you16:29
gabrieldiasmy sound device is a little sick of a issue this is an intel 7 series and its crashing a lot someone here can help i did a clean ubuntu 14.04 install16:30
gabrieldiasit never crashed at slack so im thinking if this isnt an ubuntu driver issue16:31
adm001miwell, we're back to square one, installing google-chrome-stable from google results in a 'the application Google Chrome closed unexpectly" (sorry for the perhaps wrong translation, but the system runs in Dutch)16:34
Jordan_Uadm001mi: Quick tip for support, if you ever want to run a command / app in English you can run "LANG=C your-command". (Which will only work for google-chrome if you're starting a new instance of google-chrome rather than just opening a new window).16:36
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dman777_alteranyone installed rbenv?16:41
SchrodingersScatdman777_alter: no, I haven't.16:42
Jordan_Udman777_alter: Try just asking your actual question.16:42
neupucenihi! how to do kernel bisection?16:56
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OerHeksneupuceni, dunno what bisection is, but here is a wiki about it > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection16:57
kbrosnanbisection is a way to find what code changes or set of changes broke a feature16:58
OerHekskbrosnan, thanks, i am reading that page now too.16:59
hs366I had problem with apt-get update , error: Failed to fetch PPA Deluge wich was ../dists/trusty/17:01
hs366I opned the sources.list but i couldn't find the Deluge17:01
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hs366i fixed it through software update / other software17:02
hs366is it correct ?17:02
OerHekshs366, that entry is now stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  folder, use ppa-purge to reverse and remove17:02
=== Guest91298 is now known as Coffe
OerHekshs366, just removing the entry in software update/other software does nothing to the installed packaged, wich can cause problems in the future17:04
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:05
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hs366OerHeks, is it possible to open the source.list.d with gedit or vi ?17:05
hs366i just want to check17:05
OerHeksls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:05
OerHeksit is a folder, no txt file17:06
DrakkenWarrif you want to make edits you want to open /etc/apt/sources.list17:06
hs366oooh  yes i see17:07
OerHeksDrakkenWarr, sure, but PPA's are no longer stored there17:07
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DrakkenWarrhuh... learn something new everyday17:07
hs366yess.. i love this channel , ofcource i do some search before ask here but sometimes is a direct shortcut17:08
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adm001misorry got d/c17:14
abdelhello please I want to download tftp server in my ubuntu, please can you help me with how to transfer files using tftp17:14
abdelhello please I want to download tftp server in my ubuntu, please can you help me with how to transfer files using tftp17:15
abdelhello please I want to download tftp server in my ubuntu, please can you help me with how to transfer files using tftp please its urgent17:16
hs366abdel, im not pro here but maybe this can help you : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-configure-tftp-server-ubuntu-debian-howto/17:16
SchrodingersScat!info tftp | abdel17:16
ubottuabdel: tftp (source: netkit-tftp): Trivial file transfer protocol client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-18ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB17:16
hs366abdel, plz consult with others !17:17
Antonio_1irc italiano?17:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:17
adm001miso I'm sitting here with a 32-bit ubuntu which won't run chromium-browser or google-chrome-stable; chromium gives me a system problem because of pepperflashplugin-nonfree and chrome gives me a from the commandline a invalid instruction17:18
w-floadm001mi, chrome dropped support for some old processors recently17:19
Guido1hello. i have a little problem with the wiskerker menu. if i want to log of i do not get asked what i want to do, but get to the start screen17:21
w-floadm001mi, code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=34876117:21
=== James is now known as Guest4707
w-flo"UMA stats for trailing 7 days of M33 stable shows no users without SSE2 on linux" - so apparently, you don't exist adm001mi :)17:22
adm001miw-flo, that;s funny... my older laptop has no problems running chrome nor chromium...17:22
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kazdaxi just installed ubuntu and would like to know the good servers for the download application17:22
adm001mibut I know for sure it is the pepperflashplugin... because after installing that, the problems begin with chromium...17:22
adm001miw-flo, that's cool... I am... so I exist...17:23
w-floadm001mi, the pepper flash plugin is closed source, while chromium is open source and was compiled by ubuntu. So maybe chromium works because ubuntu made sure to disable modern CPU features, but google doesn't care about old CPUs when compiling pepperflash17:23
Guido1As mentiones, i can shut down the computer. how can i fix it? (wiskerker menu)17:23
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adm001mithe main reason I wanna use chromium/chrome is because the flashplayer supports facebook games... or if someones else has any suggestions...17:24
Guest41502Hi, I killed my computer last night by resetting my master boot loader (to undo what damage Microsoft had done) and now my computer can't find my operating system OR grub.17:26
Guest41502I do not have the linux install thing anymore, and I'd prefer not to have to reinstall it. I'm saving that for last resort. Any suggestions?17:27
w-floGuest41502, I think you can boot from the installation medium to reinstall grub.17:28
Guest41502That's the piece that was lost.  And I'm pretty sure I have a grub install, I reinstalled it five times.17:28
w-floSomething like "boot live linux from USB/cd-rom, mount your existing linux partition, run install-grub from there", but make sure to find an actual howto17:29
compdocGuest41502, the software center?17:29
compdochmm, nm17:29
w-floyou can probably use any kind of live linux / rescue system17:29
Guest41502so there isn't a magic command from the failed boot screen that will let me find my operating system?17:30
w-floif your master boot record is incorrect, you can't boot from your hard disk, so you need something like the installer I'm afraid17:30
w-floare you sure grub doesn't work? (there's a difference between "grub is not started" and "grub is started correctly, but fails to boot any OS"17:31
Guest41502I'm sure. I ALWAYS got whatever operating system was on that harddrive.17:32
Guest41502I figred the Windows install screwed up the bootloader, so I used a bootrepair software to fix it.17:33
w-floyeah, windows is known to break grub without asking :)17:33
w-floI really think you need some live linux system to re-install the grub MBR17:34
Guest41502Because I have two harddrives, I took out the linux one so that it wouldn't. So theoretically it should have been safe.17:34
w-flobut maybe there's some other way17:34
Guest41502Is the MBR the same as the whole program?17:35
kastanhey community when ever i try installing steam im getting this error Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.150'}): org.debian.apt.install-file17:35
w-floI think most parts of grub are in a normal filesystem, and then there's some code in the MBR that loads those parts from the normal filesystem17:35
Guest41502Kastan, this one may be more usefull for you: irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-steam17:36
kastanthank you17:36
w-flobut I'm really not very good with boot things.. so yeah. Good luck :)17:37
hs366OerHeks, DrakkenWarr  Thx for help i got the consept of ppa-purge now17:37
Guest41502I guess I have to try to convince my brother to find out what it is that he did with that install USB. Does anyone have any advice for that?17:38
w-floyou could simply download the ubuntu liveCD iso and use that17:39
w-flothen use google to find out how to reinstall grub using the ubuntu live cd :)17:40
Guest41502Yeah, but that would cost money. Just found it though, so costs avoided.17:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:40
adm001miso does anyone have a suggestion without chrome/chromium pepperflash which allows me to play facebook games on ubuntu?17:40
w-flowow, there's a wiki page for this problem :))17:41
w-floadm001mi, I guess "normal" NPAPI flash doesn't work for facebook games?17:41
Guest41502I don't know anything about facebook games, but Firefox seems to be universally compatible.17:41
Guest41502And I've tried that wiki page. I am honestly not sure GRUB ever worked.17:41
jacqHi all, where could I find some info on configuring Ubuntu core in framebuffer mode?17:42
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adm001minope, it's an older version and doesn't get updated anymore to adobe's flash version... thats why pepperflashplugin has been developed17:44
Guest41502Is the repair option under install or try?17:46
w-floadm001mi, if you want chrome on linux, you need a relatively modern CPU (Pentium 3 or some minimum AMD CPU that is not as old as Pentium 3 AFAIK)… So: buy a new computer or use windows :(17:47
w-flosorry, pentium 4. you need pentium 4.17:48
Guest41502The CPU will probably last longer. And it won't be Windows 8.17:48
adm001miw-flo... can't afford a new computer, and windows is to much spyware17:49
w-floadm001mi, you could also complain about google dropping (apparently? I'm not 100% sure they even dropped it, maybe it's only valid for chrome, not pepperflash) pepperflash support for older CPUs.17:51
Guest41502Can you use virtual machines? Maybe you could try running your browser as a windows browser.17:51
w-floBut since it's close source... bad luck. nothing more you can do.17:52
Antonio_1ubuntu ita?17:52
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Antonio_1irc ita17:52
Pici!it | Antonio_117:53
ubottuAntonio_1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:53
adm001miw-flo... is sempron to old?17:53
w-floadm001mi, depends on the exact model number. AMD K8 processors probably still work, but K7 don't17:55
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Guest41502I'm looking at the live CD recovery, but I set this up as an ammature, and don't know how my device is set up. What command do I use?17:56
Guest41502Here are my options:17:56
Guest41502/dev/evms/dm     if you are using software raid17:56
Guest41502/dev/evms/lvm    if you are using LVM17:56
Guest41502/dev/evms/lvm2   if you are using LVM217:56
Guest41502/dev/evms        if you are using EVMS17:56
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:57
MagicSpudhello I am following a tutorial from http://www.thefanclub.co.za site to secure ubuntu server... the point is i am having trouble to understand this: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=7335417:57
MagicSpudwhat does this line do: sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add root admin 4750 /bin/su17:57
adm001miw-flo, it's a sempron 3000+, so how I can I found out more about the current processor?17:57
Guest41502Let me rephrase that: I have no idea how my computer is set up, so I don't know what I need to do to figure out what partition my grub should be in. Thus, I don't know if I have Raid, LVM, or EVMS.17:58
w-floadm001mi, sempron 3000+ is apparently K7. So it's too old :(17:59
kyle__adm001mi: what do you want to know about it?  Look in /proc/cpuinfo, it will show you all the extensions it supports.  But that's kindof a very old processor, and IIRC it's wed to a slow memory bus.17:59
lmatI have a vpn client that creates a new network device. When I enable it, processes that are currently using a different network device (wireless, say) get disconnected.18:00
adm001miw-flo, kyle__, that leaves it so then...18:01
lmatIs this normal ? Why does this happen? How can I choose which interface a process uses (either the vpn tunnel or wireless or wired)?18:01
w-floGuest41502, you probably have no raid, LVM or EVMS. That wiki page linked earlier describes what you need to do to fix your boot loader, have you tried doing that?18:01
pasqualeHi to everyone18:03
Guest41502I don't see a link sent from you, but if you are talking about the "grub2" ubuntu page, first step is impossible at this point.18:03
ryanhey quick question on file permissions18:04
ryanwhy is it that you need the write permission to read documents?18:04
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Guest68437or is that not the case?18:04
OerHeksryan you do not, permissions are read-write-execute.18:05
Guest41502Guest68437, I think you may have switched channels on accident. I don't see anything else from you.18:05
Guest68437just had a quick question18:06
Guest68437about ubuntu file permissions18:06
Guest68437going over a book it says in order to read a document requires he "write" file permission for a user not sure if that's correct or hwhut18:06
Guest68437or perhaps that's just in reference to text documents18:09
Guest68437or something18:09
SchrodingersScatGuest68437: hmm, that doesn't make sense to me, read should be enough, yeah?18:10
SchrodingersScatGuest68437: and a file should be a file, normally linux is ambiguous to file types, other software may not.18:10
Guest41502If your right click on the docuement, are there different ways to open it?18:11
Guest68437i have no idea why this book says that18:11
downkradehello i would need some help configuring my ubuntustudio 14.04. I try to run it without a monitor and I want to connect via vnc or teamviewer and control it remotely. the problem is that when the computer is starting without a monitor it's not loading the gui... I think the problem is the Xorg system. Does anyone have an idea how to solve that? greetings downkrade18:13
tengopreguntashi. Does anybody know if "cpulimit" have issues limiting the cpu usage of child processes of a bash script?18:14
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majodhi, anyone knows why i cant see vdpau in vlc in 14.04 when using nvidia drivers?18:16
greend2anyone have a link to finding out what a supported resolution is supported 1920x1080 rolls?18:17
OerHeksgreend2, open terminal: xrandr # this will show you supported resolutions18:21
greend2is there any way to figure out what maximum supported18:23
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OerHeks1920x1080 i guess ?18:23
OerHeksodd question, if you ask me18:23
greend21920x1080 resolution screen rolls18:24
greend2yeah rolls from top to bottom18:24
OerHekscould be your monitor, reset to factory defaults with its ow buttons18:25
demuteI am trying to apt-get install flex++ but get problems because apt-get treats the argument as a regex. Can I disable regex matching somehow?18:29
OerHeks!info flexc++18:30
ubottuflexc++ (source: flexc++): Flex-style scanner generator for C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.08.00-1 (trusty), package size 539 kB, installed size 1259 kB18:30
OerHeksdemute do you point at this package ?18:31
tozenhi all! does anb able advise my to how to disable KDE autostart in 14.04? thx18:31
demuteOerHeks: I just realized there were no such package called flex++, I thought I had checked that. There is no problem with installing bison++ so never mind18:33
A_Zman705hi all18:34
A_Zman705i cant believe people still using IRC18:34
A_Zman705it's been ages since i last chatted on mIRC, but way longer since i used linux lol18:35
daftykinsA_Zman705: that's lovely but general chat is off topic here thanks18:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:36
OerHeksdemute, oh, flex++ and bison++ code is here, you need to build it yourself https://code.google.com/p/flexpp-bisonpp/18:36
CorriganLOL most Linux users do18:36
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
cool_boyhow to copy a file in same directory with a different name?18:43
dcajacob05_workis it possible to modify an ubuntu usb boot image to include custom things, like installing extra programs or keys (e.g. for openVPN)18:43
SchrodingersScatcool_boy: cp foo bar18:43
SchrodingersScatcool_boy: man cp18:44
cool_boySchrodingersScat: thanks18:44
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sk04lI am trying to install from usb.. i get a boot option and select install ubuntu and it just boots up to a desktop and nothing happens. Just a little bar at the top with some icons but no other windows18:44
sk04lany ideas?18:44
SchrodingersScatdcajacob05_work: persistent liveusb could do that easily18:44
DrakkenWarrcan you click on that bar sk04l?18:45
Jordan_U!remaster | dcajacob05_work18:45
ubottudcajacob05_work: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:45
sk04lwell there is a blue icon and internet sound and a settings cog18:45
dev_ibadukefanIn Terminal, I'm at ~$, I ls to show folders, then when I try to cd / to a folder in that list it says that folder does not exist.  Ideas?18:45
DrakkenWarrthen you are sitting at the desktop.18:45
DrakkenWarrclick on the blue icon18:46
Guest41502Could you have clicked "try Ubuntu" instead?18:46
bprompt!uck | dcajacob05_work18:46
ubottudcajacob05_work: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/18:46
dcajacob05_workSchrodingersScat: Right, but I think that nly works for booting from the stick - I want the custm changes to install to the target machine when the stick is used to install too18:46
sk04lno i clicked on install18:46
sk04lthe blue icon has high contrast screen reader keyboard modifyer and on-screen keyboard18:46
SchrodingersScatdev_ibadukefan: be careful where you throw /'s, a /Documents/ would not work because that tells ubuntu to check for a directory "Documents" in the root '/'18:46
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sk04lcould it be doing this since it detects a previous install or something?18:47
dev_ibadukefanThat was it.  Thanks Schrod!18:47
SchrodingersScatdev_ibadukefan: so, in that example cd /Documents/ should fail while cd Documents should work18:47
SchrodingersScatdev_ibadukefan: welcome18:47
dcajacob05_workSchrodingersScat, bprompt: thanks18:47
SchrodingersScatdcajacob05_work: in that case I think Jordan_U was correct.18:49
sk04lwhen i go to try ubuntu i get the \]launcher and icons etc18:50
sk04lbut the install just takes me to an empty screen with no prompts to install18:51
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unholycrabany idea how i can download a .deb package from this ? https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/redis-server/+build/585566118:55
unholycrabi see builds, and names of deb packages, but i don't see any download links18:56
Jakesudo apt-add repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server18:56
OerHeksunholycrab, add that PPA, instructions are on that site too18:57
OerHeksor see Jake18:57
Jakethen sudo apt-get update18:57
unholycrabtheres no way to download from the site, like you can from the main repo?18:58
bpromptunholycrab:    it shows up in the repositories for me, 12.0418:58
unholycrabbprompt: link ?19:00
OerHeksvery old, but it is there19:00
OerHeks!info redis-server19:00
ubotturedis-server (source: redis): Persistent key-value database with network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.4-2 (trusty), package size 260 kB, installed size 750 kB19:00
unholycrabim literally trying to acquire a .deb file, of redis-server and redis-tools 2.8.819:01
OerHeks!info redis-tools19:01
ubotturedis-tools (source: redis): Persistent key-value database with network interface (client). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.4-2 (trusty), package size 65 kB, installed size 248 kB19:01
unholycrabmaybe 2.8.4 will work19:01
bpromptunholycrab:    link?     well. is in the "universe" repository19:02
sprungunholycrab, what's the question, there's specific instructions on how to add the PPA on the page19:02
sprungclick "Technical details about this PPA"19:02
unholycrabi see these packages under chris-lea which match my needs perfectly19:03
unholycrabbut they don't provide a link to download a .deb like the official ubuntu repositories do19:04
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sprungunholycrab, after you follow the directions on the page, you will be able to install using apt-get.19:04
unholycrabsprung: i don't want to install using apt-get19:04
unholycrabi literally want to download a .deb file19:04
dev_ibadukefanCan someone direct me to do a basic app install (tar.gz folder)?  I'm installing Sublime Text 2.19:04
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unholycrabso that i can stick it in my own repository19:04
sprungunholycrab, what's your distro, and i will show you a link19:05
unholycraband distribute it with my own tools19:05
unholycrabubuntu 12.0419:05
sprungversion #19:05
bpromptunholycrab:     sudo apt-get install redir-server -d  <---- will only download the .deb files and not install the package, then you can grab the debs at /var/cache/apt/archive19:05
unholycrabbprompt: nice19:05
trismunholycrab: or on any ppa, View Package Details, expand the version you want, and the debs are listed19:06
sprungunholycrab, http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/redis-server/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/19:07
sprungassuming you are using x86_64, http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/redis-server/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/redis-server_2.8.12-1chl1~precise1_amd64.deb19:07
bjensen82um, where is the vmlinux usually located on ubuntu 12.04lts? Im trying to debug a kernel panic and find / -name vmlinux shows up empty..19:08
sprungunholycrab, and also http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/redis-server/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/redis-tools_2.8.12-1chl1~precise1_amd64.deb19:08
sprungunholycrab, does that take care of you?19:09
OerHekssprung, useless, as those packages are for precise19:10
sprungdidn't you just say 12.04?19:10
sprungUbuntu 12.04.4 LTS (Precise Pangolin)19:11
OerHeksoh, my bad, he did19:11
sprungapology accepted :)19:11
sprungOerHeks, also he can get whatever version he wants from this browseable dir http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/redis-server/ubuntu/pool/main/r/redis/19:12
sprungunholycrab, also you may need jemalloc as a dependency, you can find that here http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/redis-server/ubuntu/pool/main/j/jemalloc/19:13
dev_ibadukefanI'll try again later...19:14
sprungpfft dev_ibadukefan could have just read here http://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/sublime-text-2/getting_started/install.html19:15
=== marco is now known as Guest26972
niargheasy way to add thin white border to gnome-terminal in 14.04 (using unity) ?19:28
niarghI changed the terminal background to black19:28
=== Deihmos_ is now known as Deihmos
jjcc_question, are linux file operations such as write and copy atomic?19:36
Guest41502Guest26972, are you speaking chinese?19:38
diverdudearg...i upgraded trusty to kernel 3.15 rc2 and now i cannot log on...screen just goes black when i try to log in...how can i revert?19:39
eeeeGUest41502: ciao is spanish or something like that, pronounced chaww, it's like goodbye19:39
PiciIt's Italian, and they aren't here anymore.19:40
Doge_Funnieanyone have a livestream english url of the usa soccer game? thanks [:19:43
OerHeksDoge_Funnie, that is offtopic, and illegal streas are offtopic on #freenode19:45
Doge_Funnieok sorry19:45
swaggrgood morning19:50
scri66leanyone know how to save your "connect to server" connections in Nautilus?19:51
Doge_Funnieusa soccer game in english: http://www.time4tv.com/2013/03/live-sports-channel-22.php19:51
adm001miOerHeks, I know it's an off-topic, but your name sounds germanish19:51
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OerHeksadm001mi, dutch, join us @ #ubuntu-nl19:52
ywckhi, let me see if anyone here can help (#php chanel is not allowing visitant ppl): when i run php it gives me "Segmentation fault". I dont need to run any script to it... just runing "php" on command line, "Segmentation fault" is given to me. Any idea?19:53
OerHeksywck, just register your irc name, and they will allow you19:54
designbybeckShould an older MacBook Air around 1,1 -1,4 work with ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64+mac ?Or is that Mac to old?19:54
Piciywck: how did you install php?19:54
ywckOerHeks: thanks the trick, i'll do that!! :)19:55
designbybeckFrom what I've seen it looks like i'd have to go back to 8.10 or so for that MacBook Air?!19:55
ywckPici: with ubuntu... it was working, but, now, i dont know why, it stoped working...19:55
=== dfgas is now known as dfgas_off
Overlordzso I'm running a pretty vanilla installation of ubuntu 14.04 and occasionally when I bring windows to the foreground they'll be all black until I resize them.  not a huge deal, but kind of annoying.  anyone else have this problem?19:59
sprungOverlordz, what's your video card and how old is your computer20:00
Overlordzsprung, gtx 750 and I'm using nvidia drivers.  comp is pretty new.20:01
janihhhdesignbybeck: 13.04 works and don't see why 14.04 would not https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir1-1/Raring20:01
sprungOverlordz, are you using the restricted drivers? or is this just out of the box20:01
sprungyou want the restricted drivers.20:01
sprungmake sure you have nvidia-current installed20:02
sprungif its not installed and you install it you must reboot.20:02
sprungthere is also an #nvidia channel here20:02
=== joar is now known as joar|pi
designbybeckI''ll check that janihhh 14.04 worked as far as Liveboot, but after install i just got a blank black screen20:02
janihhhdesignbybeck: after booting to a blank black screen, pressing ctrl+alt+f7 or ctrl+alt+f8 might bring the gui back20:07
Overlordzsprung, i have nvidia-331-updates installed currently20:07
sprungOverlordz, using the proprietary hardware dialog, do you have that driver selected?20:08
designbybeckHmmmm... didn't try that janihhh ... I don't have it with me at the moment but I'll try it later. This is for a friend's friend who had OSX messed up and they didn't want to bother with it, so they said we could go to town with Linux20:08
sprungOverlordz, you're looking for this http://i.stack.imgur.com/vZbe2.png20:09
Overlordzsprung, for some reason the dialog tells me "no additional drivers are available" and "none proprietary drivers are in use".  but i'm 98% sure I'm using proprietary drivers.20:10
Overlordzand even if i wasn't - it should still tell me additional drivers are available... maybe I need to reboot20:10
wherethefunsatI am having a problem pastebin.com/zhGkzCan20:11
wir2ozzHello everyone! Tell me please where can I get the information about using the Unity Smart Scopes and so called Dash Plugins. Thanks!20:11
Overlordzsprung, before you ask I do have download proprietary drivers for devices (restricted) selected20:12
wherethefunsatim trying to reinstall the gnome desktop environment20:13
wherethefunsatin hopes it will fix my problem20:13
ardan_Is this room still active?20:14
xanguawir2ozz: it's mostly guess, but what scope exactly?20:14
xanguawherethefunsat: you have a trouble, you don't tell us your problem, but hope reinstalling fix it?20:15
wherethefunsatyes, my problem is all my sidebars in the gui have disappeared and shortcut keys arent working, and I cant move windows20:16
wherethefunsatall i have is bg and desktop icons20:18
wherethefunsatand ssh access from another machine20:18
wir2ozzxangua: I can't tell exactly. I use the Unity for only 2 weeks and found them interesting. I think they're good for effective search, but there a lot of scopes I don't really know how they work.  Maybe you have some articles about their function in common?20:18
tasslehoffI have a directory that I am not allowed to delete with 'rm -rf' even as the root user. rm says the directory is not empty, though ls -la indicates that it is20:19
xanguawir2ozz: I haven't read an article about that but most work with the online search enabled, for example for the weather scope you just type the name of a city and you should get the weather info20:20
wherethefunsatany ideas xangua?20:23
wir2ozzxangua: so, I may not worry about their work, I just tell the system what I want and get it?20:23
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xanguawherethefunsat: idea of a problem you haven't tell anyone?20:23
wherethefunsatI did20:23
wherethefunsatyes, my problem is all my sidebars in the gui have disappeared and shortcut keys arent working, and I cant move windows20:23
MraMariaHi. I would like to dual boot with Ubuntu on a tablet pc (touch, motion, etc). Which download should I select?20:27
rswwhat're the appropriate permissions for .bashrc, and what is the appropriate method used for setting them?20:29
xanguaIs this a virtual machine? Do you have hardware acceleration? wherethefunsat when did this happened?20:29
wherethefunsathappened yesterday, no not a vm, no idea on the hard accel20:29
=== def_anoch is now known as [AFK]def_anoch
ikoniawherethefunsat: create a new user, and login as that new user20:31
ikoniawherethefunsat: see if the problem is consistant for a new user20:31
wherethefunsatIt was the same for guest does that count?20:31
ikoniacreate a new user20:31
wherethefunsatwhat do I type in ssh to create?20:32
hyper320my ubuntu doesnt start with WIFI, how can i fix it?20:32
ikoniawherethefunsat: could you type "id" now and show me the output20:32
ikoniawherethefunsat: then I can give you a command to run20:32
wherethefunsatuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)20:33
ikoniawherethefunsat: how are you root ?20:34
ikoniayou can't login as root20:34
ikoniayou can't ssh as root20:34
wherethefunsatI did20:34
ikonia1.) root login is disabled 2.) the root password is not set so you don't know it to login20:34
ikoniawherethefunsat: exactly what operating system is this20:34
wherethefunsatubuntu 12.0420:34
ikoniathen you have altered it20:35
ikoniaas there is no root password and root login is disabled20:35
PiciAnd you certainly shouldn't be using your DE as root.20:35
wherethefunsatposibly I dont recall Ive had this box a long time20:35
eeeewho's mathatter?20:36
ikoniasomeone who is gone20:37
MraMariaWhich download should I do for a tablet (touch, motion, etc).20:38
mike_hey guys20:39
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Guest66867trying to chat on ubuntu server20:39
brontosaurusrexGuest66867: it's working!20:40
Guest66867installed nexxtech usb speakers for me dell latitude d620 no sound20:40
sfdebugHi, i have a PHP instalation and i want to remove it. i did dpkg -r php5, but, in /etc/alternatives still there's a php link to /usr/bin/php5. Any idea how completly remove PHP from Ubuntu??20:41
Guest66867not sure20:41
brontosaurusrexsfdebug: apt-get remove php5 ?20:41
Vivekananda_y510Can I set up a ubuntu server at home using using 12.04 desktop but having no static ip ?20:42
HastaLaMistaGuys, I compiled and 'make installed' a different window manager. I logged out and it wasn't listed. How do I use the manually installed WM?20:42
HastaLaMistaAm using 14.0420:42
brontosaurusrexor apt-get remove --purge packagename20:43
sfdebugbrontosaurusrex: no... this command says: "Package php5 is not installed, so not removed"20:44
sfdebugI do:20:44
sfdebugjulien@julien-ubuntu-64bits:~$ php -bash: /usr/bin/php: No such file or directory julien@julien-ubuntu-64bits:~$20:44
=== tgm4883__ is now known as tgm4883
HastaLaMistaGuys, I compiled and 'make installed' a different window manager. I logged out and it wasn't listed. How do I use the manually installed WM? I'm using 14.0420:54
usr13_HastaLaMista: What?21:00
daftykinsHastaLaMista: you should not be doing this21:01
HastaLaMistausr13_: I downloaded the source code of a WM+DE , compiled and installed but now I don't know how to actually start it21:01
Nameo0Hello. =) I am installing a program on Ubuntu and I am told to add a destination to my PATH environmental variable. How would I do this?21:01
usr13_HastaLaMista: At the login screen is where you get the choice of WM.21:01
HastaLaMistausr13_: That's the thing, it's not listed there21:02
usr13_.... or DE21:02
HastaLaMistaI do have the binaries in place, the installation was successful but21:02
HastaLaMistaI can't select it in the log-in screen21:02
l_ris there a WYSIWYG editor for man pages??21:03
daftykinsHastaLaMista: pretty sure we don't support manual compilation here, you should be using the packages in official repos only.21:03
usr13_HastaLaMista: I don't know, should be there.21:03
mbalmerl_r, vi, if you have a good imagination...21:03
sfdebugi tried evething... but, no away... i can't get PHP runing on Ubuntu... :(21:03
sfdebugdoes anyone has any ideia why i remove all php from ubuntu, install again and so, when i run from command line i get "Segmentation fault"?21:03
usr13_HastaLaMista: ... but, why did you not use the package management system?21:03
HastaLaMistadaftykins, usr13_ : said de has no package for debian/ubuntu, yet21:03
OerHeksHastaLaMista, maybe you need to reboot, not just logout.21:04
usr13_HastaLaMista: Which one is it?21:04
daftykinsHastaLaMista: no support here then21:04
HastaLaMistausr13_: https://github.com/evolve-os/budgie-desktop21:04
HastaLaMistadaftykins: Not asking for support on the software I installed, just how would one start it in Ubuntu? It's an Ubuntu question, like asking which commands to use21:05
daftykinsi don't think it is21:05
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daftykinsbut ah well, maybe these kind souls will be of assistance if they choose to.21:06
HastaLaMistaOkay, say I installed the newest version of KDE via manual compilation because it wasn't in the repos, yet. How do I start it?21:06
daftykinsthat's not permitted either.21:06
usr13_HastaLaMista: https://launchpad.net/~jpfirr/+archive/budgie-desktop21:07
crocketA few days ago, unity was gone missing.21:07
crocketI still can't bring it back.21:07
crocketI'm on ubuntu 14.0421:07
crocketWhat is going on?21:07
HastaLaMistausr13_: I know, but nothing in there :/ , thanks anyway21:07
crocketunity fails to start.21:07
diverdudeHi, i want to install xfce.....what is the best way to do this in a vanilla 14.04 install?21:08
usr13_HastaLaMista: Oh yea, I see, "This PPA does not contain any packages yet.:21:08
usr13_HastaLaMista: http://askubuntu.com/questions/478162/how-to-install-the-budgie-desktop-environment-on-ubuntu21:09
usr13_HastaLaMista:  From ^^^   "If you are using Ubuntu 14.04, you can try my unofficial budgie desktop PPA"21:10
HastaLaMistausr13_: Oh, great. Thank you very much, mate21:11
daftykinsalthough note the stance on PPAs...21:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:11
usr13_HastaLaMista: Did you see the last comment?  The one with the three points, the first of which says, "It is currently too unstable. Bordering on unusable"21:12
crocketunity panel and window border are missing on ubuntu 14.04. How can I fix unity?21:13
k1lcrocket: make sure the video driver is up and running21:13
HastaLaMistausr13_: Yup, I didn't expect it to be flawless or even working properly. Just want to install it on a test machine after trying it in a VM running Fedora21:13
crocketk1l : It is up and running.21:14
k1lcrocket: are you sure?21:14
crocketk1l: lsmod | grep radeon catches radeon.21:14
k1lcrocket: look at dmesg if there is an issue21:15
usr13_HastaLaMista: Ok, well, not sure why it's not working for you.  Maybe you need to email the project leader(s).21:15
holsteinHastaLaMista: be sure you look for support with the creators of the software21:15
k1lcrocket: if the guest account or other user have the same issues its a driver issue in most cases.21:15
HastaLaMistaholstein: What's this channel for?21:16
HastaLaMistausr13_: I haven't tried that PPA, yet. I just built it myself, will try the PPA21:16
holsteinHastaLaMista: check the /topic.. this is the ubuntu support channel.. and you are using ubuntu, and asking about a project that is *not* ubuntu.. its not supported here.. ppa's are not supported21:16
daftykinsHastaLaMista: you've been told. it's support for ubuntu.21:16
HastaLaMistaholstein: I didn't ask for a PPA, but usr13_ was kind enough to offer one. I merely asked how to select a different DE in Ubuntu. Specifically a DE, that wasn't installed via apt-get21:17
usr13_HastaLaMista: https://github.com/evolve-os/budgie-desktop (Scroll to the bottom.)21:17
holsteinHastaLaMista: sure, and its that lack of availability in the default sources that makes it supported by the creators of the code21:18
usr13_HastaLaMista: Ask Ikey21:18
holsteinHastaLaMista: if you have specific errors while trying to install, im sure they can be addressed.. but, all support for those packages that are not ubuntu provided will be best supported by the creators21:19
brontosaurusrexHastaLaMista: i guess that would depend on the login manager21:19
usr13_HastaLaMista: Did you look at the list of Dependencies?21:19
HastaLaMistaholstein: By that logic, asking how to change the theme would not be permitted as well, because the theme itself is not supported officially21:19
crocketk1l: unity is up and running on a guest account.21:19
usr13_crocket: That is a deep subject.21:19
crocketk1l: What the hell is wrong?21:19
crocketusr13_: What is?21:19
usr13_crocket: Never mind.21:19
Nameo0How do I edit the PATH environmental variable?21:20
holsteinHastaLaMista: its not so much logic, friend, as is it the specific topic of the channel..21:20
crocketNameo0: Edit ~/.profile21:20
ikoniaNameo0: just set it, it's just a variable, eg: PATH=/there or PATH=$PATH:/some/new/path/too21:20
k1lcrocket: then see .xsession-errors in the users /home for more info if its only this user21:20
crocketHell with unity21:20
holsteinHastaLaMista: you may find the project is just too early days for proper support.. if the creators are just getting started.. it may not even be that they are interested in general installation and testing21:21
holsteincrocket: feel free and install what you like.. sudo apt-get install xfce4 for example..21:21
=== Lexi is now known as Guest89429
usr13_Seems to be a lot of off-topic conversation about what is off-topic ;)21:22
crocketk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733414/21:22
crockethttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7733414/ is ~/.xsession-errors21:22
|PuNKCaT|any chance anyone in here can help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223214421:23
Nameo0ikonia: How would I add a destination/link to my PATH environmental variable?21:23
HastaLaMistaholstein: I'm not your friend and I understand that the project is at a very early stage in its development. As I said, I did not ask about the project itself. See my example and think of it as someone asking how to change the GTK theme. The question is not about the GTK theme itself, which may or may not work, but about the Ubuntu interface21:23
ikoniaNameo0: exactly what is it you are trying to do21:23
jhutchinsNameo0: Please summarize your question so people will know whether they should take the time to look at your link.21:24
Nameo0ikonia: Add the "{installation home}/bin" to your PATH environmental21:24
Nameo0  variable so that you may start RubyMine from any directory.21:24
holsteinHastaLaMista: if it doesnt work, let them know.. please take advantage of the #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss.. thanks21:24
ikoniaNameo0: so PATH=$PATH:/where/you/installed/bin21:24
Vivekananda_y510Can I set up a ubuntu server at home using using 12.04 desktop but having no static ip ?21:24
Nameo0ikonia: Thank you. =)21:24
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: sure thing21:25
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: the desktop makes a great home server21:25
k1lcrocket: yep, something is wrong there21:25
HastaLaMistaholstein: I won't. Mere reading competence is rather lacking in this channel and I doubt it's any better on your proverbial IRC couch.21:25
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, thanks. I need instructions though esp for no static ip setup21:25
HastaLaMistaMuch thanks to usr13_ :)21:25
holstein|PuNKCaT|: i would look for and apply upgrades.. i would try the 14.04 live CD.. and look in the terminal output "aplay -l"21:26
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: why do you need instructions, what's not clear21:26
crocketk1l: After following instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2224669&s=b041c5a3a49820b8d19e2c121b3de646&p=13026406#post13026406 and logging in guest and out, I can see unity in its initial state.21:26
k1lcrocket: look into the users /home (ls -al) and see if everything belongs to user:user21:26
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, I have never done it before so need the steps to do it21:27
|PuNKCaT|aplay -l gets me **list of hardware devices** and no list21:27
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: do what ?21:27
crocketI'm back to my desktop21:27
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: what exactly do you want to do21:27
|PuNKCaT|and I've upgrade, and update via terminal, and there is nothing to upgrade or update21:27
|PuNKCaT|can't get a live cd21:27
holstein|PuNKCaT|: thats where you start.. alsa is not "seeing" the device.. you can look in "lspci" for it21:27
zyanI had this problem a while ago, but its resolved now after reinstalling ubuntu. I'm just curious of what caused it. everytime on logout xorg would fail, and it said "booting into low graphics mode" and from there I couldnt do anything, causing to do a hard shutdown each time. I changed my graphics driver, and no difference. I wonder what was causing it.21:27
|PuNKCaT|don't have anyway to burn one21:27
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, I am hoping to enable simple file sharing /downloading from my home computer or get its X forwarded to me over the internet to run programs on it remotely. I dont have a static ip at home though , just a regular internet conect21:28
|PuNKCaT|how do I look in lspci?21:28
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: I strongly advise you not to forward X11 over the internet21:28
* |PuNKCaT| is rather a newb sorry21:28
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade21:28
holstein!audio | |PuNKCaT|21:28
ubottu|PuNKCaT|: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:28
|PuNKCaT|done both usr13_21:29
holstein|PuNKCaT|: lspci in the terminal will show devices.. if you dont see the audio device there, thats a completely different issue21:29
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, hmmm so what are my alternatives for x forwarding ?  I wanted to be able to run not just cli utilities eg git but also eclipse on the home computer21:29
|PuNKCaT|my mixer /only/ shows the beep, no sound card detected21:29
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: a remote desktop session21:29
holstein|PuNKCaT|: "mixer" will show nothing, if "aplay -l" shows nothing..21:30
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-*list21:30
|PuNKCaT|ok, whats the command for lspci?21:30
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, but all that is for much later I guess. first I will need to setup basic desktop access remotely21:30
holstein|PuNKCaT|: the command for lspci is lspci21:30
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: have a quick google for linux remote desktop find out which option you want to use, then you can focus on setting it up21:30
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: there are quite a few options21:30
|PuNKCaT|00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)21:31
|PuNKCaT|yeah I'd already done that at somestage21:31
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: alsa reload21:31
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, so I dont need to set up a server for file sharing/downloading and ( for laters ) setup a website on the home server ?21:31
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: the desktop install works fine for that21:32
|PuNKCaT|/sbin/alsa: 104: /sbin/alsa: cannot create /var/run/alsa/modules-removed: Permission denied21:32
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: alsamixer  [hit F6 to select sound card]21:32
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|PuNKCaT|there are no sound cards to slecet in alsamixer21:32
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: sudo alsa reload21:32
|PuNKCaT|just the beep21:32
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: Do you have both packages alsa-base and alsa-utils installed?21:33
|PuNKCaT|I don't know?21:33
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-*list21:34
|PuNKCaT|says  - /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-base.list  /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-utils.list21:34
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: apt-cache policy  alsa-base21:35
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: apt-cache policy  alsa-base |pastebinit21:35
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usr13_|PuNKCaT|: So when you are in alsamixer and you hit F6, nothing happens?21:38
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: Is that correct?  Or >______________?21:38
holsteini think it would have to be listed in "aplay -l" for the mixer to pick up a device..21:39
|PuNKCaT|get default , 0 HDintel and other21:39
|PuNKCaT|but selecting HdIntel does nothing21:39
holsteini would like to know what was changed about stock 12.04 to make sound work..21:39
|PuNKCaT|I don't remember unfortunately, I think I ended up installing a weird driver from an obscure place :/21:40
|PuNKCaT|had the same issue though, dummy output21:40
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: Did you look at volume levels and did you see if anything was muted?21:40
|PuNKCaT|yep, only volume I've got in alsa mixer is the beep and it's not muted, everything else is cracnked up21:41
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*  #Tell us what happens.21:41
|PuNKCaT|The program 'play' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:21:42
|PuNKCaT|sudo apt-get install sox21:42
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: Good.21:42
crc32what package contains the man page for "X509V3_EXT_print"? Its supposed to be in libssl and libcrypto but libssl-doc doesn't have it and their is not libcrypto-doc in ubuntu 14.04.21:43
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: lspci |grep udio  #Tell us what that says.21:43
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, I have desktop installed and ready. I know of remote desktop clients also. now what should I do on the home computer so that the desktop is accessible21:43
|PuNKCaT|00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)21:43
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: research the remote desktop options as I said21:45
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: http://askubuntu.com/questions/205055/audio-not-working-in-12-1021:45
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: From ^^  Last line says, "I installed pavucontrol Install pavucontrol, ran it, and clicked and unclicked the mute button -- voila -- audio working."21:46
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*  #Tell us what happens.21:46
usr13_|PuNKCaT|: Does it appear to be playing?21:46
Vivekananda_y510ikonia, okay. So I wont be needing a static ip for the home desktop to connect to it then ?21:47
|PuNKCaT|The program 'play' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:21:47
|PuNKCaT|sudo apt-get install sox21:47
|PuNKCaT|how do I install pavucontrol?21:47
holstein|PuNKCaT|: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol21:47
ikoniaVivekananda_y510: no, there are dynamic dns services21:48
|PuNKCaT|still no sound, will it need a reboot to work?21:49
holstein|PuNKCaT|: shouldnt.. though, i would prefer you to test with a live CD, since you dont know what you have changed or installed.. that would be my first test. to see if the device is functioning, and that your config is not breaking support21:50
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|PuNKCaT|I can't get a live cd though, no way to burn one :/21:51
raspberrypifanroot@ubuntu:~# ln –s /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli /usr/local/bin/fs_cli21:51
raspberrypifanln: target ‘/usr/local/bin/fs_cli’ is not a directory21:51
raspberrypifanany help with21:51
holstein|PuNKCaT|: there are *always* ways.. and that may be the "best" since you cannot say what you have done21:52
eoinsill american wont win21:52
holstein!ot | eoin21:52
ubottueoin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:52
daftykinsraspberrypifan: version?21:52
|PuNKCaT|all I've done is upgrade from 12.4 to trusty as told to by people in here when I was having other problems, I didn't do the upgrade though, I asked someone who knew what they were doing to do it21:52
eoinhow do i search all channels on xchat21:53
eeee!alias | eoin21:53
|PuNKCaT|type in /list eoin21:53
daftykins!alis | eoin21:53
ubottueoin: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:53
holstein|PuNKCaT|: no.. you have installed "a weird driver from an obscure place" that can be breaking support21:53
|PuNKCaT|oh.. I thought since it wiped out all my programmes etc that it would have wiped outt hat too :/21:54
holstein|PuNKCaT|: that can depend, and since you have no way of saying what that is, then i dont feel i can confirm its not causing any issues..21:54
|PuNKCaT|I guess I'll just have to live with all the problems and no sound then21:56
holstein|PuNKCaT|: i never suggested that..21:56
|PuNKCaT|can't /fix/ a problem if it can't be found though, and I have no idea21:57
|PuNKCaT|can the live thing be downloaded to usb? I do have usb, and that still works I think21:57
holstein|PuNKCaT|: yes.. live USB21:57
|PuNKCaT|how do i do that?21:57
holstein!install | |PuNKCaT|21:58
ubottu|PuNKCaT|: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:58
holstein|PuNKCaT|: you can dd copy a 14.04 iso to a USB stick, or use any live usb creator.. unetbootin for example21:58
|PuNKCaT|ok, and then it'll overwrite everything again?21:59
raspberrypifandaftykins: ?21:59
|PuNKCaT|Do I need to back stuff up21:59
jay__HOOOOOOOOLSEIN holstein21:59
jay__I have come back to Xubuntu for now21:59
jay__is there a package manager on Xubuntu? i can't find it22:00
holstein|PuNKCaT|: running live doesnt effect the hard drive.. though, *all* hard drives fail, and you should be backed up regardless22:00
jay__i need to download a driver for my wireless card22:00
sfdebugi got it! i compiled the package and now it's working! thanks all! :)22:00
holsteinjay__: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. you can use synaptic, or the terminal.. or whatever you like22:00
|PuNKCaT|it's a brand new hard drive, it better blinkin not fail22:00
k1ljay__: easiest is apt-get on terminal22:01
holstein|PuNKCaT|: they *all* fail.. new ones are actually more likely.. feel free and do research, and *always* have a backup22:01
k1ljay__: sudo apt-get install packagename22:01
jay__so xubuntu doesn't come with a package manager then?22:01
|PuNKCaT|I have two installed on the machine yes, I have experienec with raids failing, that is harsh22:01
jay__I don't know the exact name of the package until i see it. i'm still a linux newb22:01
holsteinjay__: yes.. and you can use *any* you prefer.. apt in the command line, and there is a software center22:02
k1ljay__: software center should be standard22:02
jay__i'm confused. when i used the package manager, i just type in the search field "b43" and it would find my driver22:03
kyle__holstein: It's not if drives fail, but when.22:03
jay__the Ubuntu software centre doesn't have it in it's search results22:03
|PuNKCaT|oh, this won't boot from usb, does it need to?22:03
k1ljay__: you can install the synaptic package manager if you want22:03
k1ljay__: its your choice. use it22:03
jay__is that the only way to get that driver? or a working driver for my wireless card?22:04
crc32what package do I install to get the man pages for X509V3_set_ctx?22:04
kyle__|PuNKCaT|: the machine you want to install on won't boot from any USB device, or from the one you made?22:04
|PuNKCaT|the machine I want to install it on - well i assume I need to do another install?22:04
kyle__|PuNKCaT|: Yeah.  If it wont boot from USB, you'll need to burn an optical disk, or, if all else fails, dd the install image onto an old spare drive, and shove it in the system.22:05
k1ljay__: you can search with "apt-cache search b43"22:05
|PuNKCaT|uh, that goes in the too hard dunno how to do basket :/22:06
k1ljay__: or use the website: packages.ubuntu.com22:06
k1ljay__: you got plenty of ways to get to know the package or install it22:06
kyle__|PuNKCaT|: That's OK.  Burning the image to a CD/DVD is pretty easy.  I think there are instructions on the ubuntu website even.22:06
jay__k1l, how did you learn that crazy command? "apt-cache search b43"?22:06
kyle__jay__: Proabably by magic.  Most people here practice a type of magic called, get ready for this, reading.22:06
jay__lol i agree kyle. seems mostly like magic to me too22:07
nullsignanyone good with curl?22:07
nullsignfor posting mutlipart data.?22:07
Jordan_Unullsign: Try just asking your actual question.22:07
jay__k1l, i searched and see what i want. how do i get it now?22:08
nullsigni have a curl script that dies.22:08
kyle__jay__: Try this tutorial.  It should get you started with the apt commands: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto22:08
nullsigni think i have syntax issues22:08
k1ljay__: sudo apt-get install packagename22:08
nullsignassume URL and filename are valid22:08
jay__what does do mean from "sudo"22:08
k1lsudo is to get admin privileges to that command. it needs them to install stuff systemwide22:09
kyle__jay__: sudo let you run other programs as root, without being root.22:09
Chaserjay__: super user do22:09
nullsignsudo make me a sandwich...22:09
jay__that makes sense. thanks Chaser22:10
kyle__jay__: You can setup all sorts of crazy rules about what conditions or users can use sudo for what things.  BUT, in ubuntu, it's just nice and simple.  Are you in the sudo group?  Then you can run any program as root using sudo.22:10
gandalfhi !22:10
k1ljay__: but be aware. dont run everything with sudo. use it just where its really needed. its part of the security system from ubuntu that not everything runs as root22:11
jay__hm okies22:11
jay__i tried getting my driver through the terminal but it didn't work22:11
gandalfif anyone can answer me, i'd like to put a file into a wargame server (ssh). I do scp file.c login@serv:/tmp and the answer is "name or service not know". (The server is level02@wargame.newbiecontest.org)22:13
k1ljay__: you need just the packagename. not the package title22:14
k1lsudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer22:14
jay__it says it can't install cause it has dependencies22:15
k1lpastebin it22:15
k1lsudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer22:19
jay__how did you know what to do!? it's magic i say22:19
k1lmy google foo is magic :)22:20
k1lbut if you are active in here you get to know a lot of issues and in most cases their common solutions22:20
NunnaIm new ubuntu user , can anyone help me about some important softwares !?22:21
jay__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733674/ more problems22:21
OerHeksjust ask your real question, Nunna22:21
jay__Nunna. Probably because they all know magic22:22
Nunna:D particularly I want some tools for c++ , development .. :)22:23
k1ljay__: run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" please (that will not bring you to a new ubuntu version)22:23
jay__ok i'm running that22:24
jay__it's done22:24
jay__nothing updated tho cause i was up to date22:25
k1lagain: <k1l> sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer22:25
jay__same error as before22:25
jay__linux is so frustrating to do the easiest things22:26
jay__why can't my wireless just work :(22:26
k1lplease pastebin the whole output from the apt-get update22:27
jay__i can't download synaptic either22:27
jay__it says it needs dependencies that i don't havve22:28
OerHeksall you need is "firmware-b43-installer" isn't it?22:28
OerHeksand reboot after that *22:28
k1lOerHeks: afaik you need b43-fwcutter too22:29
jay__i need a second package to let that one install OerHeks22:29
OerHeksk1l with b43-fwcutter the driver should be available in the drivertool ... according to the bcm43 page22:30
jay__this what error message i get when trying to install synaptic http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733695/22:30
k1ljay__: please show the whole output form "sudo apt-get update"22:30
=== roberto is now known as Guest41137
jay__there you go22:32
Jordan_Ujay__: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install".22:33
jay__jesus... i'm going to be a pastebin pro22:34
raspberrypifanhow do i check with repos are in my apt-get22:35
Jordan_Ujay__: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".22:35
sfdebugthe php now works, but i can't get the curl working... :(22:35
krustyklimberhi y'all.... can anyone help me reset the defaul sound settings? I have no sound for pandora youtube etc22:35
k1lraspberrypifan: see /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:36
Jordan_Ujay__: If it asks you any questions, don't respond until you've pastebin the output so we can help you respond correctly.22:37
jay__it didn't ask me anything22:37
jay__is Xubuntu known for wireless difficulties?22:38
Jordan_Ujay__: Broadcom cards are known to be problematic in general.22:39
raspberrypifank1l: .list.d is empty22:39
k1lraspberrypifan: that is for PPA only22:39
k1lso no PPA22:39
Jordan_Ujay__: It's odd that the output went from one package needing upgrade to none, without any packge being upgraded in between.22:39
raspberrypifanwhich are PPA?22:39
k1lraspberrypifan: 3rd party repos22:40
k1l!ppa | raspberrypifan22:40
ubotturaspberrypifan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:40
jay__how did you know it was a broadcom?22:40
Jordan_Ujay__: Because people have been talking to you about b43-fwcutter (the "b" stands for broadcom).22:40
jay__oh i see22:41
jay__well it's been a pain i can tell ya that22:41
jay__how can i fix this  issue Jordan_U ?22:41
usr13_Jordan_U: jay__ Just depends. Some Broadcom cards work geat, others have issues22:41
oneof3hello i jus installed updates to the LTS and it gives me ascreen "Configuring grub-pc". I have never seen this before. I have otions to install package maintainer version or other options. What should i do?22:43
Jordan_Ujay__: What is the output of "lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4"?22:43
Jordan_Uoneof3: Have you ever made changes to /etc/default/grub?22:44
GlorfindelWhat is the recommended amount of swap space on a 1 gig rig?22:44
oneof3yes i use grub customizer22:44
oneof3for duel boot22:44
jay__03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 02)22:44
Ben64Glorfindel: i'd say 2GB22:45
jay__what is all this wizardry? how do you guys learn these overwhelming amount of gibberish commands?22:45
Glorfindelso 5 would be overkill?22:45
Jordan_Ujay__: That particular command is found at the Ubuntu broadcom wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:46
Ben64Glorfindel: possibly, but couldn't hurt really22:46
OerHeksi read this > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1997880&p=12001985#post12001985 >> sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree # and reboot22:47
Glorfindelwell I'm trying to free up some space so if 3 would be fine I'll go with that22:47
Ben64Glorfindel: sounds fine22:47
Jordan_Ujay__: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer".22:47
GlorfindelK great, thanks :)22:47
SikHello, I rebooted the system and now all the pixels are much larger than usual o_o (desktop doesn't fit on screen) Using the free AMD drivers, Ubuntu 14.04 x64. I haven't touched the video drivers since the OS was installed.22:48
jay__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733766/ Jordan_U22:49
krustyklimber_hi again... I still need help resetting my default sound settings, would appreciate any help, thanks in advance22:49
Glorfindelok, any reason for gparted to not start?22:50
jay__is this Xubuntu unstable like the message suggests Jordan_U ? it's 14.04 i believe22:50
Ben64Glorfindel: is there an error or...?22:50
Glorfindelterm says that it is already running but it doesn't show22:50
Ben64Glorfindel: what exactly does it say22:51
Glorfindelit asks for root passwork22:51
usr13_jay__: skudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter22:51
Glorfindel*password and doesn't open22:51
Ben64right, gparted needs sudo22:51
SikIs there any reason for the pixels to be double size on screen? (because that's what it seems to be going on in this system) Tried changing the resolution and back but doesn't work... in fact the other resolutions have doubled pixels too!22:51
Ben64Glorfindel: open a terminal, run "gksudo gparted"22:52
GlorfindelThe process gpartedbin is already running.22:52
GlorfindelOnly one gpartedbin process is permitted.22:52
Eric^^usr13_: skudo ? that's a typo right22:52
jay__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733773/ usr13_22:52
=== Hydra is now known as Guest89996
usr13_jay__: sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source22:53
usr13_jay__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BroadcomSTA%28Wireless%2922:54
krustyklimber_I'm hung up on the third part of step 2, here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting22:55
usr13_Eric^^: gksudo ?22:55
GlorfindelBen64: "only one gpartedbin process is permitted "22:55
diverdudehi, i am trying to run conky on startup...and i have made an entry in the settings-> session and startup->application autostart. in the command section i have put conky, which should show the applet on the desktop...however it only shortly flashes when logging on and then disappears....conky works fine when i run it from terminal. What am i missing here?22:55
usr13_Eric^^: Oh did I type skudo?  I must have meant sudo22:55
Ben64Glorfindel: weird, cause my machine lets me run infinite of them22:55
usr13_Eric^^: Yes, thanks for correction.22:56
Ben64Glorfindel: so then kill any gparted processes running22:56
Glorfindelkilled the process and started it again, still won't start22:56
Ben64Glorfindel: start it from terminal22:56
Eric^^usr13_: np22:57
Glorfindel'process is already running'22:57
jay__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7733791/ usr13_22:57
GlorfindelI think I'll just restart and see if it fixes it22:57
Ben64Glorfindel: kill it first22:57
GlorfindelIt isn't showing anymore22:58
Eric^^Glorfindel: just sudo cgdisk22:58
Ben64Eric^^: not a replacement for gparted22:58
GlorfindelI have to go, brb22:58
jay__general question here guys. am i going to always have this broadcom driver issue with every linux distro? cause it's super annoying. i've spent hours try to get wireless to work22:59
Ben64jay__: most likely. i'd suggest buying a cheap usb wireless that works without any hassle22:59
jay__Ben64, is this normal for older laptops, or just with broadcom? i thought linux OS 's had better hardware support these days?23:00
MojtabaHi, my internal hdd has bad sector. Do you know which tool should I use to make an image and then try to repair it?23:00
jay__windows had no problems at all with this wireless card btw23:00
Ben64jay__: broadcom isn't nice to linux for whatever reason. don't blame linux23:00
jay__well how the heck do i get this thing to work23:01
jay__3 or 4 people have tried helping me an nothing works23:01
jay__i can't even install synaptics23:01
Ben64jay__: buy a different wireless chip?23:01
jay__the whole reason for linux was to save money on this old laptop that wasn't working very quickly23:02
Eric^^jay__:  you need to install the firmware23:02
jay__now that i'm on linux it's not slow, but i have a tone os little issues23:02
jay__but how Eric?23:02
JC_SoCali'm trying to do a tcpreplay of a capture i took, Is there a way to make a 'virtual' interface in the sense that I don't have a card i would just like something to point wireshark to as i replay this capture? (yes i know i could open the capture in wireshark)23:03
MojtabaHi, my internal hdd has bad sector. Do you know which tool should I use to make an image and then try to repair it?23:03
Ben64Mojtaba: ddrescue23:03
MojtabaBen64: Thanks23:04
jay__sooo am i just screwed? no wireless then?23:04
jay__no one seems to have an answer23:04
Eric^^jay__:  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter23:04
Eric^^did you install that ?23:04
jay__i've done that 5 times Eric^^23:04
jay__i can't23:04
jay__it has dependencies23:04
Eric^^type sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb23:04
singhIs here anyone can help me to install LaTex23:05
Eric^^dependencies ?23:05
jay__modprobe: FATAL: Module ssb is in use.23:05
Eric^^why can't you install the dependencies ?23:05
Jordan_Ujay__: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg --get-selections | grep hold".23:06
jay__i don't know how and when someone can me the fancy magic code to put in, i got an error23:06
Eric^^jay__: try this sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer23:06
jay__nothing happened Jordan_U . Eric^^  this is the error i get getting23:08
wizradjay__: can I pm you a sec?23:08
Ben64wizrad: use the channel please23:08
MojtabaBen64:Could you please tell me how should I use this tool? can I use a live ubuntu CD and use ddrescue? (Is it included in ubuntu?)23:08
wizrad    Uninstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package by issuing the following command on a terminal:23:09
wizrad    sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source23:09
wizrad    make sure that the firmware-b43-installer and the b43-fwcutter packages are installed (of course you will need internet by others means):23:09
wizrad    sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter23:09
wizrad    type into terminal:23:09
wizrad    cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep 'bcm'23:09
wizrad    (you may want to copy this) and see if the term 'blacklist bcm43xx' is there23:09
wizrad    if it is, type cd /etc/modprobe.d/ and then sudo gedit blacklist.conf23:09
wizrad    put a # in front of the line: blacklist bcm43xx23:09
wizrad    then save the file (I was getting error messages in the terminal about not being able to save, but it actually did save properly).23:09
Ben64wizrad: that doesn't mean flood the channel...23:09
wizrad    reboot23:09
wizradBen64: there ya go23:09
Jordan_U!pastebin | wizrad23:09
ubottuwizrad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
Jordan_Ujay__: Please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a"23:09
jay__wizrad. it doesn't isntall23:11
MojtabaBen64:Could you please tell me how should I use this tool? can I use a live ubuntu CD and use ddrescue? (Is it included in ubuntu?)23:11
jay__install*** can't get past step two23:11
Eric^^jay__: try sudo apt-get install -f23:11
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Ben64Mojtaba: the package is gddrescue, yes it works on a livecd23:11
Eric^^jay__: also try killall synaptic (repeat it until it says no process found)23:11
Jordan_UEric^^: They already did. See "/lastlog jay__" for what's been tried already.23:11
OerHeksbcm4311 i read this > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1997880&p=12001985#post12001985 >> sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree # and reboot23:11
jay__jay@jay:~$ lsb_release -a23:11
jay__No LSB modules are available.23:11
jay__Distributor ID:Ubuntu23:11
jay__Description:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS23:11
Jordan_Ujay__: Always use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com for anything more than one line.23:12
Eric^^jay__: do you have synaptic ?23:12
jay__no Eric^^ . it won't install either23:12
jay__sorry Jordan23:12
Ben64ok so theres a problem with your package system, need to solve that before anything else23:13
Jordan_Ujay__: Is this a relatively recent install of Xubuntu?23:13
jay__how do i solve it? i JUST installed Xubuntu like 2 hours ago23:13
Ben64maybe check the md5sum? could have installed a corrupt version23:14
jay__i downloaded it right from Xubuntu's website23:14
MojtabaBen64: Sorry for bothering. should I boot with a live ubuntu disk and then installl gddrescue? (Is it possible to install something new on a bootable DVD?)23:14
jay__it should be ok right?23:14
Jordan_Ujay__: I'm also wondering if your install media was corrupt.23:14
Ben64jay__: ok, and if the download glitched somewhere in the middle?23:14
entrerihey guys, I put an USB stick and they asked me wat to do, I clicked something and then presed "Save", how do I reset the default actions for that kind of things ?23:14
Ben64Mojtaba: yes you can install packages on a live system23:14
jay__Alright. So I should redownload it?23:14
Ben64jay__: check the md5sum23:15
MojtabaBen64: Thanks23:15
Jordan_Ujay__: Only if the file wasn't corrupted during download, and the USB/CD your burned was good, and the CDROM drive / USB port you used is good.23:15
jay__i dunno how Ben6423:15
entrerihey guys, I put an USB stick and they asked me wat to do, I clicked something and then pressed "Save", now everytime I put an USB drive, it opens the file manager. How do I reset the default actions for this ?23:16
Eric^^jay__: type md5sum <iso-you-downloaded.iso>23:16
jay__jesus christ i don't have 8 hours a day for learning thing after thing on linux23:17
OerHeksentreri, system settings > details > default Applications23:17
jay__can't it just work? is there a better distro for older pc's?23:18
jay__this check sum article looks greek23:18
wizradjay__: puppy linux23:18
jay__is puppy currently supported?23:18
jay__i like linux and the ideas behind it but man it is NOT even close to being user friendly23:19
Eric^^jay__: go to the folder where the iso is23:19
jay__how's a layman like myself supposed to use the terminal for everything with all these commands you just have to "know"23:19
Eric^^jay__: type md5sum <iso-filename>23:19
Eric^^it is xubuntu right ?23:19
jay__ok Eric^^23:19
jay__yes it is23:19
jay__the iso is on the windows23:20
jay__ pc23:20
Eric^^ok it should be ae446659057ee49e57773bf44639885623:20
Eric^^if the iso is off then that's your problem, and you can easily fix the iso with the rsync command23:21
jay__how can i check the iso on windows before reinstalling on this pc?23:21
jay__will my broadcom work out of the box with another distro do you happen to know? Xubuntu's not nice to me :(23:22
jay__I have a friends old laptop and it has a broadcom too23:22
wizradjust save yourself the hassle and buy a new card23:22
jay__but the card works perfectly fine23:22
jay__nothing wrong with it23:23
yoLo_anybody here uses Scrapy ?23:23
Eric^^jay__:  i just googled this .. dunno how well it is http://www.winmd5.com/23:23
Eric^^seems ok23:23
smokieheya guys, from terminal, is there a way to see the copy progress bar when copying a large file with 'cp' ?23:23
jay__ok maybe i'll try that eric23:23
yoLo_smokie why would you want to see progress ?23:24
jay__thanks for your help. i'll use the check sum23:24
smokieyoLo_ cuz when copying 5-6gb or more it just stays black without showing how long is left to copy23:24
MojtabaBen64: Could you please tell me how should I use gddrescue?23:25
SikOK, here again after rebooting several times, the issue persists. For some reason the pixels are doubled :| How do I fix this?23:25
yoLo_that's because it will only increase in laggy state23:26
yoLo_that file is too big23:26
yoLo_it will freeze things up23:26
Ben64Mojtaba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery23:27
yoLo_however it would be possible to write a program that does this for you smokie23:27
pangaea_i crashed and had to reinstall, forgot how to set up my ati hd radeon 4xxx series pci-e card.....anyone have a link for ubuntu23:28
MojtabaBen64: Thank you very much23:28
smokieyoLo_, ah.. thats too bad.. im not much of a programmer23:28
smokiethanks though for the help23:28
pangaea_any help setting up ati radeon pci-e card?23:30
yoLo_if you could find that program/code that shows download in progress when sudo apt-getting... you could modify it to suit your need, smokie23:30
Ben64smokie: cat input | pv > output23:30
Ben64smokie: actually, "pv input > output" works better23:32
totesmuhgoatshey guys23:32
totesmuhgoatsi seem to recall, that if you have windows taking up your entire disk, the ubuntu installer will present an option to resize windows and install them side by side23:33
totesmuhgoatsbut i didn't see this option presented the last time i did it, is this no longer present in 14.04?23:33
DerragonIf you booted by UEFI, totesmuhgoats, I don't believe it supports it (yet).23:33
Ben64is it present, but some setups make that impossible23:33
totesmuhgoatsi did boot uefi23:34
totesmuhgoatsit's not an issue for me, i am recommending to someone else that they install ubuntu23:34
totesmuhgoatsand they are not going to want to partition manually23:34
DerragonThen unfortunately there isn't a way to dual-boot for them as of right now.23:34
Jordan_UDerragon: totesmuhgoats: Ubuntu's installer definitely supports automatic partitioning and resizing of Windows for UEFI.23:38
DerragonJordan_U Does it? I was fairly sure it didn't, as it doesn't give the option on my laptop either or for totesmuhgoats, apparently.23:39
SikHey, anybody know why the desktop may have the pixels doubled? Note that in the login screen the resolution is correct23:40
=== Eric^^ is now known as eeee
Jordan_Utotesmuhgoats: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" if you currently have access to a system where Ubuntu's installer doesn't present the option to install "Side by side" with Windows using automatic partitioning.23:43
=== xD is now known as Guest41501
jay_yo dizzles23:48
jay_my md5 was good to go23:48
jay_i'm on the windows pc and they matched23:48
SikSilly question, can the X server scale up the pixels?23:48
usr13_jay_: My advise is for you to just fix what you have.23:49
eeeeSik: did you try the guest account?23:49
eeeejay_: Eric^^ here, well that sucks..23:49
jay_how tho usr13_ . many people have tried23:49
jay_ok i see. it does suck eric23:50
jay_i'm thinking about going to a different distro23:50
usr13_jay_: You say you have the Broadcom 4311. Right?23:50
Sikeeee: ...gimme a second (though I'm not sure if there's even a guest account)23:50
Jordan_Ujay_: Did you use a CD or USB to boot the Ubuntu installer?23:50
jay_there's no reason for all of this incompatibility. it should just work. i'm not asking for magic. just for wireless internet!23:50
usr13_I've configured one (for someone else) and works just fine.23:50
eeeeusr13_: he can't download any packages23:50
jay_USB bootable stick23:50
usr13_eeee: WHy not?23:51
jay_cause Xubuntu is crap that's why not23:51
=== Jake is now known as boy_wanders
jay_it just plan doesn't work23:51
Jordan_Ujay_: Did you run the integrity check to be sure that you don't have a bad flash drive?23:51
jay_perfect md5 and apparently a good install23:51
usr13_jay_: Xubuntu is just fine and works just fine.23:51
jay_but nothing works23:51
=== boy_wanders is now known as Jake
jay_it doesn't work fine for my two pc's i've tried to put it on23:51
usr13_jay_: Sorry you are having trouble but... it works for LOTS of folks.  Me included.23:52
jay_no Jordan_U I don't know how to do that23:52
Sikeeee: how do I get on the guest account? Only my account shows up, and typing "guest" as username doesn't work (it prompts me for a password I don't know about)23:52
Jordan_Ujay_: What tool did you use to configure the USB drive?23:52
eeeeSik: in the top right corner > guest session23:52
SikI feel like an utter idiot now23:53
SikThe zoom in the accessibility options was turned on ._.'23:53
jay_I used LiLi and then Unetbootin. tried both23:53
jay_Xubuntu is not my friend23:53
Jordan_Ujay_: Do you see a boot menu when you boot the LiveUSB? If not, do you see an "accessibility=keyboard" graphic on the screen for a few seconds?23:53
jay_I see a boot menu depending on what's installed. With GRUB I do23:53
jay_I think LILI uses something else and it also has a menu too23:54
usr13_jay_: YOu have an attitude of defeat, (which will work against you).23:54
SikWell, that solves the issue I guess - thanks eeee for making me look up that section of the screen :v bye!23:55
jay_usr13. you don't understand. my attitude was optimistic for two weeks straight23:55
jay_i've tried many distro's of linux23:55
Jordan_Ujay_: At the boot menu, there should hopefully be an option like "Check for defects". If there is, select it.23:55
jay_only puppy linux and ones that boot from RAM seems to be great out of the box23:55
crocketFuck unity23:55
jay_all others, can't get one thing or another working like wifi for example23:55
Jordan_Ucrocket: Please watch your language and attitude.23:56
mulkitsI know that's right23:56
jay_I bet I've tried 8 different distro's23:56
mulkitsI think that if you tried 8 different distros and none of them work, then it's something with the PC23:56
jay_Vector linux was great on live CD. couldn't get it to install tho23:56
jay_had to go to their IRC chat and spend 2 hours to get it installed23:56
mulkitsThat's not bad23:56
mulkitsIt took me 8 hours to install a distro once.23:57
jay_that's awful and a waste of live23:57
mulkitsNot if it gets you what you want.23:57
Ben64if you're having this much trouble even getting things installed, then that sounds like a problem not with the software23:57
jay_life is more valuble to me than to spend all of it trying to fix things that should just work. it's 2014 not 199023:57
ki7mtjay_, Well another 92 distros and you've made to the top 100 distros, and there is more.23:57
mulkitsWell jay, its FREE. what do you want?23:58
jay_Mint was good but it was too slow on the Old pc23:58
jay_which btw even with mint, i had to download the b43 drivers and install them with a package manager lol23:58
Jordan_UBen64: jay_: mulkits: ki7mt: Please stop the offtopic discussions and let's just stick to actually trying to get things working.23:58
mulkitsI apologize..23:58
mulkitsI thought I was on topic.23:58
=== [AFK]def_anoch is now known as def_anoch
jay_sorry. it's just frustrating after like 2 weeks of no where23:58
mulkitsWhat are we talking about here anyway?23:59
jay_that my wireless cannot work23:59
jay_i cannot download synaptics23:59
Ben64that is not the problem here. you can't install anything23:59
mulkitsI see23:59
eeeewhat Ben64 said ^^23:59
jay_I can install a new distro lol23:59

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