
ochosiNoskcaj, Unit193: thanks both of you!00:15
* Unit193 didn't do it.00:15
Noskcajno problem ochosi 00:15
ochosialrighty, gotta get some sleep00:16
ochosinight everyone!00:16
Noskcajg'night ochosi00:17
ochosimorning everyone08:07
Noskcajevening ochosi08:10
ochosihey Noskcaj 08:13
ochosiso whisker is where now, debian, utopic?08:13
Noskcajdebian svn, waiting for corsac08:13
ochosimind to add that to trello so we keep it on the radar for utopic?08:14
NoskcajI could upload it straight to ubuntu, but it seems pointless08:14
Noskcajok, just let me have dinner08:15
ochosisure, bon appetit!08:15
ochosiUnit193: could you do a MR for adding inxi to the seed plz?08:26
ochosiUnit193: i'll merge it and then we can go for a -meta upload in utopic08:26
slickymasterWorkochosi, Unit193, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7730800/ <- opinions please10:49
qwebirc864665damn connection10:51
knomehey slickymasterWork, or qwebirc864665 10:53
qwebirc864665hey knome, good morning10:53
knomegood afternoon :)10:53
qwebirc864665knome, did you saw the link I just posted?10:53
qwebirc864665care to give me your, always precious, input on it?10:54
knomewhat is it for?10:54
=== qwebirc864665 is now known as slickymasterWork
qwebirc665109sorry knome, I fall out yet again10:57
qwebirc665109so, what do you think?10:57
knome13:54  knome: what is it for?10:59
knomehuhu, what a connection11:03
Unit193knome: FAQ?11:04
knomeseems to me like the recommends are useless11:04
knomeand recommends, kind of...11:04
knomei mean, why wouldn't somebody just want it all11:05
slickymasterWorkknome: it's for this -> http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-06-25-10.00.log.html#l-3511:06
knome14:04  knome: seems to me like the recommends are useless11:07
knome14:04  knome: and recommends, kind of...11:07
knome14:04  Unit193: Yeah.11:07
knome14:05  knome: i mean, why wouldn't somebody just want it all11:07
slickymasterWorkanother thing, do I have write permissions in the siteĀ»11:07
knomeslickymasterWork, you're able to write and edit drafts, but not publish11:07
knome(or edit published posts)11:08
slickymasterWorkso, in your opinion I should remove the recommends Q?11:08
knomewell to me it looks like overkill11:08
knomeinstead of that, why don't you give some commands to get information on stuff11:08
knomemost users aren't interested in package recommends/dependencies, they'll just install what they need to get it working11:09
slickymasterWorkyeah, that makes sense, even because ochosi intends it not to be thorough11:09
knome(and if inxi is installed by default, we'll control which recommends it has (probably all))11:09
Unit193Also, it'll already be there, so nothing to install.11:09
ochosithe important part is: how can you use it to debug11:20
ochosijust give one or two illustrative examples11:20
ochosiwe can always link to the online manpage of inxi for further information11:21
ochosiUnit193: thanks for the MR11:21
ochosiwill merge it shortly11:22
ochosiUnit193: merged. could you get the upload process going?11:24
Unit193ochosi: I'd prefer to punt to bluesabre, but in theory I could...11:25
ochosiwell let me rephrase then: could you make sure one of you two...?11:28
slickymasterWorkknome, ochosi, Unit193, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7730982/ <- new and revised version11:37
slickymasterWorklet me know what you think of it11:38
bluesabreochosi, Unit193, I can do it tonight... assuming you want me to try to get it to utopic11:44
Unit193bluesabre: Of course, and ping me if you need assist.11:45
Unit193slickymasterWork: Looks better.11:45
Unit193Still think the IRC note might be helpful, but that could just be me.11:46
slickymasterWorkUnit193: do you think that anything more should be added to it?11:46
slickymasterWorkUnit193, you mean how to use it with irc=11:46
Unit193bluesabre: Thought that'd be a good idea.11:47
Unit193slickymasterWork: Yeah.11:47
slickymasterWorkright Unit193, I'll add it11:48
bluesabreI'll sign up for my meeting for upload rights tonight as well, got up a bit late this morning11:48
bluesabreI now have two sponsor endorsements https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeanDavis/DeveloperApplication :)11:49
knomebluesabre, goodie11:53
ochosibluesabre: great! lemme know when you hand it in!12:08
Unit193Yes indeed, very good.12:12
slickymasterWorkknome, ochosi, Unit193, http://xubuntu.org/?p=254812:12
slickymasterWorklunch time ->12:15
ochosislickymasterWork: currwntly on mobile, will review when i'm back at a computer...12:16
slickymasterWorkok ochosi 12:16
ochosimeh typos, there you go12:16
elfySystem:    Host hob-unicorn Kernel 3.15.0-6-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop N/A 12:18
elfy           Distro Ubuntu 14.10 utopic 12:18
elfyMachine:   System Gigabyte product N/A12:18
elfy           Mobo Gigabyte model H61M-S2PV Bios American Megatrends v FE date 06/21/201212:18
elfyCPU:       Dual core Intel Pentium G870 (-MCP-) cache 3072 KB 12:18
elfy           Clock Speeds 1 2000 MHz 2 1600 MHz12:18
elfyGraphics:  Card NVIDIA GT218 [GeForce 210]12:18
elfy           Display Server X.Org 1.15.1 drivers nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau)12:18
elfy           Resolution 1920x1080@59.9hz12:18
elfy           GLX Renderer GeForce 210/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 331.7912:18
elfyAudio:     Card-1 NVIDIA High Definition Audio Controller driver snd_hda_intel 12:18
elfy           Card-2 Creative Labs SB Audigy driver snd_emu10k1 12:18
elfy           Card-3 Logitech Webcam C270 driver USB Audio 12:18
elfy           Sound Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v k3.15.0-6-generic12:18
elfyNetwork:   Card Qualcomm Atheros AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet driver atl1c12:18
elfy           IF eth0 state up speed 100 Mbps duplex full mac <filter>12:18
elfyDrives:    HDD Total Size 1160.2GB (55.1% used) ID-1 /dev/sda model ST3160812AS size 160.0GB12:18
elfy           ID-2 /dev/sdb model Hitachi_HDS72101 size 1000.2GB12:18
elfyPartition: ID-1 / size 15G used 6.0G (44%) fs ext4 dev /dev/sda2 12:18
elfy           ID-2 swap-1 size 4.19GB used 0.00GB (0%) fs swap dev /dev/sda5 12:18
Unit193Exactly why you need to use inxi -c0 | pastebinit12:18
elfyRAID:      No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present12:18
elfySensors:   System Temperatures: cpu 32.0C mobo 29.8C gpu 52C 12:18
elfy           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu 1046 fan-2 1069 fan-3 0 fan-4 0 fan-5 0 12:18
elfyInfo:      Processes 154 Uptime 6:22 Memory 1096.8/3917.0MB Client HexChat 2.10.0 inxi 2.1.28 12:18
elfyjust so you know that it might be an idea to add |pastebinit to the inxi irc commands :)12:18
elfyFAQ needs to reflect that :)12:19
knome!pastebin | elfy 12:19
ubottuelfy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:19
slickymasterWorkthere's already a FAQ about using it with an IRC client elfy 12:19
elfyknome: indeed - but people will see the faq, and use what we say 12:19
elfyslickymasterWork: I just used waht the FAW says - and it says nothing about pastebinit12:20
elfy/exec -o inxi -<option>12:20
slickymasterWorkwell, that's beacuse it's not contemplated in inxi help12:20
slickymasterWorkbut surelly, I can add it12:21
elfyall I am saying is that people WILL use the FAQ and WILL use what it says :)12:21
elfyyep :)12:21
slickymasterWorkyes, and I agree with you12:21
Unit193(FWIW, -c0 just disables the colors so it's readable.)12:22
slickymasterWorkI'll do it after lunch12:22
elfydo we actually need to have the irc commands? surely we just the cli one + pastebinit12:27
bluesabremaybe we should make a pastebinit bot12:27
knomelike, which detects flood, quiet's the user and somehow magically gets the rest of the paste and pastes a link for that12:29
bluesabre* *magic* * \o/12:35
knomewell, it would have to be opped12:35
knomethen it could see anything that the quieted user pasted12:35
bluesabreanywho, gotta head to work, bbl12:37
Unit193As long as +z was set.12:39
knomeUnit193, well we could make sure it was/is12:39
Unit193But, I do have the first part covered. :P12:39
Unit193+N  desktop-guide/po/id.po12:40
Unit193ochosi: Oh cool, just saw the other one, thanks.12:47
ochosiUnit193: sure, felt productive and cleaned up a few MRs13:02
slickymasterWorkhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/07/01/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t11:46 <- elfy, about the need on need having the irc commands in inxi FAQs14:01
slickymasterWorkbah too many needs :P14:02
slickymasterWorkochosi, knome, added the ' | pastebin' parameter to the irc commands. http://xubuntu.org/?p=2548 is ready for review14:09
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
Unit193qwebirc533562: Forgot the -c0 option, and you'll want to change '| pastebin' => '| pastebinit' otherwise looks good.14:13
qwebirc533562lol Unit193, I saw that after previewing the page~14:13
qwebirc533562and I'll add the -c0 option14:13
Unit193(If you want to be consistant, weechat has -bx while the others have -option)14:13
Unit193Great, thanks.14:14
qwebirc533562didn't knew that about weechat14:14
* qwebirc533562 never udes it14:14
Unit193That's without -c014:14
Unit193bluesabre: Reviewed your lightdm-gtk-greeter MP a little, you may want to address those issues.15:11
Unit193bluesabre: Oh jolly, what's in the archive is what's "broken" not what you're proposing. :/15:16
Unit193Noskcaj: And, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/utopic/xfce4-session/merge/+merge/224396 are you *sure* you want to be removing light-locker from xflock4?  And setting the desktop in xinitrc?15:25
Unit193Also, systemd-sysv is as of yet not in Ubuntu, but it's an alternate dep.15:26
ochosiso, as i said, xubuntu-meta needs an update17:12
ochosithen elfy and Unit193 should coordinate the testing/feedback phase a bit17:12
ochosithen after that's done we write some info about it17:13
Unit193ochosi: So, which methods of installation are you looking to support?17:13
ochosiUnit193: haven't thought about that yet tbh17:16
ochosiwhich ones would you support? 17:16
slickymasterWorkwhenever you have 5 minutes to spare ochosi there's a draft in the site for review about the inxi FAQs17:17
* ochosi is currently on a train, so not the best time to do that17:18
ochosibut i'll take a look17:18
ochosiin fact Unit193 should primarily review it, he knows the most about inxi (and proposed it)17:19
slickymasterWorkUnit193: ^^ an official comment/review is due on that17:19
* slickymasterWork kind of smiles throwing some paperwork at Unit1917:20
ochosievil evil... .>17:20
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/core.html slapped that up quickly.17:23
Unit193ochosi: Think we could merge something like http://paste.openstack.org/show/cxSbNu7sUd5wjCOZjEuH/ before upload? :)17:26
ochosiheh, i guess we can17:28
ochosiput up a MR and i'll throw it in17:28
ochosiUnit193: small correction: do an "Expert (instead of "a")17:30
Unit193Fixed, and I can do the merge later, doesn't really matter if it's before the upload.17:40
ochosisure, but why not fix everything as soon as we can17:40
Unit193Because this isn't really that important, it's so you can use `asciidoc` to turn those files into -> http://sigma.unit193.net/xubuntu.utopic/core-d.html17:41
ochosiyeah, i figured17:41
ochosibut it is something we want17:42
Unit193ochosi: Also, did you happen to see the merge proposals I linked to earlier?17:48
ochosihm, which ones?17:48
Unit193elfy: ^ That's the link for generally how to test, except I don't remember precisely which install option doesn't install other crap, and which gets you to tasksel.  Also the second method we may not end up mentioning, but since it's an option....17:49
Unit193ochosi: https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/utopic/xfce4-session/merge/+merge/224396 - and bluesabre's.17:49
Unit193But more that one, dm-tool doesn't do what we want with light-locker, right?17:50
ochosiyou mean dm-tool over xflock?17:50
Unit193No, called from xflock4, line 2602 of that merge.17:51
ochosidm-tool generally works with light-locker, but frankly it's been too long that i read that looong bugreport against xflock to remember whether there were any drawbacks17:54
Unit193So, light-locker-command -l -> dm-tool lock17:54
Unit193Ah, I see.17:54
ochosii guess dm-tool doesn't fail gracefully (off the top of my head) if there's no light-locker running17:55
ochosiso that might be a security concern17:55
ochosibut other than that, i'm not sure now17:55
Unit193Well hopefully that's alright http://paste.openstack.org/show/SmSMmJGCBrJ9VDR0MdFh/18:34
slickymasterWork^^ that's something I can start to work on18:35
Unit193Uhhh, this is formatting for the seed files, what are you referring to?18:36
slickymasterWorkI can see now the expected content of xubuntu-core18:38
Unit193It's trimmed, so not all of it. :)18:38
elfyUnit193: so - are we now just waiting for it to be available for people to select to have a look at testing?18:54
Unit193knome: Fine, I got it.18:54
Unit193elfy: We're waiting for the meta upload so people can try the crazy minimal mode, but we don't need to.18:54
elfywe might not need to - but that's what I'll work towards 18:55
Unit193knome: That is to say, I got it how you want it, all weird like.18:57
Unit193knome: Your xinclude doesn't seem to function properly. >_>19:02
knomeUnit193, fix it?19:12
knomeUnit193, and what do you mean by my?19:13
knomei told there was a problem with that before19:13
knomeit appeared after the files moving for translations 19:13
knomeit always worked before19:13
knomehmm hmm.19:14
knomewhat's wrong with that?19:16
knomewhat's the content of translators.xml ?19:16
knomemm, that should be okay19:18
knomewhat's the error message then?19:18
Unit193No error, just not in the html file.19:18
knomewhat if you omit the xml header?19:19
knomealso, is the translators.xml in the right directory?19:19
knomei had it working.19:20
knomemanually, that is19:20
knomebut it worked19:20
Unit193knome: Sorry, nevermind.  idp23238644 changes every time. >_<19:20
Unit193So, F5 didn't work...19:22
knomeof course not.19:22
Unit193I didn't know the page changed locations, that's very strange.  Anywho, as long as you like it in bash, it's done.  Do you want all translators, whether we ship it or not?19:24
knomethe copyright page does. yeah, it's stupid and weird.19:24
knomeall translators?19:25
knomeno, i only want the translators for finnish on the finnish copyright page etc19:25
Unit193Waaait, I thought you said... Meh.19:26
* Unit193 kicks knome.19:28
Unit193OK, well after that small change, it's all working (can't remember how much of a hack job this is even...)19:30
Unit193Now, see if you like it?19:31
knomei guess i should19:32
knomeis it on the main branch?19:33
Unit193https://unit193.net/xubuntu/desktop-guide/ln-idp21542436.html - https://unit193.net/xubuntu/pt/ln-idp36271028.html - https://unit193.net/xubuntu/fi/ln-idp46358260.html19:34
Unit193I can't push anywhere fun.19:35
Unit193(Those are about to 404 in a second, doing another build.)19:39
Unit193for dir in am de en_AU en_GB es fi fr id it ja oc pl pt ru sq sv; do   Geeeeeez......19:42
Unit193No localization exists for "oc" or "". Using default "en".19:49
Unit193I dislike those.19:49
ochosiany of you folks using bluetooth in 14.04?19:53
knomebut tell me19:54
ochosi(i mean bluez or blueman or whatever the heck it's called we install by default)19:54
ochosithing is that we have an icon bug there19:54
ochosiyou can't see the difference between active, inactive and paired19:54
knomein 13.10, what actually controls my monitor power management?19:54
elfythat's why we made the testcase an optional - no-one was testing it19:54
ochosiit's always the same icon19:54
knomexfce4 power manager doesn't19:54
knomeand is it fixed in 14.04?19:54
ochosiknome: you're digressing...19:54
knomeochosi, sure.19:55
ochosieither way, i'm mostly thinking to ask around whether others are annoyed too and if yes, we could try an SRU19:55
ochosia SRU i mean19:55
Unit193knome: Problem?19:55
ochosiso far i don't remember seeing a bugreport about it19:55
ochosibut if any of you do, let me know19:55
knomeUnit193, problem about?19:55
knomeUnit193, i didn't check the URL's because you said they'd change.19:55
ochosiknome: so what's the powerman problem in 13.10?19:56
knomeochosi, i set the monitor-to-black to 15mins in the powerman19:56
knomebut it blanks after 1019:56
knome"of course"19:56
knomeyeah, sure...19:56
ochosixfpm handles dpms, you're referring to blanking19:56
ochosithis is the whole thing we introduced lls for19:57
ochosiit handles blanking19:57
knomeso it ought to be fixed in 14.04?19:57
ochosiyeah, you can use lls to set the blank time19:57
ochosibut in 14.10 xfpm will handle it19:57
ochosii implemented it a few days ago19:57
knomei don't care as long as it works..19:57
ochosills handles it in a very very hacky way19:57
ochosi(sets up a desktop file in autostart that sets that blank time)19:58
knomehas the blank-screen-from-suspend SRU finally, completely, landed?19:58
knomefine by me.19:58
ochosiit should be in -updates, afaik19:58
knomei want to watch my youtube videos from HDMI output with no blanking.19:58
ochosithat's a different issue though19:58
knomeis it?19:58
knomewhat's the issue with that then?19:58
ochosithat's xdg-screensaver being buggy in ubuntu19:58
ochosii proposed a MR about it a few weeks ago19:59
ochositook me a while to find the problem and patch it19:59
knomeok, so if an app is in fullscreen, blanking shouldn't happen?19:59
knomeis that what you are saying19:59
Unit193https://unit193.net/xubuntu/ru/ln-idp21556476.html have to say that looks the coolest. :P19:59
ochosithen media players should be able to normally inhibit the screensaver again19:59
ochosiUnit193: although the name of the translator is not cyrillic20:00
ochosiknome: so yeah, seb128 just confirmed today that he'll merge my patch and then sponsor it for utopic20:00
ochosithen we can SRU it20:00
Unit193knome: I built every language, FWIW.20:00
ochosieither way, it's a bash script, so if you don't want to wait, you can always apply my patch20:01
knomeochosi, right, but is that happening even if only ONE of the monitors has a fullscreen app?20:01
knomeand is youtube fullscreen in firefox considered one?20:01
knomeUnit193, nice.20:01
knomeUnit193, push into a branch and do a MP, i'll get that merged soon20:02
ochosii guess, i don't use youtube in fullscreen a lot20:08
ochosiyou can easily try by applying my 1line patch to xdg-screensaver i guess20:09
knomeme neither, except when i'm outputting via HDMI...20:09
Unit193knome: Still looks like you stacked the deck. :P20:09
ochosicould be that youtube doesn't inhibit screensavers at all20:09
knomeUnit193, huh?20:09
knomeochosi, i should upgrade to 14.04 on the laptop first..20:09
ochosiyup, i guess20:11
knomewell i should20:12
knomei've just waited for the SRU20:12
knomeactually, i'll upgrade now20:14
ochosihmm, somehow our gmb stuff could also use an update...20:14
ochosithere are the icons, of which some are outdated20:14
ochosithen i wanted to implement a volume-control that people can optionally show20:14
ochosi(via the menu)20:14
ochosito address another concern that was raised time and time again20:15
ochositoo much other stuff to do in fact though20:15
knomestupid concern though :P20:15
knomei'll look at it during half-time, if the upgrade is done by that20:23
knomeprobably not though20:24
Unit193I sware I used bzr add...20:27
=== tgm4883__ is now known as tgm4883
knomeochosi, did you say the "nasty bug" with intel is fixed?21:05
ochosiintel? i never mentioned intel21:05
knomeochosi, the "window border is dashed" one21:06
ochosiah right21:06
ochosithat one should be fixed21:06
knomebecause i just got it with trusty :]21:07
ochosiit was a while ago anyway21:07
knomeor was it only fixed in utopic?21:07
ochosino, it was even fixed in 13.1021:07
ochosimaybe a regression, who knows21:07
knomethe indicator applet menu is weird/buggy21:09
knomethe chosen row has a blue bg, but the text part has a white background21:09
ochosiyou're a funny one, upgrading to your last lts release way after it has been released and then "discovering" oddities and bugs...21:09
Unit193Yeah, -messages does the weird double background for me.21:10
knomewell i upgraded to trusty ages ago on desktop21:10
knomei just couldn't take the leap of faith with *all* production machines..21:10
ochosieither way, i gotta see the second half, so... ;)21:11
knomeme too21:11
knomesee you after that then ;)21:11
knomewell there's something fishy going in here.21:21
knomesometimes resuming from suspend after closing lid works perfectly.21:21
ubottu<><    ><>    <><    ><>21:22
knomesometimes it resumes to a dimmed screen brightness, and after login, shows a blank screen21:22
knomexrandr says "Can't open display"21:23
knomei have all upgrades.21:23
knomeand updates too..21:24
knomehmm, now it seems to work, magically..21:33
* knome is happy enough21:33
knomewill report a bug or sth if reappears21:33
ochosithere is a bug with screen brightness21:41
ochosinot sure it's really related to light-locker though21:41
knomeyeah, but the bigger problem was that after login the screen was blank21:42
knomeand no brightness stuff helped21:42
knomebut now it works...21:42
ochosiafter installing the package from updates you need to change lls settings back and forth to make things work21:44
ochosii guess we should blog about that at some point21:44
knomeyeah, weirdo21:44
ochosiwell actually it's not weird21:44
knomefor a regular user it is21:45
ochosijust annoying21:45
ochosiyeah, but there's not much we can do about that21:45
knomei'm so tried :|21:45
knomereally hope a quick BEL goal so i can go to bed21:45
knomeit's been so close so long21:48
ochosiwrong chan21:49
knomeyes father21:49
* ochosi slaps knome 21:49
* knome bows for the father21:49
knomeUnit193, merged22:50
knomeUnit193, ta22:50
Unit193Sure thing, doc.22:50
ochosiwait, i thought slickymaster was "doc"?22:51
knomejust replace one of the vocals and add the mandatory k and it's me22:52
knome"one of the"...22:52
knomei'm fast today22:52
Unit193knome: Can I move the card to "Done"? :)23:03
knomeyyep, i'd think so23:06
slickymasterUnit193, knome I've done it already 23:07
bluesabreUnit193: gah, so the utopic package got borked?23:07
Unit193bluesabre: Not precisely, is ido still needed?23:08
ochosihey bluesabre 23:08
Unit193bluesabre: It lost all the Ubuntu specific history as the person doing the merge didn't feel it was needed.23:08
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, ido required for indicators23:08
Unit193bluesabre: #ubuntu-devel, the icons last I knew.23:09
bluesabreso the person that rewrote my merge then23:09
NoskcajUnit193, I don't know what the package is, but if it was ever synced, we probably lost everything before that23:09
bluesabreI'll look into repairing that23:10
Unit193See #ubuntu-devel. :P23:10
Unit193Noskcaj: I pinged you about xfce4-session.23:11
knomeok, i'm off23:12
knomenighty all23:12
bluesabrenight knome23:12
NoskcajUnit193, I never saw it sorry23:13
slickymasternighty knome 23:13
NoskcajWhat was the issue?23:13
ochosinight knome 23:13
Unit193[11:25:01] < Unit193> Noskcaj: And, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/utopic/xfce4-session/merge/+merge/224396 are you *sure* you want to be  removing light-locker from xflock4?  And setting the desktop in xinitrc?23:13
Unit193[11:26:18] < Unit193> Also, systemd-sysv is as of yet not in Ubuntu, but it's an alternate dep.23:14
Noskcajmistakes were made23:14
NoskcajI'll fix that thisafternoon23:15

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