
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest69253
=== blaze is now known as blaze`
Riddellbon dia08:52
Riddellkubotu: newversion calligra 2.8.508:59
soeeRiddell: the issue with ubiquity i mentioned yetserday is known ?09:00
Riddellsoee: which one?09:02
soeeRiddell: if language is change installer failes09:02
Riddellyeah that one is09:04
Riddellsoee: although fixes welcome :)09:07
soeeRiddell: also i tried yesterday plasma-next 09:16
soeefailed also :)09:16
Riddellblank screen you said?09:17
soeei was able to install it but than on login screen where the button with gui screen should be iv seen only small dot or something (like teh text was missing on the button) if itried to login it just stopped with wallpaper and cursor09:18
Riddellso probably just some stuff not installed09:21
RiddellI'll work on a meta package next week09:21
* Riddell away until monday09:29
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:33
BluesKajHiyas all11:04
sgclarkmorning Riddell any plasma ready to work on?12:21
shadeslayeryofel: do you have a pbuilder hook for autopkgtests14:47
yofelshadeslayer: I have yours :P15:37
yofelwhich doesn't work most of the time because it crashes with an UnicodeDecode error15:37
yofelprobably because the chroot has no locales configured15:37
yofelsame hook that maxy linked to actually15:40
shadeslayerso yeah15:40
shadeslayersame error as me now15:40
* shadeslayer throws a rock at the router15:43
shadeslayerI've had to tether my phone to get internet today15:45
shadeslayerand it's extremely slow15:45

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