
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest69253
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belkinsaHappy Fourth of July everyone!12:24
dsmythiesknome are you around?21:19
dsmythiesknome: I am wondering about this deletion: <<Include(DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/MenuBar)>> as I liked it was way to move around quickly within the system docs pages.21:22
dsmythiesExample reference:21:23
knomedsmythies, from my point of view, this supports the new user better.22:11
knomedsmythies, when they land on the main page, their attention does not go to the menubar and sublinks but the content22:12
knomeinside that content, we can control what we want them to read first and what are the last steps22:12
dsmythiesknome: O.K. but now I do not how to move around between the serverguide and building and editing and repository pages. Something I do constantly. (I can learn a new method.)22:34
knomedsmythies, if they are constantly used together, maybe we can think where we'd need to the other pages in the wiki22:36
knomeor we can of course go back to the old menu stuff, though i'd still say that's counterproductive for new users22:37
dsmythiesknome: Thanks for explaining. I'll just bookmark all the pages I use. Previously, I only had one bookmarked, because I just used the menu after that. And truth be known all the pages I use weren't part of the menu anyhow.22:40
knomebelkinsa said she'd like a sitemap-like page, so maybe that's one option22:42
knomebecause clearly we aren't linking all the pages in the menu or anywhere where you can get a good idea what kind of pages we have22:43
dsmythiesI just want to dart around as fast as possible... (I suspect I speak for all of us when I say "there just isn't enough time")22:45
knomethough having to dart around many many pages tells me about another problem than the menu22:47
knomewhich is badly organized data22:47
knomeok, i need to go to bed22:49
knomei'm falling asleep with my laptop on the lap22:49
dsmythiesI just went through that group of pages during the last cycle. Myself, I think they are O.K. and organized alright. I just keep forgetting how to do stuff and find if I deviate from the list then I make a mistake. I mainly go between these three (even for desktop stuff):22:51
knomethey look OK, but they could be better :)22:51
knomebut yeah, i'm probably the wrong person to evaluate that anyway since i'm not really using them22:52
dsmythiesOh, I missed that you are exiting... never mind.22:52
knomethat's okay22:52
knomehave a nice day :)22:52
dsmythiesHave a nice night22:52
knomeand good night!22:52

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