
Picildunn: around?00:27
ldunna bit, what's up?00:28
Picildunn: was wondering if you could apply an Ubuntu Member cloak to thomi00:28
ldunnoh, sure thing *looks*00:29
Picithey're in u-irc00:29
Channel_ServiceI was ban for no reason?02:59
iohas none03:01
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
zetheroo1I think I am getting spam from a user in the ubuntu-server channel08:42
zetheroo1(10:40:46 AM) nanaum: show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/08:42
zetheroo1popped up in a private chat as soon as I posted something in the channel ..08:42
k1lzetheroo1: ok, thanks. we will have a look to confirm08:49
zetheroo1k1l: np08:49
k1lyep. got that spam too. do we have a -server admin awake?08:49
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuk1l called the ops in #ubuntu-server (nanaum spaming in pm)10:56
k1lzetheroo1: the spammer is removed and banned. thanks for reporting.11:06
zetheroo1 k1l: no worries ;)11:07
kerosenewhy am I still banned from -offtopic15:53
geniikerosene: I've reviewed the logs and will unban you shortly. In future please remember not to use profanity in there.16:53
keroseneno worries16:53
genii@comment 63057 Reviewed, ban lifted. Related to 6305217:06
ubottuComment added.17:06
bazhang<_Crash_Laptop> bekks, nice, its configured pacman19:11
genii!info pacman19:17
ubottupacman (source: pacman): Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-17ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB19:18
geniiOr that.19:18
ubottuIn ubottu, rwd said: !no, ops-#ubuntu-server is <reply> Help! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz, Pici, Daviey, Tm_T, pmatulis, Corey, IdleOne, ikonia, funkyhat, Myrtti, ocean, genii, phunyguy!19:40
rwdoh for christ's sake19:40
rwdi hate this bot19:40
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rwware you kidding me19:41
rwwnick based authentication? jesus19:41
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=== rwd is now known as rww
rwwokay i think i fixed it19:43
=== rww is now known as rwd
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.19:44
rwdor not.19:44
rwd@IRCLogin login19:44
* genii sips and stares at ubottu19:44
=== rwd is now known as rww
rwwthere, added hostmask-based access for me. someone else can figure out what's wrong with the bot this time19:46
=== rww is now known as rwd

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