
phoenixzI downloaded the kubuntu live ISO, put it on bootable USB, from BIOS I boot from USB, but it skips the USB and boots from the internal SSD drive. Is this a known problem?00:08
LiamWit's a known problem with OSes that don't provide sufficient means to mark a USB bootable00:09
LiamWyou can always net-install from a rewritable cd00:10
LiamWthat'll eliminate the need to install updates after installing00:10
LiamWand the initial download is 30 MB00:10
phoenixzI'll take it, though now I have to look for a... CD..? What are those? :)00:12
phoenixzLiamW: strike that, thus laptop has a damaged CD drive.. Is there a way to force mark the USB bootable?00:15
LiamWflash yer bios? idk00:16
LiamWthat's what I had to do00:16
phoenixzI still have a Linux install that runs for about 5 Mims before it looks up, maybe there is some command line thing?00:16
LiamWwhy does it lock up?00:16
LiamWdo you know?00:16
phoenixzYeah, btrfs messed up beyond repair. No problem, I'll reinstall but my lap won't boot those USB, and the CD drive is busted...00:18
phoenixzIs appears that, as long as I do not write, things should be ok00:19
phoenixzWould Linux be able to create a working bootable USB?00:19
LiamWubuntu has its own startup disk creator00:20
LiamWit will do just that00:20
phoenixzYeah, but will it actually work? I  Used tools on Windows, and those don't work00:20
LiamWthis looks plausible00:20
LiamWphoenixz: how many flash drives have you tried with?00:21
LiamWnot all BIOSes support all flash drive vendors00:21
phoenixz 3, 2 of which Kingston00:25
phoenixzSeriously, btrfs, never again00:25
LiamWI've had trouble in particular with older SanDisk Cruzer drives00:25
LiamWinterestingly the Cruzer Facet drives have no problem booting on the same systems00:25
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phoenixzRetrying USB creation program #700:46
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lordievaderGood morning.07:16
lordievaderHey function9, how are you?07:17
function9yeah busy busy busy :) and yourself?07:17
lordievaderWaking up, making coffee.07:17
function9hmm make me one too please :)07:18
* lordievader makes more coffee07:24
* lordievader passes function9 a coffee07:24
function9thank you :)07:26
function9brb restarting the chat client testing some different colors07:26
phoenixzAlright, just reinstalled my kubuntu 14.04, and I've ran into two major issues. 1) My mouse is no longer working. I can still control the mouse with the laptop pad where you move your finger over, but my USB wireless logitech mouse is no longer working. this WAS working before the reinstall (before was also 14.04).. Any help possible there?07:45
phoenixzIssue #2: I just did an apt-get upgrade, and after reboot, suddenly I can no longer run KDE programs. I can run chrome, but I cannot run system settings. I can run quassel, but I cannot run yakuake, all give "KDEInit could not launch /usr/bin/blah"..07:46
phoenixzSince I cannot run yakuake or konsole, I cannot see the error output and figure out what the problem is07:47
phoenixzAny help??07:47
lordievaderphoenixz: Try reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop package.07:48
phoenixzlordievader: Stupid question but.. Since I have Kubuntu installed, should that not be there already?07:50
lordievader!crosspost | phoenixz07:50
ubottuphoenixz: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.07:50
lordievaderphoenixz: Yes, but the point is it is a meta package. In other words reinstalling it makes sure everything that is needed is installed.07:51
phoenixzIn all fairness, it was not asked in another ubuntu channel.. Sorry for cross posting, but I just spent 25 hous in the last 2 days (and I wish I was kidding) trying to get my laptop to work again.. I'm at what looks like 98%, and now this.. I am about to convert to amish to be done with it all..07:53
function9phoenixz: linuxmint 15 kde, preety much similar mob, both being sponsored by blue systems. it's slightly a different spin :)07:56
function9err 17 i mean :)07:57
lordievaderfunction9: But it ain't supported here ;)07:57
function9hehe ok  my bad07:57
phoenixzAlright, it probably was the file /home/sven/.config/menus/applications-merged/xdg-desktop-menu-dummy.menu which is a 0 bytes file..07:58
phoenixzRestarting KDE07:58
lordievaderIt's an empty file here too...07:59
phoenixzProblem solved!08:00
lordievaderphoenixz: That's good to hear :) Both of the problems?08:00
phoenixzlordievader: Ah crap, I forgot the mouse.. Nope, thats still not working08:00
phoenixzThanks for the reminder :) How can I debug that problem?08:01
lordievaderphoenixz: Does udev see the dongle?08:02
phoenixzlordievader: How do I udev?08:03
phoenixzlsusb does see Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver08:03
lordievaderphoenixz: Remove the dongle, open a konsole, run "sudo udevadm monitor --environment --udev", plugin the dongle.08:03
phoenixzdmesg also reports no problem AFAICS08:04
valoriephoenixz: you did check to see that it has good batteries, right?08:04
lordievaderHey valorie, how are you?08:04
phoenixzvalorie: that was my first thought :) Then I got the mouse of my wife, same problem08:04
valorieI've had dead batteries before and tried a lot of stuff first....08:04
valoriehi lordievader08:04
phoenixzActually, should 14.04 not show the battery status?08:04
valorieexcellent, just back from a short vacation08:04
phoenixzAlso, the battery is one of those duracells with a small meter on it, it shows 3/4 full08:05
phoenixzlordievader: sudo udevadm monitor --environment --udev and adding dongle gives me this: http://pastie.org/935713608:07
lordievaderThat looks fine.08:09
lordievaderThe dongle is recognized correctly and it seems the correct driver is loaded.08:09
phoenixzI just checked, the battery widget on my taskbar shows the logitech mouse as well08:10
phoenixzIts all there, but its not working... ?08:10
lordievaderIs there a switch on the mouse to disable it?08:11
phoenixzyeap, also on08:11
phoenixzIt was all working fine until I reinstalled it08:11
phoenixzCursed be btrfs... 2 days gone, and now I'm fighting with my mouse..08:12
phoenixzAaaaand now that I have plugged and unplugged it a few times, there it is..08:13
phoenixzmouse working..08:13
lordievaderYayy :D08:13
phoenixzI think I actually misplaced the dongles.. now that I'm looking at it, they both are the same.. 2 mice, 2 dongles... I need coffee.. I need sleep.. At least I have a mouse now, I can finally start working, yay!08:15
* lordievader slides phoenixz a coffee08:23
phoenixzAh thanks!08:23
* phoenixz slurps08:23
BluesKajHowdy folks10:11
ShalokShalomsound is not working on a fresh installation, updated, mixer shows, that all is fine11:27
BluesKajShalokShalom, open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure automute is disabled11:34
ShalokShalomi am in alsamixer, how to look, if automute is disabled ?11:35
BluesKajShalokShalom, navigate to the automute module then use the up/down arrow keys to set it to disable11:37
ShalokShalomBluesKaj: i use a Nvidea GPU for the hdmi output11:46
BluesKajthen make sure the hdmi output is set in system settings>multimedia>device preference and audio hardware tab, ShalokShalom11:49
ShalokShalomit is11:49
ShalokShalomBluesKaj: Fynn is the Guy with that issue, since he is now too in the channel, i am out. Thanks for your help :)11:50
FynnThx and bye11:51
BluesKajFynn, and the spdif/pcm output ctl is set to pcm and unmuted in alsamixer?11:52
Fynnaktive ist now HDA Nvidia for HDMI output11:53
BluesKajFynn, read my post above11:55
Fynnalsamixer is open and i select with F6 the HDA NVidia - S/PDIF 00 S/PDIF1 00 S/PDIF2 00 S/PDIF3 0011:58
lolmausHow do i disable the "paste with middle click" feature? I'm using middle mouse button for scrolling on my laptop, and it fcuks up my emails a great deal! :(12:03
rimadhey guys, got a small problem. I have a zbook laptop with switchable (hybrid) graphics. I used optimus when i installed Kubuntu. However I recently turned off Intel card in the bios and all of the sudden it seems like DPI got all messed up12:10
rimadi use force font DPI setting right now and it works but there are still some areas where fonts look way too big (i.e. login screen)12:11
rimadany tips?12:11
BluesKajrimad, login scrn is system settings as root , use kdesudo systemsettings in the krunner and adjust your fonts for root permissions usage12:27
rimadone more thing, since i switched to nvidia card my startup and shutdown screen gets clattered with some text from the console. Before this i only had KDE graphics notifying me that its shutting down or starting up12:30
BluesKajrimad, have you upgraded the nvidia driver from the default nouveau?12:32
rimadyes i have12:32
BluesKajI've seen a few artifacts on shtdown, but none on startup12:33
BluesKajusing the 331.79 driver on Kubuntu 14.10/testing12:39
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bellohello everybody13:21
skinuxAre screenlets supposed to work at all in Kubuntu?13:58
BluesKajskinux, screenlets are gnome thing so you'll have to install them from the repos ...and they might work , altho plasma widgets work well14:10
skinuxI just installed Plasma Widgets14:17
skinuxHow do we activate specific widgets, though?14:18
BluesKajclick on the cashew on right of the panel14:19
hydra7yellow one skinux14:22
skinuxI found it.14:22
skinuxWidgets aren't that great, though.14:23
skinuxCPU temperature monitor is really small.14:23
Zeppmanhello, just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and im having a problem with libboo2.0.9-cil - it says it is "half-installed" and cannot be configured. Any ideas?16:02
Zeppman(everything else seems to work fine)16:02
Zeppmanthe problem is i can also not remove it16:08
Zeppmanit says "file does not exist /usr/share/cli-common/packages.d/policy.2.0.Boo.Lang.Interpreter.installcligac"16:08
ShalokShalom_a friend of mine detect a kubuntu specific bug that happens with CUDA Sound Output via HDMI and we both cant translate that correct into english, is there a way to write a german bug report ?18:07
rick7568can anybody help with a tearing issue?18:42
bprompt!de | ShalokShalom_18:43
ubottuShalokShalom_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:43
lordievaderrick7568: Perhaps, what is the issue in detail?18:43
lordievader!pm| rick756818:46
ubotturick7568: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:46
lordievaderrick7568: What card/driver are you using?18:47
rick7568ubottu i did18:47
lordievaderrick7568: No you pm'ed me... Anyhow could you answer my question.18:48
lordievaderrick7568: Is the driver loaded?18:49
rick7568gtx550 and the newest driver18:49
rick7568now youre making me think about this18:51
rick7568is there a more compatible one?18:52
lordievaderrick7568: Have you played with the refresh rate after enabling vsync?18:53
lordievaderrick7568: http://hifi-india.blogspot.nl/2006/11/faq-what-is-screen-tearing-and-how-do-i.html18:53
rick7568i dont think so18:53
lordievaderrick7568: That link I gave you point me to the monitor, rather than the driver.18:54
rick7568my monitor is a tv18:55
lordievaderSame applies.18:56
rick7568im looking for a refresh rate18:56
lordievaderrick7568: System Settings -> Display and Monitor -> right click the tv.18:57
rick7568it switched back to auto18:58
rick7568i set it on 6018:58
rick7568after changing this i have to at least log out, right?18:59
lordievaderrick7568: You just needed to hit apply.19:02
rick7568tearing is still there19:02
lordievaderrick7568: Do you have another display you can test the videocard on?19:03
lordievaderrick7568: Do so, then you can rule out everything on the side of the pc.19:05
rick7568its there but not as prominent19:09
rick7568think i need a reboot19:09
modernbobanyone know how to restart smbd19:11
modernbobI know its installed19:11
modernbobservice smbd restart19:12
modernbobstop: Unknown job: smbd19:12
modernbobstart: Unknown job: smbd19:12
lordievadermodernbob: It's called 'samba' under Ubuntu.19:14
ktosiekgeez, who is packaging quassel? Why is freenode name "Kubuntu IRC" by default?19:27
phoenixzktosiek: Hey, you're right, I hadn't noticed..20:12
* ktosiek noticed while adding Freenode... a secod time20:14
phoenixzActually, it looks like I'm on irc.kubuntu.org... thats.. weird..20:38
tjingboem_i like to change the size of a widget but i only see a key and a cross. How can i resize it?20:40
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tjingboem_it is way too small20:40
SouL___Will have next kubuntu versions kscreen installed by default?21:00
TheRingerI'm trying to port linux drivers someone built for a Razor Blackwidow keyboard in order to use 5 buttons on the left labeled L1 - L5 I managed to find the python drivers to make this work and need to know if USB_PRODUCT would be.. I posted my 'lsusb' and the blackwidow_enable.py...  I know vendor # is 1532 and Prod# 0102 but on his driver it lists and extra character21:02
knightuxwake up Zombies...21:32
WalexTheRinger: which extra character?22:17
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modernbobservice smbd restart  <-- is wrong for kubuntu 14.0423:27
valoriemaybe service samba restart ?23:44

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