
=== Ursinhal is now known as Ursinha
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
thumperwaigani: morning21:46
waiganithumper: morning21:46
thumperwaigani: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g7oraq255eaz4jgtkfbtptrcm4a?authuser=1&hl=en21:46
waiganithumper: I have to login with other account - 5min21:47
thumperwaigani: I could just invite the other you21:47
waiganithumper: in21:48
waiganithumper: can't hear you?21:48
thumperah, couldn't hear you either21:49
waiganithumper: I'm doing a restart hang on21:49
mwhudsonubuntu@linaro-test:~$ juju version23:22
mwhudsonthis is on a arm64 system23:22
* mwhudson upgrades to 1.2023:26
mwhudson$ juju version23:28
mwhudsonok that's better23:28
thumpermwhudson: what did you do?23:28
mwhudsondeploying a local charm still doesn't work though23:28
mwhudsonthumper: added the juju/stable ppa and updated23:28
thumpermwhudson: I've deployed local charms23:28
mwhudsoni'm sure some people ahve :)23:29
thumpercan you pastebin the directory layout and the command, and output?23:29
mwhudsonthumper: are you in #juju?23:29
mwhudsonscroll up a bit? :)23:29
thumpermwhudson: how is your git?23:45
mwhudsonthumper: passable, fairly uneven23:45
thumpermwhudson: do you know how to merge changes from another branch but not the actual revisions?23:46
thumperbonus points for interactive merge23:46
mwhudsonthumper: no23:46
* thumper does some git hunting23:46
mwhudsoni guess you can do the merge and reset --soft the merge commit out?23:46
mwhudsonor is it just reset23:47
mwhudsonthen commit the changes again23:47
thumpergit merge --squash23:47
thumperthis may be the heart of my new pipeline work23:47
thumpersince I can't interactively merge23:47
thumperI think I'll merge everything23:48
thumperthen revert some things23:48
thumperor stash23:48
thumperis git stash linked to a branch?23:48

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