
mterrymdeslaur, are you actually around by any chance?02:28
* mterry has questions about securetty02:29
mterrymdeslaur, when you read this, I'm curious about the conflicting desires for blank-password sudo access on the Touch images and the fact that securetty doesn't like "pts/*" ttys.  Is there any way to differentiate between "bad" pts (like... what, telnet and remote stuff?) and "good" ones (like X/Mir shells, if those are in fact good?).  Or maybe your answer is that we should in fact continue to not allow sudo in the terminal-app if the user does02:36
mterryn't have a password?02:36
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diddledanI seem to be stuck with updating touch to a more recent than january compile on my galaxynexus (I've compiled my own with kitkat-ish sources)06:45
diddledanI have got it as far as booting to the ubuntu filesystem but then it stops before bringing up lightdm - I _think_ it's not able to start the android bits06:46
diddledanmanually trying to start the android lxc container reports: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7754422/06:48
diddledanreadonly filesystem06:48
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
squishwardHey guys! If a particular phone is fully supported by CyanogenMod, is it likely that all features will work automatically in a build of Ubuntu Touch for that same device?06:56
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squishwardI've been reading through the Porting guide, but it isn't very clear to me what exactly is required.06:58
diddledansquishward: I'm muddling through that too06:58
squishward@diddledan: glad i'm not alone06:59
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diddledanI'm failing to understand the android lxc container's pre-start.sh07:53
diddledanit seems to believe the root filesystem is writable but afaiui the root filesystem is supposed to be readonly (which it is)07:54
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sudheerahi anyone here...08:35
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diddledanfollowup to my previous problem - I realised that I had an old boot.img and hadn't flashed the newly compiled one with the latest initrd which should sort the android lxc container. however, now I'm getting a rebootloop in the initrd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7755448/12:35
diddledan.. specifically: [    8.471130] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!12:37
diddledanas far as I can fathum it seems to be failing on the run-init command12:38
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sopetiI have a problem Can you help me?17:00
Guest6944Now that maguro is deprecated. Where can I find the last  version/image? It does not seem to be in "trusty" channel. Am I right?17:03
Guest6944@sopeti Don't ask if somebody can help you. If You searched the Internet and can't find the answer then just ask your question.17:06
sopetiThe question is how can I intall ubuntu 14.04 lts with LSI megaraid sas controller?17:07
diddledanwrong channel methinks17:08
Guest6944@sopeti Your question seems to be offtopic. This channel is dedicated to mobile phones. Try different channel or askubuntu.17:09
sopetiok thanks17:09
diddledansopeti: try #ubuntu17:09
debb1046Greetings. How can I get a shell into the android container?18:08
lotuspsychjenice work on the new icons guys18:20
lotuspsychjehow can i see latest news apps instead of categorys?18:20
dobeydebb1046: what android container?18:21
debb1046there is an lxc container running a minimal android installation (for drivers and such)18:22
dobeydebb1046: there's only the android kernel afaik. no actual android18:23
debb1046yes, there is. It lives in /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs18:24
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
Guest6944@debb1046 Doesn't "lxc-console -n android" do the trick?19:05
Guest6944@debb1046 In my case it seems not to start shell through. Maybe You have to change lxc config.19:07
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
debb1046@Guest6944 there is no shell running19:12
debb1046tried lxc-attach, doesn't work either19:14
Guest6944@debb1046 It seems to me that android container does not stary any getty process. I'll look into that.19:14
Guest6944* start19:15
Guest6944@debb1046 Sorry. I can't get it to work.19:36
debb1046OK. Thanks anyway19:37
basketballis it ready for average person yet19:42
Guest6944That depends on what you expect. I used it everyday for past 6 months. Without any tweeking. It has it's quirks through.19:49
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
strapjawGood day. I was hoping someone would be able/willing to help me. I have a Nexus 7 (razor KTU84P), and I followed all the instructions on how to install Ubuntu Touch. After it reboots into recovery to flash, it displays the Ubuntu logo and the progress bar. It then drops into a recovery menu with a few option. I selected "Reboot device." It now just sits at the Google load menu, but doesn't boot into the OS. Has anyone else had this problem?20:17
chris1Hi guys! I just want to point out, that there is a problem with the calculator, because 1/4 does NOT equal 0.5 ;)20:32
chris1Otherwise, nice work. I am a big fan of your project :)20:32
Tassadarheh, you're right20:33
Tassadar1/6 isn't 0.6 either20:35
Tassadarthat's kinda funny20:35
Tassadarare there even any tests to check if the calculator produces correct results?20:35
Tassadarchris1: will you make a bug report or should I?20:38
chris1Tassadar: I think its better if you do this, because i've never filed a bug before ;)20:53
chris1thank you very much :)20:54
Tassadarhuh, it seems to be kinda random20:54
Tassadarnow it says 0.2520:54
chris1I tried to solve my homework and was really frustrated because my results didnt match with the provided solutions :D20:55
chris1took me some time until i figured out, that its the calculators fault20:55
Tassadarnow I can reproduce it again20:56
Tassadarprobably somehow related to the calculations history20:57
Tassadarchris1: which image do you have?20:59
Tassadaras in, version20:59
chris1Tassadar: updated today, phone says: "Ubuntu 14.10 (r113)"21:00
Tassadarme too, trying to update to latest proposed 115 right now, but the internet here is really slow21:00
chris1Maybe you can help me on another problem. Do you know a way to force the keyboard to appear?21:02
chris1Because very often i need the keyboard (for the app Webogramm) but it doesn appear.21:02
* diddledan twiddles his thumbs waiting for compile21:02
Tassadarchris1: no, sorry21:03
Tassadarclicking into any text field should bring it up21:03
chris1clicking into the text field often doesnt work for this webapp. There is a cursor blinking in the field but the keyboard doesnt appear. This happens very often but kind of random. i cant really reproduce it.21:07
Tassadarthere, I made the bug 133831821:07
ubot5bug 1338318 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Wrong result for some divisions with decimal result" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133831821:07
Tassadaryou can click the "this bug affects me" button if you have launchpad account21:08
diddledanok, so it finally compiled (18 hours after I decided to do this)21:24
diddledanlots of wrong turns and misunderstanding on my part but I think this might be better this time21:25
diddledanwhat's the weekend for if not for spending the entire two days messing with compilations :-p21:27
diddledan(and flashing)21:27
diddledan(and rebooting)21:28
popeydiddledan: if there's anything you have learned which could improve the porting wiki page, it'd be great to update it ㋛21:47
diddledanit's got a lot further now than previously - it's actually booted and spawned the android lxc container but no gfx21:49

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