
thumperanyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/24700:19
* thumper remembers that axw and wallyworld are in the states this week00:20
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/248/files00:44
davecheneywaigani: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/24800:44
waiganidavecheney: LGTM00:46
davecheneywaigani: thank00:47
thumperdavecheney, waigani: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/24900:57
davecheney+ exit 001:08
davecheneyAll passed, sending merge01:08
davecheney/tmp/hudson6791049747065303228.sh: line 44: /home/ubuntu/jenkins-github-lander/bin/lander-merge-result: No such file or directory01:08
davecheney/tmp/hudson6791049747065303228.sh: line 44: /home/ubuntu/jenkins-github-lander/bin/lander-merge-result: No such file or directory01:08
davecheneyBuild step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure01:08
davecheneyDescription set: davecheney 128-update-ssh-terminal01:08
davecheneybuild bot is broken01:08
davecheneythanks gz01:09
davecheneythanks for testing that01:09
thumperdavecheney: is the bot completely stuffed?01:26
thumperlike... nothing will land?01:27
thumperbecause that would kinda suck01:27
davecheneythumper: also, the bot isn't reporting the build failure01:37
thumperdouble :(01:38
davecheney+1 to making changes on a friday night01:38
mwhudsoni wonder why juju thinks these mustang board only have 1 cpu each03:09
mwhudson"hardware: arch=arm64 cpu-cores=1 mem=16061M"03:09
waiganidavecheney: is this fixed from your crypto update: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/126178003:31
_mup_Bug #1261780: go 1.1.2 TLS-enabled client does not accept our CACert <security> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1261780>03:31
waiganidavecheney: or is it likely to be fixed?03:31
thumperdavecheney: merged \o/03:48
thumperdavecheney: well, yours was... waiting for mine03:49
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jamvladk: you're cutting out a bit, do you want to drop your video?06:14
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jamdimitern: I have to go help my wife for a sec, back in a couple of minutes06:59
dimiternjam, that's ok, i'll be late 15m as well, sorry07:00
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jamdimitern: k, I'm there now, but I'll just sit around until you get here07:01
jamdimitern: also a reminder that you're OCR today07:04
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jamdimitern: so I set up the 360 reviews for yourself and Frank. I can't actually set one up for myself, but you should have something that you can interact with.07:54
jamthey have a specific step-by-step of questions to answer.07:54
dimiternjam, thanks, will have a look later07:55
TheMuedimitern: as OCR one quick PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/252 , only about renaming a dir inside /doc08:05
dimiternTheMue, looking08:07
TheMuedimitern: is a bit in context of the 250 PR by Jesse ;)08:07
dimiternTheMue, why contribution and not contrib?08:07
dimiternTheMue, it might mean contribution or contributions08:08
TheMuedimitern: couter question, why abbreviating if there’s no need?08:08
dimiternTheMue, i'd prefer the plural form unless this will be the only document in that directory08:09
TheMuedimitern: renaming it to contributions sounds reasonable, yes08:09
dimiternTheMue, LGTM, thanks08:09
TheMuedimitern: ok, will change to plural, convinced :)08:10
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jamdimitern, TheMue, vladk, voidspace: we should also remember that today is the start of a cycle, so we want to be thinking about how we're going to break down the next 2 weeks of work.09:26
dimiternjam, right, IPv6 is still a priority?09:27
jamdimitern: yeah, AFAIK that's still the plan is to just focus on IPv6 support and push that through09:27
dimiternjam, all right then09:28
rogpeppeanyone able to rubberstamp this PR, please? it just updates the charm store to use the new package path, gopkg.in/juju/charm.v209:39
rogpeppedimitern, jam: ^09:39
dimiternrogpeppe, which one?09:40
rogpeppedimitern: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/1209:40
rogpeppedimitern: ta!09:40
jamrogpeppe: I'm actually not confident in using gopkg.in, I've heard some reservations as it adds a dependency on another 3rd party website that may have some uptime issues.09:40
dimiternrogpeppe, liiking09:40
rogpeppejam: we've discussed this a fair amount, and there seemed to be general agreement it was ok09:40
jamrogpeppe: if so, then you already have LGTM from frankban09:41
rogpeppejam: we did it together, so that's kinda not really sufficient :-)09:41
dimiternrogpeppe, LGTM09:41
rogpeppedimitern: thanks09:41
jamdimitern: TheMue: and michael's gone this week for katco's induction sprint, right?09:43
dimiternjam, yes, fwereade is gone this week as well09:43
TheMuejam: yep09:43
dimiternjam, will you be available tomorrow @9 UTC for a g+ with the some of the maas and server teams re juju+maas networking?09:54
jamdimitern: I can try, I might have to run an errand at that time, but if I don't I'll happily be there.09:55
jamI think I'll be back by then09:55
dimiternjam, great, i'll send the invite09:56
jamTheMue: i accidentally deleted our meeting for today, but obviously we already had it :)10:01
TheMuejam: hehe, I had the alert in my mailbox10:08
jamTheMue: dimitern: vladk: standup10:45
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rogpeppedimitern, urulama, jam: large-but-mechanical branch that updates juju-core to use the new charm package API: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/25311:54
rogpeppereviews appreciated before the branch bit-rots...11:54
dimiternrogpeppe, will take a look in a bit11:58
urulamarogpeppe: why are all bundles turned into CharmArchive, but in juju/conn.go in 207 Bundle is just an Archive?12:02
urulamarogpeppe: also in state/api/client.go in line 629 ... if this is because of BundleArchives in the future, is this "Archive" any type (bundle or charm) or must it be called BundleArchive?12:05
bodie_morning all :)13:05
natefincha lot of the US devs are in a room in Lexington, MA13:09
rogpeppeurulama: ArchiveTo is a method that can apply equally to charms or bundles13:12
rogpeppeurulama: and it does the same thing in both cases (write the contents as a zip file to the given file)13:12
rogpeppeurulama: so I think it makes sense to call it the same thing (it's possible we might want to make an interface that includes that method in the future)13:13
rogpeppeurulama: does that make sense to you?13:13
mattywrogpeppe, ping?13:15
rogpeppemattyw: pong13:15
mattywrogpeppe, quick one - I was searching the juju api for any command that will let me find it a machine id exists13:16
mattywfrom a client command13:16
mattywlooks like status/ fullstatus is all there is for now13:17
rogpeppemattyw: one mo, let me look13:17
bachi sinzui, are you familiar with bug 1316174 ?13:17
_mup_Bug #1316174: 'precise-updates/cloud-tools' is invalid for APT::Default-Release <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1316174>13:17
rogpeppemattyw: i think you're probably right13:18
sinzuibac, a precise machine that will be localhost must add the ctools archive, or the juju stable archive.13:19
bacsinzui: i don't think juju/stable is sufficient.13:20
sinzuibac. When it was clear many precise users were getting modern juju, but not using modern deps from ctools, I copied the lxc and mongo deps to the juju stable ppa13:20
sinzuibac, yes13:20
sinzuibac,  which juju are you using?13:20
bacsinzui: 1.2013:20
sinzuibac? My rebuild?13:21
bacwhich i got from juju/stable and still see the issue.  i can bring up my precise vm and confirm13:21
sinzuibac, "apt-cache madison juju-local" to be certain13:22
sinzuibac For 3 hours, precise and saucy had a juju-local packages with the wron mongo deps13:22
bacsinzui: i do not have access to the precise VM i used on friday so i cannot say for sure what i had installed.13:25
sinzuibac 1.20.0-0ubuntu1~12.04.2~juju1 (note the .2 after the series) is the one that was built to replace the broken version13:27
sinzuibac: Your vm does need juju stable ppa to get the right mongo. The bug doesn't affect many people anymore, so I was wondering if your machine got unlucky and saw the old package from Thursday13:29
bacsinzui: i don't think so.  i have the juju-local you saw.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7760165/13:30
bacsinzui: did you get a chance to look at the paste ^^ ?13:51
sinzuibac, does the machines have the archive? In the pastebin example, Juju will only install from mongodb from that archive.14:05
sinzuisudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:tools14:05
sinzuioh, 2.4.9 in now in the tools. Maybe I need to backport that to juju stable14:06
bacsinzui: adding that archive produces the same output as i pasted.14:08
sinzuiinteresting in a bad way bac14:11
sinzuibac, does the machine have precise-updated enabled?14:11
bacsinzui: yeah.  fwiw, i discovered this doing QA for juju-quickstart.  if we discover juju is not installed we install juju-core and juju-local from juju/stable.  if local on precise requires other repos we need to document that.14:12
sinzuibac: agreed14:14
alexisbso perrito666, wwitzel3 did you guys have a place to sleep last night?14:19
wwitzel3alexisb: yeah, they let perrito666 in his room and I just let them auth my card.14:20
wwitzel3alexisb: email this morning says it should be all sorted out now :)14:20
perrito666alexisb: I slept on the street :p14:21
alexisbnothing like spending 24+ hours in the airport just to sleep on the street14:21
perrito666alexisb: nah, they authorized a part of the fee on my card until the card locked them and then they trusted someone from the company would call this AM14:21
perrito666btw, non us people http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/07/06/airport-security-electronic-devices-dhs-tsa-johnson/12266639/14:22
perrito666you better charge your things before leaving14:22
cmarsgood morning juju land. looks like i'm reviewing today! :)14:28
TheMuehmpf, my local provider doesn’t start anymore14:34
jcw4cmars: yay; wanna look at https://github.com/juju/names/pull/12 ?14:44
cmarsjcw4, sure, next on my list14:44
jcw4cmars: ta14:44
mgzanyone know if rick_h__ is working today?14:46
TheMuejam: short info, endpoint error is also on local14:57
dimiternTheMue, jam, vladk, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/254 - dummy IPv6 support15:02
perrito666why is coludinit log in /var/log, shoulnt it be /var/log/juju/cloud-init-output.log instead?15:05
TheMuedimitern: oh, cool, will take a look15:05
dimiternTheMue, ta!15:05
mgzperrito666: cloud-init isn't juju specific15:09
jrwrenmgz: rick_h__ is out today, back tomorrow15:10
perrito666mgz: tx15:13
mgzjrwren: thanks!15:15
TheMuedimitern: you’ve got a review :)15:20
dimiternTheMue, thanks!15:20
dimiternTheMue, yeah, that net.JoinHostPort taking a string port sucks :)15:21
TheMuedimitern: vladk and I still had comments. while answering to his comment I found a possible problem.15:35
dimiternTheMue, yes?15:36
TheMuedimitern: IMHO a missing slash when building a URL.15:36
TheMuedimitern: storage.go line 15715:37
dimiternTheMue, the slash is part of s.path15:37
dimiternTheMue, I haven't changed that and the tests still work15:37
TheMuedimitern: ah, good to know, thanks15:37
dimiternTheMue, np :)15:38
TheMuedimitern: and the squeare brackets come with JHP()15:38
dimiternTheMue, yep15:38
* dimitern needs to step out15:38
=== urulama is now known as uru-afk
jcw4Thanks cmars ; I have this pending change in juju https://github.com/johnweldon/juju/commit/50dc10fdc4575e0eee0743545541c2a2a174d42f16:01
jcw4cmars: which might address your questions on https://github.com/juju/names/pull/1216:02
cmarsjcw4, thanks, taking a look to see how it will all fit together16:03
mgzaxw: https://github.com/juju/jenkins-github-lander/pulls16:38
rogpeppehere's a PR to add some external verification to charm bundles. anyone care to take a look? https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/1116:41
rogpeppemgz, natefinch, wwitzel3, voidspace: ^16:42
mgzanyone know why we have build-essential in our Makefile dependencies? Just for gccgo?17:17
wwitzel3_sinzui: I thought I saw a LP regression get linked the other day, something that I had worked on.17:24
sinzuimgz, to get make...ha ha17:27
sinzuimgz, build-essential predates gccgo. CI installs it separately to get make17:28
mgzsinzui: okay, I'll just remove it then I think, really don't want to be installing x11-common and such like when we don't need to17:31
sinzuiwwitzel3, what do you think you worked on?17:31
sinzuiwwitzel3, This is the short list of open regressions https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bugs?search=Search&field.importance=Critical17:37
wwitzel3_sinzui: thanks17:37
wwitzel3_sinzui: none of that is anything I worked on, so it might of already been resolved .. William pinged me on something right before I left for the long weekend and I've forgotten what it was.17:38
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wwitzel3_sinzui: I just remember it was a regression. (or I thought it was)17:38
sinzuiwwitzel3, https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.19.4 lists the closed bugs from a few weeks ago17:39
=== wwitzel3_ is now known as wwitzel3
sinzuiwwitzel3, All open regressions https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bugs?field.tag=regression17:40
mgzwwitzel3, voidspace: the answer to the question, <http://paste.ubuntu.com/7761193/>17:41
mgzsinzui: can we throw in --no-install-recommends as well...17:42
sinzuimgz, interesting...that is why I keep removing tk17:43
perrito666could anyone ptal https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/256 ?17:45
* sinzui wont let tk, java, or erlang back on to his computer17:45
wwitzel3sinzui: thanks for the links17:46
mgzsinzui: so, my instinct is to s/build-essential/make/ in the job, and add the --no-install-recommends and remove build-essential in the Makefile17:46
* perrito666 imagines sinzui with a religious icon shouting "out you devil" to his computer17:46
sinzuimgz, +117:47
sinzuimgz, you may want to look at run-unit-tests and fix the other makefile issues for i38617:48
mgzyeah, I see some dodgy seds :)17:48
jcw4cmars: I addressed your comment on https://github.com/juju/names/pull/1217:52
cmarsjcw4, got it. about to approve, with some comments on the WIP branch17:52
jcw4cmars: perfect... if you like I can open a WIP PR so you can more easily comment17:53
cmarsjcw4, that'd be great, thanks17:53
jcw4cmars: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/25717:54
jamwwitzel3: Do you know about http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/07/03/%23juju-dev.html ?17:54
jamwwitzel3: going to Friday: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/07/04/%23juju-dev.html17:55
jamwwitzel3: wwit17:55
_mup_Bug #1289316: lxc not installed from ubuntu-cloud.archive on precise <lxc> <maas> <precise> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289316>17:55
perrito666jam: wwitzel3 is currently afk working with Ian17:57
jcw4jam: you can add anchors for the timestamp: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/07/03/%23juju-dev.html#t02:2417:58
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cmarsjcw4, commented, I wonder if some of the parsing functions in state/action.go should go in names. what do you think?18:12
jcw4cmars: let me look; In my mind I've been trying to keep the names and the state package conceptually separate, and make sure that names doesn't need to know anything about the internals of state18:13
cmarsjcw4, ah, that makes sense. if you're just working with a naming convention in these methods though, maybe that is general enough to go in names?18:14
perrito666so I have backup and restore packages and there are a bunch of things that both share, what is recommended, do I create a utils package for those? or do I define them in one of the 2 and then import them from the other?18:17
perrito666natefinch: voidspace mgz thoughts?18:17
jcw4cmars: yeah; maybe I can abstract it enough that it's not state specific18:19
cmarsjcw4, see if it makes sense & feels right. if not, i'm ok with landing https://github.com/juju/names/pull/12 as is18:20
jcw4tx cmars18:20
wwitzel3thank you jam18:20
mgzsinzui: <https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/258> <https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/juju-ci-tools/drop_build_essential/+merge/225879>18:31
* sinzui looks18:32
mgzI have just push --overwrittedn a tyop in the lp branch18:33
sinzuimgz, r=me and merged...check that tip is as you expect18:37
jcw4cmars: on the one hand none of the other Tags make an effort to keep the internal representation of _id separate from the public id18:38
jcw4cmars: but in this case fwereade also made it clear that the internal representation of the action id shouldn't be exposed18:38
jcw4cmars: I've treated those duplicated functions as coincidentally the same rather than fundamentally the same18:39
cmarsjcw4, fair enough18:39
jcw4cmars: but I've also simplified the actionId on the state side now so that it's clean enough to use as the public Id18:40
mgzsinzui: thanks! tip looks good, pulled on the jenkins master.18:40
jcw4cmars: If it seems okay with you I'll land the names change as it is and keep the possibility of sharing some of the parsing functions in the backlog?18:41
mgzkatco: trade you, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/25818:41
cmarsjcw4, perfect, thanks. i've lgtm'd18:42
jcw4cmars: ta18:42
katcomgz: LGTM, with reservations ;)18:47
hasuesDoes the instructions in juju-core's README.md on Github pull from -head?  I'm trying to deploy juju, but when i run "juju generate-config" it gives a panic.18:58
perrito666hasues: they do, can you pastebin the panic please?18:59
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hasuesperrito666:   http://pastebin.com/fEA2Zp7019:01
perrito666hasues: is that linux?19:02
jcw4PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/25719:06
voidspacehere's that article on go that mgz recommended: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+JonathanLange/posts/Mv5V4r7m9nN19:08
voidspacehere's that article on go that mgz recommended: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+JonathanLange/posts/Mv5V4r7m9nN19:08
mgzvoidspace: :P19:11
voidspacemgz: I'm sorry19:11
jcw4mgz: I thought voidspace was throwing you under the bus a bit with that link19:14
voidspacejcw4: only deliberately....19:14
perrito666hasues: ?19:29
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rick_h__mgz: howdy, this around the lander stuff? /me saw some pull requests but been in the wood without interwebs19:59
mgzrick_h__: yeah, I've put up pull requests for all the changes I make to the lander for juju, if you could find a mo to look at them that'd be ace20:03
mgzwe do a few things differently to juju-gui (mostly around the tests not running till the merge is actually flagged), hopefully the proposals should make that clearer for you20:04
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wwitzel3wallyworld_: https://github.com/wwitzel3/juju/compare/019-environmentserver20:11
hasuesperrito666: Yes, it was Linux.  Sorry for the delay20:15
perrito666hasues: may I know the version?20:18
* perrito666 smells a bug20:18
hasuesperrito666: Of linux or go?20:19
perrito666hasues: linux20:19
hasuesperrito666: Gentoo20:19
hasuesperrito666: kernel 3.15.020:23
hasuesperrito666: Go version 1.220:23
mgzhasues: that's your issue then... you'll need to teach our versions code about gentoo20:24
rick_h__mgz: cool will definitely give a look20:25
hasuesmgz: noted.20:25
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mgzhasues: see version/osversion.go20:29
hasuesmgz: Thanks, I was browsing for something of that nature :)20:30
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waiganialexisb: morning21:29
alexisbhey there waigani21:30
alexisbon my way21:30
alexisbwaigani, are you on?21:31
waiganialexisb: i was... connection just dropped21:31
waiganialexisb: give me 2min21:31
thumpermramm: oh hai21:34
thumpermramm: weren't we going to have a talk earlier?21:34
* thumper tries to distract himself with work21:43
lazyPowerthumper: any idea why local provider bootstrap would exit cleanly on utopic, but the api state server wont stay started? It's not even creating the machine-0.log, so it never finishes the init phase before it bails.21:55
thumperlazyPower: not off the top of my head21:56
thumperlazyPower: but if mongo failed to start, the machine agent wouldn't21:56
thumperlazyPower: check the juju-db21:56
lazyPowerjuju-monogd is started21:56
lazyPowerif you want to follow along - its happening in #juju on canonical irc21:56
lazyPoweri'm stumped21:56
thumperlazyPower: I have a call shortly, but could help after21:57
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wallyworldthumper: yo23:01
thumperdavecheney: around?23:03
thumperwallyworld: hey23:03
rick_h__thumper: how goes?23:07
thumperrick_h__: hey23:33
rick_h__thumper: hey, back from the woods with no interwebs. Will do my best to get the emails/docs you need from me during work day tomorrow23:43
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