
SierraARHey, asked in #kubuntu about recommended system specs for running kubuntu 64-bit in a virtual machine (VMWare Workstation 10, if the specifis matter). What I plan on using it for is running ubuntu-based applications on my desktop, and for developing/testing of programs for Ubuntu. Recommended specs for Kubuntu that I've found online say a dual core 1GHz processor and 1 GB RAM. I can 08:04
SierraAReasily meet that with the VM, but I'm not sure if I should bump that up to, say, 2 GB RAM because it's a virtual machine. (The CPU I'm using is a 4 GHz, so I don't think that will have any issues)08:04
SierraARvalorie in #kubuntu directed me here to see what hardware you guys would recommend for developing/testing08:04
valorieSierraAR: you might need some patience; the europeans are just getting online now08:05
SierraARThat's fine.08:06
SierraARNot my first time staying up past 1 AMX D08:06
NoskcajSierraAR, It depends on if you want to test in a VM or not08:07
NoskcajIf you're willing to re-install whenever you break something, just about any pc that will run kubuntu works08:08
SierraARNoskcaj: I'd be testing in the VM, unless you guys would recommend I set up a dual boot on my desktop instead.08:08
SierraARI don't currently have a second computer available08:08
NoskcajIf you want VMs for when stuff needs testing, 4gb RAM and at least a dual-core cpu is minimum08:09
NoskcajVms are best for getting started08:09
SierraARI'll be so glad when I can afford the 32GB set of ram on my wishlist.. I currently have 8GB of ram available, but I can spare 4GB for when I'm working on ubuntu08:10
NoskcajSierraAR, That's plenty08:10
SierraAR2 cores at 4 GHz is good, as well? (Assuming the VM provides the full 4 GHz to the OS)08:10
* Noskcaj leaves to get food08:10
valorieSierraAR: are you thinking of helping out here?08:11
SierraARvalorie: When I've learned everything and know what I'm doing, maybe08:13
valorie"learned everything"08:13
valorieI love it08:13
SierraARs/everything/enough to say I'm not a noob08:13
SierraARSomething like that xD08:13
SierraARI should know better... Several years with PHP/MySQL and I still poke the php.net cheatsheets08:14
valoriebut that's what they are for08:15
valorieI often make my own, for various things08:15
valorieor just blog about stuff, so I can remember08:15
NoskcajSierraAR, If you can start a VM or know any language other than english (programming or spoken), you know enough to help08:26
SierraARYay I know something useful then, although I'm not sure if visual basic or php will help with kubuntu XD08:28
NoskcajSierraAR, I'd assume php could be used for something, i just don't know personally08:29
SierraARsudo apt-get -y update ; sudo apt-get -y upgrade08:30
SierraARAnd that was the wrong window08:30
valorieSierraAR: probably on our website php will be useful08:35
Riddellooh, do we want our own baseball team? http://paste.kde.org/pyfudkvzp09:00
Riddellor whatever softball is09:01
valoriesoftball is baseball with a bigger, softer ball09:04
valoriebit slower play, easier for amateurs09:04
apacheloggerslower, sounds dreadful09:31
apacheloggerrelevant video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxu248aD6PY09:32
Riddellso we don't want to sponsor them?  we'll be missing out on all that advertising to "the guy/men demographic"09:32
apacheloggerforward to Mark, let him decide? :P09:35
RiddellI think if he'd said canoe polo I'd be more likely to be sympathetic09:40
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what's the status on the docs server?10:29
Riddellovidiu-florin: good question, the germans wanted some more confirmation from the guy who bought it and that guy said he'd phone and talk to them10:36
RiddellI'll ask for an update10:36
ovidiu-florinthank you10:36
ovidiu-florinromanians have started bugging me about the Romanian site10:36
Riddellah yeah, sorry :(10:37
Riddellovidiu-florin: Takó says "Yes. I need to copy and send by email it. Today is my Printer ready and i will do it."10:47
Riddellanyone have suggestions for what to rename baloo-et-al to?10:55
Riddellupstream (me) has just changed the tar for kf5 version to baloo so it'll clash in the archive with kdelibs4 version10:56
Riddellcurrently I'm thinking renaming the kdelibs4 version would actually be nicer10:56
Riddellbut I don't have a great name for it10:57
soeehi, there is widget for milou, but is it possible to replace krunner with it ?10:57
Riddellsoee: krunner is hidden so there's nothing to replace visually10:58
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soeeRiddell: yup but i wonder if this widget can work as a replacemtn for krunner11:13
Riddellsoee: we did consider adding it by default, one issue is that it overlaps with kickoff for search somewhat11:14
soeeRiddell: well the issue can be fixed ill give +1 for such change :)11:16
BluesKaj'Morning all11:23
shadeslayerRiddell: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Carrer+de+Rocafort,+75/@41.3786036,2.1542382,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x12a4a27cd36a79c5:0xe1ad30a5597b95bc11:24
shadeslayerRiddell: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Caixabank/@41.3783888,2.1545842,20z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x12a4a27cd36a79c5:0xe1ad30a5597b95bc!2sCarrer+de+Rocafort,+75!3b1!3m1!1s0x0:0xc689e5e0b8de9c2c11:25
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apacheloggerRiddell: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-February/004032.html12:21
* ScottK hearts debcommit.12:22
Riddellmm yes sorry12:26
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Riddellovidiu-florin_: success! I think12:52
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ sweet!12:53
shadeslayeroh yay12:53
Riddellhttp://ro.kubuntu.org/  romania is back!12:54
Riddelldocs are back! http://docs.kubuntu.org/12:54
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.98.0_utopic.html ta da!12:56
soeenow lets wait for meta files :)13:04
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Riddellso.. baloo-kdelibs4 ?  baloo-old ?  baloo-previous ?14:01
soee_and whats the current name ? :)14:04
Riddellwell baloo14:04
Riddellbut that's also now the name of baloo using frameworks 514:04
soee_i think something like baloo-kdelibs4 tells all you need to know about the package 14:06
shadeslayersourcenames are not user visible14:06
Riddellit does seem the best14:06
shadeslayerand baloo-kdelibs4 is way too loong14:06
Riddellokay dokay14:08
=== soee_ is now known as soee
kubotufeed branches-next had 24 updates, showing the latest 614:10
ScottKRiddell: Call it nepomuk. 14:18
shadeslayerRiddell: do we want to copy over kxmlrpcclient as a separate repo ? or should I do a copy inside the plasma-workspace repo?14:21
Riddellshadeslayer: I'd just copy it into plasma-workspace14:23
Riddellrename it to kxmlrpcclientprivate or similar14:23
shadeslayerok, still need to figure out how to make dr konqi pick up everything though14:23
* Riddell adds https://trello.com/c/bHts0dQn/71-consider-using-baloo-kf5-by-default14:55
Riddellshadeslayer: http://doodle.com/32izsxtd53thtfyk want to sprint?14:58
Riddellovidiu-florin_: so what still needs done on http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/ ?15:03
apacheloggerrandom note of the day some wordpress plugin or the other had a CVE recently15:04
Riddellshadeslayer: what needs done to make that plasma 5 iso happen?  just keep gently poking colin?15:04
shadeslayerdunno, what happened on that release thread15:04
Riddellshadeslayer: the only points of contention were if it would be released (well whatever, we can put it on our server if not) and name (I don't like the name remix anyway)15:05
Riddellnobody disagrees it should happen15:06
Riddellassuming I haven't put them off by being all grumpy15:06
RiddellMamarok: coming to kubuntu@akademy? https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-akademy15:10
Riddellapachelogger: when do we declaire your policy list done?15:13
apacheloggerwhen the council reached a conclusion and removes the ((NEW)) tags in the titles I guess15:14
EtriaphI apologize for my absence, that contract was a doozy.15:44
MamarokRiddell: hm, I seem not to have authorization to open that pad, but no, I will not go to Brno, too complicated to dash to Switzerland in emergency if there is something with my dad15:47
MamarokI wil go to Randa, so at least I am not that far from Fribourg15:48
RiddellMamarok: ah yes sensible enough, and always the munich sprint later http://doodle.com/32izsxtd53thtfyk15:48
Mamarokhm, that looks mor in my grasp, indeed15:48
RiddellMamarok: throw in your likely available dates if you might be interested, no worry if you can't make it15:49
Mamarokshouldn't that always be two days?15:49
RiddellMamarok: yes it's fri evening to sunday15:49
Mamarokah, OK, I guess yes, I can arrange any of these dates, with the reservation that I have to rush to Switzerland on short notice15:50
Riddellhi Etriaph, going to become an elite kubuntu ninja now?15:52
EtriaphI have the summer for it, this contract paid well; I only slept about 5 hours a night during it, but it's done.15:52
EtriaphJust have to get oriented with what I was in the middle of, but yes I certainly have time :D15:53
Riddellyay :)15:56
RiddellEtriaph: what were you in the middle of?15:56
EtriaphI was devising HTML5 + CSS3 for the team member page.15:57
EtriaphAnd I'm trying my best not to use plugins for WP in the process, but that doesn't seem likely.15:58
EtriaphWP wasn't necessarily intended as a CMS, it's a blogging platform.15:58
EtriaphTo get it CMS-like, you need plugins.15:58
Riddellyeah it's always struck me as weird that it seems more popular than drupal for cms when it's drupal that is a cms for static pages by default15:59
EtriaphIn the open source CMS world, the only CMS that really does the job well is Joomla!, but the folks who develop it write code that is .. a little too interesting for me16:00
EtriaphAt any rate, WordPress is just fine, we just need PodsCMS with it.  Pods lets you create your own custom content types, and lets you create much more granular roles -- a service that you need to install Pods to get, WP won't let you touch the permissions in that kind of detail.16:01
EtriaphWhen's the next mumble?16:02
* Etriaph finally bought a mic.16:02
RiddellEtriaph: none planned although we maybe should have one to go over the policy stuff16:02
Riddelland wasn't ovidiu-florin_ going for membership?16:02
EtriaphI wasn't aware he wasn't a member, I figured since he was organizing the web stuff..16:03
Riddellthat's why we need to fix that16:03
Riddellyou'll be pleased to know the server test.kubuntu.co.uk is on is back up today, it was down for a couple weeks16:03
EtriaphI was just in time16:04
kubotufeed branches-next had 22 updates, showing the latest 616:09
Riddellhi vgezer16:36
Riddellvgezer: wanting to come to akademy or our munich sprint?16:36
Riddellvgezer: have you seen that test.kubuntu.co.uk is back up?16:36
Riddellgod I wish someone would put kde.org in a CMS16:43
Riddellplaying with HTML inside inconsistent PHP functions is so 1990s...16:43
soeeRiddell: i can do it :)16:44
soeeRiddell: check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLHZbL3lSFM16:47
soeethis is CMS im using in latest project :)16:47
soeethers no easier way to manage content than here i think16:47
Riddellsoee: the difficulty with kde.org is it's got loads of content from years ago that should be kept16:49
soeeyeh probably :/16:49
soeewhat was the link to 4.4.98 build status ?16:52
Riddellof what?16:53
RiddellI don't recognise that16:53
Riddellwe have plasma http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.98.0_utopic.html16:53
soee4.98 :D16:53
soeeyup, thank you16:54
Riddellwhich is turning green, yay16:54
* soee dreams ... i hope this version will for for me16:54
EtriaphRiddell: Does test.kubuntu.co.uk have a backup system in place?16:57
mcstrguys... any idea how i can remove old mobile-device entries stored in kde-connect? 16:58
RiddellEtriaph: it should have a simple rsync onto my arm server at home, this hasn't been working until I hope I fixed it this morning17:02
EtriaphRiddell: OK.  What I'll likely end up doing is creating a small plan for the changes I plan to make in LibreOffice and just run them by ovidiu-florin for a sanity check (or anyone who is in a position to help make a final decision) and we'll go from there.  I'd ideally like to be able to walk back changes if necessary, but I can develop here and get things finalized prior to deployment.17:05
shadeslayermcstr: just unpair?17:05
EtriaphRiddell: Or would you prefer another medium for documentation?17:05
RiddellEtriaph: calligra :)17:06
EtriaphWell, I'd produce a PDF17:06
Riddellwhatever works best for you17:06
mcstr@shadeslayer  no i mean the devices are still listed there17:06
mcstreven if i unpair them17:06
mcstri have now  a list of one sgs4 and 3(!) sgs3 there17:06
mcstrwith only the sgs3 being active17:06
EtriaphBut I can do it in a Google doc too and share it with others.17:06
mcstri tried to remove it reinstall it did not solve this issue17:07
shadeslayermcstr: qdbus org.kde.kded /modules/kdeconnect org.kde.kded.kdeconnect.restart17:07
shadeslayertry that17:07
mcstrand i love to flash custom roms on my sgs3 and everytime i do, i get a new entry in the list :/17:07
EtriaphRiddell: I'd rather not use Calligra, tbh :D17:08
shadeslayerif it doesn't work, them remove ~/.kde/share/config/kdeconnect*17:08
RiddellEtriaph: whatever works best for you17:11
mcstr@shadeslayer  that made more sense! everything is fine now thanks a lot :)17:13
lordievaderGood evening.17:22
EtriaphEvening lordievader17:22
lordievaderHey Etriaph, how are you?17:23
Riddelllordievader: want to come to kubuntu @ akademy or the munich sprint?  lots you can get into once you know the people17:23
RiddellEtriaph: likewise if you've on the right side of the planet ↑17:23
Etriaphlordievader: I'm fantastic, and yourself?17:24
lordievaderEtriaph: Doing good, messing with my RPi again :D17:24
EtriaphRiddell: I'd love to, but am kind of land-locked in Canada right now.  Diagnosed with diabetes and fibromyalgia last year, still recovering from it17:24
lordievaderRiddell: When is that?17:24
Riddelllordievader: akademy is in september, kubuntu day on thursday, akademy.kde.org17:27
Riddellstill working out the date for munich meeting 17:27
lordievaderHmm, in September college has started again.17:28
Riddellthey'll realise an educating experience when they see one17:31
Riddellsoee, BluesKaj: meetings if you want to meet the team and get into helping out more ↑17:36
soeeRiddell: what do you do on such meetings ?17:37
Riddellsoee: drink beer?  17:39
soeei do not drink hehe :) 17:40
Riddelldrink irn bru?17:40
soeeirn bru ?17:40
Riddellwe chat about plans, hack on things and make the world a better place17:41
soeeusually im online so as nothing import is do be done in my personal projects im always here to help :)17:42
lordievaderRiddell: I'm not sure yet. Could you let me know when there is a more definitive date for the meeting?17:46
RiddellEtriaph: sounds horrible, if it's anything like head trauma then free software is a good route to recovery17:47
EtriaphRiddell: Fibromyalgia is chronic pain, neuropathic in nature17:54
EtriaphRiddell: The diabetes kind of killed my muscles, I'm on the mend but there will be physio involved beforehand.17:55
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
soeethere is an issue when with restricted extras 17:55
EtriaphRiddell: Never crushes my spirit though, always on the go doin' something to keep my mind off of it17:55
soeei tried to install kubuntu-restricted-extras, almost all went fine, except: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7761240/17:55
Riddellsoee: file a bug on ttf-mscorefonts-installer I guess17:59
soeehhm might be related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/130092018:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1300920 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer failed to install" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:00
soeewoho Frameworks 5.0 is out :)22:37

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