[06:33] dpm: good day to you - I see you're admin on the translators m/l - can you deal with the message I've got sat waiting in moderation there please :) [06:33] tia [06:35] hi elfy, done :) [06:37] awesome :) [06:39] good morning [06:40] morning dholbach [06:40] hey elfy === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [10:28] ello folks [10:34] yo [10:35] sun is naturally back after the non sun weekend :( [11:02] czajkowski: spoke too soon, pissing down now [11:13] not so bad over here yet in Guildford [11:13] some dark clouds [11:13] popey: kids on holiday yet? [11:32] no, thursday [11:42] oh nice [12:00] rain arrived :( [13:50] rather nice site http://ubuntuconsultants.com/ nothing to do with Ubuntu [13:50] but nice site [13:52] * belkinsa haven't seen Ubuntu, as in the word, used else where [13:53] oh in lots of places it exists belkinsa [13:54] maybe more so over at this side of the pond [13:54] http://ubuntu.ie/ [13:54] http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/p/home.html [13:55] just a few examples [13:56] http://ubuntu.org [14:41] there's both a wine and a cola called Ubuntu [14:46] nods [14:46] ubuntu cola is very popular [14:46] not sure why doesn't taste as nice as diet coke [14:49] I find that impossible to believe [14:50] anything tastes better than *diet* coke [14:50] except maybe diet pepsi :) [14:52] oh no you cannot compare diet pepsi for diet coke [14:55] I lump anything "diet" into the same bin [14:59] diet root beer is pretty good [15:10] Pepsi Max FTW [15:56] all right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! [15:57] toodle Pip dholbach [15:57] :) [20:28] jono: ping