
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:38
squishwardpopey: So far in following the porting guide, I've found the link to the CyanogenMod porting document to be really useful for context. The section on Enabling a New Device mentions a local manifest file called "roomservice.xml", but doesn't really explain what a local manifest is, or that you won't have a roomservice.xml file with a fresh sync, or that you'll never have one unless you create it manually, or th03:48
squishwardat you can create as many xml files as you want and call them anything as long as they are in local_manifests.03:48
squishwardWithout reading some of the CM docs, I'd be clueless. Maybe the reference to the CM doc should go at the top. Or be better referenced in places where context is unclear.03:49
lotuspsychjecan you guys fix the brightness control, so it stays at 100% when reboot?03:53
lotuspsychjeor where can i edit myself?03:54
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:25
dholbachgood morning07:26
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davmor2Morning all08:27
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday and happy Chocolate Day! :-D08:46
ChipacaJamesTait: woo, chocolate day!08:50
Chipacaspeaking of chocolate, is libcanberra the way to go to play event sounds?08:51
* Chipaca is using paplay for now08:51
seb128Chipaca, you might want to ask charles about it once he's up, I think libcanberra is not the way on the phone, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283065 for a similar question08:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1283065 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Use the existing audio stack to play event sounds" [High,Triaged]08:53
Chipacaseb128: I imagined it wasn't, because otherwise (as I figured it) libcanberra-pulse would be installed08:53
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Chipacaseb128: thanks08:58
seb128Chipaca, yw!08:58
Chipacanearly 4am and he isn't working. the laziness of some people!08:59
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HebbesIs Ubuntu Touch still working on Nexus 7 2012?09:31
karniIs it a known problem/should I file a bug - when I get the welcome wizard screen, get to the wifi screen and input password, while I do this, the wizard relaunches, so I need to again go from start like selecting the country) while the wifi password is correctly saved anyway.09:31
popeykarni: i've not seen that, take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bugs09:35
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nik90_charles: ping11:16
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mandelElleo, I finally got a silo for udm, will test and will approve asap11:22
Elleomandel: okay, great; thanks11:23
mandelElleo, silo 12 FYI, you might want to test against it if you want11:23
Elleookay, thanks11:23
mandelElleo, I added tests for the qml, I noticed we had some other issues.. and a mem leak!11:23
mandelElleo, we have tests now and I'll be taking care of that part of the code from now on11:24
Elleookay, cool11:25
dpmhi rsalveti, oSoMoN, do you have an idea why html5 apps appear as a black window on the i386 emulator? They run fine on the device and on the desktop (14.04), but they just show black on the emulator11:56
dpmit's really easy to reproduce:11:56
dpm- Start Qt Creator, press Ctrl+N, select "Ubuntu HTML5 app"11:56
dpm- Start an i386 emulator11:57
dpm- Press Ctrl+F12 to run it on the emulator11:57
dpm- See an app running with a black screent11:57
dpmnot sure against which package to report it, either11:58
mandelpopey, do you know if there is a bug already for the following => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZZnMZ_XoV411:59
mandelpopey, the first boot wizard crashes with wep enabled wifis (although I suspect is any type of auth)12:00
popeymandel: no, saw someone else mention something similar over the weekend though12:02
popeyi dont have any wep access points12:03
mandelpopey, it might have been la_juyis who told me and I managed to reproduce it12:03
mandelpopey, ok, I'll upgrade the dev propose and will see if it happens, else, do you know what is the project for that wizard?12:03
popeymandel: ubuntu-system-settings12:04
mandelpopey, ack12:05
oSoMoNdpm, I’ll give it a try after lunch, I’ll keep you posted12:11
dpmoSoMoN, thank you12:11
oSoMoNdpm, is the browser app working in the emulator, or does it exhibit the same issue?12:12
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dpmoSoMoN, sorry for the delay, no, the browser app works just fine on the emulator. It seems to affect only non-oxide apps?12:26
Shiggitayrsalveti, hello :)12:34
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rickspencer3ogra_, sorry to ask this *again*, but how does one take a screenshot from the phone these days?12:35
ogra_using phablet-screenshot as always12:35
ogra_(make sure you have the latest version of phablet-tools)12:35
rickspencer3was missing - sudo apt-get install phablet-tools12:36
rickspencer3thanks ogra_ :)12:36
rickspencer3lots of cool new stuff on the phone that I want to screenshot :)12:36
seb128shouldn't command-not-found tell you that?12:36
rickspencer3seb128, well, I couldn't remember the command ;)12:36
popeyogra_: will phablet-screenshot still work once adb is disabled?12:37
seb128rickspencer3, I see ;-)12:37
ogra_popey, hmm, good question ... but phablet-tools is on my list12:37
rickspencer3sadly, ogra has not installed the forgetful-manager-telepathy package on my computer yet12:37
popeyglad its on your list12:37
* ogra_ logs in to rickspencer3's computer to fixx that oversight 12:38
popeyfwiw, I have set CTRL+ALT+` as a keyboard shortcut to phablet-screenshot ☻12:38
rickspencer3popey,  I was thinking of writing a phone management gui for the desktop12:39
popeydont we have that, qtcreator12:39
rickspencer3screenshots would be a nice thing to add to that12:39
rickspencer3popey, well, I was thinking a bit more end user focused12:39
popeyah okay12:39
rickspencer3do things like transcode videos into a format that phablet likes12:39
popeyyes, that would be handy12:39
rickspencer3and putting them into the Videos directory12:40
popeyreport free disk space ☻12:40
* ogra_ wants video streaming ... 12:47
* popey wants a pony and on-device screenshots using a key-combo12:48
popeyfor bug reporting when I'm out and about12:48
popeyand bragging high scores ☻12:48
davmor2rickspencer3: you could always add a note to the greeter message on this channel :)  Don't forget to install phablet-tools and phablet-screenshot takes the pretty pictures :D12:51
rickspencer3davmor2, good idea12:51
rickspencer3or, ogra_ could call me every morning and remind me12:51
ogra_no prob ... i can create a mup script to SMS you ;)12:52
davmor2ogra_ creates a cronjob to adb into his phone and sms rickspencer312:52
davmor2rickspencer3: anyway telepathy is already on the phone so you only need ogra_ to install the forgetful-manager module :)12:53
davmor2ogra_: seed it now ;)12:54
ogra_oh, while you say seed12:54
* ogra_ prepares a meta upload12:55
rickspencer3popey, ogra_ let me know if you think I should add anything else to this:12:55
rickspencer3a little celebration of image 113 ;)12:55
* ogra_ really finds the system-settings icon confusingly looking like a fil projector 12:56
ogra_rickspencer3, probably a screenshot of dekko (teh imap mail client from teh store)12:57
popeyit also looks like Michael Bay has added lens flare12:57
oSoMoNdpm, so oxide-based webapps work?12:59
dpmoSoMoN, well, the browser is the only one I know, and it works :)12:59
rickspencer3ogra_, ok, I'll check it out now12:59
ogra_it isnt 100% done yet but looks great in screenshots :)13:00
oSoMoNdpm, well, webapps use oxide under the hood with the right policy version13:00
rickspencer3ogra_, I don;t see it int he store yet13:01
dpmoSoMoN, yeah, the twitter webapp works too13:01
ogra_red icon with envelope13:01
ogra_(it is definitely there)13:01
oSoMoNdpm, so if it’s a webkit-specific issue, I’m afraid it’s an unsupported path13:03
rickspencer3woah, I missed departments in the app store!13:04
dpmoSoMoN, I was fearing that, but thanks for the help13:04
ogra_rickspencer3, well, they use crap categories ... seems just pulled from debian13:04
ogra_but yeah, we are getting closer13:05
oSoMoNdpm, which webapps specifically are a problem? we should try and get their authors to update the policy version13:05
ogra_what i really dislike is that i cant just browse the store anymore with thaat13:05
dpmoSoMoN, not specifically webapps, HTML5 apps. The most pressing one is QtC's own HTML5 template. Eventunity is a really cool HTML5 app in the store, and it doesn't work in the emulator, either13:07
dpmso none of these work there, black screen13:07
* rickspencer3 heads to downtown to co-working space13:07
oSoMoNdpm, let me check something13:07
dpmoSoMoN, thanks. I'm running a presentation/demo today in BCN, I had given up on the emulator already, but if you'd know of any workaround, that'd be awesome13:08
oSoMoNdpm, the default HTML5 app template specifies version 1.1 of the policy, that should be fine13:12
dpmoSoMoN, yeah, but the template still doesn't work. Nm, I won't demo the emulator and I'll investigate tomorrow13:23
oSoMoNdpm, alex-abreu just confirmed that the html5 runtime hasn’t migrated to oxide yet, it’s still using QtWebKit…13:29
ogra_[armhf] Merging seeds with available package lists...13:32
ogra_No changes found13:32
* ogra_ scratches head 13:32
ogra_popey, didnt you submit the seed change already ?13:32
* ogra_ goes checking13:32
mhall119oSoMoN: look good to you? If so, I'll push it to production13:33
oSoMoNmhall119, the documentation in the package features a brief that gives a high-level overview of what the module offers, would it be possible to have it in the online docs too?13:35
mhall119oSoMoN: it would be pulled in if it was listed as a page in the qdoc .index file13:35
oSoMoNmhall119, how do I generate such an index file?13:36
mhall119qdoc does it for you, you have one, I'm checking it's content now13:37
mhall119oSoMoN: are you referring to the default page that lists all the components?13:38
oSoMoNmhall119, yes, it looks like this when I generate the doc locally: http://people.canonical.com/~osomon/ubuntu-web-doc/ubuntu-web-qmlmodule.html13:40
oSoMoNmhall119, other than that, the doc looks good13:41
cwaynealex-abreu: ping13:43
alex-abreucwayne, pong13:46
alex-abreucwayne, silo 003 is your answer :)13:46
cwaynealex-abreu: awesome :D13:47
cwayneso once that's in, we'd just need to register url click hooks for any specific webapp?13:48
popeyogra_: yes13:48
ogra_popey, well, it wasnt merged yet13:48
alex-abreucwayne, yes, well 2 things actually, I have a branch where I update the core webapps w/ the required bits https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/webapps-core/update-execline/+merge/22536913:48
ogra_popey, all fine now13:48
popeyogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-seeds/add-debugging-tools13:48
cwaynealex-abreu: ah, brilliant, thank you :)13:49
mhall119oSoMoN: ok, for the importer to get that content itwould need to be in a separate page13:50
oSoMoNmhall119, it is in a separate page, see ubuntu-web.qdoc in the source tree13:51
ogra_popey, oh ...13:57
ogra_popey, why did you add tcptraceroute ... thats obsolete since years and tracepath should be on the image already13:57
popeyoh balls13:57
ogra_oh, no13:57
ogra_it isnt, sorry13:58
popeydidnt think i found any network trace things before I added it13:58
popeymaybe not in my path?13:58
ogra_no, its not on the image ... interesting13:58
ogra_i thought that was in ubuntu-minimal or -standard already13:58
ogra_ignore me :P13:58
cwaynerobru: ping (can we get landing-014 published? just tested it here and I'm prettys ure i dont have permissions to publish)14:00
cwayneogra_: heya, any chance that lightdm.override of mine is landing soon?14:09
* ogra_ checks his pending MPs14:10
ogra_cwayne, oh, that one ... yeah, i can do that later today i guess14:10
mandelWellark, hello, is this a flacky test? => https://launchpadlibrarian.net/179467141/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-ppc64el.connectivity-api_0.0.1%2B14.10.20140707-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:12
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bzoltanogra_: would it make sense to set the phablet password in the "Developer Mode" setting? For the  very few SDK tools what need sudo the interactive mode is not an option.14:23
diddledanok. issue time with the stock ubuntu-filesystem download from cdimage.ubuntu combined with my custom-compiled cyanogen kernel/android bits for the galaxy nexus (I'm trying to figure out if it is actually suitable for ongoing use despite the january revision of supported devices)14:25
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diddledanspecifically issue 1 is that urfkilld seems to fail to run entirely - I've tried with the -d debug switch and there's zero output - it exits with exit-code 114:26
diddledanthis is with the july 4th (113?) image14:27
diddledanI guess I'm just unsure what I can do to diagnose - it could be an incompatibility with my kernel/android bits or it could be that rfkilld is b0rked in the image (but I'd imagine others would have noticed if the latter was the case)14:29
diddledanin praise news though the newer (as compared to the last official release for the gnex - maguro) is a big leap and much more betterer - amazing what a few months' of you-guys' time has achieved14:31
mhall119oSoMoN: ok, so the issue is that the .index lists that page as type "qmlmodule" rather than "page", and that subtype is used for navigation pages, which the API website provides on it's own so it doesn't use them14:39
charlesnik90_: pong14:58
nik90_charles: hey15:11
nik90_charles:  during my testing of alarm sounds, I do not get the correct sound value of a saved alarm15:11
nik90_charles: it always returns an empty string15:12
nik90_charles: before a saving a new alarm, I ensure that alarm.sound property is the correct file path15:12
nik90_charles: but after opening a saved alarm, the alarm sound is an empty url15:13
charlesnik90_, can you reproduce the problem manually; eg, using qdbus or dbus-send?15:14
charlesthat would be a good midpoint for cutting the problem space in half15:14
slangasekmterry: bug #1323732> no, I haven't; I understood that this was post-RTM, is there a deadline for this that I need to know?15:16
nik90_charles: how do you use dbus-send to debug this?15:16
ubot5bug 1323732 in adduser (Ubuntu) "adduser should support managing additional password/shadow/group files from libnss-extrausers" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132373215:16
ogra_mterry, soo ... the lockscreen ... if i use a pattern to unlock or a number how will that be reflected in /etc/shadow15:16
charlesnik90_, oh wait I think I'm talking about a different thing. You're not talking about the default sound property that  just got exposed; you're talking about the per-alarm sounds, yes?15:16
ogra_slangasek, no, it is essential for developer mode15:16
nik90_charles: yeah I am talking about the per-alarm sounds15:16
ogra_slangasek, (see my last mail to the ubuntu-phone ML)15:16
charlesso you set alarm.sound, save it out, and then the next time when you load it in, you see an empty string instead?15:16
nik90_charles: indeed15:17
mterryogra_, could we not just set the device up in livecd-rootfs for libnss-extrausers ourselves?  Using PAM to set/check the password will work after initial user creation with extrausers right?15:17
ogra_mterry, the prob is that adduser doesnt operate on the extra files15:17
mterryogra_, i.e. could we manually do the work that adduser would do to support libnss-extrausers by putting some files in place15:17
ogra_mterry, but back to my above question, what will i type in for "sudo" if the user uses a pattern or number for unlocking15:17
nik90_charles: unfortunately the new clock app is not yet ready to be run on a device or emulator. So I cannot test if the alarm goes of with the chosen alarm sound.15:18
charlesnik90_, that is probably a question more for renato than me but the first thing I'd look at is15:18
nik90_charles: hence I instead opened the saved alarm and read the alarm properties15:18
ogra_mterry, no, for dev mode i need to update the password on security team demand15:18
slangasekogra_: and developer mode is tied to RTM?15:18
ogra_slangasek, yes15:18
slangasekthen I'll look at it this week15:18
mterryogra_, plan is for a PIN to be a normal password -- like 1234 could be entered in a login prompt15:18
* ogra_ hugs slangasek 15:18
charlesnik90_, after saving the alarm out, go into the actual tasks file saved by EDS and confirm that it gets saved there15:18
mterrythanks slangasek!15:18
nik90_charles: ah15:19
ogra_mterry, and for a pattern ?15:19
nik90_charles: where is the tasks file saved?15:19
mterryogra_, I don't know what we want to do for the pattern and sudo...  pattern isn't for RTM15:19
ogra_or did we drop the plans to have that in RTM15:19
charlesnik90_, when I tested per-alarm sounds for indicator-datetime, I did it just by hardwiring "alarm.sound = /some/path" and that WfM, but I didn't do further clock-app testing with it eg reloading editing re-saving15:19
charlesnik90_: in ~/.local/share/evolution/15:20
charlesnik90_: in ~/.local/share/evolution/tasks/${some-random-name}/tasks.ics15:20
nik90_charles: did you give the path as "some/path" or "file:///some/path" ?15:20
charlesnik90_, +        alarm.sound = '/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/ringtones/Koto chords.ogg'15:21
nik90_charles: thnx15:21
nik90_charles: hmm on looking at task.ics, I see DESCRIPTION:file:///usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/ringtones/Suru arpeggio.ogg15:22
nik90_charles: which means I saved the correct alarm sound15:22
nik90_charles: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/7760597/ look good?15:23
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charlesnik90_, yes, the important part is the valarm component with the audio attachment15:24
charlesI don't understand why the VTODO's description was set to the audio file though... that seems pointless15:25
nik90_charles: ok. I will check then with renato as to why the alarm sound isn't returned property to the SDK Alarms object15:25
nik90_charles: let me check with another new alarm to see if VTODO's description changes or not15:25
nik90_charles: nope..same behaviour..I will point that out as well to renato15:26
charlesah, wrt the description, ubunt-ui-toolkit does it on purpose:15:26
charles    // save the sound as description as the audible reminder may be off15:27
charles    event.setDescription(alarm.sound.toString());15:27
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charlesnik90_, this might be a clue to your empty string as well: is "alarm.enabled" true on the alarm you're saving?15:28
nik90_charles: yes, I set that explicitly15:29
charlesnik90_, darn :-)15:29
dobeywhen is a new dropping-letters going to make it to the store/image?15:31
dednickseb128: hi. I'm removing the qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-settings-components-assets package from ubuntu-settings-components and moving everything into the exising qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-settings-components package. Do i need to add a conflicts and replaces relationship in the debian/control? like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7760653/ ?15:33
dednickbeen told you know about dpkg stuff :)15:33
seb128dednick, https://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition15:36
seb128dednick, you are in case #1115:37
dednickseb128: ah. thanks!15:38
seb128yw ;-)15:38
Elleocharles: just tried the new transfer indicator; looking pretty cool, I noticed it doesn't launch apps when a transfer is selected yet though; is there anything you need from our side to help support that?15:40
Elleocharles: also as a minor thing it seems to flicker a bit between displaying the transfer progress and the "Empty!" label when a download is actually taking place15:42
dobeywhy is the new version of payui not included in the latest image?15:55
ogra_dobey, because nobody uploaded the click package to the store ?15:55
dobeyogra_: 0.2.6 is in the store. it showed as an update with #113, and is still showing as an available update on #11615:56
ogra_then it will be in 11715:56
rpadovanijdstrand, sorry to ping you, could you assign this bug to oSoMon? He asked me to do this, but I'm not in Oxide team and I can't assign this to him16:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1338639 in Oxide "Oxide segfault in reminders app" [Undecided,New]16:00
jdstrandrpadovani: done16:07
mandelalecu, dobey can I have another review for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/unity-scope-click/udm-rebuild/+merge/225487 it was not just a simple rebuild17:00
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bsnvWhere can I find last devel image for maguro (from before development was discontinued)? I can't find it. It seems to me that it is not in trusty or stable channels.17:26
ogra_bsnv, should be version 188 in --channel ubuntu-touch/trusty17:27
bsnvogra_  Thx! I'l try installing it today.17:29
ogra_dont expect much though17:29
ogra_it will run like molasses ... and is far behind17:29
ogra_(fature wise)17:30
diddledanogra_: speaking of which, I've got the 113 landing image installed on mine17:38
diddledanogra_: you're right about molasses17:38
diddledanogra_: I'm trying to work out why urfkill won't start atm17:39
diddledanbsnv: I can try to figure out how to build an installable image of what I've got but not much phone-like functionality works atm17:40
diddledanogra_: as far as molasses are concerned, I get the impression that unity works fine and responsively to touch, but apps for some reason don't get the input from those touches until many many seconds later17:43
diddledanthe system is not under heavy load either with cpu% about 20 max17:44
diddledanmore often than not it's idle17:44
dobeymandel: why did you vote needs fixing on your own branch?17:47
bsnvdiddledan, I was thinking of flashing the last devel image and just using it, like i used to do. (I reflashed the device 2 days ago and want Ubuntu back! ;) )  I'm interested in contributing to support the device if i can. I just dont know if i know enough have enough skills. Hardest code I ever written so far was a retarded malloc() .17:48
diddledanbsnv: I probably know less than you then :-p17:49
diddledanI don't touch C if I can help it :-p17:49
bsnvdiddledan, That would mean that I could do something meaningfull. :D I like C.17:50
diddledanas to building an image - the porting guide doesn't help there _at all_ - it says use rootstock to flash onto your device but doesn't tell how to create an image for distribution - rootstock copies various bits onto the device and moves things about rather than creating an image and flashing that17:52
dobeydepending on where the issues are, C is probably not very necessary.17:53
diddledandobey: the main issue I believe I have right now, other than building a redistributable image, is urfkilld refuses to start17:54
diddledanthere's zero log message from it which helps enormously17:54
bsnvOk. So where to start?17:55
dobeyi'd start with the slowness problems if i were trying to use a phone. modem doesn't much matter if it takes you 10 minutes to just dial the number :)17:59
diddledanI have no idea where to start looking18:01
diddledanas I say the system isn't noticably under load when it's going slow18:03
bsnvdobey, So what update maked maguro so unresponsive? Up until now i did not have any major problems wit speed. It was a litle laggy through.18:03
dobeyi have no idea18:04
dobeyhrmm, speaking of slow, system updates seem to be incredibly slow to download lately :-/18:24
dobeyalthough, this is on my n5, so maybe it's tassader's server being slow18:24
ahayzencyphermox, ping18:31
ahayzencyphermox, Hi, this bug was reported to the music-app this morning and we believe it is todo with pulseaudio and not the music-app. https://bugs.launchpad.net/pulseaudio/+bug/133627718:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1336277 in PulseAudio "Audio player app need to restart to use re-connected a2dp speaker" [Undecided,New]18:32
ahayzencyphermox, jhodapp said you would be best to let know18:32
cyphermoxjust a second18:32
davmor2bfiller: on the 3rd you said that camera roll share worked with both messaging and Facebook.  How do you activate the facebook part I can only see messaging?18:55
bfillerdavmor2: need the new facebook app which is in the store but not yet approved apparently18:55
davmor2bfiller: ah okay that makes me happier then :)18:56
kenvandinebfiller, what's holding up the approval of the facebook webapp?  do we just need to call popey names until he approves it?19:06
kenvandineor is there more to it?19:07
bfillerkenvandine: there was some issue dholbach found, alex-abreu do you recall what this was and how we resolve it?19:07
alex-abreukenvandine, about the click review tool that rejected it somehow, and one other about OA I think19:10
kenvandinealex-abreu, is someone tracking getting it resolved?19:11
alex-abreukenvandine, me ... :), but I cannot push the click webapps, ... it is tied to dbarth19:11
kenvandineis dbarth out?19:12
popeybfiller: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7761608/19:12
popeythats the feedback dholbach gave in the store19:12
alex-abreukenvandine, yes for the week19:13
popeyand its tied to dbarth's account, so only he can upload a new fixed version it seems19:13
* kenvandine needs to find a reason to blame popey :-D19:13
bfillerpopey: we can't delete that one and let someone else uploade a newer version?19:14
alex-abreukenvandine, I might need to MR a newer version of the click, that would silent at least one warning, and when I am done w/ my branch make the transition better19:15
kenvandinealex-abreu, cool, let me know if i can help19:17
popeybfiller: it's _possible_ beuno or james_w JamesTait (pinging everyone) may be able to fudge something?19:17
popeythe namespace is com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-facebook_1.0.13.2_all.click so not tied to dbarth19:17
popeybut he uploaded it19:17
popeyI don't know who else could do the necessary (I can't).19:18
popeybeuno: is the best person to poke though IMO19:18
* beuno reads19:18
beunoit should have been a shared account19:18
beunoand not dbarth's personal account   :)19:19
mterrydobey, is bug 1338656 really a dup of bug 1337864?19:19
ubot5bug 1337864 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1338656 Apps missing in some store categories" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133786419:19
ubot5bug 1337864 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Apps missing in some store categories" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133786419:19
beunolet me see what can be done cheaply19:19
bfillerpopey: I can upload a newer version19:19
bfilleralex-abreu: do we know how to fix the issue? I guess that's the first question19:19
alex-abreubfiller, the first one yes, ... the second one need Jamie I guess19:21
dobeymterry: yes i think so. at least they are describing the same problem to me, of "i can't just randomly discover apps that aren't in a highlight"19:21
beunobfiller, so no need for me?19:21
bfillerbeuno: is it fine to just upload a newer version?19:22
mterrydobey, I feel like one is wanting a new set of highlights and the other wants a way to find things not in highlights19:22
beunobfiller, if you have access to the account that owns com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.*, yes19:22
dobeymterry: at least, i think for now they are. if after the solution we're currently discussing/working on gets landed, we can perhaps reopen and discuss further if it doesn't solve from your POV19:23
beunobut it looks like it's owned by dbarth19:23
beunoso what I can do19:23
beunois if you guys create a new, shared account19:23
beunoin the developer portal19:23
mterrydobey, alright, whatever you folks like19:23
beunoI can re-assign ownership19:23
beunoand then you guys go crazy19:23
bfillerbeuno: I like that :)19:24
kenvandinebeuno, you rock!19:24
kenvandineit's the right thing to do anyway19:24
beunoso just let me know what the account email is when it's created19:24
kenvandinejust glad beuno has the mojo :)19:24
alex-abreubeuno, that would be awesome19:24
dobeymterry: well, i can tell you that the solution we're working on is to make all the apps in each department be browsable, and not just add more highlights (because more highlights still doesn't solve the core problem of some apps not being in highlights)19:24
beunoI'm just showing off that I have admin access.19:25
alex-abreukenvandine, bfiller so I'll fix the remaining small issues that I can, & check w/ the OA bit and then we can upload19:25
popeythanks beuno19:25
bfilleralex-abreu: that's great, thanks alex-abreu. I will create the account now19:25
popeyI like pinging people, going away to eat dinner, and coming back to solved problems \m/19:25
davmor2bfiller: so that means the new facebook should be in tomorrows image and I can try it out then right ?19:25
kenvandinebfiller, alex-abreu: thanks, i feel better knowing we have a plan :)19:25
alex-abreukenvandine, definitely !19:26
dobeymterry: i'm a bit surprised we don't have significantly more dupes though :)19:26
kenvandinepopey, can i still call you names?19:26
bfillerdavmor2: if all goes well19:26
popeykenvandine: of course19:26
popey /ignore kenvandine19:26
* kenvandine needs to wait a bit to catch popey off-guard19:26
davmor2kenvandine: you only get to call popey names if you ply him beer on sprints19:27
popeyWe can tell you've been on holiday ☻19:27
mterrydobey, that still doesn't solve the problem of my bug (a way to see new apps easily)19:27
kenvandinei'll ply him beer :)19:27
kenvandinepopey, the first day back is always overwhelming... and now i'm a little punchy :)19:27
davmor2with beer even19:27
beunobfiller, alex-abreu, kenvandine, suggested email addresses are ones with shared passwords or private mailing lists with restricted access (that would allow non-member emails to be whitelisted)19:28
beunoin general, an IS-controlled email is probably the most future-proof19:29
beunobut that may be a bit fiddly to do quickly19:29
dobeymterry: it depends on how "all apps" are sorted i think (and i think they might be sorted newest first)19:29
dobeymterry: if they aren't we can un-dupe19:29
bfillerbeuno: can I just create a gmail account and use that?19:29
davmor2kenvandine: no not overwhelming, processors are developed to run at 300% plus.  Only worry if your machine starts smoking from the catchup period :)19:29
beunobfiller, you can, but remember these are apps shipped as part of the phone19:29
beunoso those credentials matter19:29
beunoif you create it and keep the password to yourself, it's just a bit better than the situation with dbarth19:30
popeybfiller: fwiw the core apps are all uploaded by a gmail account19:30
beunoIIRC, core apps have a mailing list as an address19:31
popeynope ☻19:31
beunoyou guys are mavericks.19:31
popeypew pew pew!19:31
bfillerbeuno: if I use gmail with a strong password and share with alex-abreu, dbarth and kenvandine we should be good enough?19:31
beunobfiller, yes, better than where we are today for sure19:32
beunoI guess all of this is just a hack until I implement shared namespaces19:32
beunojust not RTM material19:32
davmor2popey: you need a unicode gun with the bang flag19:32
bfillerbeuno: cool, thanks19:32
popeywe need an emoji font just for this http://www.iemoji.com/view/emoji/376/objects/pistol19:33
davmor2popey: +1 go make it happen19:34
davmor2until you do I blame popey (TM) that we don't have it ;)19:35
mandeldobey, because I don't want people to come after been and set it approved when I'm not watching19:49
mandeldobey, this has happened before..19:49
dobey"if you won't want a branch approved, do not propose it." :)19:50
Davmor3popey: Can you try something on calendar please.  Create a new event, before changing the date hit name field so the keyboard is up then hit the end date do you see how to change it?19:53
dobeyeek! a clone!19:54
Davmor3dobey: Let the wars begin ;)19:55
popeyDavmor3: k, one mo19:56
Davmor3dobey: No just on my phone at the moment so it wouldn't let me login under davmor2 :)  however it is a nice test for kiwi :)19:57
popeyDavmor3: confirmed19:57
Davmor3popey, thanks I'll report it in the morning.  It looks like the text field hogs the cursor because the other is a glorified drop down I guess19:59
popeythanks Davmor319:59
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cyphermoxahayzen: so there's a couple of things at play there20:38
cyphermoxit *might* be that something needs to be changed in pulseaudio, but there's definitely also music-app that really needs to follow whatever pulse says is the default device20:39
ahayzencyphermox, but we are going through media-hub?20:40
ahayzencyphermox, as all we do is tell MediaPlayer {} the source and then media-hub then plays it20:40
cyphermoxwell then media-hub20:41
ahayzencyphermox, i'll have a chat with Jim when he is around and see what he says, thanks for looking into this20:44
cyphermoxahayzen: np20:59
cyphermoxthat will also need a change in pulseaudio to get the right device when you connect a2dp20:59
cyphermoxrsalveti was working on that to some degree20:59
rsalvetiwhat is the issue?21:00
cyphermoxswitching to a2dp for music-app21:00
rsalvetiright, and what is the issue with that?21:00
rsalvetishould be working21:00
cyphermoxrsalveti: bug 133627721:00
ubot5bug 1336277 in PulseAudio "Audio player app need to restart to use re-connected a2dp speaker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133627721:00
rsalvetioh, right, that's indeed a bug I saw happening as well21:01
rsalvetididn't yet investigate why, will add to my list21:01
cyphermoxI think the app just needs to listen to pulseaudio signals21:01
cyphermoxbecause the default device itself should already be set21:02
dobeyis it just me, or does the new contacts icon look blurry to anyone else?21:05
matv1is the click store down?21:07
dobeyi don't think so anyway21:08
matv1mmm i am hanging on getting updates21:08
dobeyyeah, store scope works fine here21:08
matv1it knows there are updates for my apps but its not retrieving them21:09
dobeydo you get an error?21:09
matv1oh i do get an error when i try to download a new app21:10
matv1buts its generic21:10
dobeynot a login error?21:11
matv1download or install failed. please try again21:11
dobeydid the progress bar fill up before that?21:11
matv1i double checked that i have wifi. also rebooted the phone\21:11
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matv1dobey no it didnt21:12
matv1maybe u1 authentication is acting wonky?21:16
rpadovanikenvandine, I just started to take a look to Bacon2d 'cause it seems an interesting library, but I have a problem with compilation. In src/entity.h there is #include "box2dbody.h", but there isn't a file with this name...21:17
dobeymatv1: check ~phablet/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log to see if there's more info21:17
dobeyi just installed 3 updates without any problem, here21:17
kenvandinerpadovani, you need to init the submodule21:17
kenvandinerpadovani, i think git submodule init21:18
kenvandinesomething like that21:18
kenvandinewe should add that to the README :)21:18
kenvandinegit submodule update --init21:19
kenvandinerpadovani, ^^21:19
kenvandinerpadovani, i think you will also need to delete your build dir and run qmake again21:19
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rpadovanikenvandine, yes, thanks. Sorry but I didn't see .gitmodules :-)21:20
kenvandinei will add that to the README :)21:20
matv1dobey its complaining a lot about video and mediascanner processes initialising and dying21:30
matv1would that be relevant?21:31
matv1also: installing a new app (lastpass) gives: No such file of directory 'com.lastpass.lpubuntu'21:37
dobeymatv1: no, video and mediascanner are just other scopes. any network issues would be relevant21:40
dobeymatv1: anyway, it's working fine on my nexus 5. maybe try a reboot?21:40
matv1i did21:41
matv1i am now trying to delete and reenable u1 acccount21:41
matv1dobey doing that and a reboot solved it. go figure21:50
matv1thanks for the helps21:50
matv1on another note though, i have been getting complaints lately that voice call quality is bad on the receiving end lately. is that still an outstanding issue?21:54
matv1i read and the mailgroup i think mzanetti comment on that but not sure if its an outstanding bug still21:55
pmcgowanmatv1, I believe it is, rsalveti might know21:56
matv1okay if its a known bug that alright. just looking to see if i should report21:56
rsalvetiyeah, known for mako21:57
matv1ah okay mako is me :)21:57
dobeyi've been told a couple times on my n5 that there was an "echo" sound21:57
dobeybut otherwise voice quality has been fine there i think21:58
matv1couldnt fing the bug right away. is that against ofono or dialer app? or neither?21:58
dobeyi don't know.22:02
dobeymaybe pulseaudio22:02
matv1yeah that would make more sense actualy. I will have a look. thanks again!22:03
dobeyanyway, i need to run22:04
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