
hatchhuwshimi hey04:30
huwshimihatch: Hey04:33
hatchthanks for the comment04:33
hatchunfortunately that means I have to re-write a bunch of stuff...lol04:35
hatchbut it's a lot nicer approach 04:35
huwshimihatch: No problems. We seem to be heading in the direction of using these state classes for all our "widgets" that have multiple states. I figure it'd be good to stay consistent.04:35
huwshimihatch: Yeah, I know it's a bit of a pain04:35
hatchso, the idea then is that any time there is a state change in the UI we wlll add a new class and appropriate nested stuff04:36
hatchthat was a question04:37
huwshimihatch: Well, swap out the state class, but yeah, I think this approach would work04:38
hatchok cool04:39
huwshimihatch: I'm pretty sure it was your idea :)04:40
hatchlol this last little while has been nuts04:40
hatchyay me? 04:40
hatchnah, yay you!04:40
hatchso my comment https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/424 is because objects keys aren't in any order04:41
hatchso just because you add two things in a row in an object doesn't mean they will be in that order04:41
hatchit's likely that they will be in order but there is no guarantee04:42
hatchonly arrays are guaranteed to be in order 04:42
huwshimihatch: Yeah, but if we build this list in the dom based on the list of keys and then grab the first key to select the first item it seems to maintain the order04:42
hatchit does, but it's not guaranteed 04:43
hatchyou can make two loops through an object's keys and get them in two different orders04:44
hatchif we only have it in that format then it's the way it's got to be04:44
huwshimihatch: Yeah, I get that, I guess the other way to do it would be to grab the id off the first token in the dom04:45
hatchwell...what do you think?04:45
hatchis there any real issue in selecting one that's not the first?04:46
huwshimihatch: Only that it would be weird to have a machine that is not at the top of the list selected by default04:46
hatchwell I'll leave it up to you :) 04:47
huwshimihatch: I can grab it from the dom, that would always do the right thing.04:47
hatchok cool04:48
huwshimihatch: I called out the state classes when I landed my branch, but I'll try make sure it's clearer next time so the person picking up the work can see them.04:56
hatchhuwshimi ok I'm taking off, have a good night05:10
huwshimihatch: Night!05:11
=== uru-afk is now known as urulama
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppefrankban: up for continuing?08:33
frankbanrogpeppe: morning, sure!08:34
rogpeppefrankban: i'm in the standup08:34
=== rogpeppe is now known as rogpeppe1
=== urulama is now known as uru-brunch
=== uru-brunch is now known as urulama
rogpeppefrankban: back10:20
rick_h__morning party people11:11
rick_h__frankban: if you get a sec can I get the low down on the reproduction steps for the bug in quickstart you guys fixed against 1.20? We're working on trying to figure out some sort of CI11:14
rick_h__frankban: and curious why we didn't hit that bug in normal use of quickstart against dev releases11:15
frankbanrick_h__: welcome back11:15
frankbanrick_h__: `chat? I am in the daily hangout11:15
rick_h__frankban: help, tie me down before I run away!11:15
rick_h__frankban: sure thing11:15
* frankban lunches11:24
rick_h__rogpeppe: frankban email forwarded to peeps from carla about bundle details per the call last week with bac and I and UX.11:31
rogpepperick_h__: thanks11:32
rick_h__rogpeppe: frankban just as an fyi on some data UX needs for bundles eventually in case any of it fits current WIP. 11:32
rick_h__rogpeppe: bac frankban make sure to check out https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/250 and provide any feedback we have on the style guide. 12:04
rick_h__if approved and landed it's something we should be aware of and pick up I think. 12:05
urulamarick_h__: where should i put the card for bug 1339005 ... maintenance/review?12:08
rick_h__urulama: looking12:08
rick_h__urulama: ok, so just file it and I'll traige and add a card. 12:08
rick_h__urulama: I'll add it to the on deck backlog for maintenacne12:09
rick_h__urulama: we only use high and low importances. If it's high, we should try to fix it, if it's low, we ack it but don't promise to get to it any time soon (really ever) 12:09
rick_h__urulama: when you get time let's catch up12:11
rick_h__jrwren: same ^12:11
rick_h__morning bac, made it to NC safely?12:12
urulamarick_h__: i'm gonna pick up my kids in 45min, change location. is 10AM ok for you?12:13
rick_h__urulama: party12:14
rick_h__urulama: I mean yes :)12:14
=== urulama is now known as uru-afk
bacrick_h__: eventually.  our original flight went through with no problems on friday but i'm still glad we postponed.  the thought of getting stuck in ATL was unpleasant.12:21
rick_h__bac: hah, not a fan of our great south? :P12:21
bacrick_h__: not a fan of sleeping in any airport12:23
rick_h__bac: good call12:23
=== uru-afk is now known as urulama
frankbanrogpeppe: I am back, please ping me when you are ready12:27
rogpeppefrankban: will do. currently perusing rick_h__'s comments12:27
frankbanrick_h__: thanks for the link/email12:29
frankbanrick_h__: machine/unit counts can be easily calculated by clients IMHO, agree with you re: owner details, the current spec allows for easily adding customized API later12:30
rogpeppefrankban: i'm in the hangout, BTW12:33
rick_h__frankban: yea, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I have this fear that those counts will be filter/selection criteria for searches12:39
rick_h__frankban: but they're not currently so you're right, for display purposes they can be client side calc'd12:39
bacrick_h__: wanted you to be aware of bug 1316174 -- it affects users on precise trying to bootstrap local envs.  it's a juju-core issue but affects quickstart12:45
_mup_Bug #1316174: 'precise-updates/cloud-tools' is invalid for APT::Default-Release <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1316174>12:45
rick_h__bac: looking12:47
hazmatdid we loose the ability to hide subordinate relation lines?12:47
hazmatlooks like we draw in gray with the little box to the side of the sub service, we used to be able to click the box and hide the sub rel lines, but it hasn't seem to worked in a while.12:48
rick_h__hazmat: yes, we're supposed to be getting to controlling it with the deployed service inspector 12:48
rick_h__hazmat: is the box still there? /me goes to try it out, been a while.12:48
hazmatrick_h__, yes its still there12:48
rick_h__hazmat: what UI box is there to hide then?12:49
rick_h__bac: :/ ok. Will make sure it's brought up. 12:50
rick_h__frankban: rogpeppe is there a card on the board for the current WIP? 12:51
frankbanrick_h__: no, I'll create one, thanks12:51
rick_h__frankban: ty much12:51
hazmatrick_h__, off subordinate services there is a ... line to a subordinate count box, that box is supposed to toggle display of that's sub service's relation lines12:53
rick_h__hazmat: ah ok. checking existing bugs now.12:54
jrwrenrick_h__: you around in 10m?12:55
rick_h__jrwren: on a call but can ping when I get off12:55
hazmatrick_h__, don't think there is one.. its been broken for a long time (at least 6months).12:56
rick_h__hazmat: right, I know we've talked a lot about showing/hiding lines including subordinates and we've got work this cycle to allow it with all services12:56
rick_h__hazmat: I'll file a bug and see if there's a quick fix, some code that's not getting run or if it's actually been removed 12:57
hazmatrick_h__, ok12:58
rick_h__hazmat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/133902912:58
_mup_Bug #1339029: show/hide a subordinate relation line not functioning <juju-gui:Triaged by makyo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339029>12:58
rick_h__hazmat: will ask mayko to take a peek at it and see if it's something we can hook back up easily12:58
hazmatrick_h__, even if there's a long term thought on rel display, subordinates are a special case given their cross cutting concerns in an env, ie. is has 6-8 subordinate rels to every service.12:59
hazmatrick_h__, cool, thanks12:59
rick_h__hazmat: the work to show/hide any rel line is scheduled late into the cycle so won't be updated soon. 12:59
rick_h__hazmat: right, the idea is that you can show/hide the blocks and lines for any service in an environment12:59
rick_h__luca: add a call to the meeting?13:01
lucarick_h__: forgot, doing it now13:01
lucarick_h__: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/jaas-catch-up?authuser=113:01
rick_h__luca: ty much13:01
urulamajrwren: regarding the sprint in London - heard you're really close to rick_h__ (what's a 100km in usa ;)) , so, if calls would not suffice, you can probably just meet and get over details, so, don't worry about the sprint13:02
* urulama needs to pick up the kids now13:03
rick_h__jrwren: ping13:46
rick_h__jrwren: meet in the standup hangout?13:46
rick_h__whoops, others are there13:47
jrwrennew room?13:47
rick_h__yep, getting invite together13:47
rick_h__change the authuser part of the url to your own google accounts13:48
jcsacketthey, hatch__, i've pushed up all the work from yesterday we discussed. can you take a look? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/42213:51
hatch__you bet13:51
hatch__odd I can't change my name to hatch13:51
hatch__jcsackett you didn't address my comment in viewlet-manager.js13:55
jcsacketthatch__: ...actually i did. i don't know why that didn't get pushed up.13:55
hatch__heh, welllllll push'r'up13:56
jcsacketthatch__: huh. it pushed up the change to service-inspector but not viewlet...weird.13:56
rick_h__hatch__: how goes, when you get a sec I'd like to meet up with you and kadams54 and get caught up on where we are with MV13:56
rick_h__it looks like half the cards are blocked and now following why and want to make sure we plot a path through that asap13:57
hatch__rick_h__ sure, 20mins? 13:57
rick_h__hatch__: k13:57
urulamarick_h__: ping13:58
rick_h__urulama: howdy13:58
rick_h__urulama: ready to chat?13:58
urulamarick_h__: sure13:58
rick_h__urulama: k, invite on the way13:58
rick_h__urulama: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g5fbbzj56dl7cjvipytcasn5zma?authuser=1&hl=en13:59
urulamarick_h__: ok, tnx, see that the room is busy :D13:59
jcsacketthatch__: pushed.14:03
hatch__jcsackett man git really did the diff odd with your branch heh14:11
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
jcsacketthatch: yes.14:12
jcsacketti find git frequently does terrible things with diffs.14:12
hatchit tries super hard to keep old lines even if they don't make any sense in the context heh14:14
hatch"no you saved THIS curly bracket" lol14:14
jcsacketthatch: yeah. and it seems super easily thrown off by lines moved around. 14:16
jcsackett"you deleted this line and and move that one...better mark the whole file as a conflict!"14:17
hatchrick_h__ I'm ready whenever you are14:21
rick_h__hatch: coolio, kadams54 available?14:22
kadams54rick_h__: yup14:22
rick_h__kadams54: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gsmrjulttdrhsdmyukjid7aenma?authuser=1&hl=en14:22
jcsacketthatch: saw your comment on retry; how would retry get the inspectors object? because it just sets up y.later, which only returns a timer.14:35
hatchjcsackett otp 14:37
rick_h__luca: if you can file that bug with the roll overs I'll get huw to look at it tonight14:40
lucarick_h__: awesome, I’ll do it now14:40
lucarick_h__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/133909214:44
_mup_Bug #1339092: Implement roll over and states for machine view tokens <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339092>14:44
rick_h__luca: ty 14:45
hatchjcsackett ok done, I'll look into HOW to do what I mentioned heh14:47
hatchit'll definitely require a bit of a refactoring 14:47
hatch(reworking?) :)14:47
jcsacketthatch: yeah, Y.later doesn't even let you set a callback or something for the function, which is both odd and vexing.14:47
jcsacketthatch: i hope not much--this work has taken way too long to get through review already. :p14:48
hatchI added one other comment as well14:48
jcsacketthatch: if we don't find a simple way, then Y.later can just retry the dispatcher.14:48
hatchright, but wasn't that what you were trying to avoid in the first place?14:48
jcsacketthatch: well, it's what used to happen. this seemed better, but it sets up a problem.14:49
jcsacketthatch: so we can fall back to what used to happen, which wasn't broken.14:49
rick_h__jujugui call in 10, kanban please14:50
rick_h__jcsackett: hatch why a retry loop? is this for when we load the env for the first time and the data's not there yet from the env?14:52
hatchjcsackett the only 'simple' way is to call the inspector dispatcher again14:52
jcsackettrick_h__: right.14:52
jcsacketthatch: then i say that's what we do.14:52
hatchthe other way is way to complicated and whtnot14:52
rick_h__jcsackett: can we not just tie up to the db events like we talked about before?14:52
jcsackettb/c i don't think spending much more time on this is valuable.14:52
hatchyeah I'm find with switching it back, it's a simple fix then14:52
bacrick_h__: the comingsoon to azure card, is that something you'd like to do now?14:53
jcsackettrick_h__: as i recall, no, b/c the dispatcher doesn't wait on db.14:53
rick_h__bac: yes, if you care to take it. 14:53
rick_h__jcsackett: right, but who cares about the dispatcher? 14:53
hatchdispatcher don't wait for nobody!14:53
jcsackettrick_h__: this is all about dispatch.14:54
bacrick_h__: i don't understand the second part of the description, but yeah.14:54
jcsackettwe have to retry, b/c dispatch doesn't wait for db and throws a fit when it can't find the data it needs.14:54
jcsackettso we tell it to retry b/c the data will be there in a moment.14:54
rick_h__bac: ah, the second part was a question on do we just serve out the jenkins workspace as a 'comingsoon' but that could be bad14:54
rick_h__bac: the idea was that the -merge job would eaily update a local path and just serve out the gui14:55
rick_h__bac: vs a new machine14:55
rick_h__bac: meet in standup pre stand up and chat?14:55
bacrick_h__: i just submitted an hr request for tomorrow as we discussed last week.14:56
rick_h__bac: rgr14:56
rick_h__jujugui call in 2 14:59
rick_h__kadams54: ^15:00
urulamarick_h__: when you finish with calls: what's machine view :D15:13
hatchurulama http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/machine/:flags:/mv/15:14
hatchit show the actual juju machines and allows you to fiddle with the placement of units and whatnot15:14
hatchthis is a new feature in the GUI and apparently.....a very long one to implement :)15:15
urulamahatch: tnx15:15
rick_h__urulama: yea, it's manual placement for the GUI15:21
jcsacketthatch: updated PR.15:21
hatchjcsackett thanks will look again15:22
rick_h__hey, there he is15:26
rick_h__Makyo: I removed you from that bug fyi15:26
rick_h__jrwren: responeded to the bug report, thanks for looking into that15:37
rick_h__jrwren: can you go ahead with the update to the CN and file a bug on the gui for the user help?15:38
rick_h__hatch: going to get food and then we can chat. 15:38
jrwrensure, is it fixable?15:38
rick_h__jrwren: is what fixable?15:38
hatchrick_h__ cool thanks15:38
jrwrenoh, the bug is just for docs for this.  OK.15:39
jrwrenI was just thinking, "why file a bug, if it can't be fixed", but it can be documented15:39
rick_h__jrwren: yea, the browser can try to do some detection and at least help point the user 'hey I can't connect you might check xxx'15:39
jrwrenah, ok.15:40
rick_h__right now the lack of user feedback makes them think juju is broken vs their browser15:40
jrwrenthis bug is on juju-gui, should it just be this same bug, or a new one?15:40
rick_h__jrwren: a new one, this one is on both the charm and the gui. I think having one aroudn the ssl cert for the charm is cool and the other for the gui being helpful15:41
hatchjcsackett two qa issues posted15:41
jcsacketthatch: huh. haven't seen that. let me see if i broke something addressing last few comments.15:43
hatchsure thing15:43
jcsacketthatch: ok, that first one seems to be fallout i missed from moving the change event firing out of viewlet manager (and is in fact the reason that i put it in the viewlet manager in the first place. i'm digging into why it doesn't work now)15:45
jcsackettthat second one, i have no idea.15:46
jcsackettthis damn branch.15:46
hatchjcsackett it's likely a state issue15:48
jcsacketthatch: so, this is fallout from moving to the just checking model.id hasn't changed to see if we should re-render or make a new one.15:48
jcsackettb/c we don't actually destroy this._inspector when the inspector closes.15:49
hatchthat's issue #2?15:49
hatchwell we should be destroying it15:49
jcsacketthatch: i concur.15:49
hatchbe sure to add a test :PPP15:49
jcsacketthatch: i'm looking into why it doesn't get destroyed.15:49
jcsacketthatch: oh man, we've never destroyed it; it doesn't get destroyed in develop either. so it's not just a simple case of a broken dispatch change.15:52
jcsacketthatch: safe to say that when state sees metadata with inspector: null we can kill this._activeInspector?15:52
hatchjcsackett you bet - I'm curious though as to why it's not, the enptysectiona method should be destroying it15:53
hatchI bet that's what happened15:53
jcsackett"that" == what now?15:53
hatchoh wait nm you fixed that15:54
hatchok look into emptysectiona method15:54
hatchit should be being called and destroying the inspector15:54
jcsacketthatch: this is fun.15:57
jcsackettthis._inspector.destroy() is getting called.15:58
jcsackettimmediately after which, you can still check this._inspector and find an object.15:58
jcsackettsame in develop if you look at this_activeInspector.15:58
hatchoh...right, duh15:58
hatchdestroy() calls the destructor cycle, it doesn't null out the ref15:58
jcsackettshould empty section set it to undefined or something?15:58
hatchnull probably, yeah15:58
jcsackettyeah, that fixes that.15:59
jrwrenwhat we talked about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/133915516:05
_mup_Bug #1339155: gui should display help when wss fails due to incorrectly accepted certificate <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339155>16:05
jcsacketthatch: so it looks like the onHide function in service-inspector isn't even being called? it's just jumping straight to viewlet managers hideSlot, despite my setting click on close-slot to onHide in the service inspector.16:05
rick_h__ty jrwren 16:05
urulamarick_h__: i've added some suggestions to the "new hire" doc16:05
rick_h__urulama: ty much16:06
jrwrenrick_h__: should I start working on that bug?16:06
rick_h__jrwren: just the CN one in the charm16:07
jrwrenah, did that.16:07
rick_h__jrwren: so that it doesn't lead to juju.ubuntu.com but to their own env16:07
rick_h__jrwren: ok, is that reviewed and landed then?16:07
jrwrenpoint me to docs on that process?16:07
rick_h__jrwren: there's a hacking doc around the charm with some functional tests. 16:07
jrwrengot it.16:08
urulamajrwren: please share16:08
rick_h__jrwren: so you need to pull down the charm code, update it, push it up under your name space, create a merge request from launchpad, and ping to get a review 16:08
jrwrenguess I shouldn't have bzr push :parent then.  ooops16:08
urulamarick_h__: tnx16:09
hatchjcsackett hmm lemme take a look16:09
rick_h__jrwren: heh, nope16:09
hatchI'm not sure16:09
rick_h__jrwren: urulama nothing ever lands without review and all stuff should be forked to your own name space (in github or LP) and a pull request/merge proposal created to be signed off on16:09
rick_h__jrwren: urulama and we try hard to create a HACKING doc in each project to help describe the workflow for devs16:10
frankbanalso for charm/quickstart development we use lbox16:10
rick_h__can't promise them, but try to16:10
jrwreni don't know lbox16:11
rick_h__frankban: we do for the charm? 16:11
frankbanrick_h__: yes16:11
rick_h__ok, looks like we need some updating to the hacking docs16:11
frankbanrick_h__: +116:11
urulamafrankban: this lbox? https://launchpad.net/lbox16:12
rick_h__urulama: yes16:12
rick_h__urulama: jrwren lbox is a tool written to help push reviews through reitveld 16:12
rick_h__it allows for some nicer code review tooling and lbox helps sync with the launchpad merge proposals/etc16:12
* urulama was happy for a minute not to have to deal with new stuff ... oh well ... :D16:12
jrwreni wondered what that .lbox file was in the charm16:13
rick_h__yea, it runs a pre-pull request hook basically to make sure tests pass locally before pushing16:13
rick_h__quickstart docs don't mention lbox either :/ 16:13
hatchjcsackett found it16:13
hatchjcsackett see the e.halt() in that method? That's why it's not being called....e.halt() is the devil which we need to use because I bet the X is an anchor tag16:14
rick_h__jrwren: urulama ok, good finds some old docs on lbox :) https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/blob/master/HACKING.txt#L2916:15
rick_h__jrwren: urulama and I think last time we had to go the go get lbox route16:15
hatchjcsackett so if so the X needs to be changed from an anchor into a span, then that e.halt() can be removed and then it'll work 16:15
rick_h__sudo go get launchpad.net/lbox will install it globally or you can do it local/etc16:15
urulamarick_h__: why sudo? isn't the go/bin dir enough?16:16
rick_h__urulama: that's what I mean, you choice16:16
hatchjrwren damn that safari thing sure sucks....16:18
rick_h__jrwren: so from here, can you make sure to run the functional tests of the charm with what you've landed16:18
rick_h__jrwren: otherwise it's a minor change and should be good, just want to make sure no tests were relying/checking that16:18
jrwrenhatch: SECURITY! :)16:19
hatch"SECURE ALL THE THINGS!!!!"16:19
jrwrenrick_h__: yes, doing that.16:19
rick_h__jrwren: ty much16:19
rick_h__jrwren: let me know when you've got time to chat16:20
jrwrenwas JUST going to run out to lunch. 16:22
jrwrenlets chat, then I'll run.16:23
rick_h__jrwren: sorry, was meant to be hatch 16:23
rick_h__jrwren: go to lunch, we're good16:23
rick_h__hatch: let me know when you've got time to chat16:23
jrwrenoh, in that case, I'm running out for a bit. brb in 45min or less.16:23
hatchrick_h__ 1 min16:23
urulamajujugui: bye all, fun day ;)16:24
rogpeppeurulama: g'night16:24
bacbye urulama16:24
rick_h__urulama: night 16:24
hatchrick_h__ standup room?16:25
rick_h__hatch: k16:25
* urulama gets embarrassed for checking out during daytime ;)16:25
rick_h__hatch: new room16:25
hatchnope it's full16:25
=== urulama is now known as uru-afk
* jcsackett discovers he was disconnected from znc for some reason.16:42
jcsacketthatch: is there any fallout to always calling addTarget on viewlets to the view manager? then the viewlet's close can just fire the change event.16:43
hatchman all these hangouts have killed my battery17:13
hatchjcsackett the only issue is that it may fire an event that someone up the chain is listening for17:13
hatchso it'll react accidentally to the event17:13
hatchthere is also a performance issue....but neither of these are very big negatives tbh17:14
hatchif you had like 100's then yeah it would suck, but there is only one so...17:14
hatchjcsackett ^17:16
hatchrick_h__ sorry it wasn't the oatmeal it was http://techcrunch.com/2014/07/04/just-be-present/17:18
rick_h__hatch: I do like this "I’d bet you’ll find most of the ones without people in them pretty boring."17:20
rick_h__hatch: but yea nice post17:20
hatchI just found it funny because it showed up right under your post about your fireworks pics17:20
rick_h__:) sometimes I've got good timing 17:21
hatchwell you can take some solace in knowing that yours are awesome17:23
rick_h__hatch: so based on our call, did you want to shuffle the cards around? move the coding one back and the other back to code?17:24
rick_h__jcastro: and if your two cards are one chunk feel free to combine 17:24
rick_h__bah jcsackett ^17:24
jcastrooooh, you're going to let me move your cards around? I'd _love_ to reprioritize stuff!17:25
rick_h__you and Mark S can duke it out17:26
rick_h__I'd pay to see that17:26
hatchrick_h__ yep I'll re-org them17:28
* rogpeppe is done for the day17:31
rogpeppeg'night all17:31
jcsackettrick_h__: i can combine, but it's two branches, one done but dependent on changes from the one currently on review.17:40
rick_h__jcsackett: ah ok cool17:41
rick_h__jcsackett: I didn't realize it was two branches knew you were working through the review of one17:41
jrwrenhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/HACKING.md says juju-test is part of charm tools, but... it does not seem to be for me.  did this change from ppa:juju/stable -> ppa:juju/dev17:51
rick_h__jrwren: it used to be, I think it's just a single file and in the tree now? I don't think you need that. 17:53
jrwrenwhich tree?17:54
rick_h__jrwren: the charm17:55
rick_h__jrwren: sorry, new laptop and don't have the sources locally. Working on looking. 17:55
jrwreni'm looking too17:55
jrwrenoh! my bad.18:01
jrwreni need both juju/devel and juju/stable PPA18:01
jrwrenpoor assumptions here.18:01
rick_h__jrwren: no, this is what I mean by the documentation being out of date on that. Apologies on our end. 18:03
rick_h__they should be copy/pastable 18:03
jrwrenthey are.18:03
jrwreni assummed that I didn't need hte ppa the documentation wrote, because stable v. devel18:04
jrwrencharm-tools is in stable ppa, but not devel ppa.  Its really my bad.18:04
rick_h__ah gotcha18:04
jrwrenmaybe I'll update HACKING.md with a note stating as much.18:04
rick_h__jrwren: yea,a if it threw you off it's likely to catch someone else as well18:08
jrwrenwhoa, selenium. cool.18:17
rick_h__putting the functional into the functional tests wheeee18:19
marcoceppirick_h__: is there a special flag in the gui that will show the icon on personal branches?18:23
marcoceppialso, if so, what is that flag18:24
marcoceppips <318:24
rick_h__marcoceppi: no, it's never gotten done. Only for local charms deployed18:25
marcoceppiwhyyy have you all forsaken meeeeeeee18:25
rick_h__marcoceppi: because you didn't send enough pie18:25
* marcoceppi bakes a ton of pie18:26
rick_h__marcoceppi: honestly, because i added a branch do it it and then it actually broke things and I've never gotten to write code again and it's never gotten fixed :)18:26
marcoceppirick_h__: any way to get this in to gui? We're looking down teh barrel where people want to demo stuff and are putting pressure to promulgate charms because they can't see silly little icons, but these charms are demoware not store stuff18:28
MakyoDamnit, got pinged for an appointment I forgot about.  Will be back in a bit.18:28
rick_h__Makyo: have fun18:29
rick_h__marcoceppi: not until after machine view is out18:29
rick_h__marcoceppi: we're under the gun for this. I'm happy to make it a task after that18:29
marcoceppiand that's not going to happen by the 18th?18:29
rick_h__heh, I'm hoping, but only just by the 18th18:30
marcoceppirick_h__: cool, should I open a bug to track this request?18:30
* marcoceppi is excited for machine view18:30
rick_h__and then we're out of town so we'd start it the week after that18:30
rick_h__hmm, thought we had a bug. Let me look18:30
rick_h__marcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/126085418:33
_mup_Bug #1260854: we really need to support icons for all charms, at least as an option <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1260854>18:33
rick_h__marcoceppi: I did one branch that did it for charms, but then that broken icons for bundles and caused us to not release it 18:33
marcoceppirick_h__: cool, thanks man18:34
rick_h__marcoceppi: but since local charms work, that's a great way to get things deployed for a demo and then they get icons18:34
rick_h__marcoceppi: not sure on the full path of the demo/etc18:34
marcoceppirick_h__: yeah, but for this demo they're going to want to do the zero to drag and drop deploy18:35
rick_h__marcoceppi: gotcha18:35
marcoceppiI do really love that local shows icon18:35
marcoceppimakes charm dev a nice experience18:35
rick_h__kadams54: around? 18:38
kadams54rick_h__: yup18:38
rick_h__kadams54: got a sec to chat in the hangout on the machine naming business?18:39
kadams54rick_h__: ^18:43
rick_h__kadams54: hmm, sitting in there 18:44
* rick_h__ tries again18:44
rick_h__kadams54: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=118:44
hatch__oo rick_h__  you're gona love this new impl18:49
* hatch__ also loves it like 1B times more than the original one18:49
rick_h__hatch__: woot woot18:50
hatch__there's the preliminary diff of the scale-up.js file18:51
rick_h__hatch__: cool, glad the conversation was useful19:00
rick_h__kadams54: marked the bug as invalid and replied to the thread. 19:04
rick_h__kadams54: feel free to ditch the card and move on to something more interesting19:04
kadams54Will do.19:05
hatch__making logical commits as I was working is also making it very easy to remove commits which are no longer valid from this refactoring19:07
hatch__saving a bunch of work19:07
hatch__rick_h__ kadams54  we are no longer removing 'new' ?19:07
jcsacketthatch__: ok, i've been able to sort out QA fixes. can you verify QA good now?19:10
* jcsackett crosses fingers that you'll actually see QA good. :p19:12
jcsackett...yes, hatch? :p19:12
hatch__r u going to rebase into logical commits before landing?19:12
hatch__want to do that before I QA? just in case19:12
rick_h__hatch__: no, we're not for now. See email thread. 19:12
hatch__rick_h__ cool will look19:13
kadams54rick_h__, hatch__ : https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1339289 for the follow up bug to improve logic around committed/uncommitted.19:14
_mup_Bug #1339289: Stop using ID to determine if a machine is uncommitted <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339289>19:14
rick_h__kadams54: k, adding a card to the backlog to look into it19:14
hatch__kadams54 thanks19:14
rick_h__kadams54: feel free to use that with any XXX 19:14
kadams54Yeah, I'll add XXX comments as drive-bys in my next branch.19:15
hatch__I'm too old and overweight for my hobbies, crashed hard yesterday kiting and I'm paying for it today.....can I be 21 again?19:16
rick_h__hatch__: heh, I'm sore from the camping weekend19:19
hatch__sheesh, don't start kiting then lol19:19
hatch__I got to hit the gym19:19
hatch__maybe get one of those treadmill desks19:19
hatch__I wonder if I can jog and type19:19
hatch__I have an elliptical but those just don't quite work for the whole....desk + treadmill thing :)19:21
jrwrenWe had treadmill desks at my last job, in the office. They were nice.19:21
hatch__you could concentrate while walking and typing?19:22
jrwrenit had a slow max speed.19:22
hatch__I'm worried I'd have to turn it off to think19:22
jrwreni didn't use it much.19:22
jrwrenI prefer standing desk.19:22
hatch__yeah I'm rocking two mdf boxes ontop of my normal desk as a standing desk :)19:23
jrwreni'm still on laptop on cardboard for my standing desk, i'll upgrade to something almost that hacky soon.19:23
hatch__haha  19:23
hatch__it works well, just slow to convert back to a sitting desk19:24
jrwrenI've not converted yet.19:24
jrwreni'm doing pretty good at standing all day.19:25
jrwrenmaybe, sit for lunch.19:25
jrwrenYesterday, I sat for 10m because the docs I needed to read were a bit long :)19:25
hatch__haha - yeah I'm thinking of going for a motorized standing/sitting desk for more room and then putting a recliner in my office for deep thinking bouts 19:26
jrwrenawesome. when I sat for that doc reading it was in my Ikea POÄNG :)19:27
jcsacketthatch__: logical commits pushed.19:28
rick_h__hatch__: woot watch arrived19:33
hatch__rick_h__ lucky!! mine is 'being held by ups'19:33
hatch__watever that means :/19:33
hatch__jcsackett cool will qa19:33
hatch__jcsackett while I do this want to kick off a new CI build?19:37
hatch__it failed right-away19:37
jcsacketthatch__: yeah, what's up with that failure?19:37
hatch__no idea...19:38
jcsackettit's an npm thing taht doesn't happen locally.19:38
jcsacketthatch__: don't bother QAing. i just noticed something else wrong.19:39
hatch__jcsackett when I deploy a charm (without mv) the inspector doesn't have units...19:39
jcsackettfor some reason units are not now rendering...19:39
hatch__ok :)19:39
hatch__sorry :)19:40
hatch__i feel your pain19:40
jcsacketti'm growing to *really* hate the inspector, and dispatch, and viewlets, and...19:40
hatch__just imagine what it was like before that :)19:41
jcsacketthatch__: i think you're going to be blocked on your card in perpetuity man.19:42
hatch__nah I have faith in you19:42
* rick_h__ runs away for the evening. 19:55
hatch__stepping out for lunch bbl19:55
rick_h__I'll be back later, but hatch__ Makyo if you see huw before I do I've assigned him a card for tonight to help UX19:55
rick_h__hatch__: Makyo please point it out to him if you see him first 19:56
hatch__will do19:56
bacugh, i just told my phone 'juju set a timer' instead of 'siri'.20:36
rick_h__bac: lol20:47
jcsacketthatch__: found and fixed it, need to change locations to get a reliable enough internet connection to push changes. should be just a few moments.21:19
hatch__heh where are you in a cave? ;)21:23
rick_h__says the man who had to cell signal it up for a week :P21:26
hatch__lol, now shut your mouth21:27
hatch__I have no comeback21:27
hatch__that's all you get21:27
jcsacketthatch__: ok, everything looks good on my end now, and i've pushed.21:54
jcsacketthopefully i didn't miss anything this time around, and there's nothing new broken. :p21:54
hatch__will look21:54
hatch__jcsackett did you happen to check this in a real env so you can see if /charm gets dispatched on load?22:01
jcsacketthatch__: no, actually, i did not. do you have  real env to check against, by any chance?22:09
hatch__I don't I can spin one up if needed though22:09
hatch__I'll do that22:10
hatch__not sure if working...22:10
hatch__oh there it goes22:10
hatch__slow internets today I guess22:10
* jcsackett laughs22:11
jcsacketthatch__: if it doesn't dispatch on load properly, i think let's deal with it as a follow up so we can get this moving and get you unblocked.22:12
hatch__in that case you might as well shipit while I do this22:13
hatch__I +1d22:13
hatch__because local testing was ok22:13
jcsackettoh, i missed that. well, i'm curious to know. if it fails in a simple way, i'm game for looking into it.22:13
jcsackettnaively, i think it should just work--the only issue is model loading, and that's already handled.22:14
hatch__ok it'll probably be 20mins before this is up, amazon is slow22:14
jcsacketthatch__: hm. ok. maybe i should just :shipit: so i can get the next dependent (but thankfully *much* smaller) branch up for PR.22:20
jcsacketthatch__: when is your EoD/22:20
rick_h__jcsackett: +1 if the tests pass and normal QA is good then feel free to shipit and follow up with a good QA tomorrow. 22:21
hatch__technically 40mins, but I'm going to get my branch up for review before I'm done regardless22:21
jcsackettrick_h__: ok.22:21
rick_h__jcsackett: it won't hold anyone back and we're not looking to do a release tomorrow. 22:21
rick_h__jcsackett: but it is a good idea to check it out as the issue is particularly with live envs22:21
hatch__gui is pending22:21
jcsacketthatch__: how long is gui likely to take to spin up? no more than 5 min or so, right?22:22
hatch__jcsackett iunno depends on what I have my ec2 instances set up22:23
hatch__still pending22:23
jcsacketthatch__: well, i'll go ahead and :shipit: and if you tell me it doesn't work on live, i know what i'm doing tomorrow. :)22:23
jcsackettand i'll get the other PR up so we can unblock your work.22:23
hatch__sounds good22:25
hatch__jcsackett gui up22:42
jcsacketthatch__: awesome. merge job still going. :p22:51
jcsacketthow's /charm load up on persistent?22:51
hatch__I'm having an odd issue with juju22:51
hatch__it's saying the juju-gui machine doesn't exist22:51
hatch__when it's in the status list...22:51
jcsacketthatch__: what v of juju? they just did a release, could be a bug?22:52
hatch__jcsackett crud there is bugs in your branch22:54
jcsacketthatch__: what?22:54
hatch__can't load the inspector on load 22:54
hatch__Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null service-config.js:9722:54
jcsacketthatch__: this is only with persistent env, though?22:54
jcsackettor did we miss something in QA?22:55
hatch__well...yeah a real env...like what people /actually/ use lol22:55
hatch__so how do you want me to do this? Do you want me to file a bug or will you just give it a go in the morning and work on a fix?22:56
jcsacketthatch__: i'll make a card saying it's an issue in persistent.22:57
jcsackettand i'll deal in the morning.22:57
jcsacketthatch__: if you're game, second branch https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/42622:58
hatch__ok sounds good, I'll tear down the env22:58
jcsacketthatch__: second PR is *much* smaller. :)23:00
jcsacketthatch__: also, if you don't have a reviewer for your upcoming PR, i can try to get to it sometime tonight, if not first thing in the morning which i believe is before your day starts.23:01
hatch__ok that sounds like a plan23:02
hatch__I'll get on your review in a few mins23:02
rick_h__huwshimi: morning, want to chat when you get settled this morning please23:04
huwshimirick_h__: Sure. Call?23:04
rick_h__huwshimi: sure thing23:04
rick_h__huwshimi: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/guoc2hcs3slor7fh67oxp764dea?authuser=1&hl=en23:05
hatch__jcsackett just finishing up my branch - I'll do your review before your SOD 23:13
jcsacketthatch__: don't stay up too late; if it has to wait till you start tomorrow, that's fine.23:23
jcsacketti'm out for a bit.23:23
hatch__jcsackett looks like you have a bonified CI failure23:44
hatch__jujugui lf a review and qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/42523:52
huwshimihatch: So the point of those state classes is that you should only need to ever have one applied to the container. In your branch it seems that you need to have two bits of UI showing so you're adding an additional state class instead of modifying the CSS to fix the real issue23:58

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