
Exagone313lordievader: i can't say without a screen of the window that appears (i have an icon on my taskbar and a window is opened when i click on), there is a button that opens a console and it download the flash plugin00:29
Exagone313(screen => screenshot)00:30
Exagone313i come back ten-twelve hours later00:31
modernbobThe following packages have been kept back:01:11
modernbob  kubuntu-desktop01:11
valoriekvahgner: help what?02:22
valorietell us what you need, and we'll try to help02:22
kvahgner@valorie.. oh, hello there, lol ( sorry I just saw your response.. heh )02:51
kvahgnerit's been like a decade since i played on IRC anywhere.. I was just trying to re-familiarize myself with the various commands in general..02:52
kvahgnerI thought you could just type '/help' and get a list..02:52
valoriea list of what, though?02:53
sean____I heard there is a new version of kde ,when will that roll out?02:54
kvahgnercommands.. like.. how to list channels, etc..02:54
valorieyou can message the bots that way: /msg alis help02:54
valorieif you do a /topic you'll see the links in the topic02:54
valoriethat should answer your questions02:55
valoriefor KDE, try http://kde.org02:55
kvahgnerawesome!  thanks for the refresher :)02:55
valoriethere are the services as well, like /msg chanserv help02:55
valorieirc is really useful, and freenode does a good job of it02:56
kvahgnerso... /msg  is a 'talk directly to' commanf.. 'alis' and.. 'chanserv' are bots that respond with help info, right?02:57
valorieubottu is useful if you want information02:57
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:57
valoriewell, chanserv is a service, but yes, you can msg it the same as the bots02:57
valorieyou can /msg people as well02:58
valorieif I did /msg kvahgner some message02:58
valorieyou would see it in a private window02:58
valorienot encouraged unless you ask first, or it's passing along a phone number or so02:59
valoriehave fun!02:59
kvahgnerI'm using Quasser.. is that my best bet under Kubuntu?02:59
* valorie goes to find something to eat03:00
valorieI prefer Konversation, but Quassel is the standard now, yes03:00
kvahgnerdoes Konversation have a dark theme?  I miss the old days of plain ole text ans ASCII colors..03:00
kvahgnerer.. ans = and03:01
valorieyou theme all of KDE, and the applications will follow the theme03:01
kvahgner( don't let me stop you from getting food, lol )03:01
kvahgneroh, gotcha03:01
valorieyou'll find themes in systemsettings, and you can get more on kde-looks.org03:01
valorieor kde-look.org03:02
valorienot sure which03:02
valorieand irssi is still available, and many people use it03:02
kvahgnerya, I've played with em before.. got my last box looking uber slick then it started overheating on me ( it was a hand me down laptop )03:03
valoriereally afk now03:03
kvahgnerirssi, eh? ( googles)03:03
kvahgnerlol thanks again03:03
EtriaphKonversation is my favourite IRC client after ircii03:17
kvahgner/me is messing with irssi03:33
kvahgnerer.. how to you do 'me' things?03:33
kvahgner/msg alis HELP03:34
kvahgnerSorry.. I don't know a lick of spanish..03:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:36
kvahgnerWhat he said :)03:36
TheSawok thank03:36
EtriaphIn all IRC it should be /me03:38
kvahgnerhuh.. I tried that...03:54
* kvahgner tries is again..03:54
* kvahgner says, "very eeeteresting"03:54
EtriaphMake sure you haven't preceded it with a space is all.03:57
EtriaphOr Konversation can make me sad :(03:58
kvahgnerya.. maybe that's what  did..03:58
kvahgnerI just tried connecting via irssi... and got banned for some reason..03:58
kvahgnerah well.. it's getting late anyways.. I should probably call it quits for the evening anyways.. thanks fot the help.03:59
valoriekvahgner: no space before the slash03:59
valorietry /me is going offline now03:59
valorieor something03:59
kvahgner/me thinks he's got it now ;)04:00
valorieno space04:00
* kvahgner us laughing at himself04:00
valoriethere ya go04:00
kvahgnerI feel like such a newb, lol.04:00
valorieyou probably can't connect twice with the same nickname04:00
kvahgnerhow long does being 'banned' last?04:00
valoriewe were all new once04:02
blizzvorhello world04:03
kvahgner2there we go04:04
kvahgner2think I'll kick qaudrell and lurk via irssi..04:05
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louis__i cant be logged cause my too difficult pass word?07:02
louis__j'ai besoin d'aide07:34
aljosai have an issue w/ touchpad and based on this bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337190 it's because some package isn't updated in kubuntu. where do i report this and how do i get kubuntu devs to update it?09:13
ubottuKDE bug 337190 in daemon "scrolling unusable and changing touchpad settings has no effect" [Grave,Resolved: duplicate]09:14
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:14
srxavione question: Does anybody know if it's possible to install the oxygen style (32 bit version) in kubuntu 14.04 x86_64?11:32
dexter__help pls12:26
dexter__have konversation on linux and don't know change language to english12:27
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BluesKajdexter try login as a different user and choose your default language in system settings>locale for that user... I can't think of any other method12:43
BluesKajoops, missed him..too late again12:45
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skinuxWhy does Kubuntu keep pupping up a screen icon with a progress bar and making a noise??13:40
Piciskinux: Sounds like you are pressing a shortcut for screen brightness.13:42
skinuxNo, I'm not. It happens even when I'm not at my laptop.13:42
TBotNikAll: Getting errors trying to install gedit on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS.  Errors in PB at: http://pastebin.com/3hP2vBL8.  Have not been able to resolve these issues! Help needed!!!13:57
BluesKajTBotNik:  why not use kate ?14:02
rbergits true kate is pretty great.. but apt is broken now on that system. I would dpkg force remove those libjpeg8 debs for both archs then do a apt-get update and apt-get -f install.. and hope that apt can sort its self out from there14:06
TBotNikBluesKaj: Been using Gedit with it's developer plugins for over 15 years and can get more done and do not have to learn something new.  I'm working in either BASH, PHP or JavaScript, exclusively!14:08
BluesKajTBotNik:  then why ask here, this is kubuntu support14:08
BluesKajrberg:  apt is working fine here14:09
rbergTBotNik: had you run a apt-get update lately? its odd that libjpeg8:amd64 is at 8c-2ubuntu7 and libjpeg8:i386 is at 8d-1 ?14:10
rbergBluesKaj: I bet it is :) but TBotNik is going to have problems leaving apt in that state14:10
BluesKajdin't know he broke it14:11
BluesKajit pays to update/upgrade periodically, that's for sure14:12
TBotNikBluesKaj, rberg: Have run both "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade".  The Gedit install said run "apt-get upgrade" so I did, re-ran install, then it said run "apt-get -f install" and those are the errors from that, which I posted.14:18
ShalokShalomhi there14:18
ShalokShalomhow can i use the super key (windows button) to open K-Menu ?14:18
ShalokShalomlike its default in unity / netrunner and other distros ?14:18
TBotNikBluesKaj, rberg: I had previously run "dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb" from the dir where I downloaded the current TV 64B version from their web site.  That had so many dependency issues that I had to open a ticket with TV support.14:22
BluesKajupdate only sets up the the upgradeable packages to install or upgrade it oesn;t upgrade or install until you use the upgrade command, TBotNik14:22
TBotNikBluesKaj: Thinking these dep issues may have been caused/set by the TV install, but never had to face this issue before and have no knowledge on resetting dependency trees.14:24
rbergI cant remember what team viewer deb I installed.. multiarch or not14:36
rbergsays its i386 so must be the multiarch version14:37
BluesKajmine is 32 bit , but it doesn't launch14:37
TBotNikrberg: The TV ver8b works fine in 64B.  Tried to upgrade from there but the "Upgrade" button in TV8b is missing on the dialog box.  That was when I opened the ticket with TV support.14:38
BluesKajbut I'm on 14.10 :)14:39
BluesKajwhat's the tv version .... higher res?14:39
BluesKajanyway I removed it since it's broken here14:44
BluesKajteam viewer i386 that is14:44
* BluesKaj wonders what other packages to remove that don't launch or work14:48
ali_i am ubuntu user15:02
ali_and i how to change to kubuntu ??15:03
geniiali_: The simplest way is to install the package called kubuntu-desktop15:03
geniiali_: I would also recommend the package lightdm-kde-greeter to go along with it15:04
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ali_tnx but  if like back agian gnom is sinlest??15:05
ali_genii tanx , i can back again??15:08
skinuxAre there any known bugs causing screen brightness to adjust without being told to do so?15:12
BluesKajali_: kubuntu-desktop doesn't remove gnome, yoi choose your desktop at login page15:13
geniiali_: If the package ubuntu-desktop and all the normal ubuntu parts get removed when you install kubuntu, you can switch back again by installing the ubuntu-desktop package and the unity-greeter package15:13
function9uhm on the topic it says "Polo Shirts are available again!!" the medium size shirts are out of stock. Any idea when they will be back in stock again?15:26
geniifunction9: That's up to jussi, but he's been extremely busy as of late15:27
function9oh ok15:28
th3initiat3linux user ?16:23
th3initiat3klkl, are you regular user of this channel >?16:24
pulkitfirst time after a long time :)16:24
th3initiat3same, im new to irc16:24
th3initiat3how do you find channels on irc16:24
pulkitentertaining!! ;)16:25
Shaan7usually you'd read that on some website or someone tells you16:25
Shaan7there is a /list you can do, but its virtually useless16:25
BluesKajth3initiat3:  depends on your irc client16:25
th3initiat3i see16:25
th3initiat3how long you been using irc ?16:26
BluesKajmost channels are named after the linux OS support or chat topic16:27
th3initiat3i see how the list thing worrks16:28
th3initiat3and how the channels are structured16:28
th3initiat3what about proxy is they any need for one ?16:28
th3initiat3organized ?16:31
BluesKajby channel names like #kubuntu, #ubuntu #windows etc16:34
skilzHow do I change my session to a different wm/dm?16:34
BluesKajdo you mean desktop environment or window manager or both?16:37
skilzWell I just downloaded mate-desktop16:37
skilzand I want to switch to it16:37
BluesKajat login page16:38
lordievaderGood evening.17:16
skilzIs it possible to substitute the name on the selected app from the top left of the bar and change it to a icon picture or a font picture?18:01
skilzKinda like how OS X has the apple in the top left18:01
skilzBut I want a tux penguin or ubuntu logo18:01
lordievaderskilz: Could you show a screenshot of what you mean?18:02
skilzlordievader, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/70/OS_X_Mountain_Lion_Screenshot.jpg18:05
BluesKajskilz:  ask in #ubuntu18:05
skilzSee the Apple icon/logo/button in the to right?18:05
skilzI am banned for some reason. Strange because I just installed Ubuntu18:05
ikoniaskilz: if you join #ubuntu-ops we can sort out your ban18:06
danikvsnIs anyone here a kubuntu dev?18:07
BluesKajdanikvsn:  ask in #kubunty-devel18:08
BluesKajoops kubuntu-devel18:08
BluesKajsuddenly dark in here , storms18:09
lordievaderskilz: Ain't the kde desktop already like that?18:17
lordievaderI have a large blue K in my top left corner.18:17
ikonialordievader: not in ubuntu unity18:17
lordievaderIf people come in here I assume they run Kubuntu...18:18
ikonianormally a wise assumption, not in this case sadly18:19
lordievaderGuess ppl don't read channel topics... :(18:20
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newnickif it's ubuntu related any 'buntu will do18:25
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lordievaderIf it is about the core of Ubuntu perhaps, but this seemed very much about the DE.18:27
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BluesKajIt was a hit of sarcasm18:36
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lordievaderSarcasm is allways difficult to spot in text.18:39
acangianiI am actually using 14.04 and i would like to use the new kde plasma 5 release, can anyone help me out?19:42
lordievaderacangiani: https://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE#Using_Project_Neon_5_for_Frameworks_5_Development19:43
acangianiBut plasma 5 today was released as a stable release rigth?19:46
lordievaderNot to my knowledge.19:48
lordievaderBeta2 it seems: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:LdFnufljt_IJ:techbase.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nl19:49
soeeif you arent experienced user i would suggest to wait till final19:51
lordievaderRC already? Nice.19:51
soeeim using RC atm with Kubtunu 14.1019:51
soeebut there were some issues installing it19:51
soeeand making things work :)19:51
soeebut now it looks nice19:51
soeethe biggest issue is Dolhin not working19:52
acangianiOhhh, i thought the realease was today, how long i have to wait?19:53
soeefor final release ?19:53
soeeit was RC http://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.0-rc.php19:54
lordievaderJuly 15 I see in the schedule.19:54
soeeyup, also it wont be available in 14.0419:54
acangianiso 6 mores days. I was so exited :(19:54
soeeonly 14.10 i think19:54
lordievadersoee: Project neon5 is available for trusty.19:54
acangianibut if i install the development version, then it will switch to the stable release?19:55
soeedev version of ?19:55
acangianiplasma 519:55
soeeyes it will be available through ppa, so updates will move you to stable19:56
acangianiso if i install the realease candidates then when the stable release its out it will upgrade automatically?19:57
acangianiif so, how can i install the release candidate?19:58
lordievaderacangiani: See the first link I gave you.19:58
acangianithanks for the help :D19:58
soeeacangiani: i suggest to wait few days, some packages you have to install manually, some have dependency problems like kio-extras (no images preview, thumbs etc)19:59
soeedolphin not working :)19:59
BluesKajacangiani: for kubuntu. i'd wait for a few days if you're usingf an intel gpu, there' a few problems with mesa atm19:59
dmatthello, I have 14.04 on Elitebook 8470w and when I boot it with lid closed in docking station, it suspends(or enters sleep) right after login prompt in lightdm is shown19:59
soeeBluesKaj: +119:59
dmattI already disabled all lid actions in powerdevil adn also set HandleLidSwitch=ignore in systemd.conf but it didn't help19:59
BluesKajsoee:  +1 :)20:00
soeeok guys, mundial now :)20:01
dmattwhat else could be making action on closed lid? in 13.10 I did not have such problem20:01
dmattaaaaaah, wrong time to ask :)20:02
lordievaderdmatt: I'd see if root has a different power config.20:02
lordievaderdmatt: Besides, anytime is a good time to ask on IRC.20:03
dmattlordievader: thanks, how would i check root power config?20:13
lordievaderdmatt: Start the systemsettings utility with kdesudo.20:13
dmattlordievader: it says powermanagement module could not be loaded when in root mode20:15
lordievaderdmatt: Hmm, so much for that idea.20:16
dmattlordievader:  powermanagement configuration module to be exact20:16
lordievaderdmatt: Perhaps this helps you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/85705/stop-laptop-from-suspending-when-closing-lid-in-lightdm20:17
dmattlordievader: I do not think it is kde related20:17
dmattchecking it now20:18
lordievaderNo your right, it probably lightdm.20:19
mojtabahello everyone20:20
mojtabahow upgrade kubuntu13.10 to kubuntu14.04??20:21
dmattthe way I see it there must be a advanced logic somewhere, if lid is closed but docking station present and external monitors connected, do not suspend an this is broken for my notebook (and only for 14.04))20:22
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lordievadermojtaba: sudo do-release-upgrade20:26
lordievaderdmatt: I suppose docking station counts as AC connected?20:27
mojtabathank you20:29
dmattlordievader: yes, i dasabled lid actions in all scenarios just to be sure20:31
dmattlordievader: i'm going to reboot now to test upower solution20:35
dmattlordievader: OK, upower was the culprit, now i have to find what could be turn on to get back correct recognition of monitors if I open/close lid20:38
skinuxCan we change background of panel bar without changing desktop background???21:18
rbergskinux: yes system settings / workspace appearance / desktop theme / details / planel background21:27
rbergis that what you were looking for?21:30
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keithzgHmm, seems like oxygen-gtk crashes Meld when you try to do a directory comparison. Changing my GTK2 theme makes it work fine.21:53
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thelionroarshas anyone else noticed that they can't use the keyboard in Chromium when Ibus is running?22:10
jussithelionroars: yeah, I had same thing22:37
=== jussi changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 14.04 LTS is out! http://goo.gl/jQFdZJ
thelionroarsI just quit out of the tray icon, doesn't seem to affect anything22:38

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