
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:14
genii!info povray-doc utopic17:05
ubottuPackage povray-doc does not exist in utopic17:05
geniiIt's a Suggested for povray, along with povray-examples17:07
trismgenii: povray (1: * Disable building the currently empty povray-doc package., looks like the suggest is just a bug in the packaging17:08
* genii makes more coffee17:12
lordievaderGood evening.17:17
geniiGetting a core dump on starting k3d. Just filed bug 133924818:11
ubottubug 1339248 in k3d (Ubuntu) "Crashes with core dump on start." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133924818:11
=== BluesKaj is now known as newnick
=== newnick is now known as Bluesa
=== Bluesa is now known as Blueskaj_
=== Blueskaj_ is now known as Blueskaj___
=== Blueskaj___ is now known as BluesKaj
ryaxnbi joined this channel to make that joke20:17
ryaxnbubuntu+1 = ubunthree20:17

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