
dakerhi t1mp00:09
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dholbachgood morning07:21
nhainesdholbach: good morning!07:43
nhainesThanks for approving my app update.  :)07:43
dholbachhey nhaines07:43
dholbachno worries :)07:43
nhainesThe hard part was figuring out why it has broken in trusty on up.  But once that nut was cracked, it's nice to get a quick update (especially since the icon and screenshots updated immediately.)07:46
nik90_zbenjamin: Good morning. Your suggestion helped fix bug 133880707:59
ubot5bug 1338807 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Cannot run or install application on devices and emulator" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133880707:59
zbenjaminnik90_: thought so , so i close the bug?07:59
nik90_zbenjamin: I marked it as invalid since it was a local issue on my machine07:59
zbenjaminnik90_: awesome thx :)08:00
nik90_zbenjamin: just a heads up, I can no longer stop an application by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F12. However I am able to close the application by closing it manually on the phone. Although I get a deprecated warning http://paste.ubuntu.com/7764259/08:01
zbenjaminnik90_: yes i know about the deprecated warning08:02
nik90_zbenjamin: ah ok08:03
zbenjaminnik90_: i will make it go away but i need to make sure it will work on older device images as well08:03
nik90_zbenjamin: I was just bringing it to your attention. If it is already in your radar, fine by me :)08:04
zbenjaminnik90_: always throw issues at me if you have some :)08:05
mihirballoons: ping !!08:13
mihirballoons: did we got anyway we can run autopilots on trusty ?08:13
nik90_zbenjamin: hey if you have some time could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jpakkane/ubuntu-clock-app/utopiccmake/+merge/225694 and provide a code diff? We are unable to get past the "unable to open desktop file for reading issue".08:14
zbenjaminnik90_: just looking at it08:15
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy SCUD Day! :-D08:33
zbenjaminnik90_: can you start the app on the device? for me it seems like the desktop file is named com.ubuntu.clock.desktop instead of ubuntu-clock-app.desktop08:38
nik90_zbenjamin: I cannot run it on the device..the manifest file reads ubuntu-clock-app.desktop08:39
nik90_zbenjamin: hence I renamed the desktop file to com.ubuntu.clock.desktop and tried running08:39
zbenjaminnik90_: yes, but your cmake file creates a com.ubuntu.clock.desktop08:39
nik90_zbenjamin: when I try to run on device, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7764433/08:41
nik90_zbenjamin: which shows it receiving a failed event when trying to start the application. not sure what that failure that means08:41
zbenjaminnik90_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7764452/08:45
zbenjaminnik90_: that made it start on the desktop, on the device i get (process:10496): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/32011/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.08:46
popeydholbach: can you please review https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/90/changerequest/ ?08:47
popeydholbach: ignore me, you already did08:48
nik90_zbenjamin: hmm08:48
zbenjaminnik90_: maybe a missing policy?08:50
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dholbachpopey, anytime :)08:50
nik90_zbenjamin: I think I may be missing the "calendar" policy since i use alarms08:50
zbenjaminnik90_: yes, now it runs08:51
zbenjaminnik90_: if you try on your device i would suggest to change the app id while you work on it08:52
zbenjaminnik90_: otherwise your default clock application might get broken08:52
nik90_zbenjamin: yeah I will do that..08:52
nik90_zbenjamin: when the new qtcreator-ubuntu-plugin hits the archive, would removing the PPA suffice or would I have to purge the packages from the ppa and reinstall from archive?09:04
zbenjaminbzoltan: ^^09:04
bzoltannik90_:  the first step will be to release the new QtC and the plugins to the SDK PPA. Releasing it to the LTS with and SRU is a bigger job.09:05
zbenjaminbzoltan: i think he has the tools-development ppa09:06
zbenjaminnik90_: you use the sdk ppa normally right?09:06
bzoltannik90_: zbenjamin: ohh.. the tools-development should be purged09:07
nik90_bzoltan: yeah I was referring to the tools-development ppa and also in a 14.10 VM09:12
nik90_zbenjamin: yeah I use the sdk ppa normally09:13
bzoltannik90_:  the tools-development will have the experimental stuff .. kind of unstable SDK for beta testing09:13
nik90_bzoltan: ah ok..so I will purge the ppa once the new releases hit the archive in 14.10 and continue normally09:14
bzoltannik90_:  I would purge it when the new release hits the SDK PPA.. landing to the Trusty archive will take some time I am afraid..09:15
DanChapmannik90_, morning :-) so you have it working now?09:17
bzoltannik90_:  I think one problem with the utopiccmake branch of the clock app is that the desktop.in file has wrong name. The manifest file states that the desktop file is  ubuntu-clock-app.desktop but the app folder has the com.ubuntu.clock.desktop.in09:17
bzoltannik90_:  I think the project needs some name syncing and then it will work09:20
bzoltannik90_: zbenjamin: I am afraid that some tools get confused with the ubuntu-clock-app vs. com.ubuntu.clock names09:23
zbenjaminbzoltan: yes, i told nik90_ how he can run the project and i work on a way to make the desktop finding for local projects more stable09:24
bzoltanzbenjamin:  working on it means that I should wait for a fix before this release?09:25
zbenjaminbzoltan: what i will do is: ask the manifest file in the project dir for the name of the desktop and search it in the builddir and project dir, if i cannot find it  i use the hookname as base for the desktop file name, if i cannot find that i use the project name and then fail if there is still nothing09:25
zbenjaminbzoltan: code is ready i'm testing it now09:25
bzoltanzbenjamin:  that makes sense09:25
bzoltanzbenjamin:  take my money and gimme the code! :D I want it ..09:26
zbenjaminbzoltan: i will push it to one of the 2 branches in the SIlo09:26
mihirpopey: ping09:26
bzoltanzbenjamin:  cooool09:27
popeymihir: pong09:34
mihirpopey:  could you confirm the other scenario i commented it on device ?09:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1338956 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date/time changer hidden when textfields have focus" [Medium,New]09:34
* popey looks09:34
popeymihir: left a comment09:37
mihirpopey: thanks :)09:37
nik90_zbenjamin: cool!09:39
zbenjaminbzoltan: its in the manifesttest branch, have fun ;)09:39
nik90_bzoltan: yeah I realised that..zbenjamin sent me a code diff to get it working on the device09:39
nik90_DanChapman: Good morning :-)09:39
nik90_DanChapman: yeah after making a couple of changes, it seems to be working09:39
nik90_DanChapman: I am going to create a new branch and do some testing and if they are ready, I will propose a MP09:40
nik90_DanChapman: good lord, the new clock app looks terrible on the device09:54
* nik90_ got lot of work to do09:54
DanChapmannik90_, hehe :-) yes there is quite a difference isn't there09:55
popeynik90_: terrible how?09:55
nik90_popey: as in the background image is not placed correctly and the animation is incorrect09:56
nik90_popey: my development fault..not the design :)09:56
nik90_DanChapman: :)09:56
DanChapmanouch! 50% CPU usage just viewing my inbox and leaving it open, spikes to 100 as soon as I start scrolling. That's BAD!! :-/10:00
DanChapmanpopey, ^^ could you confirm you get the same for me please :-)10:01
popeylet me see10:01
popeysat at inbox its idle10:02
popeysorry, sat at "Mail box" it's idle10:02
popeytapped inbox, now it's busy busy10:02
popeyalso 28% unity810:03
popeyand it's not actually getting mail10:03
popeyI'm seeing old mail10:04
popeyi hit the sync button and the popup appears at the bottom then goes away10:04
popeybut it's not syncing my mail10:04
DanChapmanmeh that sucks. Try going back and then back into Inbox does it fetch them?10:05
DanChapmancool not totally broken then. :-)10:13
popeyever the optimist10:20
nik90_popey: http://imgur.com/mAWajsc10:47
nik90_zbenjamin: hey, I tried changing manifest.json to manifest.json.in to configure some variable during the build http://paste.ubuntu.com/7765084/11:25
nik90_zbenjamin: however when I run on device, I get "Custom Executable: Could not find the executable, please specify one"11:26
nik90_zbenjamin: what is it referring to? Cause in app/CMakelist.txt, this is done for the .desktop.in file as well11:26
nik90_DanChapman: may be you might know this ^^11:49
DanChapmannik90_, ahh yes i've seen that. From what i make of it QtC looks at manifest.json to determine how to execute it. You do no actually need the .in extension in order to configure it. I ended up just leaving it as manifest.json to work round it11:59
nik90_DanChapman: but when I put variables such as @PROJECT_NAME@, they are not replaced with the proper values during build12:03
nik90_DanChapman: they stay as @PROJECT_NAME@ instead of ubuntu-clock-app for instance12:03
nik90_DanChapman: nevermind you were right..so I did configure_file(manifest.json ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/manifest.json) without renaming it to manifest.json.in12:08
DanChapmannik90_, :-D do you use the bzr revno in the manifest? if so it might be worth sticking configure_file inside an add_custom_command() so it get's configured on each build and you always have up to date bzr revno12:12
nik90_DanChapman: yup I am using bzr revno in the manifest12:15
rpadovanioSoMoN, thanks for all your suggestions for reminders, and for the workaround :-)12:23
rpadovanimzanetti, if you want to take a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/upgradeToOxide/+merge/22573712:24
oSoMoNrpadovani, you’re welcome, thanks for filing the bug in the first place!12:24
mzanettioSoMoN: yeah, thanks a lot for helping out!12:24
oSoMoNrpadovani, note that I submitted a fix for oxide, hopefully it’s merged soon and makes it into version 1.1.112:24
rpadovanioSoMoN, cool!12:25
mzanettirpadovani: quite busy atm... will review it later, maybe only tomorro12:25
rpadovaniok, see you tomorrow then :-)12:26
rpadovaniballoons, o/ Could you help me to undestand what's wrong with this Jenkins failure?12:32
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popeyrpadovani: just re-triggered then noticed (pending - Jenkins is about to shut down )12:44
popeyrpadovani: will take a look when it comes back12:44
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mterryAnyone work on the UITK here?  Or know how to have Dialogs and the OSK interact well?13:02
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DanChapmanogra_, hey, when/if you get a chance could you try http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpniel/dekko/click/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko_0.2.1-dirty_armhf.click and let me know if the message list is still not updating for you13:52
ogra_DanChapman, busy atm, but will test later and let you know :)13:55
ogra_thanks !!13:55
DanChapmanogra_, that would be great, thanks. :-)13:56
balloonspopey, care to give a review for autopkgtest? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/autopkgtest/+merge/22591014:36
bzoltannik90_:  about the .desktop file14:37
nik90_bzoltan: ?14:38
nik90_bzoltan: I got a working branch now at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-click-packaging/+merge/22594614:38
bzoltannik90_: the desktop file name is wrong,  you better chane in the cmake files how the desktop file is named or in the manifest file14:38
bzoltannik90_: nice :) let me test it14:39
nik90_bzoltan: yeah. I made sure that the cmake, manifest and desktop file name point to ubuntu-clock-app.desktop14:39
nik90_bzoltan: :)14:39
bzoltannik90_:  you rock!14:39
nik90_bzoltan: I just did the finishing touches..most of it was done by zbenjamin, jussi and help from you and DanChapman14:40
bzoltannik90_:  in the meantime I have a release candidate with a more tolerant run/packaging logic14:40
nik90_bzoltan: awesome14:41
bzoltannik90_:  Yes :) I know. I have spent  some hours today on figuring out what should we do and what should the app do... I think we have a good compromise14:41
nik90_bzoltan: looking forward to it14:42
bzoltannik90_: good to go http://picpaste.com/clock-pm4MxUiE.png14:43
nik90_bzoltan: https://plus.google.com/113051860352311525753/posts/aw7WDck2Wrr :)14:44
nik90_bzoltan: I just need to do one more thing before merging it. I want to introduce variables like @BZR_REVNO@ to the manifest.json file to ensure that the version is automatically updated.14:45
nik90_bzoltan: I will have a go at it tomorrow14:45
bzoltannik90_: I push this QtC plugin release thru the CI and push an update to the tools-development PPA for trusty testing14:45
bzoltannik90_: good job! thank you!14:45
nik90_bzoltan: yeah sure, I have the PPA installed, will test it14:45
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elopiokenvandine: ping again, about testing the content hub.15:59
kenvandinehey elopio16:01
elopiokenvandine: hello! Let me tell you about our scenario and then you can decide if you want to run away :)16:04
kenvandinesure ;)16:04
kenvandineelopio, i'm running out to lunch in about 10m or so :)16:04
kenvandinebut i won't be running away from you16:04
elopiokenvandine: rhuddie is writing tests for the address book + gallery integration. We have a test at a really high level that will open the address book, click the contact picture, select a picture from the gallery picker and get back to the addres book.16:05
elopiobut we want a lower level to get faster feedback that what we would get with this one.16:05
elopioso we are trying to test the address book in isolation.16:06
elopiowe have two options:16:06
elopio1. use a fake content hub dbus service, and check that when we click the picture, the right messages are sent to the content hub.16:06
kenvandineso what you want is something on the service side that responds to the request without actually opening the gallery16:06
elopio2. use a test peer that will communicate to the address book during our test.16:06
elopiokenvandine: right.16:07
kenvandinei wonder if we could have a test peer that has no UI16:07
kenvandinejust automatically charges the transfer16:07
kenvandineand exits16:07
elopiokenvandine: that would be the perfect #2 option.16:07
elopioso, we started with option #1 because option #2 is testing too much of the content hub16:08
kenvandinei prefer testing more of the hub itself :)16:08
elopiobut now we have half of the service and there are too many methods to implement and it's becoming hard to read.16:08
kenvandineblurred lines of integration testing :)16:08
kenvandineyeah... it'll be hard to maintain as well16:08
kenvandineanother 3rd option16:09
kenvandineadd a test mode to the hub16:09
kenvandineso when run in test mode16:09
kenvandineit automatically charges import requests16:09
elopiokenvandine: yes, we found the hard way :) As content-hub is a direct dependency of address book, it wouldn't be that bad to fully excercise it during the autopilot tests.16:09
elopiokenvandine: oh, that would be magic.16:09
kenvandineit would...16:09
kenvandinebut, personally i'd like the integration tests to test more of the hub16:10
elopiono need to maintain the test peer either. It would be like an integrated test peer.16:10
kenvandinei know isolation can be good for just testing the address-book16:10
kenvandinebut if we exercise the hub it would help find hub bugs... which is otherwise hard to test16:10
elopiokenvandine: so you vote for option #2? rhuddie: sounds good?16:11
kenvandinethat's my vote :)16:11
kenvandineoption 3 is my second pick16:11
elopiokenvandine: we still can add a lower level test in addition to this one, for fast feedback without using the content hub16:11
kenvandinebut more work16:11
rhuddieelopio, kenvandine, #2 sounds great. We would obviously need to configure the hub in test mode whilst running our test16:11
elopiothat would be QML, just checking that we call the right content hub declarative.16:11
elopiorhuddie: that's option #3.16:12
kenvandinebut since the hub has no UI, integration testing of the service relies on apps like this16:12
elopiooption #2 is the test peer without UI that just replies with a picture.16:12
kenvandinethe test peer could just see a transfer request for a picture and immediate charge it with  a picture16:12
kenvandineit could handle all the types16:13
kenvandineand even multiples16:13
rhuddieyes, #2 sounds ideal for what we need16:13
kenvandineif ContentType.SelectionType is multiple, it could charge it with several16:13
elopiokenvandine: do you have some time to help us with this test peer?16:13
kenvandineand it helps test the hub, which is not well tested atm16:13
kenvandinei think so16:13
kenvandinebfiller, mind if i spend some time this week on that?16:13
kenvandineafter the move stuff the music-app needs?16:14
kenvandinei think it could be  a big win for testing :)16:14
elopiokenvandine: it will be. You will earn a sticker with a smiley face from QA to wear proudly during the next sprint :D16:16
elopiokenvandine: last thing before you go to launch. We also discussed a little about seeding some autopilot tests for the examples on the content hub.16:17
elopiowould that be useful for you?16:17
kenvandinei love stickers :)16:18
kenvandineadding autopilot tests using my examples?16:18
elopiokenvandine: yes, seeding is adding two or three initial tests to show devs how to make more, and help them when they want to add more.16:20
kenvandinethat would be awesome :)16:20
kenvandineand much appreciated16:20
elopiogood. I'll see if we can schedule somebody to write them next week. I think I'll have time.16:21
elopiokenvandine: you have been really useful. Thanks. Lets wait for bfiller.16:21
* kenvandine likes being useful16:21
kenvandinei should be able to do it16:21
rhuddieelopio, kenvandine, thanks a lot16:22
kenvandineelopio, your first use case is testing selecting a photo for addressbook right?16:22
elopiokenvandine: yes.16:22
kenvandineaddress book also shares contacts16:22
kenvandinebut i guess that's the other direction :)16:22
kenvandinefor now... i don't think sharing vcard over mms has landed yet16:23
kenvandinethen we'll need the test peer to provide a vcard16:23
kenvandinei'll start with a photo, and we can add more later16:23
elopiokenvandine: brendand is close to that scenario, working on the integration of messaging app and address book. So we will be bothering you often.16:24
elopioyou had your chance to run16:24
kenvandineit won't be hard16:24
kenvandineand i'm excited about getting the hub tested more16:24
kenvandineit's a tough thing to test by itself16:24
kenvandinewe have unit tests16:25
kenvandineso this will be very useful :)16:25
kenvandineok, i'm heading to lunch... bbiab16:25
elopiobuen provecho.16:26
rpadovanipopey, there is a user that is a couple of weeks that spams on a lot of bugs on lp. THere is nothing you can do? :-)16:30
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kenvandinerpadovani, i'm stepping away, but would love to hear about your first experiences with bacon2d16:31
rpadovanikenvandine, I'll be more precise on next days but....16:31
popeyrpadovani: yeah, i just saw that myself16:31
rpadovanifucking awesome :-)16:31
kenvandinerpadovani, sweet... well feedback is welcome :)16:31
* kenvandine really leaves now16:32
rpadovanikenvandine, see you, and thasnk :-)16:32
elopioping artmello. Can I bring your attention to this branch?16:43
bfillerkenvandine: should be fine16:47
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dholbachbeuno, can scope authors specify screenshots and icons and will they be used anywhere?17:07
beunodholbach, yes, in the scopes scope17:10
dholbachok cool17:10
ogra_DanChapman, so i tested your new click ... but i get an error pop up that is sadly cut off on the sides17:12
ogra_DanChapman, starting the app newly works without error but the last message in my inbox is still from saturday17:14
* ogra_ wonders what to delete in his homedir to make sure to start afresh17:14
dholbachbeuno, do we basically tell folks to "click build ."17:15
dholbachbeuno, or is there something in the SDK to do it17:15
DanChapmanogra_ :-(. If you wipe the config ~/.config/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko/ it will destroy & recreate the the cache on setting up again17:16
ogra_i tried a bunch of the former troijita clicks, perhaps there is some mess left over17:17
dpmpopey, on the next file manager app meeting (or perhaps in e-mail), could you remind the guys to review each other's branches? This would take 3 MRs off the red and orange list17:17
DanChapmanogra_, what imap server/service do you use? I've tried that click on loads of different ones today (dovecot, cyrus, gmail, hotmail and exchange) and they all worked reasonably well, bar gmail but thats a braindead server anyway :-)17:18
ogra_dovecot in my LAN17:18
artmelloelopio: i removed the skip on this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~artmello/gallery-app/gallery-app-reenable_AP_test/+merge/22597817:18
artmelloelopio: but it seems to fail on Jenkins17:18
artmelloelopio: probably we need the changes on the MR you mentioned17:19
dholbachdpm, kyleN, mhall119, popey: do you know if there's anything in the SDK which lets me write and package a scope as a click, or would I have to just "click build ."?=17:19
dholbachsorry, just run "click build ."17:19
dpmdholbach, there is not yet support for click packaging in the SDK's scopes templates IIRC17:20
kyleNdholbach, I took a hard look recently at pkging scopes to click.17:20
popeyi do not17:20
beunodholbach, I don't know how they are built17:20
dpmzbenjamin, do you know? ^17:20
kyleNone can build them.17:20
elopioartmello: thanks! rhuddie will be helping you getting it to stable.17:20
dholbachok, so "click build ." it is17:20
dholbachthat'll take some more doc writing then17:21
kyleNwhat I do is use the SDK cross building to create the arch specific .so file and etc (that's Cmake and Build in the IDE)17:21
kyleNthen I run  script to create tmy clickdir with the contents and structure I want, grabbing files from the source dir and the build dir as needed17:21
kyleNthen I click build clickdir17:21
ogra_DanChapman, ok, i wiped everything and started over ... lets see if it updates once i get a new mail :)17:23
dholbachthanks kyleN17:23
dholbachbeuno, dpm: so that's a bit more than "just take the 'publish app' docs" then17:23
kyleNdholbach, yw.17:23
dpmdholbach, yes, the existing scope templates in the SDK need to add support for packaging, essentially17:24
dholbachuntil then I guess I'll need to write something up17:25
ogra_DanChapman, hmm, i sent myself a test mail and it showed up ... that looks a lot better, i guess the old crift i had around might have caused the issue17:29
nik90_ogra_: oops sent you an email :P17:30
ogra_but it doesnt like to show me the content of that mail17:30
ogra_i wonder if thats due to my gpg signature17:30
ogra_now it doesnt show my inbox content but the inbox subfolders instead17:31
ogra_nik90_, heh, thanks ... but i only see it on my laptop17:32
ogra_seems i'm back to the state where it doesnt update anymore17:32
DanChapmanogra_, clicking on the progression arrow shows the subfolders. Click anywhere else and it opens the maillist for that mailbox.17:33
DanChapmandarn so it's done it again17:33
ogra_thats pretty cool !17:33
ogra_(if you know about it ... )17:34
ogra_"y108 BAD Error in IMAP command SELECT: Invalid QRESYNC parameters"17:34
ogra_thats what i see in the log17:34
ogra_yup, every time i tap on the reload button this line appears17:37
DanChapmanyeah it's the not the clearest of ways to navigate the mailbox tree. Ideas welcome :-)17:37
DanChapmanAhh great that gives me something to work on17:37
dholbachdpm, zbenjamin, kyleN: do you know if there's a bug open for making the "package my scope" workflow happen in qtcreator?17:38
kyleNdholbach, sorry, not sure.17:38
dpmdholbach, not that I know of.17:38
kenvandinebfiller, cool17:39
DanChapmanogra_, could you try wiping just the cache under ~/.cache/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel/dekko.17:41
ogra_same error17:42
dholbachdpm, kyleN, zbenjamin: filed 133923717:52
dpmbug 133923717:52
ubot5bug 1339237 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Publishing scopes should be as easy as it is for apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133923717:52
dpmthanks dholbach17:53
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dholbachdpm, beuno: udpated developer.u.c/publish/ with some very simple and preliminary content on how to publish scopes - I'll start a conversation with all related teams to improve it together - this should be a team effort18:07
dpmthanks dholbach!18:08
beunodholbach, sweet, thank you18:10
dholbachdpm, I'll mention the mail you just sent18:10
DanChapmanogra_, if possible could you try one last thing for me in ~/.config/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko.conf could you add, "imap.capabilities.blacklist=QRESYNC" and see if that resolves it. I need to implement some kind of logging to better address this further, but hopefully that should get it working for you temporarily18:50
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ogra_DanChapman_afk, that seems to help19:20
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dakeryo popey22:23
dakeror mhall11922:24
ahayzen_nik90_, t1mp, has the new SDK header stuff landed yet?22:28
nik90_ahayzen_: looking at the ui-toolkit trunk it seems so22:29
ahayzen_nik90_, hmmm so should jenkins be failing with this?
ahayzen_nik90_, specifically 'PageHeadState is not a type'22:30
nik90_ahayzen_: it shouldn't be technically..I will have to check in my utopic vm if the update has landed though22:30
ahayzen_nik90_, ah yes good plan... i'll check as well22:31
ahayzen_nik90_, so what are you doing about the trusty coreapps PPA now? as the app won't run on trusty?22:31
nik90_ahayzen_: we cant do much :/22:31
ahayzen_nik90_, :( no way of gettting it to run on trusty? i guess it would need qt5.3 as well...not as simple as before where someone could just copy the uitk packages over22:32
nik90_ahayzen_: exactly...Qt 5.3 is required and I dont think they have the time to backport it22:33
ahayzen_nik90_, no damn so guess we'll have to turn off the recipes for trusty then22:33
ahayzen_nik90_, my utopic machine says there is a 07/07 build so jenkins should have got that?22:35
nik90_ahayzen_: it should be 0.1.48+14.10.20140707-0ubuntu1 so yes22:35
nik90_ahayzen_: I am not sure about jenkins though22:35
nik90_ahayzen_: may be it hasnt been updated22:36
nik90_ahayzen_: I got a small issue. I am using the QML FolderListModel to show the ringtones folder. However on the phone it appears empty while on the desktop it works as expected. I ensured that the package is installed on the phone22:39
ahayzen_nik90_, if you go to system-settings and then click on the ringtones do they play for u?22:40
ahayzen_nik90_, they haven't been working for me in the recent images22:40
* nik90_ checks now22:40
ahayzen_nik90_, maybe that is part of the issue22:40
=== _salem is now known as salem_
nik90_ahayzen_: yeah I don't hear it either22:41
nik90_ahayzen_: but that shouldn't be a reason for not displaying the files either?22:41
nik90_ahayzen_: or perhaps it is a permission issue?22:42
ahayzen_nik90_, unless they have moved... or more likely that :)22:42
nik90_ahayzen_: nah, I checked the filesystem manually. They are in the folder I specified22:42
ahayzen_nik90_, so permissions then?22:43
ahayzen_nik90_, who are the files owned by?22:44
nik90_ahayzen_: not sure22:44
ahayzen_nik90_, what is the output of a ls -l on the folder?22:44
nik90_ahayzen_: root22:44
ahayzen_nik90_, thats the issue22:45
nik90_ahayzen_: but I am only reading the folder and not writing into it22:45
ahayzen_nik90_, we had music files not playing when they were root ... try changing them to phablet and see wht happens22:45
anti_hi guts22:46
nik90_ahayzen_: I tried sudo chown -R phablet Ubuntu.ogg22:47
nik90_ahayzen_: however it says it is a read-only system22:47
nik90_for some reason22:47
ahayzen_nik90_, ah u may have to make it writable to modify the files but these should probably be readable by default22:47
nik90_I will check with seb128 to see if the system settings apps not being able to play ringtones is an issue22:50
* nik90_ needs to reboot his system22:50
Diogo_some one out there??23:26
Diogo_guys need some help plzz23:29
Diogo_some one??23:45

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