
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
robrubfiller, just tried assigning your latest silo but one of the URLs is a branch instead of a merge.00:13
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 118 building (started: 20140708 02:05) ===02:04
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bzoltanrobru: hello03:02
robrubzoltan, hiya03:02
bzoltanrobru: What can I do to push the UITK out from the proposed pocket?03:02
robrubzoltan, did you get my email? I filed a bug with the pastebin of the failing test that's blocking it03:03
bzoltanrobru:  I check my mails03:03
bzoltanrobru: I have run the AP tests for the online_accounts -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7763215/03:11
robrubzoltan, uhhh, I dunno.03:12
robrubzoltan, maybe it just needs to be re-run then?03:12
robrulet's see if I have permission to do that...03:12
bzoltanrobru:  most of the times when I see an AP failure a reboot and a re-run helps03:12
bzoltanrobru: and also make sure that he /home/phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit is empty, so the release candidate UITK tests from the -autopilot package are used and not the /home/phablet/autopilot UITK tests what are from the actual release.03:14
robrubzoltan, I wasn't running this locally, that pastebin is from the proposed-migration jenkins thing.03:14
robruyummmy, apparently I have the power to restart those jobs...03:15
bzoltanrobru: I know that. I just wonderif that test environment is properly set up.03:15
bzoltanrobru:  use the force :)03:15
robrubzoltan, no idea what the setup looks like. however the test is marked as 'regression' so it used to pass last time uitk did a release.03:15
bzoltanrobru: let's see what the re-run does... failing tests in my experience are rarely the sign of regression but flaky tests, misconfigured  test environment or simple broken device what needs a reboot.03:17
robrubzoltan, nope, same failure. no idea who we should escalate this to, either03:24
bzoltanrobru: to me, apparently ... we have to wait for t1mp03:25
robrubzoltan, alright, sorry, did all I could.03:25
bzoltanrobru: Is there any other failure, or is that the only one?03:26
robrubzoltan, yeah just the one failure03:26
bzoltanrobru:  I would land the UITK with that03:27
robrubzoltan, it's not up to me, though ;-) I already clicked publish, it's stuck in proposed. if you want to push it through you'll have to appeal to an archive admin like infinity or cjwatson03:27
bzoltanrobru:  I will ping both infinity and cjwatson ... I know it is not up to you. I just think that this UITK is  a super big one to land and it does not make much sense to block it by a test what fails on the CI but does not fail when I run locally03:30
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 118 DONE (finished: 20140708 03:40) ===03:39
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/118.changes ===03:39
Mirv"Object not found with name 'QQuickView'", mmkay. probably some sort of test environment issue?04:12
Mirvbut different on i38604:14
bzoltanMirv: robru: I have reflashed my device with image 118 and re-run the online_accounts_ui tests. All OK04:29
bzoltancjwatson: infinity: Mirv: robru: I would definitely call this case an exception. I can not reproduce the failure and this failure did not show up in any of the 8 test rounds I have run in the last 5 days.04:49
veebersrobru: hey, I've had a silo for a couple of days now, but I've been held back by build issues etc. Should I release mine or is it ok to hold on to it. The build issues et. al will be resolved (my) tomorrow05:22
robruveebers, I don't see any pressing need to free yours, but thanks for letting me know, notied05:26
veebersrobru: sweet, cheers05:26
seb128mandel, hey, what's the status of the u-d-m abi change silo?06:53
bzoltan1Mirv: sil2100: I need your help with the UITK landing. There must be something wrong with the  CI test environment. I have logs from 8 run of the online_accounts_ui tests and they are all OK.07:18
sil2100bzoltan1: hi! Just wanted to ping you about the failing autopkgtests ;)07:18
Mirvbzoltan1: I don't know specifically what's different in autopkgtests test environment from eg image testing or lcoal testing07:18
bzoltan1sil2100:  I am pinging people all around all morning :)07:19
sil2100bzoltan1: I think we might need to bring in pitti, he'll probably know the most07:19
bzoltan1Mirv:  Same here ... I think that failure is false and should be ignored or disabled.07:19
bzoltan1sil2100: Mirv: I am just worried that this will delay the UITK landing... and I can not even do anything. Why not to release it and fix the environment later. If the header would be regressing it would cause test failures all over the apps... it does not.07:22
Mirvwe can't do any overrides either, that's why we need at least someone familiar with the autopkgtest infrastructure07:23
Mirvone good test would be to try to run the same tests with the previous version of the UITK now07:23
Mirvto see if something changed in the infrastructure/environment/other packages that causes this07:23
sil2100bzoltan1: is the main problem in the autopkgtest starting already with "/dev/autopilot-uinput" cannot be opened for writing?07:28
sil2100bzoltan1, Mirv: btw. I see this test started failing earlier already07:29
Mirvthostr_: yay for GUI hotspot functionality! :)07:29
sil2100So it is indeed unrelated07:29
thostr_Mirv: can I get a silo for it?07:30
bzoltan1sil2100: I have no idea what that "/dev/autopilot-uinput"  is whatit is used for07:30
Mirvthostr_: yes, you have 00307:30
sil2100bzoltan1, Mirv: or maybe not, hm, as the last failing run was 12 hours ago - I wonder when we published UITK to the proposed channel07:30
thostr_Mirv: oh, and it will be disabled on n4 by default for now... as this triggers a driver issue meaning it doesn't work there fully yet07:30
Mirvthostr_: ah, ok07:30
thostr_Mirv: so we land it disabled, then we can at least easily test on bq device07:31
Mirvsil2100: it was rerun in the morning07:31
sil2100bzoltan1: actually I see this error during successful tests as well, so hm, unrelated07:31
sil2100The main failure is the Header missing07:31
Mirvsil2100: note that the error is different on amd6407:32
sil2100Mirv: they look the same to me when comparing two logs07:33
sil2100bzoltan1: so running those tests with your new UITK locally on a device results in no failures?07:34
Mirvhey, where did the QQuickView thing go...07:34
Mirvsil2100: oh, right, that was earlier run, now they are the same in the latest run. there have been several reruns07:35
seb128thostr_, hum, are you doing a landing for settings? the mp you listed is not even approved, settings are in a silo and we have at least 3 landings to do then, would be nice to sync up on those07:35
Mirvsil2100: in #85 for example it's QQuickView on amd64, not Header07:36
seb128speaking of which07:36
seb128mandel, if you don't free that u-d-m silo I'm going to do a landing and force you to rebuild u-s-s in your silo ;-)07:36
thostr_seb128: this is for another testing round first07:36
Mirvah, it's annoying the conflicts detector only lists the first conflicting silo07:37
thostr_seb128: or wait... which mp are you talkign about?07:37
sil2100Mirv: you can use the bot to get more info ;)07:37
Mirvthostr_: probably one of that in Finalizing transfer indicator07:37
sil2100But yeah, I can change that today I guess!07:37
thostr_Mirv: yeah, but that has been approved07:38
Mirvthostr_: ok this one probably https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/ubuntu-system-settings/add-option-for-cell-and-wifi-id-reporting/+merge/22584707:38
Mirvin add location detection via cell id to settings07:38
thostr_Mirv: yes, let's wait with that one07:39
seb128thostr_, I was speaking about l2507:42
seb128thostr_, but it's ready "no", so no worry, I'm just giving you an headsup that we have some landing lined up for the next days07:43
seb128thostr_, btw do you still have the flight mode one on your list?07:43
thostr_seb128: yes, but still waiting for urfkill to be confirmed to be fixed07:43
bzoltansil2100:  as you say. Those tests are OK when I run them on the device07:45
sil2100bzoltan: then let's maybe indeed poke pitti, maybe he'll have any ideas07:53
sil2100bzoltan: could you join #ubuntu-devel? I'll poke him there07:53
brendandpsivaa, do you think we need to be starting the builds a little earlier in order to get results in time for the meeting?08:13
brendandpsivaa, it seems we're not longer able to get a full run in the time available08:13
sil2100Did it fail again?08:14
sil2100Since there should be no reasons for the test results not finishing in time, besides some device hang-ups or something08:14
psivaasil2100: brendand: it wasn't the time constraint. but different types of failures in flashing, unlocking screen etc. holding up running a number of tests08:16
psivaasil2100: one such incident for today is 'I: Unlock failed, script output: 'initctl: unable to determine sessions', which we saw earlier too once or twice. keeping the affected device for further debugging08:18
sil2100psivaa: ok08:28
cjwatsonbzoltan: I'm not comfortable overriding this when it's just a hypothesis that it's an environmental failure, sorry08:47
bzoltancjwatson: we got the problem08:47
bzoltancjwatson:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/online_accounts_ui/tests/test_online_accounts_ui.py#L7208:47
cjwatsonOK.  Still catching up on IRC from the several different channels this conversation is spread across08:48
bzoltanThe tests are run with QEMU what is actually  "Desktop"08:48
oSoMoNsil2100, hey, can I have a silo for line 28 ?08:55
sil2100oSoMoN: one moment o/ :)08:55
psivaaogra_: sil2100: the logs are here: http://people.canonical.com/~psivaa/08:59
davmor2ogra_: check with rsalveti about cron I'm sure it is part of his fix for alarms I'm sure I saw him talk about cron08:59
ogra_davmor2, yeah, grepping through the changelogs it seems to be seeded since a while already09:01
davmor2ogra_: yeah blame rsalveti09:01
ogra_no, no ... way before the clock fixes09:01
rsalvetiI didn't add it for sure09:01
ogra_we seem to have it since forever09:02
ogra_i dont get why it wasnt on the image in malta when i looked for it09:02
davmor2ogra_: one thing to knock off your whiteboard at least though right09:03
ogra_davmor2, no, that only means i need to work faster to get the unwanted cron jobs diverted09:03
brendandsil2100, we can land it - just need a lander09:09
davmor2popey: do the honours please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/133895609:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1338956 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date/time changer hidden when textfields have focus" [Undecided,New]09:11
brendandsil2100, who can publish silo's then?09:17
sil2100brendand: o/09:18
sil2100brendand: I can :)09:18
sil2100brendand: is the silo tested?09:18
brendandsil2100, yes - MR approved, etc, etc09:20
sil2100brendand: has the testing plan been executed and no regressions seen? ;) If yes, then move to the silo sheet (sheet for silo 14) and set testing to 'Done'09:23
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mandelogra_, adb is out, right?  how do I reboot in the bootloader?09:32
mandelogra_, or is that just for the shell etc?09:32
sil2100brendand: ok, I guess you did test it properly, yes? Just need a double confirmation and I publish09:35
brendandsil2100, i updated the sheet, ready to go!09:37
brendandsil2100, did you see all the testing finished - 99.5% :)09:38
sil2100brendand: published :) Now we need to wait for it to move out of proposed09:41
ogra_mandel, nothing landed yet09:42
mandelogra_, ah, ok09:42
ogra_so nothing changed either ;)09:42
mandelogra_, I though it was there already :)09:42
ogra_nope, i can only land it once we can actually change the password09:43
ogra_and that is blocked by an adduser bug09:43
mandelogra_, one tiny little question, I keep forgetting how to resize the system so that I can develope in the phone, can you refresh it for me (or point me to a wiki) this time I'll take notes :)09:43
ogra_(mentioned in my mail)09:43
mandelogra_, sorry, I must have missed that email09:43
ogra_mandel, reboot into recovery and use resize2fs against the img file in /userdata09:44
mandelogra_, with adb shell ??09:46
ogra_in recovery, yes09:47
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
bzoltanMirv: I have the refactored the autopilot tests MR ready in the CI Train sheet10:48
bzoltanMirv: in line29 ^^10:48
Mirvbzoltan: ok10:53
Mirvbzoltan: building https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-014-1-build/102/console11:05
bzoltanMirv: thanks11:05
* sil2100 feels tempted to build a new image with the sensor fix11:05
sil2100ogra_: I know that will be a bit of a waste without UITK moving out of proposed yet, but don't you feel tempted as well to see test results without sensor madness? ;)11:06
sil2100ogra_: could we maybe kick a new image like in ~1h? I'm saying 1 hour since I want the recently released stuff to land in the archive, so that we don't have any partial transitions11:08
mandelsil2100, should I worry about silo 12?? or does it seem that everything is ok?11:35
ogra_sil2100, done ...11:38
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 119 building (started: 20140708 11:45) ===11:44
sil2100mandel: let me see11:45
mandelsil2100, thx11:45
sil2100mandel: ah, sadly it will be blocked in proposed for some time11:45
mandelsil2100, may I know why? (mainly for me to understand)11:46
sil2100mandel: we had a test regression in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, so all packages that force running these autopkgtests will now fail11:46
sil2100mandel: (it's due to the UITK landing)11:46
sil2100mandel: but bzoltan and others already have a fix pending for release11:46
sil2100So all should be unblocked soon11:47
mandelsil2100, ah, ok, but there is nothing for me to do, right? I just have to have patience, correct?11:47
mandelI have plenty of it :)11:47
popeywill #119 have the sensors fix?11:47
cjwatsonsil2100: I'm working on running that test locally so that I can arrange for that test to be ignored earlier than the landing11:48
cjwatson(Since apparently it's quicker to have me run tests on my laptop over slow ADSL than it is to land a test fix in the archive; don't ask me, I just work here)11:48
LaneyIt's out of the question to try to upload that fix?11:49
cjwatsonI have no idea, all I get told is that that will delay UITK by another day11:50
cjwatsonWhich sounds like hyperbole to me but whatever11:50
bzoltanMirv: I have added the silo14 to my device and run the  `phablet-test-run online_accounts_ui` it got 4 OK results very quickly11:50
sil2100bzoltan: o/11:51
sil2100cjwatson: well, it seems we'll be landing the fix now I guess11:51
oSoMoNsil2100, can we publish silo 18, please?11:51
sil2100oSoMoN: doing :)11:52
Laneycjwatson: I could probably try running it ~easily if you like11:52
cjwatsonSo "that would block the UITK for an other day" is simply untrue then, shame I wasted all that time11:53
sil2100bzoltan: published11:53
cjwatsonLaney: No, I have a working setup now11:53
cjwatsonBut I'm not going to bother if silo 14 is landing :)11:53
sil2100bzoltan: it's the fix for the failing autopkgtests, right?11:53
sil2100cjwatson: let me double-confirm if the description and my memory is telling the truth11:54
bzoltansil2100:  it is a branch what refactored the autopilot tests for the online_accounts_ui11:54
LaneyIt's test fixes from the changelog11:54
bzoltancjwatson: please do not. I did not expect this MR to land that fast :) let's see the UITK autopkgtests after this change is in11:55
* sil2100 off to lunch11:55
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
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=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does. s-jenkins being prepped for restart
=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
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popeyfginther: when will jenkins be back?13:03
seb128ogra_, there are several ubuntu-touch seed merge requests in the sponsoring queue, could you look at those?13:03
seb128ogra_, ~sergiusens/ubuntu-seeds/utopic_qml-sync-monitor ~ted/ubuntu-seeds/pay-service ~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/touch-content-hub13:04
fgintherpopey, shouldn't be more then 30 minutes now13:05
ogra_seb128, hmm, these should all have been synced13:11
seb128ogra_, "synced"?13:11
ogra_merged, sorry13:11
seb128ogra_, if they did please mark them as such, that works too ;-)13:12
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 119 DONE (finished: 20140708 13:15) ===13:14
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/119.changes ===13:14
sil2100Yaay, now for the test results13:14
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boikosil2100: hi, could you please publish silo 005?13:16
bzoltansil2100: Is there anything i should do with the silo5  to land the address-book AP fix?13:16
davmor2sil2100: oh man I didn't get to annoy ricmm with incessant pinging or anything,  /me shakes his fist at the world13:16
bzoltanboiko:  :D13:17
boikosil2100: no pressure :D13:17
sil2100boiko, bzoltan: sorry guys, it seems the spreadsheet was b0rken and it didn't update the state13:17
sil2100boiko, bzoltan: the cell with some formulas was empty and we simply didn't see it as ready ;) Fixed it and landing13:18
boikosil2100: great! thanks a lot!13:18
bzoltansil2100:  No worries :) the UITK is still blocked by the online-accounts anyway13:18
davmor2sil2100: Am I still looking at 118 for promotion or should I change over to 119?13:19
sil2100davmor2: ah ha! How far are you with testing 118? ;)13:19
davmor2sil2100: mostly done but if 119 has better results on auto tests then 119 would be the better candidate right?13:20
sil2100davmor2: there are some differences, but if you didn't go to far with 118 I guess 119 would be better (but we need test results first anyway!)13:20
sil2100But still, it's like 2 hours away from getting ready13:20
davmor2sil2100: yeah that is fine I'm here till 20:00 BST anyway13:21
davmor2and the match doesn't start till 21:00BST so ogra_ and still promote :D13:21
sil2100Too bad we won't have an isolated image with UITK, but geh! We have a whole week to fix stuff, right?! :)13:24
Mirvsadly the online-accounts still failed (the new one)13:25
Mirvalthough looks funny, it didn't really run properly?13:26
Mirvelopio: sil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/clean_tests/+merge/225437 introduces "import ubuntuuitoolkit" but the package does not depend on ui toolkit13:27
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
Mirv"could not import package online_accounts_ui: No module named 'ubuntuuitoolkit'"13:29
Laneyit's being fixed already13:30
Laneysee #ubuntu-release13:30
fgintherpopey, it's back13:32
bfillersil2100: I need a silo for line 27 when you have a chance13:33
popeythanks fginther13:33
sil2100mvo_: ^ :)13:34
mvo_sil2100: we have free silos again? I'm in!13:34
sil2100mvo_: 2 free silos:O !13:34
mvo_sil2100: thanks, I pay close attention again then :)13:35
brendandsil2100, the fix got landed, i cleaned the silo myself \o13:35
brendandsil2100, from this day forth, let us be free of weird rotation issues!13:36
=== greyback|away is now known as greyback
sil2100brendand: indeed! 119 should have nicer test results :)13:38
brendandsil2100, i tested gallery-app twice with my fix landed, and it didn't fail. so hopefully (*hopefully*), we should only have 2 failures in the next image13:39
brendand(famous last words)13:39
bzoltansil2100: we had a bumpy road for this UITK landing ... but now I see the light at the end of the tunel13:40
ogra_bzoltan, that might just be a train approaching ...13:40
bzoltanogra_: kind of expected this answer :D13:40
bzoltanogra_:  it is a bit hectic that we had to fix like six projects in order to land our innocent UITK13:42
ogra_yeah, i know what you mean13:42
davmor2bzoltan: is the light moving? If not then it's possibly the eurostar still stuck in the tunnel from yesterday :D13:42
bzoltandavmor2: LOL :) but eurostar has two lights13:43
* sil2100 is excited13:48
ogra_about trains ?13:49
Saviqsil2100, I can has silo for lin 31 please?14:12
Saviqor are we down on silos?14:12
Saviqwe could give up 9 if needed14:12
sil2100Saviq: we have one left, but we'll free it up if we need14:13
Saviqsil2100, thanks14:14
Saviqsil2100, FWIW we should be able to land that one, too, soon14:14
seb128sil2100, Saviq: I'm going to m&c one in the next half an hour as well14:15
sil2100Saviq: would be awesome14:15
sil2100seb128: I saw that, thanks o/14:15
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
seb128sil2100, mandel: I'm doing a m&c on silo 012 even if settings is still in proposed, Laney is working on solving the online-accounts test issue and I want to line up another landing for settings14:17
* sil2100 needs to make some coffee14:17
sil2100seb128: ACK14:17
mandelseb128, superb, I'm happy with that :)14:17
oSoMoNsil2100, hey, can I have a silo for line 32? it’s an oxide landing, no MR associated14:17
seb128mandel, ;-)14:17
popeyfginther: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/ubuntu-calculator-app-autolanding/ is that actually working? seems to be taking an age14:26
fgintherpopey, looking14:29
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* popey goes to get fixed car from garage14:30
sil2100oSoMoN: will get you a silo once we have the chance ;)14:30
fgintherpopey, looks to be finishing now14:30
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bzoltansil2100: Mirv: the QtC plugin in the silo17 is good to go14:48
oSoMoNsil2100, looks like there are a couple of free silos now, can I get one for line 32, pretty please?14:59
bzoltanoSoMoN:  You can get mine if the silo17 is landed :D15:00
ogra_mvo_, err ... i see gallery-app being uploaded, did the former upload already migrate out of -proposed ?15:07
mvo_ogra_: uh, that may well be my mistake, sorry15:08
ogra_just make sure nobody releases a click for it15:08
mvo_ogra_: I wonder if there is anything we could do in the spreadsheet to protect against such mistakes15:09
ogra_hmm perhaps ... we dont have such issues that often though ... (and click releases are fully manual atm anyway)15:09
ogra_yours wasnt a mistake ... as long as nobody releases the click15:10
cjwatsonthe next gallery-app click release needs to be synchronised precisely with the libav transition15:11
ogra_cjwatson, thats what i was referring to (we discussed it in the landing meetings yesterday and today)15:11
davmor2mvo_: you mean this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo didn't make it obvious enough?15:11
mvo_davmor2: maybe someone should have put that link into the comments field :P15:12
cjwatsonogra_: ok, great, what's the plan for that?15:12
ogra_cjwatson, waiting til the transition is over15:12
ogra_oh wait, you said libav15:13
cjwatsonogra_: it breaks both ways round; don't we need to make sure to have something ready to go at the same time?15:13
ogra_i was still at exiv215:13
davmor2ogra_: damn you beat me too it :)15:13
cjwatsonogra_: those two transitions are tangled15:14
ogra_ah k15:14
cjwatsonogra_: hence big and complicated and I'm not sure I can predict an exact time15:15
ogra_cjwatson, well afaik we get a new click built every time we merge into trunk ... so its just a matter of making sure to land the click before building the next image after everything got unleached from -proposed15:15
ogra_and to make sure while it is stuck in -proposed that we dont release any click for the app15:15
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks for the silo, can you binary-copy packages from https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/ppa/+packages to the silo?15:21
sil2100oSoMoN: right, I read the comment, let me try that but sadly normally I get evil timeouts always from LP :<15:22
sil2100But let's see, maybe I'll get lucky15:22
oSoMoNsil2100, do you remember how we did it last time round?15:23
sil2100oSoMoN: I think we found someone that LP likes ;)15:23
sil2100Wait, it seems to work this time, let's try15:23
brendandpsivaa, we should get a rerun of the dialer-app tests i think. those results look a bit dodgy15:23
sil2100oSoMoN: hm, the phablet PPA doesn't use the archive builders now does it? Do you remember if we did a binary or source copy last time?15:26
sil2100oSoMoN: is the phablet PPA using -proposed?15:26
oSoMoNsil2100, last time we did a binary copy, but we did it from a different source PPA15:26
sil2100oSoMoN: ok, sadly we have to do a source copy...15:27
oSoMoNsil2100, that’s alright15:27
sil2100oSoMoN: since we have to build with -proposed enabled :|15:27
sil2100So it will take some time, sorry about that15:27
oSoMoNno worries15:27
bfillersil2100: any silos available?15:28
sil2100bfiller: yes! Line 27, right? mvo_ could you maybe try assigining a silo for Bill? ^15:29
bfillersil2100: yes please, line 2715:30
sil2100mvo_: ^ :)15:30
sil2100brendand: uh, on 119 dialer-app had 6 failures15:32
sil2100brendand: could you take a quickie look?15:33
brendandsil2100, yeah i can, but i think we should do a rerun. it's all just dbus timeouts, looks like a fluke15:34
sil2100plars: hello! Can we ask for a re-run of the dialer-app AP suite in smoketesting when it's possible?15:34
plarssil2100: will do15:35
sil2100Thank you :)15:35
ogra_bfiller, not sure anyone told you ye, but please make sure that no gallery-app click lands until the libav/exiv2 transition lets the gallery-app deb out of -proposed (just a heads up)15:35
plarssil2100: mako *just* finished on the smoke tests15:35
ogra_silly dilaer-app :P15:36
ogra_we would be down to 2 failures !!!15:36
bfillerogra_: thanks for the heads up, didn't know about that15:36
sil2100davmor2: how's dogfooooodin' goin'?15:36
ogra_bfiller, yeah seems the transition was only half done yet ... landing the click would make it fall over with missing libs15:37
plarsthe rotation init fix made it in it seems, things are looking *way* better15:37
ogra_brendand and ricmm rock !15:38
* brendand bows15:39
brendandthank you :)15:39
davmor2sil2100: calls, sms, contacts, are good, just doing settings and indicators at the minute then I need to do the hardware tests and then the core apps so far so good15:39
sil2100davmor2: thanks! I guess this image has promotion-potential :815:40
cjwatsonogra_: ditto camera-app, right?15:40
ogra_oh ?15:40
* ogra_ didnt notice 15:40
cjwatsonogra_: that's what the seed comment says anyway15:40
ogra_well we got a new camera-app ... i'm not even sure thats still valid15:41
ogra_last camera click landed on the 4th15:42
ogra_ah, the transition started on the 5th15:42
ogra_cjwatson, if there is really some dependency on the transitioned libs it is not reflected in the deb dependencies of camera-app15:48
cjwatsonogra_: check with ldd?15:48
cjwatsonbut if it doesn't matter, that's good I guess, we should just make sure those seed comments are up to date15:48
ogra_ldd doesnt show any direct dep on exiv2 or libav15:50
brendandsil2100, if it weren't for that stupid dialer_app we'd have just 2 failures!15:52
brendandsil2100, and i guess uitk is on its way to landing15:53
sil2100brendand: no worries, we'll re-run and ENOBUG15:53
* sil2100 uses firebug to edit the dashboard html, removing the failures15:53
boikobrendand: what's up with dialer_app? is it the indicator crash or do we still have failures?15:54
ogra_mandel, did the last udm upload add a dependency on lobboost-log ?15:55
mandelogra_, yes, it was added in the changelog AFAIK15:55
ogra_(trying to find out where the new package comes from)15:55
ogra_mandel, yeah thanks for that15:56
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brendandboiko, i think it's just some issue that happens sometimes where autopilot can't connect to the application15:56
mandelogra_, I could have added a better text over "a new dependecy is added" :-/15:56
mandelogra_, sorry15:56
boikobrendand: ah ok, please let me know if any fix is needed on the dialer-app side15:57
brendandboiko, of course it could mean the app is not launching properly for some reason, but until/unless we can reproduce it...15:57
ogra_mandel, well it was guessable well enough15:57
brendandboiko, nothing for now. obviously we'll keep an eye on it and see if the same thing crops up in dialer-app again15:57
boikobregma: yep, ok15:58
ogra_mandel, i wasnt sarcastic when saying "thanks" above ;)15:58
brendandboiko, but it's most likely a random issue that could afflict any app15:58
mandelogra_, no no, I got it as a nice comment, but it was indeed to cryptic, will be more clear next time :)15:58
ogra_no worries :)15:58
davmor2sil2100: just found a security concern on the osk need to see if happens elsewhere16:01
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: Ursinha | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: trainguard | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
boikobrendand: btw, your py3 MR is approved, I'll ask bfiller to put in the silo together with the other fixes16:17
bzoltancan somebody tell me what is happening with the uitk in the silo16 and the qtc plugin in the silo17? Are they stuck somewhere or do they need a kick to move?16:23
bzoltansil2100: Mirv: ^16:25
cjwatsonubuntu-ui-toolkit is in the process of migrating to the release pocket16:27
cjwatsonso is qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu16:27
cjwatsonYou can see this on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+publishinghistory and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+publishinghistory16:28
cjwatsonNot actually sure why it hasn't noticed that silo 16 is done yet ...16:30
cjwatsonbzoltan: ^-16:31
cjwatsonoh, I see, ubuntu-ui-toolkit had a newer version landed16:36
bzoltancjwatson: nice, thanks16:36
cjwatsonsil2100: what should be done with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/0.1.49+14.10.20140707-0ubuntu1 ?  It's newer than the version in silo 16, so citrain hasn't noticed that that's done; is it safe to merge and clean in this circumstance?16:37
bzoltancjwatson:  it was Laney who bumped the version for the request from Saviq16:39
Saviqcjwatson, yes, it's safe to merge and clean + ignore_packages_notindest16:40
LaneyThat silo is in, so just make the train merge it if you have to16:40
bzoltancjwatson:  it is safe to merge as the diff is only the version number and that I will fix when i startthe next landing16:40
Laneybzoltan: manually merge the MP I proposed16:40
sil2100cjwatson: we can merge & clean it and then just manually merge in the additional changes to trunk16:40
cjwatsonsil2100: OK, I'll poke that16:46
bzoltanLaney: I assume I should do that after the silo16 is merged16:46
cjwatsonbzoltan: you should be able to do it now, I just merged it16:46
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: Ursinha | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: robru | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
bfillersil2100, mvo_, robru : sorry to keep bugging you, still need a silo for line 2716:50
robrubfiller, telephony-service conflicts with silo 916:50
sil2100brb o/16:51
bfillerrobru: silo9 only for prep, we'll manage the conflict16:51
bzoltancjwatson:  done, thanks for your kind help in this fight :)16:53
Davmor3davmor2: Ping16:59
davmor2Davmor3: ping16:59
davmor2nice kiwiirc makes a noise when you are pinged  ;)16:59
ogra_oh, thats new !17:00
Davmor3ogra_ no idea just noticed it :)17:01
davmor2ogra_: you get a pleasant phunggg17:01
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
bzoltanasac: the PullToRefresh component is landed with the new UITK17:04
asacbzoltan: in now?17:04
ogra_thats pulling down to reload stuff ?17:04
bzoltanasac: few minutes ago17:04
* ogra_ thought thats patented17:04
* bzoltan is looking on wiktionary for the word 'patent'17:05
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asacnice :)17:08
cjwatsonLaney: Did you propose an MP for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/0.4+14.10.20140708-0ubuntu2 ?17:16
Laneycjwatson: Pretty sure17:16
cjwatsonbzoltan: Could you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/test-dep/+merge/225984 manually in the same way?  I've merged-and-cleaned your silo 14 manually as well17:18
sil2100davmor2: any luck? ;)17:37
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
* sil2100 waits with the e-mail for davmor2's promotion-dogfooding to finish18:03
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: sorry had to dash off for tea, just finished everything looks okay There might be a random issue with the dialer app I'll look into that a bit more first though it seemed to lock up but that could of been a crash maybe18:03
robrubzoltan, I'm a little bit confused about what happened with uitk. is it finally landed? laney's manual upload contained all your silo work?18:03
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #113 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: robru | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
davmor2sil2100: so it looks like date/time indicator crashed while the dialer app was up and that would of triggered full cpu usage and would of made it look like dialer had froze it seems fine now \o/18:09
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: promote it already before I find something else ;)18:09
ogra_davmor2, 119, right ?18:10
ogra_(just to verify)18:10
davmor2ogra_: yeap18:11
* ogra_ pulls the trigger18:11
ogra_=== Image 119 Promoted ===18:12
kgunn\o\    /o/    \o\18:13
* sil2100 writes the e-mail then18:13
* ogra_ does an update18:17
boikobarry: balloons: which of the dialer-app py3 branches should I review/merge? there are two18:22
boikobarry: balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/dialer-app/py3autopilot/+merge/220658 or https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/dialer-app/py3autopilot/+merge/22601018:23
boikobarry: balloons: oh, and btw, sorry it took so long for me to get to review this18:24
balloonsboiko, barry hey.. I was just having a look, and I proposed mine as I thought it was going to fix the issues.. elopio asked me to see if I could figure out why jenkins isn't happy :-)18:25
boikoballoons: ah ok :)18:25
balloonsonce jenkins finishes with the last run, we'll see if I was any help18:26
davmor2kgunn: moves like that England Could of done with you in goal ;)18:26
elopioboiko: thanks for reviewing the one on messaging app.18:26
barryboiko, balloons whichever one makes jenkins happy makes me happy too :)18:27
boikoelopio: no problems, I'm trying to flush the pile of MRs we have :)18:27
boikoballoons: the tests failed, but the failures are really weird, I'll try to reproduce the failures locally18:40
balloonsboiko, jenkins is still running on my mp18:41
balloonsI don't see failures yet, but :-)18:41
boikoballoons: ah nice, so you just triggered a rebuild, right? no code changes18:42
balloonsboiko, I triggered it based on my last commit.. the first didn't have all my changes in it :-)18:42
boikoballoons: aahh ok, got it18:42
balloonsit's taking forever to run tho it's been an hour18:42
balloonsthat said, originally it seemed to run, except for it executed the testlog tests that it shouldn't be running on the desktop18:43
balloonshopefully it will skip those properly and all will pass18:43
boikoballoons: yep, let's wait to see what happens18:44
sil2100ogra_: aaah! We were supposed to kick a new image as well ;)18:47
sil2100ogra_: did you do that already?18:47
robrusil2100, I was wondering about that18:47
sil2100robru: what's up?18:48
robrusil2100, about whether it was a good idea to kick an image or not18:48
sil2100I guess it would be a good idea, as this way we'll have a smaller delta with the UITK in it - who knows if there won't be things landing till the cron-job kick18:49
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #119 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: robru | Known issues: http://bit.ly/VI2SEl knows your silo status before the spreadsheet does.
sil2100Ok, I need to EOD already18:53
sil2100ogra_: you can kick an image when you can - not necessary, but I guess it could be nice18:53
robrusil2100, goodnight18:53
balloonsboiko, seems like I see a failure for the tests that should be skipped on desktop. Can't see the log I don't think till it's done18:53
boikoballoons: :/18:54
boikoballoons: this used to work, what changed other than moving to python3?18:55
balloonsboiko, afaict, nothing18:55
balloonsI added some logging, which I then removed later as it seemed to work.18:55
balloonsbarry did all the grunt work in the original merge. I did change how the tests where being skipped. I may try something further since it appears they still aren't being skipped like they should18:56
boikoballoons: would you mind giving me a ping once that is fixed?18:59
balloonsboiko, sure18:59
boikoballoons: thanks!18:59
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 120 building (started: 20140708 19:25) ===19:24
davmor2ogra_: ^ meh whats in 120 is it the uitk stuffs?19:25
ogra_davmor2, i would think so ... sil pinged above asking for an image19:26
davmor2ogra_: oh nice19:27
Laneyrobru: yes20:38
* ToyKeeper wonders how long a build takes these days, and when 120 might finish20:46
popeyToyKeeper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7767450/20:49
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 120 DONE (finished: 20140708 20:50) ===20:49
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/120.changes ===20:49
ToyKeeperHaha, timing.  :)20:49
ToyKeeperI was kind of hoping to invoke Murphy's Law of Time, actually.  And it worked!20:50
ToyKeeper(whatever it is you're waiting for, it'll happen as soon as you stop waiting)20:50
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sergiusensrobru: hey, is that stylesheet change on purpose?23:17
robrusergiusens, yep, reload the page23:17
sergiusensrobru: I have; my eyes got use to it; that was it23:18
robrusergiusens, ah, though you might be seeing a glitch if the html was cached but the stylesheet updated or something23:18
sergiusensrobru: just need to make my eyes get the feel of the borders23:18
robrusergiusens, I sent an email to ubuntu-phone announcing the change23:18
sergiusensah, I'm checking emails with less frequency lately; sorry for the noise23:19
robrusergiusens, yeah, that was on purpose, now each silo in a row looks like it's the same height as the rest. before each row had weird-sized heights, I didn't like that23:19
robrusergiusens, no worries23:19
sergiusensrobru: yeah, that was a tad complicated to watch; but the higlight with the bounding box for the silo gave a clear indication of the relevant information :-)23:24
robrusergiusens, you might like to bookmark http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/#?q=sergiusens ;-)23:32
Davmor3ogra_: I may or may not be available for the meeting tomorrow Am.  My internet is down no idea when or if it will be up tomorrow I might try a 3g connection tthrough dd-wrt :)23:41

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