
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Noskcajrobert_ancell, Thanks for the reviews02:01
robert_ancellNoskcaj, np02:01
TheMusorobert_ancell: Thanks, got sidetracked.02:03
robert_ancellTheMuso, I know the feeling :)02:07
karlgrzhaving a weird problem with microsoft lifecam cinema hd, ubuntu 14.04, and capturing audio and video simultaneously, specifically using guvcview. Cursory web search has yielded nothing helpful. Now I am digging into IRC channels.04:46
karlgrzAnyone point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.04:47
Noskcajkarlgrz, #ubuntu is a better place04:57
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:57
karlgrzcool, thanks I'll check there04:57
pittiGood morning05:52
seb128good morning desktopers06:41
didrockshey seb12806:42
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)06:42
mvo_didrocks: hi, sorry that it took so long: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7764061/06:59
didrocksmvo_: thanks! let me have a look how wrong I was ;) (and thanks for looking without me reminding you ;))06:59
seb128good morning mvo_ ;-)07:00
didrocksmvo_: oh, something is calling dpkg from the chroot?07:00
didrocksapt.apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Bin::dpkg", self.dpkg) isn't enough?07:01
didrocks(which was set to the dpkg wrapper with the custom name)07:01
mvo_didrocks: yeah, python-apt assumes that if you setup a alternative rootdir use want to use the dpkg from there. which is a bug, because it should keep dir::bin::dpkg if the user already has customized it07:01
mvo_didrocks: you did nothing wrong, the library tried to be too clever07:02
didrocksah, so there are some calls missing using the dir::bin:dpkg dir07:02
didrocksmvo_: thanks! let me have a try :)07:02
didrocksmvo_: you tried on test_is_bucket_available_foreign_archs(), right? (it stills fails for me)07:04
mvo_./runtests tests/small/test_requirements_handler.py:TestRequirementsHandler.test_install_with_foreign_foreign_arch_added07:05
mvo_2014-07-08 09:05:07,635 [udtc.network.requirements_handler] INFO: Create a new apt cache07:05
mvo_Install packages with a foreign arch added ... ok07:05
mvo_didrocks: let me test the other one07:05
didrocksah, the instlal07:05
didrocksmvo_: if you pull from latest, I added a return on the others07:05
didrocksmvo_: I wanted to look at the failing-non-foreign related ones07:06
mvo_didrocks: ok, I'm on it, the other one is failng too07:12
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didrocksmvo_: ah, that makes more sense. Really only look at the available* one, it's way simpler07:12
didrocksnow that dpkg and the name "dpkg", I will avoid mocking get_foreign_archs07:13
didrocksmvo_: I found it :)07:28
didrocksmvo_: so, your fix really fixed it07:29
didrocksbut in the refactoring I introduced meanwhile broke the cache refresh (I wasn't reassign the cache with .open())07:29
didrocksso while you fix it, I break it! :)07:29
mvo_good that its found now07:29
didrocksmvo_: yeah! thanks a lot for the dpkg thing in dir, I wouldn't have found it :)07:30
mvo_didrocks: I fixed it upstream so in the future it should honor custom settings better07:30
didrocksmvo_: excellent! thanks again ;)07:31
didrocksmvo_: I don't really need to cache.update() after I add the new architecture it seems07:32
didrocksmvo_: this is expected?07:32
didrocks(I just need to reopen the cache)07:34
didrocksI guess the metadata are always fetched, just filtered07:34
mvo_didrocks: yeah, the file is already in your cache dir07:38
mvo_didrocks: exactly, its just filtered07:38
didrocksok, all makes sense07:39
* didrocks now goes back to put requirementshandler back to 100% of coverage07:39
seb128k, I'm out for some sport, back around 12 I think07:51
Laneyhey ho08:03
didrocksmorning Laney!08:03
GunnarHjHi Laney09:04
Laneyhey GunnarHj09:05
Laneyhow's it going?09:05
GunnarHjLaney: It's fine here, thanks. You you are as well.09:05
GunnarHjLaney: I had the impression that you were about to upload skype-translation the other day. Anything else that remains to sort out?09:06
Laneydoin' good09:06
LaneyGunnarHj: I asked for some clarification on the license question09:06
LaneyBut... nobody replied09:06
GunnarHjLaney: I did, didn't I?09:06
Laneythis was in #ubuntu-release09:07
Laneysec, lemme find the log09:07
GunnarHjLaney: Aha..09:07
LaneyI think it's a question of the translations that were contributed before this statement was added09:09
LaneyI could upload and let someone review in the queue...09:10
GunnarHjLaney: I see. Yeah, uploading would be some kind of progress, at least...09:11
Laneylet me finish what I'm doing and look at it next09:12
GunnarHjLaney: Thanks.09:12
GunnarHjLaney: Just added another clarification to the bug report, that might be relevant.09:23
LaneyGunnarHj: Cheers, that'll be helpful for the archive admin09:24
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seb128Laney, hey10:42
Laneyhello seb12810:43
Laneygood sport? ;-)10:44
seb128I won that game (after loosing twice to the same guy this w.e)10:44
Laneyoh nice10:45
Laneyseems like you are quite even in skill10:45
seb128yes, that's nice to play like that10:47
* didrocks welcomes back sun :)11:42
seb128didrocks, did you manage to go for exercice?11:42
seb128it keeps raining here11:42
didrocksseb128: yeah, done! it was just cloudy this morning and now, blue sky11:42
* seb128 gives the look to Laney, what did you send to us?11:42
Laneyme too man11:43
didrocksyou don't know what's good for you :)11:47
* didrocks is enjoying the balconey, again :)11:47
seb128didrocks, stop it, I start being jaleous!11:51
* didrocks wonders though why coverage mislead itself with an exception…11:52
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ChrisTownsendsil2100: Hey, did you get anywhere on getting that Trusty Compiz SRU promoted?12:03
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seb128Laney, did you say you would upload -online-accounts?14:15
seb128kenvandine, hey14:23
kenvandinehey seb12814:24
seb128kenvandine, you added the phone number in the "about" panel in your libqofono work, but that's not in the design (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutThisDevice#Phone)14:25
kenvandineoh... that was a patch from pmcgowan14:25
kenvandinepmcgowan, ^^14:25
pmcgowanthe bug says put it somewhere that makes sense, mpt never added to a design14:26
pmcgowanat least that I am aware of14:26
pmcgowanseb128, kenvandine ^^14:26
seb128what bug?14:27
kenvandinepmcgowan, bug #?14:27
kenvandinei think it makes sense in the about panel14:27
seb128k, found it14:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1221908 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Display device phone number in About panel" [High,Confirmed]14:27
seb128mpt commented on there14:28
seb128he suggested that it might be better in the phone panel14:28
pmcgowanyeah but inconclusive14:28
seb128but that he's fine with having in any of those panels until they do user research14:28
pmcgowanyep, I figured folks will find it in about, we'll see14:29
seb128I've linked the code and bug14:29
seb128kenvandine, pmcgowan: thanks14:29
kenvandinepmcgowan, that will need to be changed a bit for dual SIM14:29
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seb128kenvandine, can you "Phone Number" -> "Phone number", we use sentence casing14:30
kenvandineseb128, sure14:31
Laneykenvandine: speaking of libqofono, I hassled sil2100 to forward the patches but he said that one of them was yours14:33
Laneyreckon you could do that or give him the info to do it? ;-)14:33
sil2100I got mine accepted upstream :D14:33
kenvandineyes, it's on my TODO list :)14:33
sil2100Just didn't know what kenvandine's was about14:33
kenvandinesil2100, rock on!14:33
Laneysil2100: I saw, good work14:33
kenvandinei don't recall what mine was, most of my patch got fixed upstream as well14:34
kenvandinewhich reduced my patch14:34
Laneyadding a service numbers property14:34
kenvandineah... exposing it14:34
kenvandineyeah, they left it out as a property14:35
kenvandinenow i remember14:35
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seb128kenvandine, commented on the mp, some things to fix, one being the autopilot tests that fail in jenkins14:39
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kenvandineseb128, i'm trying to refresh the pot file14:51
kenvandineseb128, how do i do that without getting my full build path in the .pot?14:51
seb128kenvandine, you get it and you sed :p14:55
seb128(yes it sucks)14:55
kenvandineseb128, that is pure evil!14:55
seb128kenvandine, btw usually we don't bother refreshing the pot in mps14:56
seb128that leads to conflict14:56
seb128I just commit a pot update directly to trunk when needed14:56
kenvandineseb128, oh... rock on!15:00
davmor2kenvandine: advertising on irc that you deal with pot all day is not wise ;)15:03
kenvandinedavmor2, haha15:05
seb128Laney, the settings' hotspot work is ready to land right?15:10
Laneyseb128: yeah, hidden by default so I'm not bothered really15:11
Laneyapart from wasting translations since the UI isn't final15:11
seb128Laney, did you want to block your activation fixes on tests btw?15:11
seb128or should I list that in?15:11
Laneythat's up to you15:11
LaneyI was going to do them soon but got distracted with some travel arrangemenrts15:11
seb128k, no hurry, let's see if you get that by tomorrow15:12
Laneyshould be able to start today still15:12
seb128the fixes are not that important15:12
seb128so they can wait the next landing15:12
Laneyit's like "leave u-s-s open, come back to it some time later, stuff is weirdly broken"15:12
seb128does that lead to 100% cpu usage by side effect?15:12
seb128because popey opened a bug about that15:13
Laneynot that I noticed...15:13
seb128hey, it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho2, Sweetshark, Laney, desrt, attente, larsu, didrocks, hey, it's meeting time ;-)15:31
didrockshey! longer list today :)15:31
desrtno canada day15:31
qengho2hey hey15:32
seb128ok, let's get started15:32
seb128qengho2, hey15:32
qengho2- releasing Cr update after #webapps approves.15:33
qengho2- hack on mir for chromium.15:33
qengho2- flash packaging in gaps.15:33
qengho2- (wonky network. go to fix that.)15:33
qengho2got to15:33
seb128qengho2, what's the status of the chromium updates?15:34
seb128we are still on 3415:34
qengho2I'm happy with it. I asked #webapps to verify they're happy with it. a-a said he'd have an answer about now.15:34
seb128k, great15:35
seb128qengho2, thanks15:35
seb128Sweetshark, welcome back! had good holidays?15:35
qengho2There was a FTBFS, but I got security to backport a new buid-dep.15:35
Sweetsharkseb128: jup15:35
Sweetshark4.2.4 sec update and foo (before my vacation), some emergency board work (during my vacation), inbox grinding (after my vacation). prolly more I forgot before the vacation. EOF15:35
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:37
seb128Laney, hey15:37
Laney• Mainly poking at displayconfig / gnome-desktop 3.12. I found and fixed a few bugs but there is a race in activation that I haven't solved yet. Kind of given up after spending a fair amount of time on it. I sent a status email outlining my findings but it might be best to fall back to the initial approach.15:37
Laney• Report an apt bug to mvo and upload the fix (thanks!)15:37
Laney• Merge zeitgeist15:37
Laney• Quite a lot of u-s-s reviews and feedback15:37
Laney• Find/fix some u-s-s bugs relating to D-Bus activation and service timeouts15:37
Laney• Help firefight broken uss-oa autopkgtests, think they're passing now15:37
Laney• Help some PES guys with url-dispatcher launching of u-s-s15:37
seb128Laney, did you hear back from robert_ancell about gnome-desktop?15:39
seb128that transition is annoying15:39
seb128I'm going to try to ping him, not sure how much work was left on the fallback option he started15:40
seb128Laney, thanks15:40
seb128desrt, hey15:40
Laneyseb128: sorry15:40
desrt ۞  dconf: fixed an issue where daemons (with no XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and ~ of /nonexistent or similar) would try to create dconf databases and fail: introduced a new 'daemon' profile that doesn't do that and use that if we find that we have a non-writable homedir and no runtime dir15:40
Laneyseb128: didn't, no, all you saw was in the thread15:40
desrt ۞  gobject: made property deprecations more noisy -- expect to see some of this showing up.  may change warnings to messages...15:40
desrt ۞  gapplication: add idea of 'resource base path' for loading various application resources.  will be used for menus, actions, commandline argument schemas, icons, and probably other things15:40
desrt ۞  gtk: implemented gtk_application_prefers_app_menu() and resource loading for menu files: now all we have to do to get old menus is drop a file called "menus-traditional.ui" into the build (which hopefully we can convince various upstreams about)15:40
desrt ۞  gdbus: de/serialisation of types like 'ay' was treating each 'y' as a GVariant: so if you send a 50MB message, you create _100 million_ GVariant instances (50 mil for both encode and decode).  now we do it in one step -- several orders of magnitude faster15:40
desrt ۞  glib: gmutex patches are really completely done now, just waiting for a final review.... (larsu?)15:41
desrt ۞  started work on stream-based XML parser again, looking at larsu's comments -- intend to use this for implementing new action and commandline argument parsers15:41
desrt ۞  bugs/reviews15:41
desrt ۩15:41
seb128nice chars ;-)15:41
* seb128 reads15:42
* desrt takes his inspiration from Laney 15:42
Laneyusing custom bullets would annoy me because then tomboy wouldn't treat it as a bulleted list :)15:42
seb128desrt, gtk_application_prefers_app_menu(), great!15:42
* didrocks sees blank lines in weekchat15:42
Laneyweek indeed15:42
desrtseb128: the fact that we can drop in our own menus as just another file is also very nice ;)15:43
seb128desrt, indeed ;-)15:43
desrtcombined with larsu's headerbar work, i think we're finally in a place where 3.12 won't be a visual regression for us15:43
desrtassuming one minor thing:15:44
desrtwe have to drop overlay-scrollbars :)15:44
seb128I need to check with the unity team what's the status on their side for gtkheaderbars15:44
desrtof course... it broke.... again....15:44
seb128that happens every cycle it seems :p15:44
desrti think attente volunteered (or was volunteered) to fix it15:44
seb128yeah, larsu told me that it has issues with some (headerbars?) apps15:44
desrtbut like... we could also just drop it :)15:45
seb128let's see, not a topic we are going to resolve during this meeting15:45
seb128desrt, thanks ;-)15:45
seb128ok, next15:46
seb128attente, hey, your turn ;-)15:46
attentehey seb12815:46
attenteinput source migration from gsettings to accountsservice in u-s-d and u-c-c15:46
attentesame for i-keyboard, but trying to debug a crash under the greeter, and need to re-write the tests15:46
attentetodo: store the currently active source index somewhere better than gsettings15:46
desrtalso: did some weekend work with rtcm to help the accountsservice patch for layouts go upstream15:47
seb128do you have parts of that ready to land?15:47
desrtit's complicated -- gnome is currently rewriting this area upstream15:47
seb128give me a ping if you need sponsoring, I try to watch the queue but I might overlook things sometimes15:47
seb128desrt, rewritting in a way which is compatible with what we do?15:48
desrtnot at all15:48
attenteseb128: for landing u-c-c and u-s-s?15:48
seb128attente, yes, or accountsservice15:48
desrtthey put it in shell -- which makes sense, considering the display server will control the keyboard15:48
desrti imagine we will do the same with mir once we figure out what we want to do for input there15:48
desrtbut the accountsservice stuff is sort of contingent upon its actual use......15:48
attenteseb128: the branches for those are ready, but we shouldn't land those until we have the gnome side figured out, as well as the i-keyboard side working15:48
seb128is there a bug with the summary of the components/changes?15:49
seb128that could be a good idea to have one15:49
desrtthere are two15:50
desrtthis one one, of course https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6308615:50
ubot5Freedesktop bug 63086 in general "Add KeyboardLayouts property" [Enhancement,New]15:50
desrtand https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73224115:50
ubot5Gnome bug 732241 in general "Move user's input sources out of GSettings and into AccountsService" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:50
attentedesrt: thanks15:51
seb128desrt, attente: thanks15:51
seb128larsu would be next, but he had some appointment so he's not there, I've his update though15:52
seb128 - proposed a theme update: make notebook tabs not have a border and style header bars similarly to title bars15:52
seb128 - tried to finally unify the themes with gtk's new "theme variants" (Adwaita:dark uses that), but that won't work in a backwards-compatible way because gtk2 doesn't know about those15:52
seb128 - looked into dropping theme-related patches in nautilus (no time to build and test yet, but I'll have this ready tomorrow)15:52
seb128 - while on the theme, I tried making overlay-scrollbars work again (setting backgrounds isn't enough for all cases anymore). Thanks to attente for some help there!15:52
seb128 - further assisted push notification guys with the messaging menu15:52
seb128 - reviewed desrt's application resource stuff, as that will help us a lot with adding traditional menus to gnome applications15:52
seb128 - did some other minor code reviews15:52
seb128 the theming stuff was a bit annoying again (stupid notebook css!)15:52
seb128 eof15:52
seb128 15:52
seb128(I guess it was enough for reading)15:53
desrtlarsu: good work!15:53
seb128didrocks, hey ;-)15:54
desrt(and thanks for the reviews)15:54
didrocks* The Android-Studio case work! So, the ubuntu developer tools center install all requirements and add to the launcher what's needed to setup Android Studio on it15:54
didrocks* Work on ensuring it can pass fire tests as well (naming: installing on Seb's computer, an… i386 machine!) and fix corner cases15:54
didrocks* Add a decompressor facility (as a service) as well as figure out the UI/backend workflow to be able to extend to other UIs later on (CLI only implemented for now).15:54
didrocks* Change some APIs and fix/modify/add tests for them15:54
didrocks* Add more test (202 as we speak)15:54
didrocks* Some more MIRing, will do tracker tomorrow morning (finally)15:54
didrocks* Android studio code will need some refactoring as it will share most of the workflow with the eclipse (adt) one.15:54
seb128</summary>? ;-)15:56
didrockssure :)15:56
seb128didrocks, I need to test again to see if you really fixed it for my i386!15:56
desrtno kip today?15:56
didrocksseb128: heh, I'm sure it is :p15:56
seb128didrocks, yeah, yeah, I'm waiting to see, I'm sure you organized some other trick, with mvo, to make fun of my i386 config :p15:57
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)15:57
didrocksahah, I suffered from that on my additional apt testing15:58
didrocksall because of you! :p15:58
seb128desrt, no, the support position didn't suit him well so they are looking for somebody else to take that role15:58
seb128didrocks, you're welcome :p15:58
seb128FJKong, hey, around? want to do a status update?15:59
seb128guess not15:59
seb128(sorry for not pinging you at the start of the meeting)15:59
seb128ok, my turn15:59
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings16:00
seb128∘ worked on adding legends to the battery charge curve, fixed some bugs there on the way16:00
seb128∘ quite some reviews of changes proposed by others (updates checking battery, libqofono use, background panel redesign, wizard fixes ...)16:00
seb128∘ some more bugs triaging and review of design/current version16:00
seb128∘ organized some landings16:00
seb128• helped to unblock some utopic-proposed->utopic migrations (uitk)16:00
seb128• patch pilot shift16:00
seb128• reviewed and landed changes to gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas16:00
seb128• some easy merges and syncs16:00
seb128I probably forgot some small bits, but the week has been mostly settings reviews and debugging16:00
seb128 16:00
seb128I don't think I forgot anyone ... is there any other topic to discuss?16:01
desrtone more note from me16:01
tkamppeterHere is my part:16:01
desrti'm going to be on holiday all of next week: http://ses.ikso.net/2014/sk/16:01
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Updated to
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Working on the s-c-p D-Bus service hanging when searching for downloadable drivers.16:01
tkamppeter- Mentoring of GSoC students16:01
tkamppeter- Bugs.16:01
desrtfollowing that, i'm in CEST until after GUADEC16:01
seb128tkamppeter, oh, sorry, your name didn't tab complete when we started the meeting, I though you were not around today16:02
seb128tkamppeter, thanks16:02
mhr3desrt, uuuh, visiting slovakia?16:02
desrtmhr3: ya.  plan to spend a day or two in bratislava too16:02
desrtyou around those parts?16:02
seb128desrt, enjoy!16:02
desrtseb128: thx :)16:02
seb128ok, that's a wrap then16:02
seb128thanks everyone16:03
didrocksseb128: tkamppeter joined during the meeting actually16:03
didrocksthanks guys!16:03
mhr3desrt, nitra is nice, but you'll run out of things to see after half a day :) nope, i'm in london16:03
desrtmhr3: still? :p16:03
seb128didrocks, oh, that explains it! thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy ;-)16:03
mhr3desrt, still :)16:03
desrtmhr3: most of my time will be spent in "school"16:03
desrtthere are daily lessons all morning16:03
desrtin the evenings we have some activities planned including trips to neighbouring cities16:04
Laneymhr3: unlucky ;-)16:04
desrtand we spend a whole day in banska stiavnica... something about going underground into silver mines or so16:04
tkamppeterdidrocks, seb128, my PC crashed and I had to switch to my laptop, so I was not online in the first minutes of the meeting.16:04
mhr3desrt, yea, i'm sure that will be cool, summer is nice and hot there ;)16:04
seb128tkamppeter, ok, that explains it then, no worry!16:05
mhr3Laney, shush, it's awesome! :)16:05
desrtmhr3: hm.  i hope they have AC :)16:07
mhr3desrt, in school? pfff, funny guy16:07
desrtthis school is slightly special....16:07
desrtthey're going to speak to me in a very strange language16:08
mhr3desrt, you mean besides slovak? :)16:08
desrti guess slovak will not be too common there16:08
desrti'm guessing that english is going to be the unofficial 'second language'16:09
desrtthe list of registered people has ~300 people from all over europe16:09
desrtand 2 from canada....16:09
desrtonly one other was crazy enough, it seems :)16:09
mhr3desrt, yep, coming to hot slovakia in middle of june and sitting better part of the day in school without ac... pretty crazy :)16:12
mhr3desrt, mh, ~28 for next week.. lovely16:12
desrtmhr3: i agree -- but i wanted to try it at least once :)16:12
mhr3desrt, sure, i'm just messing with you, it will be hot, but i'm sure it will be fun enough to forget about that detail... plus surely better than super cold :)16:14
desrti'm well-equipped to deal with super-cold :)16:14
mhr3easier to pack your bag if you don't need to though ;)16:15
seb128Laney, you and your wrapping ;-) Where do you consider it reasonable to wrap then?16:22
seb128Laney, that file goes over that and that's not new from my changes16:25
LaneyI know :(16:26
* pitti waves good night and prepares for a TV nightshift for GER:BRA :)16:27
pittioh erk, -ECHAN, but oh well16:27
Laneyyou're allowed to say good night to us too :P16:28
seb128pitti, good luck!16:28
pittiseb128: merci !16:28
seb128pitti, ECHAN? you don't like us anymore? :-(16:28
pittiseb128: well, I was meaning to say it someplace else, but it's a good fit here, too :)16:28
Sweetsharkpitti: some brasilians i my timeline had weird prophecies about how that will end ...16:29
seb128pitti, ;-)16:29
pittiSweetshark: well, we can still play for #3 on Saturday16:29
ogra_Sweetshark, 3:1 for ger indeed16:29
seb128pitti, stop the crazy talk16:29
seb128pitti, we are going to play for #116:29
ogra_but the team will need bodyguards to leave the country alive i fear16:29
pittiseb128: oh right, "we"!16:30
seb128pitti, ja!16:30
pittiseb128: trinkst Du dann heute auch ein Bier?16:30
* ogra_ hugs seb128 16:30
seb128pitti, nein, mehr Bier!16:31
pittiseb128: richtig!16:31
* seb128 hugs the german team 16:31
* pitti hugs seb128 and tosses him a Schlandschal16:31
seb128Laney, is https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-draw-x-text-1289460/+merge/225856 enough wrapping or do you prefer more? i've no strong opinion on the topic, I just tried to wrap on "," and not in middle of calculations16:56
Laneyseb128: don't worry about it too much16:56
Laneythe other issue was more important16:56
seb128right, should be good now (I tested on the n4, goes from display fine to don't display without having a case where it's cut)16:58
seb128I could perhaps have spared some computations with a scale, but we need the margins for the width anyway, and as you wrote, it's done and working ... we can always simplify another day16:59
seb128Laney, in any case it's ready for review16:59
Laneyokay, I'll do that tomorrow morning17:00
seb128great, thanks17:00
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bregmaanyone here know how to query and control the screen power state from the command line?18:43
sarnoldbregma: xset q to query, xset -dpms or xset +dpms or other similar things to set..18:44
bregmaxset isn't going to help me without an X server, I'm looking for something more fundamental18:44
sarnoldah, are you using fbconsole or vga modes?18:47
sarnold(not that I know the answer then, sorry, but maybe someone else would know :)18:47
bregmaI'm running Unity 8 and I have an ssh connection... eventually, the screen gets shut off by something and I want to be able to turn it back on18:47
bregmaUnity 8 just isn't ready for desktop power management features18:48
Sarvattbregma: consoleblank=0 kernel parameter, or setterm -blank20:15
bregmaSarvatt, thanks, turns out I need to disable a new feature in the Mir server otherwise it will go ahead and shut of my screen after 60 seconds no matter what20:21
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