
Flannelrww: Oh really?  I wasn't aware of that.  That's even more silly.01:59
Picidamnit.  Now I want waffles.13:30
ikoniame too13:31
PiciDJones: thanks14:19
DJonesI suspect they'll keep asking no matter how many times they get pointed to the os's support14:20
bazhang<annihilator009> what else can i do with ubuntu ternimal?16:30
bazhangultra time-waster supreme and troll16:31
bazhanghas been hitting multiple users with PM spam as well16:31
ikoniahello skilz18:06
skilzCan you please unban me from #ubuntu18:06
ikoniaI noticed in #kubuntu you said you had been banned in #ubuntu18:06
ikoniaso thanks for joining18:07
ikoniawhat happened ? why did you get banned ?18:07
skilzNo idea, I just tried to join the channel then and said I am banned :/18:07
skilzNever even used this OS before... Trying it out for some Minecraft mod dev.18:07
ikoniawell the OS you're using has nothing to do with the channel18:08
ikoniaI can see you have used the #ubuntu channel before18:08
Piciikonia: the ban looks like it should have been removed.18:08
ikoniaPici: yeah, I'm looking at it now to see what's left18:08
skilzNot sure why I am banned.18:08
ikoniathere is obviously something that was missed18:08
ikoniaskilz: looks like you get trying to do dcc send stuff to the channel18:09
PiciI don't see that...18:09
Picioh, its from 2013.18:10
ikoniayeah, hence why it should have been removed18:10
ikoniaand it looks like rww has removed it, but something is obviously left18:10
ikoniaskilz: if you join #ubuntu now what happens18:10
skilz* Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).18:11
ikoniaskilz: would you mind pm'ing me the IP address you are using18:11
ikoniaskilz: I can try to find where/how you are banned18:11
PiciI see Ban against *!*@unaffiliated/skilz matches skilz!~skilz@unaffiliated/skilz18:11
Picieven though ubottu doesn't seem to remember that it got set.18:12
ikoniaoh, so there is one that ubottu hasn't picked up18:12
PiciLooks like some netsplit issue.18:12
ikoniaskilz: try now please.18:12
ikoniaskilz: can you please try to join #ubuntu now18:14
ikoniaare you in ? I don't see you in18:15
ikoniaahh there you are18:15

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