
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
infinityxnox: It's not noatime, it's ext3 versus ext4, I suspect.  A testsuite that expects high resolution *times is probably broken, IMO.01:47
xnoxinfinity: built on sagari just fine =) and i'm going to ignore zsh for another decade if I can =)08:10
bzoltanHello release team. I have a problem with a failing  autopkgtests http://paste.ubuntu.com/7762643/ on the online_accounts_ui.tests.test_online_accounts_ui.OnlineAccountsUiTests.test_title.   We cornered the issue and there is an MR https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/clean_tests/+merge/225437 to address this problem. Is there a way to unblock the UITK landing as this failure is more about the flaky09:02
cjwatsonbzoltan: I'd like to see the tests passing first, at which point, well, the easiest thing would be to just land the u-s-s-o-a change ...09:29
bzoltancjwatson: that would block the UITK for an other day09:30
cjwatsonI'm more worried about allowing regressions into the archive which will mean that we then lose our guard against other regressions in the same component09:31
cjwatsonHas somebody run the u-s-s-o-a tests in a clean autopkgtest environment?09:31
cjwatson(with the change above)09:31
bzoltancjwatson: I do not know, but I do not think so.09:31
cjwatsonOK, I guess I have to then :-(09:32
bzoltancjwatson: thank you09:32
cjwatsonThis will take some time09:32
bzoltancjwatson: my problem is that the UITK tests cover practically _all_ app tests on _all_ environment ... and we suffer from flaky or badly written tests. elopio and timp are already fixing the tests for dozen of apps, because if I would just wait for the app devs to fix their tests I would never be able to release the UITK. Even now with the whole SDK team fixing other teams tests it takes a week to land the UITK.09:35
cjwatsonNevertheless, I'm not going to override a failure when I haven't confirmed that the putative fix actually fixes it09:38
cjwatsonBecause while I sympathise with what you're describing it *also* describes a component where we have to take care to ensure it doesn't genuinely regress09:39
bzoltancjwatson: Your point is valid. If I were you most probably I would make the same call. Maybe it is just not realistic to expect daily UITK release. We better be careful with a component what is so broadly used.09:41
bzoltancjwatson:  I think I will take the autopkg tests on the UITK test plan. Is this guide valid : http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test ?09:42
ginggsHi, nvidia-graphics-drivers Trusty SRU (LP: #1247736) has been sitting in unapproved for a month.  Is anything needed?09:45
ubot93Launchpad bug 1247736 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 "[SRU] nvidia-opencl-icd-* should not conflicts/replaces on opencl-icd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124773609:45
cjwatsonbzoltan: I believe so, though I haven't used the cloud-image-based execution mode as yet myself (there are more lightweight but less accurate versions); trying that for the first time now09:48
cjwatsonargh, urllib.ContentTooShortError: retrieval incomplete: got only 202031681 out of 260178432 bytes09:48
cjwatsonMaybe that was a bad time to upgrade squid09:49
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Saviqcjwatson, hey, apparently http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts missed the new needed dep of ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot for autopkgtests13:02
Saviqcjwatson, could you please do a direct upload with that added?13:02
LaneySaviq: I'll test/upload that13:08
bzoltanLaney: thank you for that13:09
SaviqLaney, thanks13:09
Laneyyeah that passes13:20
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bzoltanLaney: cool13:38
Laneythey asked me to increase the upstream version of ubuntu-ui-toolkit13:39
Laneyso give me a few minutes to upload this and then version the test-dep13:39
ginggsAnyone in SRU team able to look at nvidia-graphics-drivers Trusty SRU (LP: 1247736) please?  It has been sitting in 'unapproved' for some time.16:01
ubot93Launchpad bug 1247736 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 "[SRU] nvidia-opencl-icd-* should not conflicts/replaces on opencl-icd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124773616:01
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psivaainfinity: cjwatson: Precise d-i installer throws 'no packages matching running kernel 3.11.0-23-generic in archive'. this transient mismatching kernel version issue?16:15
psivaas/this/is this/16:15
infinitypsivaa: Erm, it shouldn't.16:29
infinity linux-image-3.11.0-23-generic | 3.11.0-23.40~precise1 | precise-updates  | amd64, armhf, i38616:30
infinitypsivaa: Wait, is this a netinst, or an ISO?16:31
psivaainfinity: this is the iso16:31
infinitypsivaa: Ahh, kay, CDs might be mismatched right now.16:31
psivaainfinity: ack, thanks16:31
infinitypsivaa: And in need of s/saucy/trusty/ and other bits while we prep for the point release.16:31
infinitypsivaa: I should go mangle some seeds to resolve that.16:32
psivaainfinity: ack16:32
psivaainfinity: wasn't urgent. just thought of informing :)16:32
infinitypsivaa: Yeah.  The ISOs will probably be a mess for the next week or so while we sort out .516:33
infinitypsivaa: Should be a bit more testable (and on trusty's HWE stack) by next week, I hope.16:33
psivaainfinity: ack, will check by then.16:33
bdmurrayIs there any way to SRU verify bug 1233185 on porter-armhf? I'd need to install the package from -proposed.17:42
ubot93bug 1233185 in gdb "gdb-multiarch cannot read ARM cores: "wrong size gregset struct in core file"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123318517:42
dokobdmurray, -proposed should be enabled on the porter boxes19:34
bdmurraydoko: it wasn't when I looked19:36
dokohmm, well, makes sense for stable releases19:37
dokomaybe we need chroots with proposed enabled for stable releases too19:37
dokoanyway, semi finale now ...  schlaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!19:37
slangasekbdmurray: have you worked around the SRU verification?  Maybe running gdb under qemu-user in a chroot?19:51
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