
diddledanshauno_: dark mode in yosemite has arrived00:03
shauno_ages ago :p00:08
diddledanreally? I only got the announcement by the app store of the update being available a little while ago (the red "1" badge appeared)00:09
diddledanbrb.. installing it00:10
shauno_dark mode was in update2, it just wasn't exposed in the UI00:19
Azelphurhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/0jsxnil5tzd8hh2/2014-07-08%2001.24.54.jpg I've only had it for a few hours...00:27
* Azelphur loves this stuff00:27
diddledanhow'd you do that?00:29
Azelphurdiddledan: same way as with any android device really00:31
AzelphurI'm trying to get it rooted now00:31
Azelphuryou can just tap the build number a bunch of times in settings > about to get the dev menu to appear, then enable USB debugging00:31
Azelphurthen you can oem unlock00:32
mappsipv6-frogs.uni.cx / frogs.zapto.org00:32
mappsipv6 working00:32
AzelphurI have it native on my ISP :)00:33
diddledanit now say open your companion device to allow debugging00:37
mappscan anyone recommend a good tutorial for setting up openswan or strongswan?00:41
diddledanAzelphur: how do I turn on debugging?00:42
Azelphurdiddledan: you have to allow debugging just like you do normally00:42
Azelphuropen the phone up and accept the prompt00:43
diddledanthere is no prompt00:43
Azelphurpossible that you don't have your watch plugged into your PC00:43
Azelphuralso make sure you have your watch in the dock the right way around, I did that :x00:43
diddledanno, I really do have it plugged in00:43
Azelphursudo adb devices?00:44
diddledanadb devices says it's offline00:44
Azelphurnot sure then, wfm00:47
diddledanstep by step what did you do00:47
diddledanincluding plugging and unpugging things00:47
Azelphurdiddledan: plugged into PC, tapped developer a bunch of times, got developer mode, enabled ADB over USB, opened my phone up and the request was right there.00:48
Azelphurtry unplugging and replugging everything00:48
diddledanwas you phone plugged anywhere?00:49
diddledanI don't have an adb over usb option - only an "adb debugging" option00:50
Azelphuryea, ADB Debugging is what I turned on00:51
Azelphurlol, got root00:51
mappshas noone setup openswan/strongswan?:<00:52
diddledanis debugging over bluetooth turned on?00:52
Azelphurdiddledan: no00:52
diddledanmaybe it's a bug in android L preview00:58
Azelphurdunno, maybe00:58
ali1234make sure to update your adb version to the latest01:02
diddledanI'm using whichever adb gets downloaded by the phablet development environment01:04
diddledanI guess I could try a direct download01:04
diddledan1.0.31 apparently01:04
AzelphurI got superuser.apk sideloaded01:06
Azelphurcrashes on startup though01:06
diddledanodd. it works using adb from the ubuntu 14.04 repo - which reports the same version number when running `adb version`01:06
diddledan\i'm now unlocked01:09
AzelphurI'm rooted and working on supersu, http://pastebin.com/XKKw36r001:11
Azelphurlooks like it depends on the stock android settings01:12
diddledanI'm gonna call it a night01:20
diddledansee yall on the morrow01:21
mappscya mate01:21
MooDoohello all05:37
mappssup MooDoo05:41
mappswent to genting had 8pints05:43
mappswent downthe road had anothe 405:43
MooDoowow, nowadays i'd be in bed after 4 lol05:44
mappsvery funny05:44
mappstold u im a problem drinker05:45
mappsgenting is good tho:)05:45
mappsthey all know me..so05:46
mappsthe manage gives us free beers almost weekly05:46
MooDooas long as it's nice beer and not the dregs05:46
mappsand the guy behid the bar is our mate he serves me for free -05:46
mappsi buy him tobacco when i go abroad:_)05:47
MooDoocongrats popey, ubuntu membership board again?05:49
MooDoomorning Myrtti06:09
popeyMooDoo: heh, yeah06:28
mappshi popey06:29
=== Moon is now known as Guest48923
jussipopey: I do beleive you are sent from somewhere evil... :P :P where am I supposed to find time to play such awesome games as you recommend...?07:45
MooDoohttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad  - we're all doing something wrong here :)07:56
hoover_hi folks08:05
=== hoover_ is now known as hoover
MooDoohi bye08:06
Myrttiis there any videos around about how to do a podcast using Linux tools?08:25
bashrcI don't know much about podcasting, but audacity seems popular for that, plus getting a good microphone seems to be recommended08:26
MooDooyeah audacity is good, all you need is a good mike and a copy of that.08:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy SCUD Day! :-D08:33
MooDooMyrtti: popey would be a good person to speak to what with uukpc and all that.08:33
MyrttiMooDoo: yeah I know. UUPC should do a indiegogo or kickstarter or whatever, I'd pitch in my support in creating that tutorial video.08:34
Myrttior maybe I should poke Linux Voice people about that08:35
MooDooMyrtti: I wouldn't have thought it would require a video, audacity is so simple to use, have you installed it and taken a look?08:35
MooDoothe problem arises when you want to have more than one person speaking, then you have too look at extra mics, recoding multi channels etc, but for one person it's quite simple imho08:37
popeywe did actually do a video08:38
popeycan't find it now08:39
MyrttiI'm just disappointed at the lack of Finnish (fabric/yarn) crafts podcasts08:39
Myrttiso I was toying with the idea of making a podcast. Again.08:39
MooDooMyrtti: go for it :D08:41
ujjainbelt sizing is like jeans sizing?09:24
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:30
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:31
davmor2Morning all09:32
brobostigonmorning MooDoo and davmor209:32
davmor2morning brobostigon MooDoo09:38
davmor2Hey MooDoo I see you went down the wrong path and picked Centos Server ;)09:38
MooDoodavmor2: I was already running it, just wanted oppinions.09:42
davmor2MooDoo: Yeah, yeah ;)09:43
MooDoodavmor2: shut it :)09:43
davmor2MooDoo: hahaha.  Did you have a play with juju and lxc yet?09:44
davmor2MooDoo: particularly as it sounds like it is coming over to Centos too :)09:45
MooDoodavmor2: no not looked into containers that much, but it's in centos 709:46
davmor2MooDoo: it's the future now ;)09:46
czajkowskiello ello10:26
MooDoohowdy czajkowski10:33
DJonesAww, scripts leaked for the new Dr Who series, thats going to give a lot of spoilers away10:38
popeyoh blimey10:39
DJonesAlthough, maybe could improve some peoples understanding of the episodes10:39
davmor2czajkowski: hello stranger how's life treating you?10:47
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adamcunnington_I want to hide windows partitions on my ubuntu installation, I created the file 99-hide-disks.rules in etc/udev/d.rules/ but i can still see them12:02
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Myrttitoday I learnt: CTRL-R (รก la http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x1712.htm)13:25
davmor2bigcalm: what you doing online13:34
mgdmMyrtti: That's the handiest thing in the world13:34
Myrttino kidding13:34
MyrttiI just remembered the word mount, and boom presto, it found the oneliner I used to mount the NFS share13:34
bigcalmDavmor2: passing some time while drinking tea in the forward bar.13:34
bigcalmNot sure when I was last so relaxed13:35
bigcalmWhat have I been missing?13:35
davmor2bigcalm: well the lug meeting tomorrow for a kick off :P13:36
bigcalmAh sod13:36
davmor2bigcalm: other than that not a lot ;)13:40
bigcalmHope you lot have been enjoying my photo tweets13:42
davmor2bigcalm: the what?13:43
bigcalmTweets with photos13:43
davmor2bigcalm: man I can tell you're on holiday you seemed to of forgotten that I'm sarcastic :P13:48
davmor2EE just tried to sell me Home Phone and Broadband, I'm not sure he got the result he was after. Opening gambit was Do you not think VM is expensive, no, oh why's that, I pay you 64quid for 2 phones, I pay them 6 quid more for 2 tv packages, land line and broadband who's speed you can't match, okay bye :)13:56
* dwatkins wonders if there's a pub somewhere called Ten Forward14:04
bigcalmIf this ship had 11 levels, then I would hope they would call the forward bar as suck14:05
mgdmthing is deck 10 would most likely be the engine room or something14:07
mgdmunless it had an awful lot of decks14:07
bigcalmDespite being in port, 4G connection while on the ship is pants14:10
bigcalmBloomin Faraday cage14:10
dwatkins"Ten Forward" is also the name of a coffee shop in Los Angeles.14:11
popeyyou're on holiday dude14:23
MyrttiI had a weeks holiday at home and barely had time to look at what's going on in IRC...14:23
dwatkinsI had a customer once whose cluster was only accessible via 9600 baud satellite link14:24
popeyI remember being in a hotel in Leeds, connected to the internet using the 9600 modem in my phone which I think was a 6210, maybe similar14:25
popeyhad to do windows admin, vnc of a 1024x768 screen over 9600bps is not fun14:25
popeyfun that it worked tho14:26
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
* bigcalm goes to do more holiday stuff14:35
davmor2popey: it's bigcalm he can't help himself14:43
dwatkinsI did lots of that on Sunday, and now my neck is sunburned.14:43
davmor2popey: if his laptop went with them he would be working14:43
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
MyrttiI'm heartbroken, I just realised it's not Thursday14:45
dwatkinswe can pretend it is if you like, Myrtti14:47
* bigcalm returns because there's nothing to do while Hayley takes a shower14:50
bigcalmBack in our cabin, so I get to teather my laptop and use a sensible screen size for irc14:53
davmor2bigcalm: Stop working NOW!14:53
bigcalmActually, I was thinking of playing minecraft14:54
bigcalmI have 106mb left before I have to buy more data. Wonder if that will get me far with a public minecraft server14:55
dwatkinsgood plan14:55
dwatkinsI remember the days when 64k was a lot of data ;)14:55
dwatkinsMy Tomtom reminds me of this, as it has the boot screen from a BBC Micro.14:55
dwatkinsThe BBC Lives! was Site of the day, August 14, 199614:56
awilkinsUsed to be able to write a fully functional drawing program in under 1K on a ZX8114:56
dwatkinsI remember typing-in one line BASIC programs14:57
awilkinsOf course, "fully functional" just meant "able to turn black dots on and off"14:57
dwatkinsthat's good enough14:57
dwatkinswho needs a GUI?14:57
awilkinsit had a gui!14:57
awilkinsWEll, a flashing dot14:57
awilkinsAnd you pushed keys depending on whether you wanted to trail black or white when you moved it with the arrow keys14:58
awilkinsUsed to type it in, and then draw Evil Edna14:59
joshua__hey guys, can anyone see what is up with this logrotate script? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8598df621f9b85c4db9916:00
joshua__the files rotate but the last action to upload them to s3 isn't working16:01
joshua__when I run the action manually, it does work..16:01
dwatkinsjoshua__: does logrotate know where s3cmd is, is it in the path that the script's context uses?16:02
dwatkinsperhaps try using the explicit path for s3cmd16:02
joshua__I have other single file logrotate scrips that are the same and are working16:03
dwatkinsdoes the .2.gz file definitely exist at that time, or is the write asynchronous?16:04
diddledanmorning morning16:04
joshua__it def exists..16:04
joshua__this works for example: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fa4d1960e2ccdf4e521a16:04
joshua__If I run with debug and verbose:16:07
joshua__running last action script16:07
joshua__running script with arg /var/log/debug16:07
joshua__: "16:07
joshua__   s3cmd --config /root/.s3cfg put /var/log/debug.2.gz s3://mnp-logs/debug/`date "+%Y/%m/%d"`/debug-`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`-`hostname`.gz16:08
joshua__eek, my bad16:08
p42phoneWaits in dus airport16:19
foobarrygot a weird picture i never seen before appearing in my google+ auto backup16:34
foobarrywhere could it have come from?#16:35
foobarryah, freenote app. weird.16:36
Myrttilovely, I just broke my 12.04 a bit :-(16:39
Myrttiooh, and I fixed it too.16:45
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
ndfanyone here know if when using safecopy --stage3 I had a failure, can I just start stage3 again? and once it finishes can I just run --stage3 again specifying -I stage3.badblocks -o stage4.badblocks ?17:44
ndfexit back later18:43
ndfoops lol18:43
foobarrywhere do i find downloaded apks on my android device?19:09
foobarryah, superuser was disabled..19:10
ndfhow do I stop ubuntu-server (no x) from blanking the screen/turning off the monitor after a certain time? (I can't tell which it's doing, it's a virtualbox VM)19:17
MartijnVdSndf: http://superuser.com/questions/152347/change-linux-console-screen-blanking-behavior19:33
MartijnVdSndf: you can add a boot (kernel command line) parameter, "consoleblank=0" to disable it19:33
MartijnVdSndf: on an already-booted system you can use setterm19:33
ndfthankyou =)19:34
ndfI am also recovering a hard drive with safecopy, it's getting a lot of I/O errors... it  did actually tell me how to turn off the warning messages but I lost it in the scroll buffer(for some reason it won't let me Rshift+PgUp on that tty). Is there a way I can get back to it?19:37
MartijnVdSnot when it's scrolled away19:38
MartijnVdSbest to google it19:38
ndfYeah I am trying but it seems my term is a bit vague19:39
ndfI wasn't actually getting these buffer I/O error messages on my ubuntu desktop machine, only on ubuntu-server - so there must be a config diffference there19:52
MartijnVdSit's probably high priority kernel messages20:01
ndfyeah, is there a standardised way to turn off certain messages? (in this case buffer I/O error)20:03
ndfwell there is, that's what I missed in that message in the scroll buffer20:03
ndfnever mind I'll carry on googling20:04
Myrttifor those following the football: http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2014/jul/07/whos-best-at-predicting-the-world-cup-nate-silver-bankers-or-a-cat-parasite20:31
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