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Saviqtsdgeos, o/07:28
Saviqtsdgeos, how was it?07:28
tsdgeosa bit too rainy07:28
tsdgeosdamn central europe and it's crazy weather07:29
tsdgeosmy sneakers are of perfectly brown color now cause of the mud07:29
tsdgeosbut nothing a whashing machine can't fix07:30
* tsdgeos reading emails07:30
tsdgeosSaviq: karni: there's a bug complaining about seemore/less but it hasn't been merged :S or has it?07:48
Saviqtsdgeos, no, mhr3 is resurrecting it with the new designed behaviour07:48
mhr3Saviq, eh, yea.. about that07:49
tsdgeosok, so he said last week, i was just surprised we got a bug for something wasn't merged07:49
Saviqtsdgeos, which one?07:49
mhr3...just a sec, in meeting07:49
Saviqtsdgeos, ah that one07:49
Saviqtsdgeos, it was in Preview I imagine07:49
tsdgeosmay be07:49
mhr3Saviq, tsdgeos, so i have a branch that has the see more button (based on tsdgeos' one) and adds support for the expansion queries, but there are issues with the see more that i wasn't able to fix... clipping in the section headers and on the see more widget itself08:14
mhr3was hoping you could finish it, cause there's just too much lvwph magic08:15
mhr3it's all in lp:~unity-team/unity8/grid-see-more08:15
tsdgeosSaviq: do we have an easy way to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1337408 ?08:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1337408 in Unity 8 "veritcal-journal with single result does not display" [High,Triaged]08:20
Saviqtsdgeos, probably in tryDash, after modifying fake_categories?08:20
tsdgeosi meant realworld code, but sure, that should do it08:20
tsdgeoslet's see08:20
Saviqtsdgeos, there's the store button, that's the only category with a single result08:22
Saviqtsdgeos, or well, you could probably search so that you get one result08:22
Saviqtsdgeos, and override the category in scopetool then08:22
Saviqmhr3, btw, karni reported yesterday, not sure he caught you, that if he has a canned query in a preview button, but one with empty searchQuery, it doesn't execute → only after he started typing did the new department etc. get loaded08:50
karniactually, I didn't type, I just tested with CannedQuery with set department and 1) unset query string 2) query string set to " " -- 1) only updated departments dropdown, not the results08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/verticalJournalSingleResultHeightBug/+merge/22593708:52
karni2) did update the results (as if it forced refresh), but I had this ugly search box at the top. AND, when I press back I was actually at the top, not in subdepartment08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: unfortunately we do not really have tests for CardVerticalJournal08:53
Saviqtsdgeos, I know :|08:54
mhr3karni, bug?08:55
karnimhr3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-api/+bug/133861608:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1338616 in unity-scopes-api "CannedQuery unreliable" [Undecided,New]08:55
mhr3karni, didn't you hit this btw? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/133576108:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1335761 in Unity 8 "[Dash] Activating a preview with a scope URI for the current scope doesn't send you back to the results view" [Undecided,New]08:57
karnimhr3: that too, then I pinned the scope, like you suggested.08:58
mhr3karni, oh does your result take you to a new scope?08:59
mhr3not the original one?08:59
Saviqoh my... messages is now a bell button :|08:59
mhr3karni, also, you didn't read it :)08:59
karnimhr3: I'm not sure where it takes me, to be honest. may be my scope, but search rather than subdepartment (even though these work)08:59
karnimhr3: huh?09:00
mhr3karni, that bug says that activating a scope query doesn't close the preview09:00
mhr3doesn't say anything about pinning09:00
karnimhr3: which bug?09:00
karnimy or yours09:01
karnimhr3: true. I read the title, so I thought you're referencing "Activating a preview with a scope URI for the current scope doesn't send you back to the *proper results* view, just back to where you were"09:02
karnimhr3: so if that helps, no - that's not one of the two bugs that I found. It's a different one.09:03
tsdgeosSaviq: did you ever reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1330899 ?09:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330899 in Unity 8 "Grid view collapses if no title used" [Critical,Triaged]09:03
Saviqtsdgeos, yes09:03
Saviqtsdgeos, it was enough to just go down to art alone in a grid layout09:04
mhr3karni, ok, anyway, yep, definitely a bug, will need fixing09:04
tsdgeosSaviq: so art only in a grid made that happen?09:04
tsdgeoslet's see if i can reproduce09:05
mhr3Saviq, could i land u8 today? want to push latest unity-api, so will need to fix u8's ftbfs09:05
Saviqmhr3, I wanted to land, yes, waiting for silo 4 to clear up09:06
Saviqtsdgeos, no opinion on the other points in scope-customizations discussion? name was kinda easy to decide on ;)09:15
tsdgeosSaviq: well i'd personally vote on just pass down all stuff individually09:15
tsdgeoswhich is what kind of what my first patch had09:15
tsdgeosbut if you both agree we don't want that09:15
tsdgeosi guess what we have now is the only other option i can think of09:15
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, there's going to be too much passed individually, and would mean that everything in between would need a useless property09:19
tsdgeosSaviq: or alias, but i see why you don't like it09:19
Saviqtsdgeos, so what do you think about the default objects to avoid init warnings? I like those more than `foo ? foo.bar : "baz"` TBH09:21
Saviqespecially because suddenly "baz" needs to be hardcoded everywhere09:21
tsdgeosit's weird (in the sense we don't do it anywhere else)09:22
tsdgeosbut kind of works09:22
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, we don't do it 'cause we didn't think of it ;)09:23
Saviqtsdgeos, I agree we should stick to one approach or the ohter09:23
tsdgeossure sure09:24
Saviqtsdgeos, so what we say here will have bearing on what we do later09:24
Saviqone surprising thing for me was that with `property ScopeStyle scopeStyle: null` it still created the ScopeStyle object (I think we saw that before somewhere)09:25
Saviqwith var it doesn't do it09:25
mhr3oh crap, stupid tags again09:25
Saviqmhr3, there's a .py script now09:26
Saviqmhr3, down to a second locally09:26
Saviqmhr3, 3 minutes remotely09:26
mhr3how the hell did get infected09:26
tsdgeosSaviq: yes, that's kind of related to the fact that "`property ScopeStyle scopeStyle: null" fails if ScopeStyle is uncreatable c++ type09:26
Saviqmhr3, http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.py09:26
mhr3frickin tag virus :P09:26
tsdgeossimon said the parser is smart enough and should not do it09:26
mhr3Saviq, yea, thx running it already09:26
tsdgeosbut it's a bug09:26
mhr3Saviq, nice touch putting it in the checklist ;)09:26
Saviqmhr3, indeed, the only thing the checklist is useful for ;)09:26
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, understood - still I would not like to have to use an object of the actual type if I can help it09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, any idea whether what I did, which does after all require creation of an (small, but still) object is more performance heavy than "if (foo)" everywhere?09:29
Saviqon the one hand it's only creation time, on the other that's when 99% of the bindings would get evaluated anyway09:29
tsdgeosit's probably more startup heavy09:29
tsdgeoswhich i guess we can take09:29
tsdgeosover runtime heavy09:29
tsdgeosin this case09:29
Saviqtsdgeos, well, not only startup, delegate creation, too :|09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, since we have this in every card in the dash09:30
* Saviq runs benchmark09:30
tsdgeosSaviq: does maketryCardBencharmrk say any difference?09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, just trying out09:31
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Saviqtsdgeos, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7764637/09:36
mzanettivesar: hangout?09:37
tsdgeosSaviq: just adding the property makes it slow?09:37
tsdgeosthat's weird09:37
tsdgeosis it reproducible?09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, slow?09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, the differences are .05msec09:38
tsdgeoscardTitleArtSubtitleModel went from 708 to 74309:38
Saviqtsdgeos, well, not just the property09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, had to add "if (foo) bar"09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7764642/09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, tbh on second try it went up for null as well09:39
* Saviq runs under xvfb09:39
tsdgeosmay not be stablest benchmark ever09:40
Saviqlol, it's faster under xvfb09:40
tsdgeosyou may be on the verge of it not being exact enough09:40
tsdgeosfor stuff like 10 msec09:40
Saviqbut only 128 iterations for some reason09:40
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, I'd say negligible09:41
Saviqtsdgeos, difference, that is09:42
tsdgeosSaviq: you can't have subtitle without title on a card, right?09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, even trunk is getting higher at times than either solution09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, nope09:43
tsdgeosthen i guess it's ok09:43
mhr3how come you're not computing stddev when running the benchmarks? :)09:43
Saviqmhr3, pfft09:44
mhr3it can actually spot changes in cache behaviour surprisingly well09:45
mhr3not that you should care about that too much :P09:46
Saviqmhr3, truth is we rely on Qt doing the benchmark09:46
Saviqmhr3, not doing anything special there09:46
Saviqgreyback, you should switch to in-header gpg sig09:46
greybackSaviq: why?09:46
Saviqgreyback, people get scared by things like that if they don't know what it's about09:46
Saviqgreyback, I get it displayed as part of the mail body, is all09:47
greybackSaviq: I'm using pgp default settings, assumed it was sensible09:48
greybackcan't find setting in the UI09:50
Saviqgreyback, somewhere there's a setting for PGP/MIME, trying to find it, too09:50
Saviqgreyback, I think it might be per account09:50
Saviqgreyback, yeah, go to accounts settings → OpenPGP, "Use PGP/MIME by default"09:51
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, did we not have previews in tryDash at some point?09:52
tsdgeoswe had previews somewhere09:52
tsdgeoseither tryDash or GSV or somewhere09:52
tsdgeosSaviq: want me to find them?09:53
Saviqtsdgeos, looks like we lost them, is all09:53
Saviqtsdgeos, got loads of warnings on the console when trying to activate09:53
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/implicitHeightCardArtOnly/+merge/22594309:54
mhr3Saviq, are you ok with bumping u8's build-dep on latest unity-api, yet not bumping the -impl dep yet? will allow us to land the changes separately09:54
tsdgeosSaviq: testDashContent has a few preview related tests too09:55
Saviqmhr3, sounds fine, yes09:55
mhr3Saviq, coolio, quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-api/expansion-queries/+merge/225938 pls (just interface changes)09:55
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, the tests are there, and pass, but previews never actually load09:55
Saviqmhr3, I'm just not too happy about "expansionQuery"09:57
Saviqmhr3, since it's not expansion any more09:57
mhr3Saviq, hm, well designs have either that OR the see more button.. so it kinda is09:58
mhr3but of course that can change too easily09:58
Saviqmhr3, will we enforce that?09:58
mhr3we might have to actually09:58
Cimimzanetti, maybe setting live true only when the launcher is not hidden? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/make-launcher-icons-live/+merge/22411609:58
mhr3mikenagle_, ^?09:59
Saviqmhr3, will the expansion query always be in-scope, btw?09:59
Saviqmhr3, can it not open another scope?09:59
mhr3Saviq, it can, yes09:59
Saviqmhr3, shouldn't performQuery be on Scopes instead of Scope, then?09:59
mzanettiCimi: we figured that even when live: true it only updates rendering if the icon changes, which basically never happens09:59
mzanettiCimi: so I guess we can always leave it live: true in this case09:59
mhr3Saviq, no, if it does change the current scope, you don't want to loose that info, or to keep track of where to build a stack for that matter10:00
mzanettiCimi: well, it happens only in one case that the icon changes, when the user longpresses it, and that's when we really want to update it... so no need to fiddle with the live property10:00
Cimimzanetti, fine then10:00
mzanettitsdgeos: Saviq: so we're ok with this? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-customizations/+merge/22582310:03
Saviqmzanetti, unless you tell me otherwise, nobody convinced me this is a bad approach10:04
Saviqmzanetti, benchmarking showed negligible difference10:04
mzanettiSaviq: difference between?10:04
mzanettinon-object vs object or object vs ScopeStyle?10:04
Saviqmzanetti, between trunk, default: null and default: Object({ })10:04
Saviqmzanetti, can try with actual ScopeStyle, sec10:05
mzanettiSaviq: as you have that running already, what would be the difference to using ScopeStyle {} ?10:05
tsdgeosSaviq: did you fix the comment about it not applying to previews and to departments?10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, but need add a tryPreview to actually show it, we've no other way10:06
Cimimzanetti, that branch doesn't build for me anyway10:08
mzanettiCimi: which one?10:08
Cimiissues with scopes10:08
Cimimight be trunk10:09
mzanettiwhich branch? the launcher ones?10:09
Cimiyeah needs merge trunk10:09
Cimibut is fine10:09
mzanettihmm,,, yeah. they might require a merge with trunk by now10:09
Cimiwith trunk works10:09
mzanettiCimi: want me to merge them? or hall we let CI do that?10:10
Cimici will do that10:11
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, so yeah no hard disagreement, i think i still prefer the null + if10:11
Cimiactually no10:11
Cimimzanetti, sorry10:11
tsdgeosbut it's a matter of style10:12
Cimiis launcher dnd that requires trunk10:12
tsdgeossince it seems we can't prove it's faster/slower10:12
mzanettiCimi: ok, let me merge all of those laucnher branches with trunk10:15
Cimiwasn't initctl set-env GRID_UNIT_PX=18 to change pixel grid?10:15
mzanettiCimi: yeah, well, for things you start with init after this10:16
mzanettiCimi: won't affect your current session I'd say10:16
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, ScopeStyle has some impact http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7764824/10:16
Saviqlike .15 msec10:17
mzanettiis that 50ms on 1000 cards?10:17
Saviqmzanetti, 150ms on 1000 cards I'd say10:18
mzanetticompared to trunk, yes10:18
Saviqtsdgeos, so... I hate the if (foo) approach because of verbosity and the fact that you need to hardcode the default values in every single binding10:19
mzanettiso yeah... I gave my opinion, won't force you into anything10:19
mzanettiif you prefer to keep as is, I will approve10:19
mzanettiSaviq: are such tags bad?10:20
mzanetti7.90+14.10.20140701.2-0ubuntu1 ?10:20
mzanetti7.90+14.10.20140703.1-0ubuntu1 ?10:20
Saviqmzanetti, where'd you get them from?10:21
Saviqmzanetti, looks like you got tags and not merged trunk or so?10:21
Saviqmzanetti, those tags are valid in trunk10:22
mzanettiI got them after merging with trunk10:22
Saviqmzanetti, interesting, should not be ?10:23
mzanettiyeah... that's why I ask10:23
Saviqmzanetti, not sure how you got there, try deleting them and merging trunk again10:25
mzanettiSaviq: heh... I pushed to the branch, did a bzr tags again and the ? are resolved now10:25
mzanettiSaviq: except one in the middle10:26
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that one's in trunk10:26
mzanettiah ok10:26
Saviqmzanetti, not sure how that one happened either, but never got around to clearing it up10:26
Cimimzanetti, I don't know if it a trunk issue or not merged with trunk10:28
mzanettiCimi: I'm currently merging all the branches with trunk10:28
Cimimzanetti, but https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-update-item-glow/+merge/22426610:28
Cimimzanetti, looks clip at top and bottom10:28
Cimiicons don't fill ubuntushape10:29
Cimion the phone10:29
mzanettioh. yeah... that might be an issue indeed, now that suru theme has landed10:29
mzanettilet me check10:29
Saviqmzanetti, so your opinion is we should use real ScopeStyle objects for the default? I'm worried that the impact will get bigger and bigger as ScopeStyle gets more things10:30
mzanettiffs! If run.sh wouldn't kill my init all the time...10:30
mzanettiSaviq: nah... that seems to make too much of a difference indeed10:31
Saviqmzanetti, putting pressure on this bug would probably help 122270510:31
Saviqbug #122270510:31
ubot5bug 1222705 in upstart (Ubuntu) "init assert failure: alloc.c:633: Assertion failed in nih_unref: ref != NULL" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122270510:31
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, if you both dislike my approach, I'm losing here, so unless I get a third opinion I'll have to fold10:31
tsdgeosSaviq: i think having the null actaully helps in reading the code, knowing the object will come from somewhere10:32
tsdgeosbut yes the default in the if branch is not cool10:32
tsdgeosthat's where qml should have a "whatever your default is"10:33
Saviqtsdgeos, I'd be fine with null if QML didn't fucking complain all the time10:33
tsdgeosthis has worked sometimes10:33
tsdgeosthoough it's also evil10:33
tsdgeoscolor: foo ? foo.bar : color10:33
Saviqyeah, that makes my eyes hurt10:33
mzanettiI'm not saying that I love this, but I think its less confusing than dummy objects with some properties. Unless they are clearly marked as such...10:34
Saviqmzanetti, as said, I will comment them of course10:35
Saviqmzanetti, the "context property" approach could be something, but other than reaching out of scope can't see how it'd help, and then I don't think it'd help with not having if(foo) anyway10:36
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, one thing I thought about for language changes, "inline components" is something I could use10:36
Saviqtsdgeos, like in a file declaring "here's the Label I want, but with those as defaults"10:36
Saviqtsdgeos, and then using that MyLabel in the same file (without a Loader)10:37
Saviqand without having to bind props in onLoaded or wherever10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, so, about readability... would a comment for the scopeStyle defaults be enough to help it?10:40
* Saviq considers `foo ? foo.bar : "baz"` much less readable...10:40
tsdgeosSaviq: why?10:40
tsdgeosit's pretty clear on what it does10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, because it's useless10:41
tsdgeosand makes it usable from the outside10:41
tsdgeosin case we ever need it10:41
tsdgeossure deciding on a proper default is hard10:41
Saviqtsdgeos, my approach makes it just as usable from the outside10:41
tsdgeosbut less obvious it will be changed (even you can see it's not readonly)10:41
* Saviq must look really desperate to justify his approach10:41
tsdgeoshonestly i think you should move to the pattern we've been using everywhere10:42
tsdgeosand then calmly discuss what approach we want to follow as a guideline10:42
tsdgeosnot as part of this review in particular10:42
tsdgeosstalls stuff unneededly10:42
* greyback had to check that 'unneededly' was actually not a word, but thinks it deserves to be one10:46
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, like that will ever happen :P10:46
tsdgeosgreyback: tx ;)10:46
tsdgeosSaviq: ^_^10:47
* Saviq folds :|10:47
tsdgeosSaviq: i do honestly think we should have this discussion10:49
tsdgeoswe can have it now if you want, but don't think it's the best time10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, we are, aren't we? ;)10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, `property var foo: bar ? bar.baz : foo` doesn't really work well either, as results in stuff changing needlessly just after initialization10:58
mhr3Saviq, s/expansionQuery/linkQuery/ ?10:58
tsdgeosSaviq: what do you mean changing after initialization?10:58
Saviqmhr3, headerLink?10:58
Saviqtsdgeos, create → bar is null, foo gets default value; bar gets non-null, foo gets bar.baz value11:00
mikenagle_mhr3 - have emailed11:00
mhr3mikenagle_, yep, thx11:00
Saviqtsdgeos, if default and bar.baz are different (which they will often be), it will need new render11:00
tsdgeosSaviq: well that's the same that happens with your approach, no?11:00
Saviqtsdgeos, only if bar.baz is different than the value I said is default for the component I'm creating, not for the component I'm using11:01
tsdgeosi mean it will change from defaultObject.something to newObject.something11:01
tsdgeosah sure11:01
tsdgeosso you're cheating ;)11:01
karnipete-woods: it's the second time I see this, any ideas? https://pastebin.canonical.com/113111/11:01
tsdgeosmeans we need to keep default synced to get this "benefit"11:02
karnipete-woods: rm'ing the directory fixes the problem, I'm just worried it's something worse then a "one time happened"11:02
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, how's that cheating?11:02
Saviqtsdgeos, granted, if the default is coming from the theme in any case, probably doesn't matter11:02
tsdgeosSaviq: well part of your approach is that makes code easier to read/mantain, and you also say a benefit is less propperty changes, but that means we need to manually sync defaults everywhere which makes it less easy to read/mantain11:03
pete-woodskarni: you'll need to talk to the click guys (I think mainly cjwatson) about that, package installation is out of my hands11:03
Saviqtsdgeos, we need to sync them manually anyway11:04
Saviqtsdgeos, just in one place per file with the default object11:04
karnipete-woods: thanks11:04
Saviqtsdgeos, vs. however-many-per-file with null (unless you go for a proxy property)11:04
Saviqbut then you end up with:11:05
Saviqproperty var foo: null11:05
Saviqproperty color bar: foo ? foo.baz : "default"11:05
* Saviq doesn't get how's that better than putting the default in foo directly ;P11:06
mzanettiCimi: I've merged https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-update-item-glow/+merge/224266 with trunk11:06
mzanettiCimi: looks good imo11:06
Cimimzanetti, waiting jenkins11:06
Cimimzanetti, on desktop I don't have suru11:07
mzanettiCimi: yeah, same here.... icons are empty (although I think I saw them already some days ago)11:07
mzanettibut on the phone its fine now11:07
Saviqmzanetti, Cimi wdym you don't have suru?11:07
mzanettiSaviq: using./run.sh the launcher icons are empty11:08
mzanettinot sure why11:08
Cimior I simply have normal icons11:08
Ciminot suru11:08
Cimicirculas icons11:09
Cimino suru theme11:09
Cimiso I can't test if they fill11:09
tsdgeosSaviq: let's not block on this, for me you can get it merged as it is if it works (which i haven't tried, i can if you want)11:09
tsdgeosand then discuss later if we want this everywhere or just here11:09
Saviqtsdgeos, already changed11:10
mzanettiCimi: all launcher branches merged with trunk11:10
tsdgeosSaviq: doh :/11:10
Saviqtsdgeos, but that's fine11:10
tsdgeosmzanetti: all yours then?11:10
Cimimzanetti, almost all approved apart item glow11:10
mzanettitsdgeos: ?11:11
Saviqmzanetti, I reverted to foo ? foo.bar : "baz"11:11
Saviqmzanetti, in the scope customs branch11:11
tsdgeosmzanetti: i mean you were doing the review, no?11:11
Saviqmzanetti, I need to do a tryPreview, though, otherwise we can't see the previews being "affected" by the style11:12
tsdgeosSaviq: why?11:12
tsdgeosor you mean on tryXYZ?11:12
Saviqtsdgeos, yes11:12
Saviqtsdgeos, since we have no real preview anywhere in the tests...11:12
Saviqtsdgeos, I want one that will be mostly manual (the widgets themselves are tested fine)11:13
tsdgeoswhat broke?11:13
tsdgeosError: Unknown method return type: unity::shell::scopes::PreviewModelInterface*11:13
mhr3Saviq, updated unity-api and u8 branches, do you have a silo where the api changes could go, or should i ask for one?11:13
tsdgeosthis used to work11:13
Saviqmhr3, I'll take care of that today, K?11:13
mhr3Saviq, awesome, thx11:13
Saviqmhr3, unless you really want it *now*, then have at it11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, that's what I meant, we managed to break the mock previews somehow11:14
mhr3Saviq, nope, but i need to leave for a few hours, so wanted to sort it out before i do11:14
Saviqmhr3, ok, I'll take care of it11:14
mhr3Saviq, here's mp list for -api http://paste.ubuntu.com/7765051/11:16
Saviqmhr3, ah, you didn't reply whether performQuery should be on Scopes, and not Scope  instead?11:16
mhr3Saviq, i did ^^^^11:16
Saviqmhr3, not sure what info? you mean where it came from?11:17
sil2100Saviq: is silo 004 something big?11:17
mhr3Saviq, really the associated scope instance11:17
Saviqsil2100, transfer indicator, I wouldn't call it big11:18
sil2100Saviq: I guess it's not regression prone?11:18
mhr3Saviq, can't build much of a stack without that11:18
Saviqsil2100, not at all11:18
sil2100Love it11:18
Saviqmhr3, still not sure we need it, but your call, easier for me this way anyway :P11:19
mhr3Saviq, i think we do, plus openScope is emitted on the scope instance anyway11:19
mhr3not on ScopeS11:20
Saviqmhr3, ah, nasty :P11:20
mhr3s/nasty/makes sense/11:20
Saviqmhr3, we just need to forward it up anyway ;)11:20
mhr3do you? i thought you associate it with the view it came from11:21
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fake_scopes_plugin_register_previewmodel/+merge/22595611:28
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* greyback going into mir land, may be offline a while12:05
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks, wonder how that broke12:15
Saviqmhr3, nope, we just push it up and put it on top of the list of scopes12:15
mzanettiSaviq: re: Not sure unity8 should do anything here. Libusermetrics should just not give up any data if it's disabled.12:31
mzanettiSaviq: I think that's what happens, which causes the infographics to dispay "No data sources available"12:31
Saviqmzanetti, ah then that's gonna be fixed by https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/infographics-new-lightdm/+merge/22322112:33
mzanettiah ok12:34
karnimhr3: do you know how works on libunity-scopes2 package?12:44
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karnicwayne: I asked mhr3 ↑ so we can better understand if the scope.hook needs fixing.12:47
om26ermzanetti, Hello!12:49
cwaynethe click hook's not broken12:49
mzanettiom26er: hi12:50
om26ermzanetti, what do I need to do to add the icon for a single qml file in the launcher ?12:50
karnicwayne: even though it says nothing about leaf-net (or others)?12:50
om26erneed to add a very simple app to the launcher that we can trust will launch during the test.12:50
Saviqmzanetti, I pushed a few commits still to the scope-customizations branch12:50
mzanettiom26er: well, its the same as I showed you last time12:50
mzanettiSaviq: ack. did you put it back to Needs review?12:51
Saviqmzanetti, now I did12:51
mzanettiom26er: is there any troubles you're facing with that?12:51
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om26ermzanetti, I used that to put messaging-app in the launcher, but didn't know the entries for a new app, that never appeared in the launcher12:51
om26ermzanetti, I ported the gdbus call you gave to python, it works but its relying on real apps (in this case messaging-app) but a bug in the messaging-app may fail that test.12:52
mzanettiom26er: then you need to create an app12:53
mzanettiom26er: well, all you need is a manifest.json, appname.json and the qml file12:53
mzanettiom26er: then you can install that as a click package12:53
mzanettiom26er: we can't show random icons in the launcher. it has to be related to an application12:54
om26ermzanetti, I can create a .click from QtCreator but installing it during the test can be tricky.12:55
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mzanettiom26er: hmm... why is that?12:55
mzanettiom26er: you just need to call "click install --user=phablet packagename.click"12:56
om26ermzanetti, just like that ?12:56
mzanettiyeah, well, replace "packagename" with what it is, but yes12:56
om26ermzanetti, ok, thanks. I'll work on that.12:57
mzanettiom26er: let me know if you have troubles12:57
karnimhr3: ignore my last question about the scope.hook13:02
tsdgeosSaviq: why WIP here? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/implicitHeightCardArtOnly/+merge/22594313:13
Saviqtsdgeos, it's ACKed already, fat fingers13:13
tsdgeosdidn't get the other email13:14
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Saviqmzanetti, on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-header/+merge/224585 please bump the uitk dep to >= 0.1.4913:18
mzanettiSaviq: ack13:18
mzanettiSaviq: done13:21
Saviqmzanetti, thanks13:22
=== greyback|away is now known as greyback
Saviqmzanetti, you need to merge trunk in new-header13:56
Saviqmzanetti, debian/control conflicted13:56
Saviqmzanetti, and you need more bumps around it13:56
mzanettiSaviq: merged, can you please check the version bumps14:06
Saviqmzanetti, yup, doing14:06
Saviq> grep toolkit debian/control14:08
Saviq               qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin (>= 0.1.49) | qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles (>= 0.1.49),14:08
Saviq         qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin (>= 0.1.48) | qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles (>= 0.1.48),14:08
Saviq         qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin (>= 0.1.48) | qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles (>= 0.1.48),14:08
mzanettioh.. right14:08
mzanettiSaviq: ok. should be better now14:09
Saviqmzanetti, ack14:11
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Saviqmzanetti, dednick, one of you needs to merge with the other:14:41
SaviqText conflict in debian/control14:41
SaviqText conflict in qml/Panel/Panel.qml14:41
SaviqText conflict in tests/qmltests/Panel/tst_Panel.qml14:41
Saviqhttps://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator.call-hint and https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-header14:41
dednickmzanetti: i'll merge14:42
Saviqdednick, sounds like it'll be easier this way indeed14:42
Saviqdednick, mzanetti's is mostly red in Panel14:42
mzanettidednick: ok, thanks. makes it a good checkpoint for you to make sure if I forgot to remove anything14:43
mzanettiwell, didn't forget, that is :)14:44
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dednickmzanetti: hm. the required branch has landed right?14:54
mzanettidednick: not sure14:54
mzanettiSaviq: do you know?14:54
Saviqdednick, UITK? in proposed14:55
Saviqdednick, or silo 1614:55
dednickSaviq: ah. didn't realise they had a staging14:57
Saviqdednick, yeah :|14:57
Saviqdednick, actually proposed only, as we needed to bump changelog in proposed for it14:57
karniSaviq: do you know if designers ever considerered leaving the preview like you leave a regular app? I find myself constantly scipe to right when previewing14:58
Saviqkarni, it's already happening14:58
Saviqkarni, dash will effectively become an app14:58
Saviqone that you can't close, is all14:58
karniSaviq: but a preview will be swipe-able? :)15:00
dednickoh my word. we can cancel a search?!15:00
karniSaviq: or leave preview with back button lol ;D15:00
Saviqdednick, ;D15:00
Saviqkarni, ah you mean you're swiping right to go back to dash?15:01
Saviqkarni, no, button as today15:01
Saviqkarni, what you're suggesting would mean that preview would be a ~separate app15:01
karniSaviq: yeah, swiping right all the time and then "d'uh! it's a preview"15:01
karniSaviq: in theory, perhaps not in practice, but I guess that wouldn't be easy. or maybe a "~separate app", yes15:02
pete-woodsCimi: hey, your infographics branch seems to be failing the tests because of an extra newline and the end of Infographics.qml15:02
karniSaviq: just wondering if design ever thought about it15:02
karnifor consistency sake15:02
Saviqkarni, I think it could become a little too much15:02
Saviqkarni, imagine you'd do that 5 times, opening different previews15:03
karniSaviq: too bad, this gesture is very intuitive :)15:03
dednickSaviq: do i need to resubmit with pre-req?15:03
karniSaviq: I prever that than reaching with my right thumb to upper left. just saying :D15:03
Saviqdednick, nah that's fine15:03
Saviqkarni, you'd end up with 5 previews in the stack15:03
dednickSaviq: ok, i've pushed15:03
Saviqkarni, right, the back button placement was debated quite a bit already15:04
karniSaviq: k, gotcha. /me stops being PITA ;)15:04
Saviqkarni, you're not, not at all15:04
Saviqbut the right-edge gesture is toggle between apps, not "back"15:04
karnigotcha :)15:04
Saviqkarni, we can't have both on the right edge...15:05
karniSaviq: yeah, I meant sort of separate app. not making it a "back" gesture. I get your point :)15:05
Saviqkarni, truth be told, there's space for behaviour like that15:05
Saviqkarni, like for example I'd rather see multiple browser windows than tabs within the browser15:06
karniSaviq: interesting15:07
karninow that switching is so easy, right? yeah, that's an idea15:07
Saviqkarni, I never missed browser tabs on my phone, for example, and constantly get lost on android15:08
Saviqmzanetti, will you have time for the last commits on scope-customizations/15:08
mzanettiyeah... can do it now15:09
Saviqkarni, so, in theory it's possible to have previews like that, the difference is that it's very explicit to open a new tab / browser window15:10
karniSaviq: right..15:10
Saviqkarni, whereas opening a preview is just clicking on a link15:10
* karni nods15:10
Saviqkarni, I rarely expect that to open a new window15:10
mzanettiSaviq: just this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-customizations/revision/103115:10
Saviqmzanetti, I don't think you saw 1029→103115:10
Saviqmzanetti, you can test 1030 with lp:~aacid/unity8/fake_scopes_plugin_register_previewmodel15:11
Saviqmzanetti, tryDash and go to a preview15:11
Saviqin the red/blue scope that is15:12
Saviqmzanetti, before preview would have grey text, now → blue15:12
mzanettithat scope is freakin ugly15:15
mzanettibut I guess it's its purpose15:16
Saviqmzanetti, indeed ;)15:18
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
greybackbregma: can you remind me - is there currently a cursor visible in unity8 on desktop?15:34
bregmagreyback, there is on my machines -- all Intel hardware15:35
greybackbregma: ok thanks15:36
mhr3Saviq, well, that will need changing, will have to keep stack... although i'm not sure if you really need to keep it per-scopeview... maybe not15:37
greybackbregma: would you know if it is unity8 that draws that cursor, or unity-system-compositor?15:37
Saviqmhr3, definitely not15:37
bregmagreyback BTW, your right-edge PPA broke u-s-c on my test machines last night, in case you were wondering15:37
mhr3karni, tbh i'm not really sure how that works, so if you know now, please enlighten me :)15:37
greybackbregma: I've pushed a fix for that, it should work now15:37
Saviqmhr3, there will be a single stack, the root of which will be the list of scopes, not a single scope15:37
Saviqmhr3, stuff's in silo 18 btw15:38
bregmagreyback, it's the hardware cursor, enabled by u-s-c15:38
karnimhr3: sorry, context?15:38
bregmathere's a command-line option15:38
mhr3karni, click scope hook15:38
greybackbregma: ok. our qtcomp PPA not touching USC, so that /should/ just work as normal. unity8 does change tho15:38
karnimhr3: ah, I think I said to ignore that :D haha15:38
karnimhr3: well, scopes can define in manifest.json a scope hook15:38
karnimhr3: which basically instructs the system how/where to install the scope15:38
karnimhr3: /usr/share/click/hooks contains definitions of hooks15:39
karnispecifically, scope.hook that I was interested in15:39
karnimhr3: turns out (and I agree with your +Needs Information on a MP from michi today), that /leaf-net/$APP_ID directory has nothing to do with the pattern defined in scope.hook15:40
bregmagreyback, if Unity8 wants to start rendering the cursor, that's just fine15:40
karnimhr3: and that is what I needed to know. I agree this MP needs info, who needs to create that /leaf-net/$APP_ID dir15:41
greybackbregma: quite the opposite, I was hoping to not have to right now :)15:41
greybackbregma: but I wasn't seeing a cursor when testing the phone-right-edge ppa so started adding support for it15:41
greybackbut now I don't think it's necessary, USC should be drawing it15:42
karnimhr3: do you know if departments are in utopic (not -proposed)?15:42
mhr3karni, not sure the hook even has a capability to look at the security profile15:42
bregmaUSC enables it, it's actually drawn by the video driver if it supports it -- and not all of them do15:42
karnimhr3: a question I never know how to answer. perhaps instead you can tell me how to *find* the answer instead? :)15:42
mhr3karni, which will mean that registry has to do it15:42
mhr3karni, you look at what's last promoted image :)15:43
mhr3karni, which is 113, so yes, it's there15:43
bregmagreyback, some day the cursor rendering will need to be moved into a Mir server, but that day does not have to be today15:43
greybackbregma: ok. Then I'll leave the cursor to the USC for now. Can later add support15:43
bregmait's a plan15:43
greybackbregma: racarr is working on that15:43
karnimhr3: where do you check the latest promoted image? the mailing list, or the channel json?15:43
greybackbregma: software rendering of cursor when hw doesn't do it15:44
mhr3karni, i just looked at top of the landing sheet, but yes, it's in those places as well15:44
karniaha, thank you :)15:44
mhr3Saviq, want me to run through test plan on 018?15:52
Saviqmhr3, UITK didn't migrate proper yet15:52
Saviqmhr3, and I was about to do that when it does15:52
mhr3Saviq, not like proposed wasn't enabled on the images ;)15:53
Saviqmhr3, four eyes always better'n'two!15:53
Saviqmhr3, it's not15:53
mhr3Saviq, it's not?15:53
Saviqmhr3, nope15:53
mhr3i always thought it is15:53
mhr3cause we have very clear names... like utopic-proposed15:54
Saviqmhr3, rrright15:54
mhr3but yea... i remember now that someone already enlightened me about that15:54
Saviqmhr3, that's the proposed phone image, not the phone image built from proposed...15:54
Saviqkinda broken indeed15:55
Saviqok I'm gonna stop staring at excuses...15:56
Saviqit'll migrate 1s after, of course15:56
mhr3yea, it always does that15:56
karnimhr3: what's the address of the sheet? I'm on "Self service CI" and I think that's the old one, locked down from edits.16:11
karnimhr3: I wanted to learn revno of -proposed this time ;P16:11
karnimhr3: k, just found the mail from Łukasz16:12
mhr3karni, eh, yea.. sorry, i'm slow :P16:14
mhr3Saviq, migrated :)16:18
Saviqmhr3, yup, saw that16:18
Saviqstill, ports doesn't know yet...16:19
* tsdgeos waves16:21
mhr3Saviq, hm, scope title missing on temp scopes that don't have custom icon16:30
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mhr3Saviq, like the app store16:30
mhr3Saviq, and previewing stuff in carousel previews always the first item, no matter what i tap16:36
Saviqmhr3, ok, so NACK16:38
Saviqmhr3, I'll deal with it first thing tomorrwo16:38
mhr3Saviq, yep, needs fixing16:38
Saviqmhr3, weird, though :|16:38
Saviqboth of these usecases I tested16:39
mhr3Saviq, refactored too much? :)16:39
Saviqnot to mention they're auto-tested16:39
Saviqwell, not the title16:41
Saviqnot today16:41
mhr3sure, have a nice evening!16:42
cwaynebtw i showed off the customizations we can do with that branch, and was asked a bunch about changing just the color of the header, rather than the whole page16:47
cwayneSaviq: just fyi ^, seems likely that'll be a requirement sooner rather than later :)16:48
* cwayne is at least happy the uitk finally made it16:48
Saviqcwayne, yeah, it's on the TOOD16:59
Saviqcwayne, all of it will happen within weeks tops16:59
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greybackrobru: could I grab some of your time for some packaging advice/review?17:05
robrugreyback, sure, got a branch?17:06
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greybackrobru: I made some major changes to lp:qtmir packaging, to add desktop support17:06
robrugreyback, is it in trunk already?17:06
greybackrobru: yes it's in trunk17:07
robrugreyback, k, checking17:07
greybackrobru: thank you17:07
robrugreyback, you're welcome17:07
robrugreyback, hmmm, I don't think you want qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin to 'Provides: qtmir', do you? It means that if you 'apt-get install qtmir' you can satisfy it with either qtmir-android, qtmir-desktop, or qtdeclarative.17:10
greybackrobru: indeed I do not17:10
robrugreyback, other than that it looks mostly sane to me, still checking a bit though17:12
robrugreyback, hmmm, not sure about those .install files, seems to me that will result in the same identical files being shipped in those two packages...17:13
robrugreyback, what exactly is the difference between android and desktop versions? is it just the arch it's compiled for or are there serious compile-time changes happening in the code?17:14
greybackrobru: there are compile time differences in the code17:14
robrugreyback, have you tested that you can actually build this and the Right Stuff gets built into both packages?17:15
greybackrobru: yes and yes17:15
greybackrobru: I was inspired by qtubuntu, it does the same thing, for exact the same reason17:15
robrugreyback, oh wow, what's going on in debian/rules? why this tmp1 and tmp2 stuff?17:16
greybackrobru: we need to rebuild the same code, with a compile time switch turned on in qtmir-desktop, and turned off in qtmir-android17:17
greybackqtmir-android will be installed only on phone/tablet devices (with Open GLES). qtmir-desktop on desktop (with desktop GL)17:17
greybackrobru: I know, it's a bit nuts. But it's only solution we had for qtubuntu, so I copied the approach for qtmir17:18
robrugreyback, I have an idea to simplify this, hang on17:18
greybackrobru: cool, would love to hear it17:18
robrugreyback, wait, if I'm reading this right, then it looks like on armhf you are building *both* desktop and android bits, but on other arches you only build desktop bits... is that right?17:20
greybackrobru: that is correct actually. Sorry, I always forget that17:20
robrugreyback, hrm, yeah on my first reading I was thinking it was mutually exclusive, so I was going to do just one if/else at the beginning and then merge all the following if/else blocks to just use a single call with a single (pre-determined) variable. but if you need to actually run both, it doesn't work...17:21
robrugreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/qtmir/packaging-simplification/+merge/226012 it's not as much of a simplification as i'd hoped but let me know what you think of this17:31
robrualso I fixed the provides.17:32
greybackrobru: looks good to me though. I'll happily accept anything to improve the readability :)17:32
greybackrobru: very much appreciated.17:33
greybackthanks for proofing it17:33
robrugreyback, you're welcome.17:33
robrugreyback, need a silo then?17:33
greybackrobru: we have a silo already, thanks17:35
robrugreyback, oh, add my MP to it then ;-)17:35
greybackrobru: will do17:35
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Saviqmhr3, btw, fixed carousel, header is weird... it looks like the UITK header doesn't like updates18:56
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mhr3Saviq, :/19:58
mhr3Saviq, forgot to add https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scopes-mocks-v2/+merge/225940 to 01820:03
Saviqmhr3, actually fixed now20:26
Saviqmhr3, hmm why all the newline changes?20:31
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mhr3Saviq, 1014. Consolidate code style of the scope mock21:30
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* Saviq wants to simplify the mocks...'21:37
Saviqmhr3, fwiw, we're leaning towards /* */ instead of Q_UNUSED, the latter usually ends up being left around even when the param is used after all21:38
mhr3Saviq, but it has Q_ prefix, clearly it's better! :P21:38
mhr3but ok noted21:39
SaviqI totally agree ;)21:39
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