
xequenceOvenWerks: I'm doing the first SRU version of -controls in GTK, as that is what I know.10:04
xequenceNeed only a couple of days of work to finish it, I think10:05
cubsame ol' same ol'21:50
zequencecub: Watching the game? :D21:50
cubeating cheese and drinking wine. :P21:52
cubis it a good one? I don't even know who's playing21:52
zequencecub: Germany-Brazil, 7-121:57
zequenceWell, I still think the Dutch will grab the gold21:57
zequenceI'll retire now. Been out on a trip. Best get some sleep :)21:58
cubwoaw crazy result22:02
cubsee ya zequence, I'm on vacation as well. Half way to Gothenburg.22:03

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