
knomei don't know if it's related, but i've recently noticed how gvfs-metadata is running and it simply won't stop...00:30
knomei mean, it'll stop if i kill it, but if not, there doesn't seem to be no end to it00:30
knomeanybody have an idea how to debug?00:30
bluesabreI think ali1234 noted something about that recently00:30
ali1234sounds like the thumbnailer going crazy00:31
knomewell it's definitly something.00:32
micahgbluesabre: can't do it tonight, I can take a look tomorrow evening03:14
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Unit193bluesabre: Did you ask dholbach or xn ox about writing something nice for your application to the DMB?21:55
bluesabreUnit193: dholbach has given me a good endorsement22:53
bluesabrenot sure xn ox has sponsored many packages for me22:53
Unit193http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Sean+Davis&sponsoree_search=name a few.22:54
Unit193But yeah, you seem to snag dholbach a lot. :D22:58

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