
mappscan anyone recommend a tutorial for setting up openswan/strongswan00:42
SamwiseGamgeeDoes my PC have information about my internal optical drive, like the make and model number?03:19
SamwiseGamgeeIf so, how do I access that information?03:19
cfhowlettSamwiseGamgee try this command: lshw03:20
SamwiseGamgeeok, thanks03:20
SamwiseGamgeehow do I become a superuser in the command console?03:23
ubottuSamwiseGamgee: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:23
SamwiseGamgeeok, bot bitch03:24
cfhowlettSamwiseGamgee insults and profanity will quickly get you added to /ignore        and are unwelcome in this channel03:25
SamwiseGamgeeplease excuse my offensive language, and sorry if I offended anyone03:26
SamwiseGamgeesorry ubottu03:27
simpleuserHi there. I just installed Xubuntu 14.04.10:16
simpleuserEven if I disabled Light Locker, I have to unlock my session after screensaver.10:17
simpleuserAny idea?10:17
simpleuserOther problem: When I close my eeepc laptop, it goes into suspend mode, even if I don’t ask to, in the power settings.10:18
simpleuserBetter: When I come back, I just have a blank screen. Impossible to come back in my session.10:18
simpleuserI have to restart Xorg…10:19
simpleuserI’m not the only one… http://askubuntu.com/questions/462361/xubuntu-blank-screen-after-wakeup10:23
mdp_Hi, scite in xubuntu 14.04 does not use the GTK controls, it has display issues (such as bad refresh. Does anyone know how to fix it?10:25
mdp_Hi thought it would be fixed within a few updates, but still nothing...10:26
simpleuserActually even if I disable light-locker it reenables automatically.10:26
gainhi guys, indicators of battery and volume disappear10:59
gainany hint?10:59
simpleuser(Solved my blank screen problem by removing light locker and installing xscreensaver instead)12:02
=== qwebirc322421 is now known as slickymasterWork
buddyHi. Can someone explain me. When i close my laptop lid and then reopen it my screen brightness decreases and when i enter my login passwd screen turns to black and thats all. When i begin to type logon screen shows again with decreased brightness and so on. In my power settings value "Lock screen" is set on the On Battery and On AC tabs. But seems it doesnt work correctly. Has anyone encountered such?16:41
buddyBut if i do Lock screen from Action buttons on my panel it works fine16:43
m1chaeli am having some strange issues with xubuntu (closing my laptop lid renders the computer useless till rebooting due to black screen) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/130373617:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [Undecided,New]17:04
m1chaelshould i switch to a different distro/version?17:05
buddyok but why it goes to suspend instead of lock screen? in my power settings option Lock screen is set, not suspend17:10
=== owner_ is now known as Xubuntu_User
Xubuntu_Usermy hdmi cable fell out I put it back in now I can not get CTRL+ALT+F718:11
Xubuntu_Usercan I use vnc on the --session-child 12 1918:12
Xubuntu_Userto get it back18:12
holsteinXubuntu_User: i would just do the original IT fix.. turn it off and back on again..18:12
Xubuntu_Userplease no18:12
holsteinHDMI can be tricky..18:12
Xubuntu_UserI have important unsaved filews18:12
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: so ssh in from another machine and save them18:12
holsteinXubuntu_User: you need to back those up regardless..18:13
Xubuntu_Userwhen hdmi falls out in MS windows you can plug it back in without issue18:13
Xubuntu_Userwhy is it such a big deal in linux18:13
* Hedgework contemplates yanking her HDMI cable to see what happens18:13
Xubuntu_Userlinux should be better18:13
HedgeworkOh, wait...home is HDMI...these are VGA and DP18:14
Hedgeworksilly work computer18:14
Xubuntu_Userwait a sec.... girls use linux?18:14
holsteinXubuntu_User: let the creators of the hardware know what you expect in linux.. its up to them to provide support, as they have in windows.. ultimately18:14
Xubuntu_Userwhat planet are you from18:14
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: I'm surprised you are having such an issue...I plug and unplug monitors on my laptop all the time (either directly or by docking/undocking it) without issue.18:14
Xubuntu_UserI doubt its nvidia fault that lightdm wont restore a session18:15
* Hedgework chuckles18:15
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: why are you back at lightdm?  your existing session shouldn't have ended...I bet Xorg is still running just fine with your existing session18:15
holsteinXubuntu_User: its not an issus of "fault".. its just not supporting linux officially.. but, if you are runing live, and not trying the proprietary driver, please do.. that can usually address most issues18:15
Xubuntu_Userso how do I restore that session to CTRL+ALT+F7?18:16
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: And yes.  I'm a girl.  I'm also a hacker and a martial artist and a little crazy.  It happens ;)18:16
Xubuntu_Userwhat kind of hacker?18:16
holsteinXubuntu_User: you may not be able to.. i would backup the files and reboot. or install and try the proprietary driver.. or plug a monitor in18:16
Xubuntu_Userfull on pen tester or skiddie wannabe18:16
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: I work for an information security research center, and have been an open source dev since I was 12 or so.18:16
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Actually, when I said "hacker" I was thinking the Jargon File definition.18:17
Xubuntu_Userif I plug in a VGA it might work?18:17
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: I'm a security nerd, but that just overlaps a little with my hackerdom :P18:17
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: maybe18:17
holsteinXubuntu_User: it depends on what has crashed, and why18:17
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: I assume you can get to a console and log in?18:17
Xubuntu_Usermy nvidia GTX 660 does not have VGA it only has HDMI and the white one18:17
holsteinif x has crashed, try starting it18:18
Xubuntu_Usernothing has crashed..........18:18
Xubuntu_Userthe hdmi cable came out18:18
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Let's back up and get enough info from you to actually diagnose the issue, mmkay?18:18
Xubuntu_UserI put it back in18:18
Xubuntu_Usernow I can not get CTRL+ALT+F718:18
holsteinXubuntu_User: whatever you want to call it, friend.. you are here because soemthing has happened.. its not constructive to assume x didnt crash..18:18
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Can you get to a console and log in?  (Usually Ctrl+Alt+F1)18:18
Xubuntu_UserF1 does work18:18
holsteinthe question is. is *anything* on the screen. or has x crashed.. or what..18:19
Xubuntu_UserI can log in as root just fine18:19
holsteinthen, i would login as normal use, and try startx18:19
holsteinnormal user*18:19
Xubuntu_Userthat will kill my old session18:19
Hedgeworkholstein: slow down :P18:19
holsteingood luck, folks..18:19
Xubuntu_UserI want to RESTORE my old session18:19
Hedgeworkseriously...impatient boys around here... *theatrical eyeroll*18:19
Xubuntu_Usernot start a NEW one18:19
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: use xrandr to make sure that X is properly detecting that your monitor is back18:20
holsteinXubuntu_User: if it crashed, you will not be able to, friend18:20
Hedgeworkshoot, nvm, you need to do that within the X session18:20
holsteinXubuntu_User: dont assume it didnt.. thats all i suggest.. see if it crashed factually.. otherwise, good luck18:20
Hedgeworkjust checked18:20
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: "ps -a | grep Xorg" will tell you whether or not Xorg is currently running18:21
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: So, is it?18:22
Hedgework(if you get no output, it's not)18:22
Xubuntu_Userroot      1820  2.7  2.5 378320 206420 tty7    Ss+  Jul07  27:59 /usr/bin/X -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch18:23
Xubuntu_Userroot      2827  0.0  0.0 174620  3884 ?        Sl   Jul07   0:00 lightdm --session-child 12 1918:23
Hedgework(btw, that has to be -A rather than -a if you are not root atm)18:23
Hedgeworknone of those are the output of the command I gave you.18:24
Xubuntu_User1230 tty7     00:02:10 Xorg18:25
Hedgeworkthank you18:25
HedgeworkOkay, so now do "ps -A | grep xfce4" to see if xfce4 is still running18:26
Xubuntu_Useroh sorry that was my laptop's Xorg its PID 1820 for my desktop18:26
Hedgework(btw, I'm assuming that you use Xfce4, which is the Xubuntu default)18:26
Xubuntu_Userjefferyw  3332  0.0  0.0 247420  7860 ?        Sl   Jul07   0:00 xfce4-session18:27
HedgeworkOkay, so assuming that jefferyw is your user name, you still have an active session running18:28
Xubuntu_UserI want to connect to that session18:29
Xubuntu_Userthat was my original question18:29
HedgeworkRight, but first we had to make sure that it existed.18:29
Xubuntu_User(smash palm and face on keyboard)18:29
HedgeworkThis is called being methodical. :)18:29
HedgeworkOperate on bad assumptions and you can waste HOURS18:29
HedgeworkAre you using the nvidia proprietary thing, or the open source drivers?18:30
Xubuntu_Userwhat does this matter in regards to a xfce4-session I am trying to restore18:30
HedgeworkBecause the proprietary tools override how X handles display recognition and assignment natively.18:31
HedgeworkThey make this whole thing about 100x more complicated.18:31
HedgeworkThe xfce4 session appears to still be running, but you can't attach a display to it...this is likely either because something broke, or because you use nvidia's proprietary thing and it decided that the display you plugged back in is a different, new display with no X screens assigned to it.18:32
Xubuntu_UserI did apt-get install nvidia-33118:33
Xubuntu_Userso w/e that one is18:33
Xubuntu_Userbeing able to xfer a session to a new screen should be an option18:33
Xubuntu_Usersounds like a flaw with session management18:34
Xubuntu_Userso say I wanted to unplug hdmi and plug in dvi18:34
Xubuntu_Userthat session should switch over18:34
Xubuntu_Useror vice versa18:34
Hedgeworkhold on and let me look at what that package is18:34
HedgeworkWell, it does if you let X control your screens :)18:34
Xubuntu_Userit does not do this out of the box?18:35
Xubuntu_Userby default?18:35
HedgeworkYep, you're on NVIDIA's proprietary binary thingie18:35
HedgeworkThat's the source of the problem.18:36
HedgeworkXorg exposes those control to your window manager by default; I don't know how Xfce4 handles it in particular because I have not used xfce4 in years.18:36
HedgeworkIt's incredibly smooth and useful in i3wm with a sane configuration <318:37
Xubuntu_Userwhat do you use18:37
Xubuntu_Useroh computer genious18:37
Hedgeworkbut it's not for everybody18:38
HedgeworkIt's tiling, not WIMP, which is really weird for some people18:38
Hedgework(WIMP == Window, Icon, Mouse/Pointer)18:38
Xubuntu_Userso in plain english I am screwed18:39
HedgeworkWhat applications are open with unsaved data that you desperately need?18:39
Xubuntu_Usergreat job linux18:39
Xubuntu_Userdidn't torvold say F U to nvidia18:40
Hedgeworkumm, this is all NVIDIA's doing...they override the Xorg facilities that prevent this from happening18:40
HedgeworkYep. However, that didn't stop you from installing their shit anyway, even though it's not in the kernel :P18:40
Xubuntu_Userbecause I paid good $ for my GTX 66018:40
Xubuntu_UserI want the most FPS in my games18:40
HedgeworkAhh.  I went with a probably-overpowered-for-my-purposes ATI card in tyro (my desktop) and have been quite happy thus far.18:41
koegssame thing here with nvidia-drivers, turn off the displayport-monitor, turn it back on again, no display :(18:41
HedgeworkOne of my boyfriends is a gamer, and seems happy with roughly the same card.18:41
Xubuntu_Userthats one lucky boyfriend18:41
Xubuntu_Usergaming girls who use linux are rare18:42
Xubuntu_Userso rare its sad18:42
Xubuntu_Userand one that claims to be a hacker too18:42
HedgeworkMeh, I'm not that much of a gamer any more...I play a few things casually, but that's it.  I code more now. :)18:42
Xubuntu_UserI am learning python and twisted18:42
Xubuntu_Usersetting up honeypots18:42
Xubuntu_Userfor SSH and TELNET18:42
Xubuntu_Userfinding botnets almost everyday18:42
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Senior Systems Analyst at the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research **cringes at the name**... though if you ask me, I'll take more cred for ESR calling me a hacker than I will for my job title :P18:43
Xubuntu_Usersooooooooooo many routers on the internet still use TELNET18:43
Xubuntu_Userwith U: root P: admin18:43
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Anyway...my point was...there are plenty of gamer-friendly ATI cards that you can get good performance from without all this NVIDIA bullshit.18:44
Xubuntu_Usercan I start a session along side the old one18:44
Xubuntu_Userand move apps over to the new one18:44
Xubuntu_Userlike Xchat18:44
Xubuntu_Userand mousepad18:44
Xubuntu_Userstarting a new session should not kill off the old apps running18:45
Xubuntu_UserI had a wireshark pcap running too18:45
Xubuntu_Userthats what I am desperate for18:45
Xubuntu_Userthank the lord firefox can restore sessions18:47
HedgeMageXubuntu_User: I found this to be quite affordable and usable: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412164218:47
Xubuntu_Userim not in the mood to buy new hardware to make ubuntu work better18:47
Hedgework^^^ my non-work client18:47
HedgeworkMeh, should have researched better. :P18:48
xubuntu138there is a problem with the xfdesktop 4.1118:48
Xubuntu_Useroh wow18:48
Hedgeworkxubuntu138: thank you for being as vague as humanly possible so that we can't possibly help you. :P18:49
Xubuntu_Userlogged in to jefferyw in CTRL+ALT+F118:49
Xubuntu_Userdid startx18:49
Xubuntu_Userand computer froze up18:49
Xubuntu_User(claps really loudly)18:49
xubuntu138I know, sorry, I want to say that there's a bug when you try to delete multiple files from desktop18:49
elfyslow delete?18:49
* Hedgework awaits more details from xubuntu13818:50
xubuntu138no, no delete at all18:50
xubuntu138xubuntu 14.0418:50
xubuntu138create a folder on the desktop, put a file in it and try to delete with shift+del18:50
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: Well, I'm not sure what to tell you, that was a likely-to-go-wrong operation given that you use the proprietary NVIDIA stuff.18:50
xubuntu138see if you can18:50
elfyxubuntu138: it worked ok for me when I was using 14.0418:51
xubuntu138what has this to do with nvidia ?18:51
elfythere was a bug - I'll try and dig it out18:51
HedgeworkI'm sure that whatever you were doing in wireshark can be redone, Xchat was (hopefully) logging (though I use a bouncer to avoid such problems), and firefox saves crashed sessions18:51
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: not sure about mousepad, I'm an old emacs curmudgeon18:51
elfyxubuntu138: not every thing said is going to be aimed at you18:51
xubuntu138if i try to delete it from thunar, it works18:51
Hedgeworkxubuntu138: You'll see that I prefaced that comment with the nickname of the user I was talking to.18:52
Hedgework^^^just like that one18:52
HedgeworkIt's a common IRC convention.18:52
Xubuntu_Userwait Xchat logs to a file :)18:52
HedgeworkXubuntu_User: yes, I said taht.18:52
Xubuntu_UserI can just reload that logfile18:52
xubuntu138this is happening on both 32bit and 64bit versions of xubuntu 14.0418:52
* Hedgework goes back to @#$%ing around with her work18:52
koegsxubuntu138: works here18:53
HedgeworkKids these days!  He didn't even say "thank you".18:53
xubuntu138how come?18:54
xubuntu138here is not working18:54
xubuntu138it doesn't work since i installed it18:54
Hedgeworkxubuntu138: Usually what one might want to do in these situations is check the easy/obvious stuff, and if the problem is not found that way move on to figuring out what's different between your system and a working one.18:54
koegsi just tried in thunar... maybe you should start thunar via terminal and see if some error message occurs in the terminal18:55
Hedgeworkxubuntu138: For starters, are you aware of how to check the relevant file permissions from the command line?18:55
elfyI was positive I'd seen a bug for that18:55
xubuntu138thunar doesn't handle the desktop18:55
xubuntu138xfdesktop does18:55
elfyso much for memory18:55
xubuntu138and it doesn't ask for confirmation after pressing shift+del18:55
koegsok, so maybe that might be different here, because i use awesomewm and can only test with thunar18:56
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10857 in General "Confirmation dialog box doesn't appear after hitting shift + del shortcut on desktop" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]18:56
xubuntu138as you can see18:57
xubuntu138there is the 4.10 version of xfce, not the dev version 4.1118:57
xubuntu138so, it's not fixed18:57
elfystill nothing anyone in here can do18:58
elfyI suspect you'll be able to delete said files in thunar18:58
xubuntu138i know, it's a xfce bug which Xubuntu waits to be fixed18:59
xubuntu138in thunar, yes, but not from the desktop18:59
elfyso if you know all that - why are you actually here?19:00
xubuntu138i guess you had a fix19:00
xubuntu138ok, i'm out!19:00
xubuntu173i just want to say "thank you!"19:36
Piciyou're welcome!19:36
xubuntu173i have tried debian, ubuntu(14.04), mint but xubuntu is running better on my pc19:43
PCFutbolme too19:44
PCFutbolxfce is the best desktop for my dual core19:44
xubuntu173yes... - all is about xfce19:50
xubuntu173keep working - i love you19:54
GioVandaln00b checking in...20:02
downwateri'm trying to install xubuntu per xpe21:23
downwaterisolinux/vesamenu.c32 and isolinux/menu.cfg in the cd cannot be used for this ?21:24
downwaterin the tftpboot directory21:24
downwateroh wait21:25
downwateri'm watching http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138008121:25
koegsdownwater: you could either use the netboot.tar.gz for an installation or boot a live-cd via pxe21:28
downwaterkoegs, live-cd via pxe ? you mean, a live cd in the server ?21:44
downwater(i'm trying right now to use the files under the casper directory)21:45
downwateroh yes thanks koegs21:45
downwaterif i can boot the cd from the server21:46
glitchdhello all22:00
glitchdlooking for a lil help if possible22:00
glitchdcant seem to send things to the trash bin from the desktop22:00
glitchdthe option is just missing from the right click menu22:00
glitchdbut only on the desktop is it missing22:01
glitchdin thunar its in the right click menu22:01
glitchdanyone possibly know why this is happening or how to fix it?22:02
glitchdall these people in here and no one can give me any information?!22:07
glitchdwtf are all of u doing in here then??!22:07
ObrienDavethey're not necessarily at the computer waiting to help someone22:08
ObrienDaveor, nobody has a good answer for you22:09
glitchdhello all22:09
glitchdlooking for a lil help if possible22:09
ObrienDave!patience | glitchd22:09
ubottuglitchd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:09
glitchdcant seem to send things to the trash bin from the desktop22:09
ARM9or they decided not to help you out of spite22:09
Unit193xfce Bug 1085722:09
ubottuxfce bug 10857 in General "Confirmation dialog box doesn't appear after hitting shift + del shortcut on desktop" [Minor,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1085722:09
glitchdthe option is missing from the right click menu when selecting things to delete from the desktop22:10
glitchdthis is recent22:10
glitchdlike in the last week or so the option disappeared22:10
glitchdi can only delete completely22:10
glitchdnothing goes to the bin22:10
glitchdyou people suck.22:12
ObrienDavethank you for that22:12
ARM9Another satisfied customer, next!22:13
krysztalHi guys, I have quick question22:23
ObrienDavefire away22:23
krysztalCan I somehow restore old wallpaper switcher from xfce(that with brightness/saturation options)?22:23
krysztalFrom before 14.0422:25
ObrienDaveno clue on that22:26
krysztalOkay :|22:26

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