
ovidiu-florin_jose: hello05:22
joseovidiu-florin_: hey!05:22
ovidiu-florin_long time no see05:22
ovidiu-florin_how are you?05:22
joseI'm good, I'm good, what about you?05:22
ovidiu-florin_I have a new job and I quite enjoy it05:23
ovidiu-florin_but since I'm just starting I don't have that much free time05:23
ovidiu-florin_I have to study a lot05:23
* jose has to study for his final exams05:23
ovidiu-florin_I'm getting started into embedded programming :D05:23
ovidiu-florin_good luck on the exams05:23
joseabout the website05:24
ovidiu-florin_I've seen the server is up again05:24
josethere are things I don't find05:24
joseI don't see any duplicate images05:24
* ovidiu-florin_ checks05:24
josealso, we're waiting on the evolve guys05:24
ovidiu-florin_so, someone is still working on that?05:25
ovidiu-florin_good to know05:25
joseI think yes05:25
ovidiu-florin_jose: any news on the "Create a Team / Contributors / Sponsors page" task?05:26
joseI'll open another thread since the last one didn't have a lot of reception05:27
josebut that'll have to be tomorrow, or well, later today05:27
* jose has to run to bed05:27
josebut just email me with an avalanche of tasks and they'll be done05:27
ovidiu-florin_The day just started for me, and at the new job I can't work on anything else, So same for me. In the evening05:28
josesee you in around 12h!05:28
ovidiu-florin_jose: I'm adding them on trello05:28
ovidiu-florin_subscribe to the card05:28
josecool :)05:28
* jose is subscribed05:28
ovidiu-florin_this can be usefull05:29
josehmm, add it to trello and I'll investigate further on it05:30
ovidiu-florin_I was thinking of trying it out now05:30
ovidiu-florin_I'll do it05:30
josecool then :)05:31
* jose goes to bed05:31
ovidiu-florin_jose: see ya05:33
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
Peace-guys but on neon latest i see07:25
Peace-vlc by default 07:25
Peace-and of course again dolphin doesn't show the video preview correctly for videos 07:25
Riddellhola chicos07:58
soeegood morning09:06
Riddellsoee: installing libkf5runner-data will help krunner et al, I just did away with the package09:09
Riddellnot sure what to do about libkf5runner-bin however09:09
Riddellit needs to be installed but it's only a recommend (else circular dependency) and I don't want to put it in the main libkf5runner5 package as that would break updates to new soversions and make lintian unhappy09:10
Riddellapachelogger: after tarme and tagme, any chance of a branchme ?09:11
RiddellI suppose it's just tagme but running a different git command09:11
Riddellor two09:11
apacheloggerstill would be branchme though IMHO09:11
apacheloggerRiddell: the question is ... what would you prefer branching from the tag revision or the head revision (in case they diverge)09:12
=== Eisbrecher_xnox is now known as xnox
Riddellapachelogger: tag of course09:12
apacheloggeryeah, pretty much the same code then ^^09:12
soeeRiddell: what package is responsible to have any result in krunner search  (i assume not libkf5runner itself)09:13
apacheloggerthen again09:13
apacheloggerRiddell: that requires version argument again :'<09:13
Riddellsoee: libkf5runner-data helps as I say, and the krunner09:14
Riddellapachelogger: you really should save the version to release_data09:14
Riddellapachelogger: it'll also require a branch name, e.g. I want to use Plasma/5.009:14
apacheloggerRiddell: that's why version09:15
apacheloggeroh, yeah, branch name actually09:15
apacheloggerah tagme needs a version :O09:16
apacheloggerseems silly 09:16
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll refactor things to be more suitable for workspace in Randa I think09:16
apacheloggerthere's fixmes all over the place ^^09:17
soeesome updates and list of packages kept back: baloo-kf5 fonts-thai-tlwg libmm-glib0 modemmanager09:18
Riddellsoee: what happens if you    apt-get install baloo-kf5 ?09:20
soeeRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7774222/09:24
Riddellsoee: that's all good, packaging changse09:24
soeeso i can apply this changes ?09:25
Riddellsoee: do you use kmail?09:25
soeeRiddell: nope, i think it was uninstalled when installing plasma next and some packages related to it09:26
soeesame as kaggregagtor etc. 09:26
Riddellsoee: are you able to install it and try testing search in it? should install fine now09:26
soeesomething related to nepomuk package ?09:26
Riddellnepomuk is dead, it's all baloo now09:27
soeeRiddell: sur one second, yup but when nepomuk was removed some packages also wit it 09:28
apacheloggerRiddell: got some release_data for me?09:28
Riddellapachelogger: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.98.0/4.98.0-release-data09:31
apacheloggerthat last line lol xD09:31
apacheloggerit will fall over oxygen-fonts again :P09:32
soeeRiddell: kmial installs fine, what search i should test ?09:33
apacheloggerRiddell: branchme up, remember to remove oxygen-fonts and plasma-wallpapers or it'll fail 09:34
apachelogger./branchme.rb --name Plasma/5.009:35
apacheloggerat the end of the file you can comment out the push if you just want to do a dry run09:35
soeehow can i check package version  that is going to be upgraded ?09:36
Riddellsoee: make sure it has some e-mail in it, and search it09:39
Riddellapachelogger: do we not want to run  git push -u origin branchname ?09:41
Riddell-u to make it track magically09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: no, the dir is thrown away afterwards09:42
soeeRiddell: i can search inbox, the search results are groupped by mail etc09:42
Riddellapachelogger: what dir?09:42
apacheloggerRiddell: the clone is a temporary directory09:43
apacheloggerit is only used to create the branch and nothing else09:43
apachelogger(git clones in releaseme are never reused for anything)09:43
soeeRiddell: i can replace Dolphin same way as konsole ?09:44
Riddellsoee: yep, uninstall and reinstall, it's gone away to experimental09:45
Riddellapachelogger: gotcha09:48
Riddellapachelogger: can I add a README for tagme and friends?09:52
apacheloggerRiddell: sure, don't spend to much time on it though09:54
apacheloggernext iteration probably can be final and move to master09:57
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, would you have use for a version manipulation script? so it bumps versions in git and pushes?10:09
Riddellapachelogger: yes but very difficult to do that, there's no consistent format in CMakeLists.txt for what needs bumped, see comments at top of my plasma script10:10
apacheloggerwe had that originally for amarok... although there it was a bit different as the version in git never was automaticaly changed but always was a running version, only the tar had the version adjusted (which quite frankly is a lot more reasonable than changing the version in git itself anyway IMO :P)10:10
apacheloggerRiddell: should be aligned10:10
apacheloggerRiddell: frameworks can do it, there's no reason workspace couldn't 10:10
apacheloggerah the different versions across things10:11
apacheloggerFWIW, I find that a bit silly anyway10:11
apacheloggerregardless though... if all repos are adjusted to use a common var to set the version we can easily fiddle that into order through a script10:12
Riddellapachelogger: yep10:19
BluesKajHiyas all10:31
Riddellapachelogger: our phonon-backend-gstreamer is a snapshot from 1.0-porting-for-merge branch, do we want to use the phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.7.2 release or stay on this?10:40
apacheloggergst1 is still not merged...10:41
BluesKajwell, at least I have krusader working, not a total fiasco with qt5-plasma/desktop, altho NM isn't available in sys tray for vpn 10:41
Riddellapachelogger: ok so we'll stay on that snapshot from the branch for phonon and phonon4qt510:41
shadeslayerRanda will solve everything10:41
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't think there were any qt5 changes10:42
apacheloggeroh actually there were10:42
apacheloggerRiddell: is our snapshot from after apr 8?10:45
apacheloggerif not then the snapshot needs updating, seems Dan actually merged 4.7 into the porting branch, so the qt5 fix is there10:45
Riddell -- Rohan Garg <rohangarg@kubuntu.org>  Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:54:50 +020010:46
Riddellapachelogger: ok I'll take a new snapshot10:46
apacheloggerit has the qt5 fix but not a syncx fix for 4.x10:46
apacheloggerworth taking a snapshot eitherway10:46
Riddellapachelogger: if I change my backend setting in systemsettings for plasma 5 does that affect qt4 version?10:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: how are you coming to Randa?10:48
apacheloggerdunno, I guess I should organize that at some point ^^10:49
apacheloggertrain from zurich anyway10:49
apacheloggerpft 200 eur by plane10:53
apacheloggeralways with the drunken airlines10:53
Riddellapachelogger: uh oh, kcmshell5 phonon crashes after I set it to use vlc http://paste.kde.org/pz5ezzpzv10:55
apacheloggerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/132846610:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 1328466 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc package should refresh plugins cache after installing" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:56
Riddellgood thing we're using gstreamer10:57
soeehow to recognise  when to use upgrade and when dist-upgrade ?10:58
Riddellalways use dist-upgrade11:00
apacheloggerupgrade = doesn't remove or install stuff; dist-upgrade removes and installs stuff... so one should always use upgrade unless upgrade blocks because it needs to remove/install stuff at which point one will use dist-upgrade and check that it doesn't screw up the system11:00
Riddellor these days also   apt full-upgrade  is the same but shorter to type11:00
BluesKajsoee,  how did you get the konsole back?11:00
* Riddell stares at apachelogger for giving contrary advice11:00
apacheloggeralternatively as Riddell says, if one is careful enough and/or knows how to recover a system from incorrectly removed/installed packages one can always use dist-upgrade11:01
apacheloggerRiddell: dist-upgrade is dangerous in a world with random PPAs floating around, heck, that's even dangerous with our PPAs :P11:01
soeeBluesKaj: Riddell moved new koncole to experimental, soe just remove and install it again11:01
soeeand you will get the old ona11:01
soeeRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7774612/11:01
apacheloggermore than once has a broken dep chain caused removal of important bits11:01
BluesKajsoee,  ok thanks11:01
Riddellsoee: all good I changed that today, dpkg --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5runner5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa5_amd64.deb11:04
Riddellalthough I suppose now it's 5.0 I should add in replaces etc11:05
Riddellapachelogger: how to test phonon qt5? I don't have any applications to try it with11:08
apacheloggersure you do, knotify :P11:10
apachelogger(assuming MK fixed the kcm that is)11:10
shadeslayer/usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process -j811:34
shadeslayerTest project /tmp/buildd/kidletime-5.0.0/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu11:34
shadeslayerNo tests were found!!!11:34
shadeslayerhaha :D11:34
Riddellsoee: any luck testing search in kmail?11:35
yofelshadeslayer: frameworks don't really have many tests that we can actually run :/11:36
shadeslayermy head still hurts11:37
soeeRiddell: searching using kmail search field right ?11:39
* yofel passes shadeslayer some coffee11:39
shadeslayerI need food11:40
yofelI can only offer coffee beans right now ^^11:40
BluesKajok , getting a message after login :"Could not start D-Bus, Can you call qdbus? " 11:41
Riddellsoee: yes11:41
soeeBluesKaj: install qt5-default11:41
BluesKajok soee 11:42
soeeRiddell: works here, i can seatch for messages inside inbox11:42
soeeRiddell: i have grouppedresults than11:42
BluesKajNice desktop so far, I like the desktop effects and workspace integration in system settings for one11:50
soeethe biggets issue / missing feature atm for me is not shortcut to switch activity :|11:52
soee*no shortcut11:52
=== apachelogger is now known as octopus
=== octopus is now known as apachelogger
BluesKajok back to the laptop12:02
soeeatm th qtcurve style is not supported ?12:16
Riddellsoee: great12:48
Riddellbaloo kf5 for the win12:48
soeeRiddell: yup :) what about the qtcurve - it is not supported atm ?12:58
Riddellsgclark just did some packaging last night12:58
Riddelllp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/qtcurve  but no packages yet12:59
Riddelland dunno if it works, didn't when I tried it12:59
soeeah ok12:59
sgclarkright, stills needs review and testing, which I am about to test now12:59
Riddell"The long awaited KDE Partition Manager 1.1.0 is now released" yay13:00
Riddellkubotu: newversion partitionmanager 1.1.013:00
BluesKajsoee, do you have yakuake working?13:14
soeeBluesKaj: sure13:15
BluesKajnot here, tried reinstalling after removal, but still doesn't see the konsole13:20
Riddellworks great for me13:21
soeealso for me13:22
soeeBluesKaj: yakuake doesnt see ?13:26
Riddelloh libmm-qt needs some packaging love13:26
BluesKajsoee,  yakuake shows this message 13:33
BluesKajYakuake was unable to load the Konsole component.A Konsole installation is required to use Yakuake.13:33
Riddellapt-cache policy konsole  to confirm you have 4.13 installed13:33
Riddellrun kbuildsycoca4  (if in doubt always run that with kde)13:33
soeeBluesKaj: did you kill/run again yakuake or logout/login ?13:34
soeealso as Riddell suggested, be sure you have old konsole installed13:34
BluesKajInstalled: 4:4.97.0~git20140623-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa3 13:45
RiddellBluesKaj: uninstall that13:47
Riddellit's your problem, you want 4.1313:47
BluesKajhttp://pastebin.com/ctpR4c1F, seems it's still there13:48
Riddellwell yes it's in experimental13:50
Riddellif you will use experimental you will get experimental software :)13:50
Riddelluse only kubuntu-ppa/next if you just want to test released KF5 and Plasma 5 software13:50
BluesKajok will remove experiumental13:50
sgclarkRiddell: I am rather confused, this qtcurve offers 2 themes, gtk-2 and mozilla. Enabling kde4 offers some more options , colors etc, but is this what we want for Plasma 5?14:10
Riddellsgclark: I guess eventually we want them all but for now we're only interested in qt514:10
shadeslayer!find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/clientplatform/mesa/ld.so.conf utopic14:11
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/clientplatform/mesa/ld.so.conf does not exist in utopic14:11
Riddellsgclark: so set ENABLE_QT5=On and ENABLE_QT4 ENABLE_GTK2=off14:12
sgclarkRiddell: ok14:12
sgclarkRiddell: so Mozilla is the theme to test?14:12
Riddellsgclark: where do you see mozilla?14:13
sgclarkseems wrong14:14
sgclark..building with new parameters14:15
shadeslayercould be a theme for firefox14:15
sgclarkI would think qtcurve would offer a qtcurve theme?14:15
Riddellthe gtk theme has some settings for mozilla14:15
Riddellit offers qtcurve for qt4, for qt5 and for gtk14:15
* shadeslayer yawns14:16
Riddellyou can package it all if you want, but I'm only interested in qt5 for now to test it with plasma 5 as it'll be the plasma 5 default in some future release14:16
sgclarkI am only interested in qt5 myself, I want to be qt4 free in my test system..14:18
RiddellI like your attitude :)14:18
sgclarkok so disabling qt4/gtk rid of both themes14:19
shadeslayerwait what14:19
shadeslayerwon't that make it unavailable for Qt4 users14:19
sgclarkleft just qtcurve. we will have themes with breeze, so that is ok14:19
shadeslayeralso would break stuff for people using Qt4 apps14:19
Riddellshadeslayer: there's the version in the archive for qt4 and gtk14:19
shadeslayerRiddell: are you sure that works with frameworks et all14:20
Riddellshadeslayer: well no, it's qt 514:20
Riddellshadeslayer: well no, it's qt 414:20
sgclarkshadeslayer, this is for kf5 breeze only, will not affect non kf5 at all14:21
apacheloggeryes no maybe14:21
apacheloggerthere is a shared library that is used by all qtcurve themes14:21
apacheloggerif you throw a qtcurve with only the qt5 module built at the ppa it allows for visual divergence between gtk2, qt4 and qt5 as the former two would use a different version of that common lib should the qt5 version get a bump14:22
apacheloggeror long story short: all 3 themes need to come out of the same source or it opens up risk for problems with the theme continuity14:23
Riddellhmm ok14:23
Riddellsgclark: I guess we go want to package it all then (probably just in experimental now)14:23
apacheloggerRiddell: is there a reason against putting it in next?14:24
apacheloggeror well, putting it in the archive for that matter ^^14:24
Riddellapachelogger: it hasn't been released14:25
Riddellunless I've missed it14:25
apacheloggerRiddell: I think the plasma release dude should poke someone with a very pointy stick ^^14:25
apacheloggerRiddell: still seems better suited for next14:25
apacheloggersince we need it only there14:25
shadeslayerIIRC Eike mentioned something about a release soon14:26
apacheloggersoon is hopefully before 5.0 gets released14:26
soeeid liek to see this qtcureve for next :)14:26
RiddellI wonder where the default gets set14:28
* Riddell finds widgetStyle=oxygen in kdeglobals14:29
Riddellhmm, that's in kdelibs4support14:31
shadeslayersgclark: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/179572597/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.kwindowsystem_5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_UPLOADING.txt.gz14:31
shadeslayersgclark: I don't see the tests being run at all there14:31
BluesKajok , now krunner won't launch 14:32
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ was meant for you14:33
shadeslayery u no check if tests actually run :(14:33
shadeslayermakes me feel less bad for not checking copyrights :p14:33
soeeBluesKaj: probably some packages missing, had the same issue14:36
soeeBluesKaj: try to install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop14:37
soeeRiddell:  when installing kubuntu-plasma5-desktop this are going to be removed: khelpcenter4 kubuntu-docs ok ?14:38
BluesKajsoee,  pretty sure I already installed it, but I'll check14:38
Riddellsoee: sure14:38
RiddellBluesKaj: make sure you have libkf5runner5 5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa514:40
soeei think iv fixed partialy my problem with locales, i had to add 2 entries in /etc/environment14:44
Riddellsgclark, shadeslayer, apachelogger: new qtcurve in a few days the author hopes, best use git snapshot until then14:50
soeesddm is required by kubuntu-plasma5-desktop ?14:53
Riddellsoee: no but it'll be the default so we may as well get used to it14:56
soeeRiddell: im asking because i have info: kubuntu-plasma5-desktop : Wymaga: sddm ale nie jest zainstalowany14:57
soeeit requires sddm but is not installed14:57
shadeslayerRiddell: I haven't uploaded sddm to the PPA14:58
soeeit suggest to use -f to fix the problem, so the sddm is going to be installed14:58
shadeslayerunless you did :p14:58
BluesKajRiddell,  yeah libkf5runner5 5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa5 is installed , but i'm getting this now, http://pastebin.com/79t6kSA314:59
BluesKajsddm won't install14:59
soeeforce-overwrite, but im afraid it might break lightdm or smth ?15:00
BluesKajsame as soee15:00
soeeBluesKaj: di you had kmix activated by default ?15:01
BluesKajyes I think so , but it's not showing up in the sys tray, soee15:05
soeeBluesKaj: yeah that what im asking about 15:05
soeeactivated once shows up next time15:06
sgclarkRiddell: ok qtcurve as far as I can see is functioning as expected, can you review the packaging?15:09
Riddellsgclark: in bzr?15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: * Rename solid-bin to libkf5solid-bin to conform to naming of similar15:13
shadeslayer  framework packages15:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: are we adding Breaks/Preplaces15:13
shadeslayerbecause this stuff is not in the archive15:13
Riddellsgclark: got a source tar?15:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: Riddell said not15:14
apacheloggerguess after final we should ^^15:14
Riddellif it's all going into the archive we can consider the first upload to archive as version -0ubuntu1 and ignore any breaks/replaces before that I'd say15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok, fwiw that's from you15:16
shadeslayerso I'll drop it15:16
shadeslayersolid probably needs udisks and stuff15:16
Riddellshadeslayer: does kdelibs4 solid depend on that stuff?15:17
shadeslayerwell, solid-hw that comes from kde-runtime does15:17
shadeslayerand we ship libkfsolid-bin15:17
shadeslayerwhich should as well15:17
Riddellkdelibs4 version Recommends: udisks2, upower15:18
Riddelland then they get seeded as well15:18
sgclarkRiddell: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fl6m485uioyox0f/kde-style-qtcurve_1.8.18~git20140709.orig.tar.gz15:18
Riddellalthough still only recommend15:18
apacheloggerthat wouldn't change the fact that the solid packaging is wrong then :P15:18
shadeslayerreverse-depends udisks2 | grep -i runtime15:18
shadeslayer* kde-runtime15:18
sgclarkso what was the verdict on -data packages? I am one of those silly users that did not install recommended and things are not working as expected =P15:20
shadeslayerthat's quite silly tbh15:20
shadeslayerUbuntu does not support users not installing recommends15:20
Riddellsgclark: seems data packages are not needed unless they're so large that lintian complains about them15:20
shadeslayerend of discussion15:20
Riddellbut if they exist the lib package should depend not recommend it15:20
sgclarkRiddell: ok so remove all data packages? 15:21
Riddellyeah I guess so15:21
sgclarklol @ shadeslayer15:21
Riddellhang on...15:21
apachelogger(depends is the relationship unless you can proof that the thing works without the data - which is almost just about never the case)15:22
shadeslayeryofel: re multiarch, do different mtimes cause issues if localization is shipped in the lib?15:23
shadeslayerI recall you mentioning something about that15:24
Riddellsgclark: does qtcurve compile for you? I get an error in the qt4 plugin15:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: the sums must match15:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh, the md5sums?15:24
shadeslayermost interesting, can you point me to the docs?15:24
apacheloggerwhatever sums dpkg uses these days15:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: I cannot15:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's the problem anyway?15:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: I wanted to read up on magic15:25
apacheloggergoogle is your friend15:25
sgclarkRiddell: hold up, did not run through pbuilder after adding qt415:25
shadeslayercan't find it, but ok15:27
shadeslayerI'll take apachelogger's word for it15:27
shadeslayerRiddell: sgclark go for it, but plz test and make sure you add appropriate Breaks/Replaces for Tier 1 frameworks15:28
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
shadeslayersince I've already uploaded/released those15:28
shadeslayerare we building with aspell now? I thought we only built with hunspell15:38
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^15:40
shadeslayerthough changelog doesn't say why15:40
Riddellum, dunno15:40
Riddellshould follow kdelibs no?15:40
sgclarkRiddell: ugh, do you know what the qt4 equivalent to qtbase5-dev is for the qt4 bits?15:41
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, but you did sonnet ( according to the copyright ) , and it builds with aspell15:41
Riddell"no build-dep on libaspell-dev, aspell" says kde4libs15:42
Riddellhmm guess I got that wrong15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: please fix if you're on it15:42
Riddellsgclark:  apt-cache showsrc kde-style-qtcurve   may tell you15:43
Riddellsgclark: you should probably also have separate packages for the qt4 and qt5 styles15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7775810/15:45
Riddellshadeslayer: kde4libs only Suggests: hspell15:47
RiddellI think not everyone cares if they can spell in hebrew15:47
Riddellthat'll get brought in by language packs I think15:47
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
sgclarkRiddell: qtcurve should compile now.16:22
Riddellsgclark: I'm still getting a compile error, maybe I have something installed that confuses it, it worked for you in pbuilder?16:35
sgclarkRiddell: yep passed pbuilder16:35
RiddellPlasma 5.0.0! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-5.0.0/16:45
Riddellyou heard it here first16:45
kubotufeed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 616:52
* BluesKaj waits for sddm install error to be fixed..these colours are not my taste and desktop extra themes and colours fail to download. Guess thats all part of the plasma5 growing pains17:13
* sgclark also waits for sddm error to be fixed..17:19
sgclarkshadeslayer: are you looking at the sddm error? I can't test my packages till this is fixed :(17:20
Riddellhe's wandered of17:21
Riddellwhat's the error?17:21
sgclarkRiddell: breeze is uploaded to bzr, can't test till sddm stops barfing17:21
sgclarkone sec17:21
sgclarkRiddell: also , notice how they put localization files in a -i18n package, is that something we want to do rather than -data?17:23
Riddellsgclark: just use lightdm if sddm is an issue17:24
Riddellsgclark: who does?17:24
sgclarkRiddell: I used debain package as starter for qtcurve17:24
sgclarkRiddell: kubuntu-plasma5-desktop has sddm as depend17:25
BluesKajhere' the sddm error http://pastebin.com/1irRnwRA17:25
sgclarkthanks BluesKaj17:26
BluesKajnp sgclark17:26
Riddellsgclark: on a linux terminal you can run  sudo stop sddm; sudo start lightdm17:27
BluesKajtrying to overwrite /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.conf17:27
RiddellBluesKaj: sudo dpkg --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/sddm_0.1.0~git20140624-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa1_amd64.deb17:27
Riddelland nudge shadeslayer to get that file renamed17:28
sgclarkRiddell: thanks ^^ that is what I need17:28
BluesKajRiddell, dpkg: error: need an action option17:32
Riddelladd a --install somewhere17:33
BluesKaj-i 17:34
BluesKajok -i added to the string worked17:36
sgclarkRiddell: ok breeze is ready and tested, looks good :)17:44
Riddellhmm, SC 4.14 beta 118:11
shadeslayerBluesKaj: Riddell upstream has been nudged18:12
shadeslayerthey'll fix it in the next release18:12
shadeslayerexpect a resolution tomorrow18:13
shadeslayerRiddell: btw you mentioned that dh_libkdeinit needs fixing right?18:13
shadeslayersomething like that18:13
sgclarkRiddell: err those tars, those the ones we just packaged 4.98?18:14
yofelshadeslayer: it doesn't handle the kf5 world18:14
shadeslayerI'll put it down on my todo18:15
Riddellsgclark: 4.98 was the release candidate, now we have tars for 5.0, the final thing!18:15
sgclarkRiddell: ooh18:16
sgclarkRiddell: want me to package them? :)18:17
Riddellsgclark: oh yes18:19
Riddellsgclark: I'm running the initial upload script now18:19
Riddellsgclark: but in the mean time there is libmm-qt and plasma-workspace-wallpapers that need packaged to make Plasma 5 complete18:20
BluesKajshadeslayer,  riddel gave me the overwrite command and that solved the problem18:20
BluesKajRiddell,  rather18:20
sgclarkRiddell: ok, on it18:20
BluesKajI had it in my cli text reference file 18:20
BluesKajbut forgot about it18:21
sgclarkRiddell: booked my tickets for akadamy last night btw :)18:21
Riddellsgclark: flying to vienna?18:22
sgclarkRiddell: yes, then we are going to take a train18:22
sgclarkI am traveling with valorie18:22
Riddellguess you already have a room mate then18:24
Riddellnobody is organised enough to want to be my room mate18:24
sgclarkRiddell: libmm-qt is there a tar? Or grab git again?18:28
Riddellsgclark: yeah with plasma 5 bits18:28
Riddellhang on..18:29
Riddellsgclark: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-5.0.0/libmm-qt-5.0.91.tar.xz18:29
sgclarkfound it18:30
kubotufeed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 618:51
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Riddellhmm, this script really needs to be fixed to take a list of packages and not just look for a version number http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.0_utopic.html19:34
Riddellnow it lists both kf5 and plasma19:34
Riddellsgclark: all yours, I'm out of energy for today http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.0_utopic.html19:41
kubotufeed branches-next had 22 updates, showing the latest 619:50
* Riddell snoozes20:10
CorodiusOooh new Oxygen-Fonts :) I Love that Font, no idea why, I usually don't mind about fonts too much, but it is just so clear and readable in, well, every situation I have tried hehe21:39
alleeRiddell: https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Binary_Packages mentions canonical-qt5-edgers ppa  but this does not exist.  Which one instead?    qt5-daily  or is  qt5 in utopic recent enough for kf5 utopic?  22:09
sgclarkallee: Next has dependency set to https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-005 for Qt522:14
alleeoh, cool team name22:15
alleesgclark: thx22:15
alleesgclark: for info: upgrading utopic with kf5 ppa and plasma-desktop was hold back because plasma-desktop-data is not installed22:17
sgclarkallee: umm, I did not have that problem. Not sure how I could reproduce22:19
alleesgclark: needs to  Replace: kde-workspace-data as both pkgs have  fonts-package.png22:19
sgclarkallee: ok thanks22:20
alleesgclark:  I assume on your sys kde-workspace-data was already deinstalled?22:20
sgclarkallee: yeah probably was not installed22:21
alleesgclark: thx for your cool work!!22:21
alleesgclark: Next ;-) plasma-workspace depends on libkf5baloocore5 which is no longer available22:24
sgclarkallee: yeah I am right in the middle of packaging 5.0.022:30
alleesgclark: okay, great thx!!  So I'll try tomorrow again (or ping me if there something to try/test)22:31

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