
=== shirgall is now known as Guest25912
* wxl waves22:56
blkperlwxl: might want to send an email to the list22:59
blkperlI don't know how often bkerensa checks irc22:59
bkerensablkperl: I need someone to take over the list maybe tgm4883_ can23:00
bkerensawxl: Sure do you know what it entails?23:00
wxlthanks for the advice :)23:00
wxlbkerensa: not 100% sure, but as i said, i'm happy to help23:00
wxli guess first someone needs to accept me as a member of the team XD23:01
bkerensatgm4883_ and slangasek I have made you both LP admins of Ubuntu Oregon :)23:07
bkerensawxl: so generally some sort of regular meetings are expect, helping advocate for events statewide and overall advocacy for Ubuntu statewide23:07
bkerensaMeeting with the LoCo Council to get reverified since our status just lapsed23:07
wxlbkerensa: sounds good to me. with regard to meetings, these are in rl i'm assuming? :) i don't get to pdx much23:08
bkerensawxl: No LoCo meetings would be held here in channel and logged23:09
wxlah fine with me23:09
bkerensabut its always ideal for a loco contact to try and host some f2f meetings and events wherever they are based23:09
wxlwell i could certainly do something up in eugene23:10
bkerensathe idea is that loco contacts are the most active people in the loco :)23:10
* wxl nods23:10
bkerensawe have some people in Salem that hold meetings each month23:10
bkerensawe used to have global jams in Portland each release23:10
wxlsince the website isn't up is there anywhere i can find more info about events and such?23:10
bkerensaalso there is now a community fund for all locos that can be used if you need help with cost of hosting events or travel23:10
wxlalso who are the major players in the community?23:11
bkerensathis did not exist when I was running things23:11
bkerensawxl: so we don't really have any major players :) thats why we lack a lead23:11
wxlheheh ok23:11
bkerensanobody else really wanted to own the leadership bit23:11
bkerensaas it gets a bit tiring23:11
wxli'm surprised23:11
bkerensabut Cody and some others in Salem do there local meet ups and such23:11
wxlwell maybe i don't know what i'm getting myself into but i'm willing to see it through23:12
slangasekbkerensa: I take no responsibility for this :)23:12
wxli'd rather do that than deal with the flood of lp requests ;)23:12
wxlbkerensa: what about corvallis? every other os project has a mirror at osu. it seems that they have a good community there, but that could just be appearances23:13
wxloh well i assume the community is still active at least, right? i can just send out a mailing list request23:15
wxlbkerensa: as far as formalities are concerned, should i approach the council or is that in your hands or what?23:15
bkerensawxl: nope if you are interested in taking over things i would just set you as team lead and send over mailing list details and notify loco council23:23
wxlbkerensa: i am interested :)23:24
bkerensacan you send me an e-mail to bkerensa@ubuntu.com and I will go ahead and send everything over tonight23:25
belkinsawxl, keep in mind that you need also manage team as well as leading it.23:25
wxlbkerensa: i'll do that in just a second23:26
wxlbelkinsa: i'm fine with that. just as long as i know where to get help23:26
wxli'm sure the loco council would be the place to go?23:27
wxli figure bkerensa doesn't want to be bugged about it :)23:27
belkinsaGood to hear, you always have me, your LoCo, and skellat (and the rest of the LC).23:27
wxlsounds good to me23:27
wxlbkerensa: one thing to ask—  what's up with the website?23:29
bkerensawxl: website is down as domain name expired and since I do not think anyone was going to every takeover things I cancelled hosting23:30
bkerensaI was paying for domain out of pocket23:30
bkerensaCanonical can re-register it and also setup hosting23:30
wxlbkerensa: and now that can come from the loco fund? ah ok23:30

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