[02:27] linuxgeek_ hmmm, no bites on the question in #openstack-neutron, hmmm, maybe next week ? [02:27] never can tell if people are gonna respond [04:36] harlowja, yep never can say if ppl will respond === harlowja is now known as harlowja_away [17:13] hey harlowja_at_home, in continuation of testing different os for cloudinit windows is next in line. [17:13] i asked this on openstack asking you in case you would know [17:14] is windows a supported deployment in openstack with esxi hypervisor? [17:14] unsure :-/ [17:14] i haven't done much with windows, i know some person at yahoo got it running under kvm [17:14] openstack + kvm [17:14] but likely u want to use https://github.com/cloudbase/cloudbase-init for that [17:15] yep, Hyper-V, KVM, and XenServer/XCP is in the supported list per the openstack guide [17:15] there is no reference of esx [17:15] ya, i'm not so sure, never done much with esx [17:17] ok sure, thanks for replying though :-). enjoy the rest of the weekend [17:17] np [17:18] best of luck :)