
kubuntardCan i upgrade from 12.04.4 lts to 14.04 and keep the same kernel ?00:13
tsimpsonkubuntard: the currently running kernel shouldn't be removed, but newer software may depend on a newer kernel to implement certain features00:35
kubuntardtsimpson: Right now im boned because tw68-v2 driver wont build on newer kernels and 12.04{,.4} my sound doesnt work (but it does on 14.04 where i cant compile the driver i have to have) Sucks.00:36
kubuntardEither lose my cameras or my audio surveillance. Not good00:37
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rianohowdy folks, any xorg heros around? I'm having some very annoying issues with a multihead setup02:16
sithlord48im no hero.... never was......02:17
sithlord48whats wrong riano?02:17
rianook, so. I've got a Dell XPS15, the l521x. Nvidia optimus. HDMI port that is linked to the intel card, DP port that's hooked to the nvidia port02:19
rianoI've switched to using nvidia-prime (hooray) to get that dp working properly and I'm very merrily chatting away on my new monitor.. The thing here is though, when I move my mouse to the right (laptop screen) my desktop .. moves02:19
rianothe external (DP) monitor and laptop monitor aren't seen as separate screens I think, but for the life of me, I can't figure out whats what with that xorg config file02:20
rianoutter bonuspoints are rewarded for also getting the HDMI port to work as a separate screen rather than a clone of the laptop screen, which is its default behavior when the DP is in use02:21
sithlord48properitay nvidia driver?02:22
riano340 from xorg-edgers, had the 331 but my troubles were even bigger then02:23
sithlord48well since nvidia-settings is going to make your xorg.conf for you. you may wish to start by trying to set those setting in "nvidia-settings"02:25
rianodone and tried, sadly02:25
rianoit doesn't find my laptop screen02:25
rianojust shows the external monitor02:25
sithlord48and you have run it as root via something like kdesudo nvidia-settings?02:25
rianoI'm happy to give that a go, been running it as a regular user so far. hold on02:26
rianono difference02:26
sithlord48nvidia-settings wants to write you xorg.conf file and in order to have the settings stick you need to be root (at least last time i used it this was true)02:27
rianothe file it generates just has the ext. monitor in it though. I'm assuming its because the laptop screen is hooked up to the intel chip, as well as the HDMI port02:30
sithlord48that is possible . do you maybe have option(s) to change this behavor in your bios?02:31
rianoI do not :/02:31
sithlord48and with out the ext monitor what does nvidia settings want to do ?02:31
rianointeresting question02:32
rianolets try, hold on02:32
rianoheh, no screen at all in nvidia-settings02:32
sithlord48and you have this display working now ?02:33
rianothe laptop screen? Yes, it was working already, just weirdly02:33
sithlord48what does System Settings -> display and monitor . show for displays?02:33
rianoshows them both02:34
rianoor just the laptop right now02:34
sithlord48have you attempted to set it this way ? (it should fail because of your xorg.conf / properitary driver but hey)02:34
rianoset it which way?02:35
sithlord48system settings02:35
rianoI have, but to no avail. The interface works, but thats about it, the outcome is very flaky, at best02:36
rianointerestingly, when I reconnect my dp cable now both the laptop screen and monitor go into sleep mode02:36
sithlord48so when you say your desktop moves.. like the ext monitor shuts off then you get the screen on the laptops built in one?02:37
rianoits like, the desktop is too big for the monitor. So when I move the mouse to the right edge, the desktop actually slides left to show whats to the right02:38
sithlord48can you also give me a link to your xorg.conf http://paste.kde.org02:39
rianoof course, let me restart X though, hoping that'll bring my monitor back online02:39
rianosithlord48: http://paste.kde.org/p84hoxkxj02:42
rianoI can show you the crazy behavior if I can find an app that will record my desktop..02:42
sithlord48im guessing the external is a higher resolution then the built in screen..02:43
sithlord48the external is your main screen? then you are in clone mode and the laptop will pan around to follow the mouse.02:43
rianoext is main, I have no idea what the rest meant ;)02:44
rianoit's closing in on 5am for me, I'm down to simple words :P02:44
sithlord48this is normal behavor . for the mode your screens are in.02:44
rianooh, good!02:45
rianoso how do I get them to behave differently?02:45
sithlord48nvidia-settings under the section with displays iirc.  or manually in the xorg.conf .02:45
sithlord48its been awhile since i have had to manually write an xorg.conf or used nvidia-settings so im trying to find the info for you now.02:46
sithlord48riano:  you should try moving the xinerama option line to the server layout block02:49
rianowth, the screen recording software doesn't see the screen move02:49
rianoon it02:49
rianodo you know if xorg.conf gets reloaded on logout, or do I need to reboot entirely?02:50
sithlord48it should restart X when the login screen gets showed.02:50
rianookidoki, brb again02:51
rianono difference, sadly :/02:52
sithlord48riano: you can use 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightDM restart' to force the login manager to restart (that will restart X )02:52
sithlord48instead of rebooting fully02:52
rianowill that kill kdm as well?02:53
sithlord48if your replace lightDM with kdm then yes it will stop it then restart it  (you will lose your current loged in session)02:53
sithlord48while this is not ubuntu it may be still helpfull for xorg info.02:55
sithlord48riano:  this might be even more useful referance for xorg.conf  http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8756/README/appendix-d.html02:57
function9I'm using a laptop connected to a vga (big screen)02:58
rianointeresting, "If the driver doesn't properly detect a second monitor, you can force it to do so with ConnectedMonitor."02:58
sithlord48thought you would liek that part riano :D02:59
sithlord48function9:  do you need help ?? or just saying that you do this ?02:59
rianothey're so close with nvidia-prime now, it's almost out of the box at this point. Alas, almost is never far enough :D03:00
function9sithlord48: I was going to ask about intel drivers, is that part of the MESA driver from Xorg?03:00
sithlord48function9: there are only one set of intel drivers for linux . the open source ones.03:01
function9or SGI rather??03:01
function9oh ok ty03:02
riano_no joy :/03:09
sithlord48sorry riano_ :(03:10
riano_no worries, appreciate the help!03:10
sithlord48riano_:  your welcome. i wish i could have been more helpful. i think part of your problems is that hybrid gfx set up .03:16
riano_probably so!03:16
riano_I'm gonna go close my eyes for a bit03:16
riano_thanks again sithlord48 :)03:17
riano_karma ftw03:17
sithlord48riano_:  good luck and your welcome03:17
=== riano_ is now known as riano|afk
sithlord48riano|afk:   and let me know how it goes here or on kubuntufourms.net03:17
function9I'm currently testing out the latest kubuntu 64bit, on Vbox. I've been getting the occasional Segfault with Amarok. Also with the USB Start Up Creator, when I click on the close button on the top right corner of the app, it would always Segfaul, but if I click the Quit button, it works fine. I'm doing a system upgrade hopefully this would fix most of the issues. http://i.imgur.com/MnrdkzI.png03:32
function9well so I did a system upgrade, and that seemed to have fixed all of my segfaults. :) There is one thing when I press Right Ctrl (key) and F(key), to enlarge the screen in vbox, the alt F2 function activates?http://i.imgur.com/dWnWtRn.jpg04:18
function9I'm not sure what's going on there?04:18
temjehey folks. just did a fresh install of kubuntu and when i try to change the driver through driver manager nothing happens04:34
temjeit just reloads and shoes nouveau selected04:34
function9temje: which gfx card do you have?04:39
function9temje: here ya go http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-geforce-driver-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/04:44
temjefunction9: thanks a mil!04:45
function9hmm, I tried to install some icons, and it wouldn't install any of the ones I selected, this is on kubuntu 14. anyone else get the same issue?05:59
valorieinstall icons?06:00
valorienot sure exactly what you mean, function906:00
valoriecan you explain what you did, and what went wrong?06:00
function9valorie: on system settings/ Application Appearance/ Icons/ Get New Themes06:01
function9It's not allowing to install any of the themes. I tried several choices, but none is being installed06:02
function9Icons rather06:03
valorieno error messages?06:03
function9I'm just testing kubuntu, to make sure everything is working fine, before I proceed installing it on one of pc's06:05
valorieah, if it isn't installed, there is no place to save the icon/theme to06:06
valorieI just changed contrast, and it worked06:06
function9ohh ok06:06
function9valorie: I just checked in /usr/share/icons and it turns out I have a lot of themes saved there, but it's not showing up in the menu to select. So I tried to do a manual install and this is what I get. http://i.imgur.com/VPpzuaW.png06:30
valorieah, you are running in a VM06:31
valoriein that case you should indeed be able to download and save an icon set06:32
function9valorie: this is my LinuxMint and it works fine http://i.imgur.com/KJzltZZ.png06:32
valoriehowever, that doesn't mean that all of them will work -- either because of a bad download, old code, etc.06:32
valorieI suggest trying another of them06:32
* valorie goes off to watch a movie06:32
valoriebest of luck, function906:33
lordievaderGood morning.08:02
function9lordievader: hi09:00
lordievaderHey function9, how are you?09:00
function9lordievader: yeah, all good, thank you. And yourself?09:30
Gregor3000hwo do i change the colour of icon and text in the taskbar09:34
Gregor3000at the moment is' white on whitish background and deosn't loko good at all. i can barely see the clock09:34
Gregor3000eh.. doesn't look good09:36
lordievaderfunction9: Doing good, trying to debug an issue with libvirt.09:39
function9right click on the clock, click on Digital Clock Settings/ Font Color09:39
function9Gregor3000: there are window themes aswell, that you can install to suite your liking. http://i.imgur.com/Ixk8hwm.png09:41
Gregor3000i know. i like the default oxygen theme but woudl just like to have indicators and clock in different colour.  i might try and install the opensuse theme that one is also very nice.09:42
function9Gregor3000: this is the place to be: http://kde-look.org/ :) bbl09:44
BluesKajHowdy folks10:34
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MichaelPafter apt-get dist-upgrade....10:54
MichaelPdolphin: error while loading shared libraries: libKF5BalooFiles.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:54
MichaelPsorrt the 3 lines10:54
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MarcoPauhi, my kubuntu has gotten a little too big, over 10 gigs. do you have any hints in order to re-order it? I have checked some web pages with some how-to's but those didn't help much13:16
MarcoPaumy usr is like 7 gigs... anybody has hints?13:25
BluesKajMarcoPau,  run apt-get autoclean and autoremove periodically13:44
BluesKajsome users also use apt-get clean13:46
Roeywhat'st the difference between clean and autoclean?13:48
Roeyhey all13:48
MarcoPauBluesKaj: I do those simple things often. My problem is mainly the /usr directory which is far too big. I have used deborphan too but still this helped too little13:49
MarcoPauI assume I have something like at least 2-3 gigs too erase... I think this installation is at least 10 years old... :-)13:50
meriutacornelMarcoPau install and run bleachbit13:50
MarcoPaumeriutacornel: multumesc :-)13:51
legbatale, even13:51
BluesKajhaven't used bleachbit since it broke my setup. That was a while back tho13:52
MarcoPauRoey: iirc clean will erase deb files, autoclean old dependencies or stuff like that. just google13:53
MarcoPauBluesKaj: wow, nice :)13:53
Roeythanks MarcoPau13:53
BluesKajMarcoPau,  which deb files ?13:55
MarcoPauthe ones in /var/cache/apt/archives/13:55
BluesKajMarcoPau,  if so then those files weren't needed on my system since all is well atm13:58
daum_hey guys i just updated yesterday which included a kernel update13:58
daum_now my sound and wifi doesn't wokr13:58
daum_it doesn't even see my wifi card13:58
MarcoPauBluesKaj: I don't understand what you mean14:00
meriutacorneldaum, boot from the previous kernel.14:00
BluesKajMarcoPau,  I don't understand what you mean either since whatever deb files are no longer needed won't affect your system14:01
BluesKajdaum_,  which soundchip in alsamixer and which wifi chip ?14:01
MarcoPauBluesKaj: I was answering Roey to the question about apt-get clean saying that, iirc, it erases those deb files14:02
daum_BluesKaj, hmm not sure on the ethernet, looks like some intel chip? http://dpaste.com/1NR991S  is my lspci14:02
daum_c210 for audio it seems14:03
daum_also noticed that the battery monitor can't start when i start up kde14:03
daum_and sec - realized when i went to just now run apt-get upgrade that dpkg says it was was interrupted14:03
daum_so its finishing up will try a reboot after it finishes14:04
BluesKajdaum ok if your audio still isn't working , run, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel , there won't be any text output after that command14:05
BluesKajtoo late14:06
daum_wuwu that worked14:09
BluesKajdaum_,  so your audio and wifi are ok14:16
daum_BluesKaj, yep the update must of crashed somewhere and not prperlty finished14:17
daum_dpkg-configure -a fixed it14:18
function9guys I tested this kubuntu 14 with superkaramba on a PC, and also on vbox. The superkaramba theme is able to get a readout of my network usuage(upload) and(download) stats. So I know it Kubuntu and Superkaramba works well. So I installed kubuntu on this laptop, and there is no reading at all on my network usuage. :(14:22
function9I even try to do it manually on the terminal with this command sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | awk '/RX byte/{print $3 $4; print $7 $8}'  result is always 0.0Bytes14:23
function9anyone know why this is not working?14:23
fuzzywhirlpoolMaybe you don't use network connection at all.14:25
fuzzywhirlpoolIfconfig has been deprecated. Try 'ip -s link' instead14:27
function9fuzzywhirlpool, the theme works on my Computer(fresh install), and it also works on VirtualBox, it just doesn't work on this laptop(fresh install).14:29
BluesKajfuzzywhirlpool,  ifconfig works fine here14:29
function9all fresh install14:29
function9it's something about this laptop14:29
BluesKajand I'm running 14.1014:30
function9just so that you know what I'm talking about. Superkaramba theme is on the right corner with Stats. Network Stats are not working http://i.imgur.com/wO8aig3.png14:32
BluesKajfunction9,  are you on wifi?14:32
function9BluesKaj, I got both, but I'm using eth0 (network card)14:32
fuzzywhirlpoolfunction9: you may need to edit the source code of the theme.14:33
function9fuzzywhirlpool, i'm in the process of doing so. :(14:33
BluesKajfunction9,  have you looked at netstat14:34
fuzzywhirlpoolIs Superkaramba worth using? Is it still being developed or is it just an abandoned project?14:35
BluesKajeye candy14:36
function9sorry guys I was on the phone14:40
function9BluesKaj, yes netstat works14:40
BluesKajmaybe netstat can give you the info14:41
kubuntardAhoy. I've upgraded my 12.04.4 to 14.04, successfully managing to keep 3.2.0 kernel which i have to have for my video capture device (tw68v2 driver). Problem is, still unable to get any sound out of this machine. analog audio is disabled, trying to use the nvidia hdmi audio that uses snd-hda-intel driver according to google (which is loaded, etc). Mixer controls are spdif out n nothing more, no levels etc16:12
BluesKajkubuntard,  which audio chip showing in alsamixer?16:15
kubuntardOn 12.04 sound never worked, on 14.04 directly installed it worked out of the box. I'm suspecting the problem sadly comes from using this old kernel still.. Any way i can try different older kernel versions from ubuntu (pae-generic or pae-lowlatency) and try to isolate when it starts failing to build? Idea being get to the newest kernel that still can make it build (tw68-v2 driver for techwell tw6804 chip)16:15
kubuntardBluesKaj: Card HDA NVidia  | Chip Nvidia MCP77/78 HDMI16:15
kubuntardI wouldnt mind getting to a newer kernel version, i just knew 3.2.0 the driver successfully built. kernel api changes have happened since then which cause the (out-of-tree) driver to fail building16:16
kubuntardi know somewhere before say 3.6.x it quite building16:17
BluesKajkubuntard,  run aplay and pastebin the output pls16:18
kubuntardaplay -l?16:18
BluesKajaplay -l16:18
kubuntard **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #016:19
BluesKajkubuntard,  try this, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel.c16:24
kubuntardBluesKaj: already loaded, only thing relevant really in dmesg is [   33.325674] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:07.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)16:26
BluesKajkubuntard,  so it is the intel-hda16:27
BluesKajthen it should work sinc it looks like it loaded, a commaon bug with intel-hda drivers on kubuntu, won't load after an upgrade16:28
kubuntardI vaguely remember at one point i had it working something with iecset, but always had issues with sound on this machine until 14.04 -- Wondering if its the snd-hda-intel driver has gotten changes somewhere along the way that fixed it16:30
BluesKajthink there's much improved linux support on intel's part nowadays16:33
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marcovicsono nuovo nel canale17:16
marcovicvolevo sapere come su fa a scaricare i film qui su mirc17:17
lordievader!it | marcovic17:17
ubottumarcovic: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:17
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jigneshhello people19:01
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function9I have a PC, a virtual box guest, both fresh install and works well. But on this laptop(fresh install kubuntu 14.04) when I am watching youtube, and open up a terminal and type this: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX byte' | awk '{print $3 OFS $4}' I get 0 reading19:30
function9but on my PC and virtual box guest I get a reading.19:30
function9what could the cause of this be?19:31
function9BluesKaj, wb19:34
BluesKajthanks function919:35
function9BluesKaj, it's not superkaramba, your hunch was right19:35
function9I have a PC, a virtual box guest, both fresh install and works well. But on this laptop(fresh install kubuntu 14.04) when I am watching youtube, and open up a terminal and type this: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX byte' | awk '{print $3 OFS $4}' I get 0 reading19:36
function9but on my PC and virtual box guest I get a reading.19:36
function9what do you think is the cause?19:36
BluesKajfunction9,  what exactly does that string do if it works, what's the expected output look like ?19:43
function9it shows how much you are downloading19:43
function9it works on my PC, and virtual guest both fresh install kubuntu 14.0119:44
function9err 14.0419:45
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luizlinuxI have a laptop with 1GB of ram and 1.80 Ghz processor, Kubuntu will run well?19:48
BluesKajfunction9,  it works on my desktop which uses ethernet , and if I change eth0 to wlan0, then it works with my laptop19:49
function9yeah, it's my laptop, but what is the cause?19:50
BluesKajluizlinux,  it won't be superfast with 1G RAM, but very useable19:50
BluesKajfunction9, change eth0 to wlan019:51
bpromptluizlinux:    may want to consider Lubuntu methinks19:51
BluesKajor check ifconfig to see what your ethernet designation is19:52
BluesKajfunction9, ^19:52
function9ifconfig displays eth0 and wlan019:52
luizlinux thanks, I'll try, but I'm even considering using Lubuntu19:53
lordievaderfunction9: You might want to check out iftop.19:53
function9internet is working well, I just need to get a reading from those devices19:53
function9lordievader, I'll check now19:53
bpromptluizlinux:    you run many kde apps I gather?  or you just want to run Kwin window manager?19:54
function9lordievader, iftop19:54
function9interface: eth019:54
function9IP address is:
function9MAC address is: 08:60:6e:50:92:9719:54
function9pcap_open_live(eth0): eth0: You don't have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted)19:54
lordievaderfunction9: You need to run it as root ;)19:55
function9lordievader, yeah it's reading as root19:56
luizlinuxbprompt:  kwin just the same19:57
bpromptluizlinux:    hmmm why kwin, if I may ask :)    I mean, there are lots of good and great window managers out there really19:58
bpromptluizlinux:    I mean, I do run kubuntu and many kde apps, but I use LXDE as my window manager19:59
luizlinuxyes  have very good window managers, but I adapted better to kwin20:01
BluesKajI've heard good things about openbox, but never tried it myself20:02
bpromptBluesKaj:    lxde wm is openbox based20:02
bpromptluizlinux:     then...  well... depends... I guess... how about getting 1gb more of memory?     ddr2 I assume.....  should be cheap20:03
BluesKajkwin has always worked well for me so I haven't bothered changing20:03
bpromptnothing wrong with it... just pointing out that other window managers will fare better with 1gb of ram, than kwin would, or compiz or unity for that matter20:04
BluesKajyes understood ...I did run kwin a few yrs back with just 1G RAM and the speed was a bit slow and ponderous at times20:06
Roeyhi all20:50
RoeyWhere are the settings for forcing windows to open in the foreground and not in the background?20:51
MoonUnit`right click the circle in the top left and select more actions20:55
skinuxWhat is the right command to upgrade when apt-get says there are upgrades available? Is it still 'apt-get upgrade' ?23:11
Chaserskinux: Yup. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.23:14
emapt-get update     followed by apt-get dist-upgrade is a little more aggressive.23:15
emThe difference, I think, is that apt-get upgrade will find new packages but it will not do anything if the upgrade requires adding or removing packages. apt-get dist-upgrade will add and/or remove packages in order to get the new stuff.23:18

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